Skinny Love
Skinny Love: when two people are in love, but are too shy to admit it.
Luke loves Ashton, Ashton loves Luke. Both are to shy to admit it though. But their friends, Calum and Michael are determined to get them together.
Luke's P.O.V.
I stared at the poster, a feeling of depression and sadness washing over me.
"Stupid prom." I muttered.
It was all every one was talking about.
Girls talked about dresses, boys talked about dates.
And I talked about Ashton Irwin.
No, I wasn't bringing him to prom, we were just friends. He doesn't like me. At least, not in that way.
I sighed. We had been friends since second grade, so for nine years. He was the new kid and got picked on because he was wearing this ugly purple shirt.
I remember the day we became friends like it happened nine years ago.
"Everyone, this is Ashton Irwin. He moved here from Australia and is going to be joining our class." Mrs. Johnson says, introducing a little boy to the class.
He was short, with curly light brown hair and hazel eyes. He looked around the classroom shyly and didn't speak.
"Ashton, how about you go sit in the front row, okay?"
He nods and takes a seat by the front.
I watch him with wide eyes.
I turn to Calum, my best friend. My other best friend was sick today. His name is Michael but I call him Mikey because it annoys him. I know that sounds mean but it's just what best friends do.
"Calum! I want to be friends with that boy!" I whisper excitedly.
"But he's wearing an ugly shirt." Calum whispers back.
Later, on the playground, I am on the swings and I see the new boy come out of the building.
He walks to the slide and goes down it a few times. I watch him.
Then some boys, a grade higher than us come up to him and block the slide.
"What do you think you're doing?" One of them crosses his arms and sneers down at Ashton.
"Only cool kids can go down the slide." Another says. "Not babies."
Ashton looks around, but all the other kids had left when the big kids showed up.
"But, the slides are for everyone!" Ashton says, frowning.
"No, they're for kids who don't wear ugly shirts!" The leader says an all his friends laugh.
I glare. I used to get teased about wearing these bright green glasses all the time, so I knew how Ashton felt.
"Hey!" I shout, jumping off my swing and running up to them. "Leave him alone!"
"Oh look, another baby has shown up." One of them teased.
"I'm not a baby!" I glare. "I'm in second grade!"
"Yeah, and second graders are babies." They laugh.
"No we're not!" I stomp my foot angrily. "Let us go down the slide!"
"No." One says smugly. "No ugly shirts allowed."
"Please?" Ashton asks. They shake their heads.
I huff. "You guys are bullies!" In anger, I shove the one in front of me. He slips on the slide and falls backwards down it.
When he gets to the bottom he starts to cry and his friends all go down the slide and help him up.
Ashton turns to me. "Thank you for making those meanies go away!" He smiles widely and I notice he has cute little dimples. "No problem. Wanna play tag?"
And from then on, we became inseparable.
But that was second grade. Now we were juniors and things were more complicated. I liked Ashton, a lot, but there was no way I could tell him.
So I just spent everyday thinking of him, and every night dreaming about him.
Ashton's P.O.V.
Another day, another prom poster being tacked up.
I sighed and walked to class. I hated this time of year. It seemed like every month had a special date dedicated to romance. January- you kiss someone when the ball drops on New Years. February- Valentines day. December- Christmas with your loved ones. Not to mention the whole 'summer romance' shit in June, July and August.
I bit my lip. I wonder what Luke would think if I asked him to prom, as friends.
It would probably go something like this:
"Hey Luke, um, I was wondering if you want to go to prom with me, you know, as friends?"
He stares down at me in horror. "Ashton, are you like, gay?" He shakes his head. "No way, that's disgusting."
"Fag!" Everyone in the hallway suddenly sneers at me and I blush, trying to hold back tears as I run to the bathroom and cry. Our friendship is ruined. The Earth explodes.
I shake my head and sit down in my seat. No. No way. I can't tell Luke I love him. It would ruin everything.
And so I wait. I wait for the day something happens between me and Luke. I wait for the day I get brave enough to admit my feelings for him.
Little did I know that day would be today.
Calum looked at Ashton, who was staring at Luke.
He nudged him. "Dude, stop being so obvious." He whispered and Ashton sighed, turning his attention back to his notes.
"I can't help it!" He whined. "Look at how perfect he looks! Look at the lip ring!"
Calum rolled his eyes. "Dude, everyone knows you are so in love with him, just ask him out already!"
"No! No way, nuh uh, absolutely not." Ashton said, shaking his head repeatedly. Calum sighed in exaspiration. "Why not?"
"Because he doesn't like me back, it would ruin our friendship." Ashton looked up at him. "He's my best friend Cal, I don't want to mess it up between us."
"But he likes you t-"
"Take your notebooks out for some notes!" Mr. Blake says, shutting the classroom door behind him as he walks to the front of the room. Calum groans.
Luke heard him and turned around in his seat. He smiled up at Ashton and Calum. "Hey, did you do the homework last night? I totally forgot." He smiled sheepishly.
"You can copy off my homework if you want." Ashton said, trying not to show his excitement. He rips out the paper from his notebook and hands it too Luke. "Thanks." Luke smiled and took it. Ashton smiled and hid it with the sleeve of his hoodie.
Calum stared. "So obvious." He muttered and Ashton kicked him under the table.
After class Calum met up with Michael in the hallway. "Hey." He said.
"Hi." Michael replied, pulling out his History book. "What's up?" Calum rolled his eyes. "Just got back from Chemistry with Ashton and Luke, aka the secret lovers."
"Oh God." Michael said sympathetically. "How was it?" Calum groaned. "They were making heart eyes at each other the whole hour! I swear, everytime Luke played with his lip ring Ashton got a boner."
Michael laughed. "I would have loved to see that." Calum pouted. "Hey, don't go gay on me too! I need at least one straight friend or my mom will think I'm gay!"
Michael rolled his eyes. "I meant I would have loved to see Ashton's face when he realized his situation."
They walked into the auditorium. Today there was going to be a guest speaker talking about what not to do at prom. The auditorium was already filling up. Calum saw Ashton taking a seat in the back, and Luke looking around, then sitting in the front.
He sighed in annoyance.
Then his phone dinged with a text from Luke.
Luke: can i ask u something?
Calum: no
Luke: fine
Michael looks down at his phone. "Hey, Luke texted."
Luke: can i ask u something?
Michael: yeah, whats up?
The principal takes the stage as the last few students file in. "Attention everyone, Ms. Cuney is here to talk about prom tomorrow night." A lady takes the stage and waves at the audience.
Michael: dude come on, tell me!!
Luke: should i ask Ashton to prom?
"Morning students! Now, I know you're all excited for prom, and I'm cutting into your class time, so I'll be brief on what you should stay away from, and what the rules are. Firstly, no alcohol or drugs allowed."
Michael: ugh y not?
"Secondly, only juniors and seniors are allowed, unless an underclassmen is asked by an upperclassmen."
Luke: im too scared
Michael: dude, come fucking on! everyone knows you love him! just do it! hes going to say yes u know
"Lastly, no sex on school grounds. Any questions?" Ms. Cuney asks the silent room.
Luke: no, i dont know. he doesnt love me
Michael: oh for fucks sake
To Luke's horror, he saw Michael stand up.
"Ashton Irwin! Will you go to prom with Luke Hemmings?" Michael shouts across the room.
Calum bursts into laughter. Luke blushes a deep red and sinks low into his seat. Ashton sits there, shocked.
Then the whole auditorium bursts into applause. The girls fawn, the guys laugh.
The teacher tries to calm everyone down. "Ashton, would you come up here please?" Ms. Cuney asks. Ashton gets up from his seat, his face burning as everyone watches him walk down the aisle to the stage.
He hides his face with his hands once he's up there.
"And Luke, could you come up here as well?" Ms. Cuney asks. "Where are you hun?"
"He's hiding!" A student shouts. A few guys reach down into the bleachers and haul a blushing and obviously mortified Luke up.
"Come up here dear." Ms. Cuney says, beckoning him up.
He tries to sit down again but the kids push him forward and he stumbles onto the stage.
Michael and Calum applaud, cheering loudly.
Ms. Cuney puts her hand on Luke's shoulder and pushes him so he crashes into Ashton and they stumble, falling to the ground. They pick themselves up quickly, avoiding eye contact as they brush imaginary lint and dust off themselves.
"Well now, that was sweet, but I think Luke should ask Ashton himself, don't you guys agree?" Ms. Cuney asks the audience. They cheer and applaud wildly.
"I agree!" She shouts. She lowers the microphone to Luke. "Well, what do you say Luke? Ask him!"
Luke hesitantly takes the microphone from her, visibly shaking.
"O-okay, but I need to say something else first." He faces the crowd and fips up his middle finger. "Just a quick fuck you to Michael, for telling everyone here I'm gay."
Michael grins and takes a bow as the students laugh and clap.
Then Luke faced Ashton, his heart hammering. The crowd grows silent, leaning forward in anticipation.
Ashton was looking at the ground, blushing fiercly.
Luke stared at him, the crowd behind him melting away, He reaches out, taking Ashton's chin and lifting his head up so they make eye contact. Ashton looks up at him through his glasses. Luke always loved it when Ashton wore those.
Luke closed the space between them and raised the microphone to his lips.
But before he can speak, Ashton raises a finger and places it against Luke's soft lips.
"Yes." he says softly, giving a tiny smile.
Luke grins widely while the audience erupts into applause.
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Ms. Cuney chants and the crowd joins in.
So they do.
The microphone drops to the floor with a thud while Luke brings his hands up and cups Ashton's face. Ashton leans in and their lips connect. He tangles his fingers in Luke's hair, the students freaking out behind them.
Pictures are snapped, memories are made.
And Lashton lives happily ever after.
So this ones much shorter, i had more typed up but i deleted it cuz i didnt like it. I dont really like this ending much either /:
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