There's a powerful thunderstorm raging outside, and it's scaring Ashton. Luckily, Luke is there to cuddle ❤
Luke's P.O.V.
Lightning illuminated the hallway before me for a split second, then everything was completely dark again. I stumbled around, looking for the light switch.
It was storming out. Rain slammed against the windows in torrents and thunder rumbled, shaking the house.
"Fuck." I cursed silently as I tripped over the rug. Lightning flashed again and I spotted the light switch.
It was late at night and everyone was asleep, but I was hungry and I knew Calum had bought cookies from the store earlier today and I was totally craving them.
I got up from the floor and made my way to the kitchen, flicking on the lights.
"Let's see, if I was a Calum, where would I hide my cookies?" I pondered, then smiled.
I went to the oven and opened it.
"Bingo!" I grinned. I pulled out the plate of cookies, and put a little note that said, Luke was here.
I was walking back to my room when I heard a sound that sounded like a whimper.
"Huh?" I paused in the hallway.
It was coming from Ashton's room. I set the plate down carefully and knocked on the door.
"Ash?" I called. No direct answer, but I heard another little cry.
I opened the door slowly. Lightning flashed again.
"Are you okay?" I looked at the bed but he wasn't in it. "Ashton?"
Then I saw him peek out from under the bed. "Luke?"
I laughed. "What are you doing under there?"
"Will you turn on the lights?" Thunder cracked and his face paled. "Please?"
"Yeah, of course." I flipped on the lights. "What's going on? Why are you under the bed?" I asked, walking over.
"Um, I dropped something." He said, not looking at me.
"Dropped what?" I asked, sitting on the bed.
"Um...this...thing." The wind picked up outside, making the rain slam against the window. Thunder rumbled again. Ashton ducked back under the bed.
"You're lying to me." I waited for him to deny it but he didn't.
"Hey wait...Ashton, are you, afraid of the storm?" I asked softly, getting off the bed and crouching down to his height.
I peered under the bed.
Ashton had grabbed his blanket and was curled up underneath it, flinching whenever lightning sparked the sky.
"Aw Ash." I cooed, sliding up beside him. "It's okay, just a little storm." I gently took the blanket off. "Hey, I'll stay with you tonight if you want."
He looked up at me. "I'm not scared." But he got up and laid on the bed with me.
"Do you want me to turn off the lights?" I asked. He buried his face in the pillow, shaking slightly. "N-no."
I frowned and hugged him. "Hey, it's alright, the storm will pass, nothing to be afraid of."
"I said I'm not afraid." He mumbled into the pillow. I smiled. "I can close the window if you want." He nodded.
I got off the bed and closed the blinds over the window.
"T-thanks." He said, looking up from the pillow.
"Yep." I climbed back into the bed.
"Hey, you're taking up all the room." I teased. He rolled over on top of me. "Oh, sorry." I laughed.
Thunder shook the house and he stiffened, scrambling off me and hiding under the covers.
"Wow, you really are afraid." I said. "Shut up." He said.
"So you admit it!" I said joyfully. He groaned. I lifted up the covers and joined him. "It's hot down here."
"It was fine until you came." Ashton teased. I grinned. "It's the lip ring."
Lightning lit up the room, making Ashton squeak and curl up in a ball.
"Why are you afraid of storms?" I asked, rubbing his back gently. He slowly started to relax. "Don't know, maybe 'cause they're scary?"
"They're not that bad, some are cool and pretty!" I poked his face. "Come watch it with me."
"No." He hid his face. "Just cuddle with me."
"Fine, but I'm turning the lights off." I jumped out of bed and flipped the lights off before he could protest.
"I hate you." He mumbled as I crawled back into bed.
"Shut up and snuggle." I grinned, hugging him tight from behind.
Every time Ashton was about to fall asleep, a wave of thunder shook the house and he groaned. "I hate storms."
"I have cookies. Want some cookies?" I asked, playing with his hair. He looked up at me. "You have cookies?"
I nodded. "Calum used to have cookies, but they're mine now."
"What makes you think I want to eat stolen cookies?" Ashton asked, grinning up at me.
"Because they're Calum's stolen cookies."
He nodded. "Alright, but only because that's my favorite flavor."
I climbed out of bed and retrieved the plate of cookies.
We snuggled under the warmth of the blankets over us, whispering and giggling, eating cookies, anything to get Ashton's mind off the storm.
Eventually, around three in the morning he finally drifted off into sleep.
He fell asleep on my arm and I smiled down at him fondly.
I pressed a kiss against his curly hair and snuggled against him.
"Good night Ashton, I love you."
"I love you too." He said sleepily, making my heart stop and then beat faster that ever before. I grinned before falling asleep too.
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