Stockholm Syndrome
dedicated to Dessi_S for the idea! (There was an idea like this already so I wanted to change the plot slightly, sorry ♡ u can punch me later if u hate it)
Michael is a drug dealer in the shadows of town.
He gives people fake money in exchange for drugs, which he later sells at twice the normal price.
But one night, he gets mugged by a man, who works for The Boss. Michael is in a lot of debt to The Boss.
He manages to save himself, at the price of someone innocent taking his place.
He didn't want that to happen, it was an accident!
But now that innocent boy, Ashton, is in the hands of Luke, aka, the Boss.
Michael looked around, peering out from the alley he was hiding in.
The man appeared to be gone.
He was in the middle of selling cannabis and cocaine to a customer when he was suddenly jumped.
A burly man had chased him around town, and although he wouldn't show it, he was getting scared.
He sighed in relief and shoved his hands in his pockets. He kept his head down and walked quickly back to his apartment.
He bumped into someone and he quietly excused himself, walking around.
A large hand grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Michael looked up and saw it was the guy who had been chasing him all night.
"You owe him." He growled, dragging him back into the dark alley.
Michael struggled in his grip. "No! I don't know you! You might have me confused!"
"Are you Michael Clifford?" The man asked, shoving Mikey against the wall.
"Uh, no." Michael lied. "He's...he's actually that guy." He pointed to the opening of the alleyway, where a kid was air drumming along to his headphones, completely unaware of the situation Michael had just put him in.
The man dropped Michael but dragged him back onto the street.
"Hey, you!" The man shouted, pulling out his gun.
Ashton didn't hear the man calling for him, but he heard the loud shot ring through the silent streets as a bullet pierced the ground a foot away from where he was just standing.
He pulled out his headphones and turned around.
A man in black was walking up to him, a gun pointed at Ashton's forehead. "Is this him?" The man growled at a smaller boy he was holding by the back of the boys shirt.
The kid just nodded guiltily, not meeting Ashton's confused and scared look.
The man dropped the boy. "Then get out of here before I shoot you too."
The kid started running and Ashton took that as his cue to take off as well.
The man started chasing him, and Ashton threw his phone at him.
It hit the man and made him stumble, but that only seemed to make him angrier. He roared and started running faster.
Ashton screamed and mentally cursed himself for being so stupid. Now how could he call for help?
"Michael, get back here or I'll shoot!" The man shouted.
"I'm not Michael!" Ashton made the second foolish mistake of stopping. "Who are you talking about? I'm Ashton."
The man tackled him and Ashton hit the ground so hard his vision blurred black before he blinked it away and stared up at the man.
"Don't play games with me, I know you're Michael. You owe me lots of money, and I'm going to get it back, one way or another." The man narrowed his eyes and raised the gun.
That was the last thing Ashton saw before the gun connected with his head and the black vision returned.
Ashton groaned and grabbed his head, trying to relieve the pain.
He blinked his eyes open and panicked when he couldn't see anything. He brought his hands to his face and felt a little relieved when he felt fabric tied around his eyes. At least he wasn't blind.
He felt around the back of it and started to undo the knot.
As he was untying it, he heard the sound of a door unlock and footsteps come down.
He stopped in fear, feeling like he was just caught in the act of doing something bad that he wasn't supposed to do. There was only the sound of his shaky breath to fill the dead silence between them.
The footsteps went behind him, and to Ashton's surprise, finished untying the blindfold. The person took it off and Ashton could finally see his surroundings.
He was in a basement of some sort. One window, but it was high up.
"Do you want some water?" The person behind him asked. Ashton was surprised. He tried turning around, but the guy placed his hands on Ashton's shoulders and kept him from turning around. "I said, do you want some water?"
"Uh...yeah, I guess. Th-thanks." Ashton said shakily.
"I apologize for the way you were brought here, I said I wanted you here alive and that was it. I didn't realize Mark would take it so literal. You must not have a very good first impression of me." The guy said as he pushed Ashton forward, up the stairs and out of the basement.
"Mark! Mark, you dense motherfucker! I said to bring Michael here, not kidnap him and scar him for life! I'm not paying for his therapy!" The guy shouted, sitting Ashton down in a chair in the kitchen.
Ashton sat, stunned. "Um...but, I'm not Michael..."
"Sorry what?" The guy asked, finally going in front of Ashton as he opened the fridge door. "Do you want water or pop? I'd offer you a beer but those are mine."
"Um, water is fine?"
"You sound unsure." The guy grinned, standing up to look at him. He had bright blue eyes, and was sexily biting his lip ring. His blonde hair was hidden under a snapback.
"Water is fine." Ashton said, a bit more sturdily. He rubbed the side of his head where the gun had hit him.
"Ice or no ice?" The guy asked.
"No ice." Ashton glanced to his right, where the front door was, just a few feet away. He slowly set his feet down on the floor, carefully standing up as quietly as he could.
The guy was filling up a cup with water, his back to Ashton.
Ashton took one step and the floor boards creaked. Ashton winced but decided to just run for it.
He took off before the guy could react.
He reached the door and threw it open.
Okay, he didn't. The guy coming in opened it and Ashton just crashed into him.
Ashton gasped when he realized it was the guy who had kidnapped him in the first place. "You!"
"Me!" The guy, Mark, mocked. He pulled Ashton up by his shirt and threw him over his shoulder, kicking the door shut behind him.
He walked back to the kitchen, where the snapback guy was calmly sipping the water. "I can't believe you would just run off on me like that, I thought we were friends. I offered you water." He shook his head and set the cup down.
"I'm sorry!" Ashton cried. "Please don't kill me!"
"Why would I do that?" Snapback frowned. He walked around Mark and crouched down to Ashton's eyes. "Oh wait, it's because you owe me thousands of dollars." He smiled and snapped his fingers. "I knew there was a reason you were here."
"But I don't know you!" Ashton cried. "I don't owe anyone anything, I swear! You can take what money I have if you want, I promise I won't tell anyone!"
Snapback rolled his eyes. "Isn't begging way beneath you, Michael?"
"I'm not Michael!" Ashton screamed. "My name is Ashton Irwin!"
Snapback smiled. "Let's just test that then. I have a DNA scanner upstairs. If you really aren't Michael I'll let you go. If you are, I'm just gunna kill you. Deal?"
"Deal!" Ashton almost cried in relief. "You'll really let me go?"
Snapback smiled. "If you're really Alex Irving."
"Ashton Irwin." Ashton corrected.
Snapback rolled his eyes. "What ever." He stood up. "Bring him upstairs Mark."
Ashton gripped Mark's shirt tightly as he started walking upstairs. "Don't drop me! Wait, actually, drop me if you want to. Totally your choice mate. Don't let me bias you."
Mark rolled his eyes and dropped Ashton on a bed. Snapback was digging through the closet already. He emerged a second later, holding a knife.
Ashton scrambled back. "I thought you weren't gunna kill me!"
"I'm not, I just need some blood for the scanner." Snapback rolled his eyes, reaching his hand out as he climbed onto the bed. "Give me your hand."
"What if I don't wanna?" Ashton asked.
"What if I just stab you?" Snapback snapped and Ashton quickly gave him his hand.
"What's your name, by the way?" Ashton asked, wincing as Snapback pulled the blade across Ashton's finger, leaving a small cut. He dripped a few drops onto the knife, and went back to the closet, where a small grey machine was sitting.
"Don't play dumb, Michael." Snapback said as he shook a drop of Ashton's blood into the small device. "You know who I am."
"But I'm not Michael! I don't know who Michael even is!" Ashton argued as he sucked on the cut.
"Shut up." The machine beeped a second later and a piece of paper rolled out.
Snapback picked it up and unrolled it. He smirked as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Should I read it out loud?"
"If you want to?" Ashton said, studying his finger.
"Age: eighteen. Height: Six foot one. Blood type: AB negative. Full name: Ashton Fletcher Irwi-wait what?" Snapback squinted and pulled the paper closer to his eyes. He reread it a few times before glancing up at Ashton.
Ashton smiled. "I get to go home now right?"
Snapback stood up and walked over to Mark, who was looking uncomfortable. "I asked you to do one thing Mark, ONE GOD DAMN THING!" He grabbed a nearby chair from the desk and hurled it to the floor, breaking it.
Ashton recoiled in shock.
"You said he was Michael! You looked me in the eye and promised me it was him!" Snapback continued to scream, his inner cool completly gone.
Mark was backing up, his hands raised halfway. "Calm down Luke, I know I brought you the wrong guy, but it wasn't my fault! The other kid tricked me!"
"What other kid?" Luke growled.
Mark froze and groaned, rubbing his face with his hand. "The kid I was tracking. He pointed to this Alex guy and said it was him."
Luke took a deep breath. "And you believed him just like that?"
"To be fair, he looked pretty convincing." Mark tried to reason.
Luke glared. "Of fucking course he looked convincing, that guy was the real Michael! Not this...this, imposter!"
"Whoa, hey." Ashton said, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I'm not an imposter! I told you guys over and over that I wasn't this Michael kid."
"Shut up!" Luke roared and Ashton fell silent, deciding now wasn't a great time to ask to leave.
Luke sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, his other hand on his hip. "Okay. Mark, you're gunna go back out there and find Michael fucking Clifford. You are gunna bring him back here, no excuses, by this weekend. Got it? If you let me down again, I'll kill your entire family, starting with little baby Rosie. Understand?"
"Understood." Mark gulped. "What about this Alex guy now?"
"Ashton." Ashton said feebly.
Luke turned around and looked at him, as if he had forgotten Ashton was still there.
"You said you would let me go, remember?" Ashton pleaded. "Please, I swear I won't tell anyone about you! I value my life more than justice!"
"You see Ash," Luke took a seat beside Ashton. "That was the plan before Mark told you my name. I just can't let you go with that kind of information, understand? It's nothing personal, I just can't risk my life and my buisness like that."
"W-what?" Ashton's mouth went dry as Luke stood back up.
"Bring him downstairs and snap his neck Mark, I'll be in my study when you're done." Luke said, stretching.
"Yessir." Mark came up to Ashton and grabbed his arms.
"Wait!" Ashton protested as Mark lifted him up in the air. "You can't kill me! I'm innocent!"
Luke shrugged. "Like I said, it's really nothing personal."
"Wait though!" Ashton cried again. "I can help you! I'll help you find this Michael guy! I'll clean your house for you! I'll pick up your fucking dry cleaning! And...and I'm not a virgin."
Luke stopped stretching and looked at him. "Hold on a minute Mark."
Mark stopped and set Ashton down.
Luke walked up to them and stood in front of Ashton, who was crying silent tears.
Luke cupped Ashton's face and brushed away the smaller boy's tears. "I suppose I don't have to kill you..." Ashton sniffed and shook his head.
He straightened up. "Change of plans Mark, bring him downstairs and don't snap his neck. At least not yet. After that, get back on the streets and find Michael."
"Fine." Mark picked Ashton up again and slung the boy over his shoulder. "I really wanted to snap his neck though." He grumbled as he grabbed a roll of duct tape from the kitchen.
"Well that sucks!" Ashton yelled as Mark walked downstairs and set him on the floor.
"Shut up." Mark muttered as he tied Ashton's hands together behind his back. "Don't tempt me."
"Why do you hate me?" Ashton pouted. "If anything, I should hate you!"
"Because you're not Michael!" Mark glared. "Now my baby Rosie is in danger because you couldn't take one for the team!"
Ashton gaped at him. "Look man I'm really sorry about your Rosie, but you can hardly blame me for this, I mean, you were the one who took the wrong guy."
Mark glared and raised his hand to slap Ashton, but a voice from the doorway stopped him.
"I didn't order you to beat the boy, Mark." Luke said, taking a bite of a banana.
"Right. Sorry sir." Mark stood up and quickly left.
Luke shut the door behind him and sat down in front of Ashton. He eyed the boy as he ate the fruit and Ashton found it very uncomfortable. He wiggled against the wall a little, trying not to make eye contact with Luke.
"I think it would actually be better for you if you were killed." Luke spoke suddenly.
"Huh?" Ashton snapped his head to face Luke. "What do you mean?"
"Well otherwise you'd have to stay here with me forever." Luke explained, peeling the banana down a little more. "Do you really want that? You would never see your family again."
"I'd never see them if I was dead too." Ashton pointed out.
Luke nodded. "You'd be living your life helping the bad guy though."
"I don't care." Ashton shook his head. "Just don't ask me to kill anyone."
Luke laughed loudly as he stood up.
"What's so funny?" Ashton cocked his head as Luke started walking to the door.
"Oh Ashton," Luke grinned as he stood in the doorway. "Michael is in so much debt to me, he'll never be able to pay me back. So as soon as he gets here, I'm going to execute him. And you're gunna do the honors."
"What?!" Ashton cried. "Why me?"
"To prove you'll do everything I ask you to." Luke finished the banana. "How else can I test your loyalty?"
And he slammed the door shut, leaving Ashton in darkness.
The next morning, or, when Ashton assumed it was the next morning, Luke unlocked the door and flipped on the lights.
Ashton squeezed his eyes shut from the brightness and groaned.
"Morning princess." Luke said as he came down the stairs. "Sleep well?"
"If by well you mean not at all, then yes." Ashton replied, tugging again at the tape, which he had been doing all night, but to no avail. And now his arms were sore.
Luke helped him stand. "You must be hungry. Come on." He started tugging Ashton upstairs. "I do feel a bit bad for you." He admitted as he sat Ashton down at the kitchen again. He went behind the smaller boy and started picking at the tape.
"You do?" Ashton asked, confused. "Why?"
"You were just at the wrong place at the wrong time." Luke shrugged. "It's not your fault Michael tricked Mark into taking you. Or that Mark gave out my name, preventing me from letting you go. But now that you're here, you might as well make the best out of it."
He gave up on the tape, same as Ashton did, and grabbed a pair of scissors instead. He cut the silver tape away and Ashton sighed in relief and rubbed his sore muscles.
"What do you want to eat?" Luke asked, walking to the fridge.
"Nothing." Ashton mumbled, sudden tears prickling his eyes.
"You gotta eat something." Luke said. "Even if I have to shove it down your throat. I'm not gunna let you starve yourself."
"Why not?" Ashton snapped. "You're probably just gunna kill me later anyways! At least this way I can leave on my own terms."
"Well aren't you a negative Nelly." Luke shut the fridge door and put his hands on his hips as he faced Ashton.
"Can you blame me?" Ashton glared. "I don't want to die!"
"You don't have to! Just do as I say for the rest of your life and I'll spare you." Luke waved his hand dissmissively.
"But I don't want to kill anyone!" Ashton yelled. He angrily wiped his tears away. "Anything but that, please. I'm not like you."
Luke sighed and kneeled before the crying boy. "I'm not like that either. If it makes you feel any better, I've never killed anyone before either. That's Mark's job. He's a psychopath. His wife left him and took their only daughter, Rosie. Of course I'd never actually kill her, but Mark doesn't know that. He thinks I've murdered dozens of people, but really I'm just a virgin when it comes to homicide." He sighed and took Ashton's hands. "I just tell him made up killer stories so he will obey me."
"C-can Mark just kill Michael instead?" Ashton asked shakily. "Please, I don't want to end that guy's life, even if he is a bad person."
Luke squeezed Ashton's hands slightly. "I'll think about it. You still have to prove to me I can trust you, you know." Ashton nodded.
"Okay." Luke stood up. "Now will you eat something?"
And Ashton nodded again.
After breakfast, Luke sat in front of the TV.
Ashton stood behind him and looked around. He could try and run out the front door, but if it was locked Luke wouldn't ever trust him again and Ashton would have to kill that Michael kid.
Silently, he walked up to Luke and tapped his shoulder. "Um, Luke?"
"Yeah?" Luke asked, not looking away from the screen, where some football game was playing.
"C-can I take a shower?" Ashton asked, toying with his fingers. "It's been a day, a-and I don't smell the best."
"Sure." Luke stood up and grabbed Ashton's hand, leading him upstairs. "I'll show you how to work it." He demonstrated how and went below the sink to grab him a towel. "I can wash your clothes for you, so you can wear them tomorrow too. You can wear an outfit of mine for today." He set the towel down and stared at Ashton.
"What?" Ashton asked, hugging himself. Luke was making him feel a more than a little self concious.
"I need your clothes." Luke said simply.
"Oh." Ashton realized. "Oh." He looked around. "Could you like, step outside for a second?"
Luke rolled his eyes. "Really?"
"Yes really." Ashton glared. "I've only known you for a day!"
"But remember," Luke stepped closer, "you have to do as I say." He backed Ashton against the wall and put his hands on either side of the trembling boy's head.
"But, but..." Ashton's heart pounded.
Luke stepped back and laughed. "Of course I'll step out. Just knock when you're ready." He smiled and walked out, shutting the bathroom door behind him.
Stunned for a moment, Ashton stared after him, before snapping out of it and quickly undressing. He knocked on the door and Luke opened it slightly, just enough for Ashton to hand his clothes out.
"Knock again when you're done." Luke called. "I'll bring up the clothes then." He shut the door and after a few moments hesitation, Ashton heard it lock.
A couple minutes later, Ashton shut off the water and quickly covered himself with the towel.
He dried off quickly and made sure the towel was tied securely around his waist before knocking on the door.
A minute later, he heard it unlock and Luke came in, holding a clean pair of clothes. "Here you go. I washed your boxers for a quick fifteen minutes, then your shirt and pants for a normal time, because I assumed you didn't want to wear a pair of my own." He smiled and handed the clothes over.
"Oh," Ashton took them. "Thank you, I appreciate it."
"Yup." Luke glanced at Ashton's body quickly before biting his lip and shutting the door.
This time, Ashton didn't hear it lock.
He changed quickly. Luke did wear a lot of black, but he had some cool band tees and flannel shirts as well.
He slowly opened the door, and squeaked in shock when he came face to face with Luke, who had been waiting right outside the door. Luke stepped back and looked Ashton up and down. "We're almost the same size."
"Y-yeah." Ashton stuttered, still recovering from that shock.
Luke grabbed his hand again, this time lacing their fingers together, and led them down to the living room. He sat down on the couch and pulled Ashton down to sit beside him.
They watched the football game in silence for a bit, until Luke spoke up.
"Do you miss them?"
"I was actually doing fine until you reminded me." Ashton said, wiping his eye clear of the sudden tear.
"Oh shit, sorry." Luke apologized. "Um, if you want, we can go to a payphone and you can call them. Just tell them you're running away to Mexico or someplace, just to throw them off."
"Really?" Ashton brightened. "You'd let me talk to them?"
Luke shrugged. "We both aren't killers, so you gotta prove your loyalty to me somehow. If you promise to lie to them, I'll reconsider making you kill Michael."
"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" Ashton cried in relief, throwing his arms around Luke. "I swear, I'll tell them I'm a runaway, I won't mention anything about you or Mark or Michael!"
"Good." Luke smiled and patted Ashton's back, before pulling back. "Mark texted and said he would be back later tomorrow night, so we should leave tonight."
Ashton frowned. "Why tonight? Why not now?"
"Because it's broad daylight, someone could see us and report it to the police." Luke said. "Assuming your family reported you missing anyways."
"Oh, right." Ashton mumbled, drawing his knees to his chest.
"I'm going to get some drinks, you want one?" Luke asked, getting up.
"Sure." Ashton sighed. He rested his chin on his arms that were wrapped around his knees and stared out the window.
"Kay." Luke went to the kitchen and Ashton's gaze flickered to him quickly. Luke was distracted, now would probably be the only time Ashton could try to leave before Mark came back.
He stood up slowly, and carefully walked to the front door.
His heart was hammering so loudly, he was surprised Luke didn't whip around and demand to know what he was doing.
His hand shaking, Ashton reached for the doorknob. As nice as Luke seemed, Ashton just couldn't stay with him. Luke's drug and killing buisness was wrong and Ashton just couldn't be a part of it.
Fully expecting it to be locked, Ashton twisted the knob and stared in shock out at the beautiful outside world.
It wasn't locked.
He gasped as he stared out, completely shocked. Luke hadn't locked it?!
Without wasting another second, Ashton quickly stepped out.
"Hey!" Ashton jumped a full foot in the air.
Luke grabbed the back of Ashton's- well technically Luke's- shirt and yanked him back in.
He threw Ashton to the floor and slammed the door shut, locking it with the gold key that hung around Luke's neck.
He straddled Ashton and pinned the smaller boy's hands down.
"What the fuck was that?" Luke yelled. "You seriously tried to escape? After I just said you could call your family? What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"I'm sorry!" Ashton sobbed. "I'm so sorry, it won't happen again, I promise!"
"You bet your ass it won't." Luke growled, standing up. He grabbed a fistful of Ashton's hair and the younger boy screamed as Luke dragged him to the bedroom.
Luke shoved Ashton in and and locked the door behind them.
Ashton crawled to the corner and held his head, which was stinging from Luke's abuse. "Please, Luke, I'm sorry, I was just so scared!" He cried as Luke advanced.
Luke ignored him and pulled him up. He sat the crying boy on the bed. "Shut up and listen." Luke hissed.
Ashton sniffed and tried to calm down as he looked up into Luke's stormy blue eyes.
"You were bad Ashton, very bad." Luke scolded. "But I'm going to give you a chance to be good again."
"Y-you are?" Ashton asked.
"Yep. You're gunna help me with something." Luke said. He sat down in front of Ashton. "Do you want to call your family?"
"More than anything." Ashton sniffed.
"I'll let you do that still, on one condition." Luke said, tucking a loose curl behind Ashton's ear.
"What's that?"
Luke leaned in and whispered into Ashton's ear. "You have to kiss me." (Sorry, im not into the whole writing a rape scene thing)
Ashton's eyes widened. "W-what?"
"That's my rule." Luke said, pulling back. "Kiss me or don't call your family." He crossed his arms.
Ashton stared at him. "But..." He sighed. "Okay...just one kiss right?"
"Just one...on the lips." Luke said. Ashton leaned against the wall as Luke sat in front of him. "Got it?"
Ashton nodded. "Got it, but, why?"
"Because I've only ever kissed a girl before and I want to know what it's like to kiss a boy." Luke said. "Now shut up and kiss me."
"O-okay." Ashton awkwardly put his hands on Luke's broad shoulders and pulled him in. He paused a second before their lips touched, debating wether or not he really wanted to do this. He decided the phone call was worth it and he pressed his lips against Luke's.
Luke didn't specify what kind of kiss he wanted, so Ashton just kinda went freestyle on it and hoped Luke would still give him the phone call afterwards.
He moved his hands to Luke's cheeks and slid his tongue over the shiny lip ring.
Luke's eyes closed, and Ashton took it as a good sign. To his surprise, kissing Luke wasn't as bad as he thought. He didn't fight for dominance, his breath didn't smell and he didn't shove his hands down Ashton's pants so, so far so good.
Ashton kissed him hard for the last few seconds, before pulling back, taking a deep breath. He suddenly hoped Luke didn't want a Frenchie.
Luke opened his eyes slowly, and blue met hazel.
"Um, so..." Ashton asked lamely.
Luke got up and touched his fingertips to his slightly red lips. "So?"
" was it? Can I still call my parents?"
"I'll think about it." Luke said as he unlocked the door and stepped out.
"Wait!" Ashton cried as he scrambled off the bed. "You said you would! That was the only rule, if I kissed you, you would let me call them!"
"And now the rule is I'll think about it!" Luke glared and slammed the door shut, locking it.
"No!" Ashton sobbed and pounded on the door. "Luke, you said! You said I could!"
He turned around and sat with his back to the door and cried into his hands.
He could hear Luke angrily cleaning up the mess downstairs, from when he had dropped the drinks to grab Ashton.
After that, it was eerily quiet.
Ashton's back hurt from leaning against the hard door and his arms were still sore from being tied back all night.
He slowly stood up and walked to the bed. He hoped Luke wouldn't mind Ashton sleeping there.
Luke cursed and muttered angrily as he swept up the broken glass.
His cheeks were flushed red and despite his fury at Ashton for betraying him, he felt a small, unexplainable sense of happiness.
He had really liked that kiss from Ashton.
He had been fighting himself about it for a while now, but now Luke couldn't deny it; he liked boys.
He sighed and sat back, fiddling with a jagged piece of glass.
The kiss had just confirmed it. Badass Luke Hemmings liked boys. No, not boys, men. Not that Ashton could really be classified as a man, he was too cute for that.
Luke groaned and threw the glass into the trash. It was thoughts like that that made him question himself in the first place! When Mark first brought Ashton over, Luke was hoping it wasn't really Michael, because he didn't want to have to kill him. So when the DNA scanner told him it wasn't Michael, Luke was secretly estatic. (Not that Mark was suddenly excused for messing up though, of course.)
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He needed to get out of the house for a bit, so he decided to go to the store and pick up some supplies.
Luke unlocked the front door and flicked the lights on. It was a bit later than he had wanted to return home at, but oh well.
He set the bags down and hurriedly ran up the stairs to check on Ashton. He had skipped feeding the boy lunch and dinner, which wouldn't kill him, but he still didn't want to accidentally starve the boy.
He stopped outside the door and listened. It was silent inside.
Frowning, Luke pulled out the key necklace and unlocked the door.
He was surprised to find the lights had been turned off, and he flicked them on.
Ashton was laying on his bed, just a bundle under the covers.
Luke smiled and shut the door behind him before walking closer.
He carefully sat on the edge on the bed and leaned in, trying his best not to wake Ashton up.
Ashton was a cute sleeper, Luke concluded. Tiny, deep breaths escaped in puffs from the boy's mouth, and his face was scrunched up, as if he had a nightmare.
Luke ran his fingers down Ashton's cheek, feeling the smooth skin. Ashton loosened up a bit, and Luke quickly pulled his hand back.
Ashton stilled and Luke breathed a silent sigh of relief. He bent down and pressed a gentle kiss to Ashton's cheek, and to his neck, and collarbone, as well as behind Ashton's ear. He couldn't help it, even though he told himself to stop before Ashton woke up.
He softly ran his fingers through Ashton's hair, which still smelled like Luke's shampoo and conditioner and he smiled.
But his smile faded when he Ashton turned and faced him, his eyes wide open.
Ashton woke up when he heard a key turning in the lock of Luke's bedroom.
His heart pounding, he quickly squeezed his eyes shut as Luke sat down on the bed.
Luke trailed his fingers down his cheek and Ashton relaxed a bit, making Luke retract his hand.
He heard Luke sigh, before feeling a warm and familiar pair of lips on his cheek. Then to his neck, to his collarbone, to his ear.
He opened his eyes when Luke ran his hand through his hair, and he turned to face him with wide eyes.
Luke gasped and jumped back. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you! Or kiss you...repeatedly...or to touch your hair." Luke smacked his head. "I didn't mean to be so creepy either."
Ashton sat up and played with his hands. "It's okay."
Luke sat down again. He was about to ask Ashton if he wanted anything to eat, when the boy spoke up.
"I'm sorry for trying to escape."
Luke waited for the, 'please still let me call my parents' part, but Ashton didn't say any more.
Luke looked at him. "I am too, but it's okay." He looked around. "Do you want to eat anything? It's a little late, but I was gone for a little longer than I wanted to be, so you weren't exactly able to have lunch or dinner."
"Um...okay." Ashton said. He looked up finally.
Luke locked eyes with him for a moment, before standing up and offering his hand to Ashton.
The boy took it and Luke led him downstairs.
He let go of Ashton's hand and walked to the front door, making a point of locking it.
Ashton sat down in a chair and cast his eyes to the floor.
Luke dug through his bags and started putting away some groceries. "Anything particular you'd like?"
"To go home." Ashton muttered and Luke sighed, slamming a box to the counter. "I meant, to eat?"
Ashton shook his head.
"Then I'll just cook a pizza quick. Are you allergic to anything or a vegan?" Luke said, pulling out a pizza.
Ashton shook his head again and Luke put the pizza in the oven, throwing away the box and wrappers.
He sat down across from Ashton at the table. "Why did you do it?"
Ashton shrugged, still looking at the floor.
"I don't like that answer, find a different one." Luke snapped.
Ashton just shrugged again. He looked over at the door quickly, before looking away.
Luke sighed and got up.
Ashton looked up as Luke knelt down in front of him.
"Look kid, I can understand why you did it, but don't do it again. I really don't want you to be the first person I kill, okay?" Luke said as he brushed back a stray curl from Ashton's eyes. "I'll let you call your parents, if you promise to never try to run away again. Okay?"
Ashton blinked and nodded.
"Okay." Luke smiled. "Mark will be home tomorrow, so be ready."
"Ready for what?" Ashton asked nervously. "Do I still have to kill that guy?"
"Don't know." Luke said as he checked on the pizza. "I don't want to kill him, so you have to, or else Mark will get suspicious that I'm not the one doing it. You're my excuse."
"Oh." Ashton looked down at his hands again and Luke felt bad for him.
"But I can probably convince Mark to just kill him anyways, so don't worry about it." Luke smiled.
"Does he have to die?" Ashton asked. "Maybe he could at least try to pay you back."
Luke laughed so hard he had to sit down for a moment. "Oh Ash, I don't think you understand how much Michael owes me."
"How much does he owe you?" Ashton asked.
Luke smiled. "Way more than your parents could make in their lifetimes."
"Oh." Ashton said again.
It was silent again until the timer suddenly went off, signalling the pizza was done.
Luke took it out and cut it up. He put some on two plates, and carried the plates to the table, setting one down in front of Ashton.
Ashton mumbled a thanks.
Luke sat down again. "Did you like it?"
"Like what?" Ashton asked.
"Sleeping in my bed."
Ashton's cheeks reddened. "It's better than the basement." He quickly took a bite of the pizza to avoid answering for a while.
Luke smiled as he ate his own piece. "Good to know. Would you like to sleep in it tonight? Since it's better than the basement?"
Ashton swallowed. "But where would you sleep?"
"This is the fun part," Luke grinned. "I'd be sleeping there too."
To his surprise, Ashton actually thought it over.
"Would you stay on your side of the bed?"
Luke blinked. "Uh, maybe."
"Do you snore?"
"Do you kick around a lot?"
"Uh, I don't think so."
"Do you wake up early?"
Luk rolled his eyes. "No, and quit giving me the first degree. Do you want to sleep with me or not? If not, you've got the whole basement to your self."
"I'll sleep with you." Ashton said quickly and Luke smiled.
Luke pulled out a pair of pajamas for Ashton from his closet. "Here, you can change into these in the bathroom." Ashton took them and studied them in his hand.
"Actually, I'll just change right here if that's okay."
Luke was a bit shocked at Ashton sudden behavior change. "Um, yeah, okay. Go for it."
Ashton could feel Luke's eyes on him the whole time he changed, and he knew Luke didn't care if Ashton caught him staring.
He slipped the shirt over his head and faced Luke. "Done."
"Yup." Luke said, still watching him.
Ashton looked around awkwardly for a bit, before climbing into Luke's bed, pulling the covers up to his eyes.
Luke chuckled and took his shirt off. Ashton's eyes widened when Luke climbed into bed like that.
"Oh sorry, does this make you uncomfortable?" Luke raised an eyebrow as he got under the covers as well.
Ashton shook his head. "But you have to go shut the lights off still."
Luke huffed. "Fine." He jumped out of bed and quickly flipped the lights off. He tripped on the way back to the bed, and groaned when he landed on Ashton.
He pushed himself up, and ended up hovering over Ashton.
Ashton looked up at him, and even though it was dark, their eyes connected.
"Are you gunna sleep like that?" Ashton asked after a moment.
Luke blushed. "No." He quickly rolled off and got in beside Ashton. "Good night and stuff."
"Goodnight and stuff." Ashton said back, and they both drifted off into silence.
"You looked good in my clothes by the way." Luke smirked.
Ashton rolled away from Luke, taking all the covers with him. "Go to bed."
Ashton woke up to a bunch of clothes being dropped on his face.
He pushed them away and sat up quickly. "What?"
"Get dressed, Mark is here." Luke said. He was already dressed and ready. His face was stern. "And he found Michael."
To his surprise, Luke pulled out a roll of duct tape out from behind his back.
"What's that for?" Ashton dressed quickly, back into his own clothes.
"Just trust me on this, okay?" Luke said as he tied Ashton's wrists together behind his back.
"But why?" Ashton protested as Luke pushed him out and down the stairs.
"Because. Now shut up."
They entered the living room, where Mark was standing over a kid with bright red hair and pale skin. The kid was sitting on the floor, the gun pressed to his head keeping him in place.
Mark held the gun, a sneer on his face.
The kid, Michael, looked up as Luke and Ashton came down. He looked surprised at Ashton. "You?"
"Me." Ashton nodded.
"Hey, I'm really sorry." Michael apologized, nodding to Ashton's tied hands. "I really didn't mean to get you involved. I was just trying to save my own arse, but that didn't work out well for me."
"It's okay." Ashton shrugged. "Because actually, I didn't mind being here, and Luke-"
Luke slapped his hand over Ashton's mouth to prevent him from saying any more. "So, Mark, you ready?"
Mark nodded, grinning. "I get to pull the trigger right?"
Ashton sighed in relief when he realized he wouldn't be the one killing Michael, but that was quickly replaced when he understood someone else was going to do it, and he struggled against Luke.
"Actually, no." Luke said, holding Ashton steady. Ashton stopped and all three of them looked at Luke in shock.
"What do you mean no?" Mark demanded. "I found him, I get to kill him!"
"Shut up a minute." Luke snapped. He walked Ashton over to the couch and sat him down. Then he crouched down in front of Michael. "Listen, I added up all the loans you owe me, and, it's not pretty, let's just leave it at that. So I've decided something last night."
"What's that?" Mark growled angrily.
"Instead of killing Michael, I've decided he's just going to take Ashton's place as my servant." Luke said. "He can work off some of his debt."
Michael nodded. "I like that better than death." He looked to Ashton. "I suppose it's the least I can do for getting you into this mess."
Ashton jumped up. "What-Luke-no!" He cried. "What about me then? What are you going to do to me?"
"Kill him?" Mark asked hopefully.
Luke shot him a glare. "No!" He turned back to Ashton. "Look Ash, like you said before, you're innocent. I shouldn't have kept you here, you were just a victim. So I'm letting you go. That's better than a phone call right?"
"No, Luke, please!" Ashton cried, tugging against the tape. "I don't want to leave! Please don't let me go, I love you!"
"Shit." Mark muttered.
Luke's face softened and he took a step closer to Ashton. He cupped the shaking boys face and gave a small smile. "Ash, you don't really love me, it's just that one mental thing kidnap victims get sometimes."
"Stockholm syndrome." Michael volunteered.
"Yeah, that." Luke said and Ashton shook his head.
"No, Luke, I swear, this isn't that! I really do you love you! Please don't let me go!" Ashton cried, understanding now why Luke tied his hands earlier as he tried to free them so he could hug and slap Luke.
"I'm sorry, Ash." Luke stepped back. "Mark, will you take Ashton home?"
"Nononono!" Ashton sobbed as Mark angrily shoved Michael aside and grabbed Ashton.
Luke helped Michael stand. "I'm sorry Ashton...please forgive me."
"Luke you can't do this to me!" Ashton yelled. "I just want to be with you! Please let me stay!"
"I can't do that Ashton." Luke said softly. "It's not right."
"I don't care!" Ashton screamed.
Mark sighed and lifted Ashton up and slung him over his shoulder. "Shut up and let's go."
He carried Ashton outside, to where a van was waiting.
"Luke! Luke!" Ashton cried.
Luke stood in the doorway, and watched as Mark unloaded Ashton off his shoulder and pushed him into the back of the van.
Ashton finally managed to rip free of the tape and he pounded on the vans doors as Mark locked them. "You can't do this to me Luke! You ruined my life!"
"And now I'm trying to fix it." Luke said as Mark climbed into the drivers seat and started the van.
Ashton didn't bother to wipe the tears away as they ran down his cheeks. "Please Luke! I'll tell everyone about you if you do this!"
"Doesn't matter if you do, I'm moving to Brazil next week." Luke said.
Michael perked up. "Brazil? Sweet!"
Luke walked to the vans doors and put his hand against the window. Ashton sniffed and placed his hand against the glass, mirroring Luke's.
"I'm sorry Ashton." Luke whispered. "But this is for your own good. You can't be with me."
He signalled for Mark to drive and he did, carrying Luke's only true love away.
Michael came up and placed a hand on Luke's shoulder. "You did the right thing, mate."
"He's going to need therapy." Luke sighed. "I told Mark I didn't want to have to pay for his therapy."
"Ah well." Mikey shrugged.
They watched in silence as the van drove farther and farther away until it, finally went out of sight.
Ashton sniffed and sat down, leaning against the side of the van.
Deep down, he knew Luke was right, and that he didn't actually love Luke, but he still wanted to be with Luke for the rest of his life.
He sighed and looked out the window of the van.
"No Luke," He said softly, a tear rolling down his cheek, "This is not better than a phone call."
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