When Ashton gets sick and Luke takes the day off to take care of him.
Luke woke to the sound of his alarm blaring in his ear. He sleepily raised his hand and punched the clock a few times until it shut off.
He yawned and got up, stretching as he made his way to the shower.
He showered quick, they had a band rehearsal today at nine and his now broken alarm clock had showed eight fifteen in its final moments.
When he was dressed and ready he made his way to Ashton's room, knocking lightly on the door.
He and Ashton lived together and Calum and Mikey lived together across the street.
They could have lived in separate houses but Luke kinda-sorta-maybe had a little crush on Ashton and wanted to be with him. And Calum and Michael didn't want to live alone so they roomed together.
"Ash? You up?" Luke called. "C'mon, we gotta get to rehearsal in half an hour."
He opened the door and flicked on the lights.
"Ashton!" He whined. "You were supposed to be up twenty minutes ago!"
Ashton was still in bed, tangled in the sheets.
"Shut the lights off Lukey, my head hurts." Ashton groaned, rolling over. Luke frowned. "Are you okay? You don't look so good."
"Ugh, no. I feel sick." Ashton buried his face in his pillow. "Make the Earth stop spinning."
Luke rolled Ashton back over and felt his forehead. "Oh, you're burning up! I'll get the thermometer, if it's over 101 we'll stay home from practice."
"We?" Ashton frowned, struggling to sit up.
Luke gently laid him back down. "Yes, we. I'm staying behind to take care of you."
Ashton shook his head. "N-no, you don't have too. I'm fine."
Luke ruffled Ashton's hair, making the sick boy relax and smile a little. "I'm staying. Now lay down and I'll be right back."
Ashton flopped back onto the pillow. "Fine."
Luke went to the bathroom, getting the thermometer from the medicine cabinet.
He turned it on and walked back to Ashton's room.
"Here." Luke handed it to him. "Put it under your tongue."
"I know how to do it." Ashton took the thermometer and placed it in his mouth. A second later it beeped ad Ashton pulled it out. Luke took it from him.
"Tell it to me straight Lukey, am I going to die?" Ashton asked, throwing his arm over his eyes.
"Sadly, no. You have minor symptoms of death, but those will clear up under my amazing doctor skills." Luke declared. "Now prepare yourself for the surgery."
Ashton laughed as Luke sat on top of him and tickled his sides. "I'd rather die! G-get off me!" Luke laughed at Ashton's laugh. It was contagious. "Alright fine. You stay in bed and I'll get you some breakfast." He slid off and Ashton smiled at him innocently from the bed.
Luke made his way down to the kitchen and made some dry toast with orange juice and soup.
Ashton met him at the top of the stairs.
"Hey! Get back in bed now!" Luke exclaimed, giving him a little push.
"But the bed is boring!" Ashton sulked as he flopped back onto the bed.
"Then I'll stay with you." Luke handed him the tray and climbed in beside him under the covers.
"Better?" He asked. Ashton snuggled down under the covers, peeking his smiling face up at Luke. "Yay, company!"
Luke smiled and handed him the glass. "Drink."
Ashton reached a hand up and took the cup. "What is it?"
Luke rolled his eyes. "Orange coffee."
Ashton took a sip. "Wrong!" Luke smiled.
He made Ashton finish the soup and toast before letting him turn on his TV.
"I'll call Mikey and Cal while you relax okay?" Luke asked, getting out of the bed.
Ashton nodded, watching the screen.
He picked up his cell phone and dialed his friends number.
"Hello?" Calum picked up. Luke could hear Michael guitaring in the background.
"Hey Cal, Ash and I are staying home today 'cause he's sick." Luke said, walking to the medicine cabinet and getting down a bottle of pills.
"Oh we were wondering why you weren't here. Alright, hope he get's better!"
"Thanks, me too."
Luke hung up and walked back to Ashton's room.
"Here, take these with your juice." Luke said, handing two white pills over.
Ashton looked at them. "What is that, no, get those away from me."
Luke sighed. "C'mon Ashy, don't make me do this the hard way."
"I'm not taking those!" Ashton shook his head. "Burn them with acid."
"They're not that bad. Here, just take one, I'll take the other one with you." Luke sat on top of Ashton. He handed him a pill.
Ashton shook his head quickly. "Mm mm." He said through closed lips. Luke poked him with the pill. "Open. Open now."
Ashton kept his mouth shut. Luke sighed and climbed off. "Fine, we'll do this later."
Ashton sighed and Luke quickly turned around, shoving the pill into his mouth.
"You traitor!" Ashton yelled when he swallowed it. "You'll thank me when the headache is gone." Luke said.
Ashton sighed and raised his arms up. "Carry me to the bathroom."
Luke rolled his eyes and carried him piggy back style to his bathroom.
"I'm taking a shower, no peeking." Ashton said, turning on the water.
Luke smiled. No promises.
Ashton groaned suddenly, sitting down.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Luke asked, getting down beside him.
"Nothing, stomach cramp. Just hurts to stand." Ashton grimaced, holding his stomach. Luke helped him up. "Then we'll take a bath."
He helped take off Ashton's shirt. "Hey, can you get the bubble bath stuff?" Ashton asked, kicking off his pants.
Luke nodded, getting the stuff out from under the sink.
He poured it into the warm water and bubblegum smelling bubbles bubbled up. (YAY I GOT TO TYPE THIS AGAIN :D)
"Why do you have bubble bath?" Luke teased as Ashton sat in the tub. He smiled. "It's fun!"
Luke smiled and sat in front of him on the other side of the tub. "You're such a flower child."
"And you're such a bad boy." Ashton winked and laughed. "Just kidding, looks are deceiving."
Luke grinned and reached his hands in the water, scooping up some bubbles and placing them in a ring around Ashton's head.
"There, flower crown."
Ashton laughed. "I'd give you a lip ring but you already have one."
Luke smiled. "Wash your hair before all the bubbles are gone."
"Wouldn't you like to see that?" Ashton winked and grabbed the shampoo.
Luke smiled. Just a whole shit ton.
"Ugh, I get too dizzy." Ashton handed the bottle to Luke and turned around so his back was facing him. "Wash it for me?"
"Sure." Luke tipped the bottle over Ashton's head and squeezed.
Ashton gasped at the cold sensation. "That's way to much!" He laughed when Luke kept pouring.
"It'll make your hair really soft!" Luke grinned. He set the bottle down and started to massage the shampoo into Ashton's hair.
"Oh, that feels good against the headache." Ashton said, tipping his head back and closing his eyes.
"You smell good now." Luke giggled.
"Are you saying I didn't smell good earlier?" Ashton asked with a smile.
"Not word for word." Luke teased. He turned the water back on. "Put your head under the water babe."
Ashton did as he was told and wiped his wet hair from his eyes when Luke shut the water back off. "Now do the conditioner."
Luke did and handed Ashton a towel when he was done. Ashton took it and wrapped it around himself as he stepped out.
"Thanks." Ashton said, walking back to his room.
He laid down in his bed. "Can I just go back to bed?"
Luke laughed. "Don't you want to get dressed first?"
"No." Ashton said, muffled in the pillow. "I'm tired."
"Alright, take a nap then. I'll be downstairs if you need anything." Luke said, shutting off the lights and closing the door behind him.
He made himself some lunch when he checked the time.
It was past noon, Calum and Michael would be done now and would probably stop over.
Luke cleaned up a little, not wanting them to see how messy him and Ashton lived.
Sure enough, the door opened a few minutes later and his band mates walked in.
"Hey, how is he?" Michael asked.
"He's upstairs sleeping so be quiet." Luke said.
Michael nodded and crept silently up the stairs.
"How was practice?" Luke asked Calum. He shrugged. "We didn't do anything since you two weren't here."
"Oh, sorry."
Calum punched him lightly. "Don't apologize for that!"
Michael suddenly screamed from upstairs and Ashton screamed too.
"Mikey!" Ashton whined as Michael laughed. "You made me piddle myself!"
Luke sighed and ran up the stairs. Ashton was pouting on the bed while Michael was bent over laughing at the door.
"What happened?" Luke asked as Calum peered over his shoulder.
"Mikey scared me and I nearly peed myself." Ashton frowned. "Who even invited you over?"
"Aw I'm sorry." Michael laughed. "You looked too happy sleeping. What were you dreaming about?"
"Luke?" Calum teased.
"Yeah totally." Ashton rolled his eyes and got out of bed. "Lukey will you make me some more toast?"
"Sure." Luke smiled and went downstairs.
"Whipped." Calum coughed when Luke passed him. Luke rolled his eyes fondly.
What if Ashton was actually dreaming about me? He wondered as he made the toast. He smiled and blushed.
He brought the plate up to Ashton's room.
"Here." Luke handed him the plate.
"Thank you!" Ashton beamed and took a piece.
"Don't I get any?" Michael pouted. "People who scare sick people don't get toast." Ashton glared.
"Does Calum get one?" Calum asked.
Ashton looked at the plate. "Calum can have one." He agreed and Calum
happily took a piece.
"Oh come on! I'm hungry!" Michael frowned. "Luke tell him I get a piece."
"Sorry." Luke shrugged. "It's his toast."
"Yeah Mikey, it's my toast." Ashton grinned.
"Oh whatever I'll just go order a pizza." He stomped out of the room and Calum followed.
Luke climbed into the bed beside Ashton.
"You feel any better?" Luke asked him.
Ashton smiled. "Yeah, much. Thanks for taking care of me."
Luke hugged him. "Anytime."
They fell asleep like that.
Mikey and Cal came up some time later to tell them the pizza was here and saw them sleeping, tangled together.
"Calum, take a picture and put it on Twitter, quick!" Michael whispered and Calum smiled and pulled out his camera.
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