Ever since Brianna left Luke and the band, Luke hasn't been the same.
He's rude, disrespectful and doesn't care about his life or the band anymore.
Calum and Michael have had enough.
Luke is running their band downhill, but maybe a happy little drummer can take Brianna's place and turn things around.
(Just to explain everything, 5sos used to be Calum, Michael, luke and a girl named Brianna, who was Luke's gf. They got in a fight and she left the band when they broke up)
"You're such a jerk Luke!" She screamed at me.
"And you're a whore!" I shouted back. "I know you slept with Michael last night!"
"Because I had a nightmare and your door was locked!" She glared through her tears. "Why don't you just let us sleep together like a normal couple?"
"Because we're not a couple." I snapped. "I don't date sluts."
"I'm not a slut!" She cried. "I already told you, I was scared and your door was locked!"
"Bull!" I yelled. "I never lock my door!"
"Well you did that night." She wiped her eyes and sighed. "Fine. You're right, we're not a couple."
She turned around and stomped up the stairs.
I groaned and rolled my eyes. I sat at the kitchen counter and angrily read the newspaper. I could hear her walking around in her bedroom.
Sor-ry for not wanting to share a room just yet. We've only been dating for a few months! I'm not a man whore. I thought darkly as I sipped my coffee. That's a promise.
Wait, I hate coffee.
She came down the stairs, her bag bumping down the stairs behind her.
"I'm leaving." She announced.
"Bye." I took another sip of the black liquid. Why am I drinking this?
She gasped slightly before straightening herself and walking out the door.
I sighed. Looks like we'll need a new drummer.
-Three months later-
"Luke! Come on dude, I told you an hour ago to wake up! We're going to be late again because of you!" Calum shouted as he pounded on my door.
I buried my face in my pillow and groaned. It was 9, also known fuck-off o'clock.
My favorite time.
I attempted to go back to sleep, but Calum had ruined it so I sighed and sat up.
I was wearing the same skinny black jeans from yesterday so I just threw on a shirt from my floor and opened my door.
Calum was still there.
"About time! We have an interview in two hours, so-"
I put my index finger up to shush Calum as I looked at the imaginary watch on my wrist. "Oh would you look at that, it's half past I-don't-care." I rolled my eyes and walked away while Calum seethed behind me.
I went to the bathroom to fix my hair. I put in my new black lip ring and eyebrow piercing. I added a touch of black eyeliner to my green contact covered eyes.
Most of the items on my body were black. My clothes, jewellery, makeup and accessories, like my many bracelets.
Black represented the mood I was always in, ever since she left.
I grabbed some cigarettes from my stash atop the medicine cabinet and stuffed them in my pocket. My lighter was in the other pocket from last night.
I swished some mouthwash around in my mouth as I walked downstairs, where Michael was eating breakfast.
I spat the spicy liquid out into the sink and he glared at me.
"Why couldn't you do that in the bathroom? That's gross." He complained.
"You're gross." I retorted, walking to the fridge.
"What are you, seven?" He rolled his eyes.
"On a scale of one to five I am." I opened the fridge and pulled out the carton of milk.
"Don't-" I cut Michael off as I raised the carton to my lips and drank from it.
"Ugh! That was new!" He fumed. "You're such a slob!"
"At least I don't steal peoples girlfriends." I snarled.
"For the last time! I didn't steal your girlfriend!" He shouted, jumping up.
"She got scared from that movie we watched and came to me! If I really did steal her, we would be dating anyways."
"But you're not because who would want to date you?" I shoved the milk into the fridge and slammed the door. "I hate this band."
I shouldered my way past Calum as I stomped to the living room to put my shoes on.
"Then why don't you leave it!" I heard Michael shout after me.
I grit my teeth angrily and stormed out of the house.
I lit a cigarette as I walked, stuffing my free hand into my pocket.
I had only walked a few blocks when prepubescent screams came from behind me.
I turned around and saw three girls running up to me.
"Oh my God, you're Luke Hemmings! Can I have your autograph?!" One giggled nervously in a British accent.
"Yeah, me too?" The second asked. She was black, and the prettier of the three. I would date her if she was older. And if I still wasn't pissed at Brianna.
I sighed and exhaled some smoke. "Sorry, I dont have a pen or anything."
"Then, can I have a hug?" The third asked timidly, half hiding behind her curtain of hair. She sounded French. Wow, these girls had come a long way to see our show in a few days.
I looked disdainfully over the three of them. "Um...I don't think so."
The hurt on their faces looked like real pain, as if someone had just told them their puppy had died.
"Sorry." I sucked in another lungful of the nicotine laced substance. I turned and started walking.
I could hear them crying behind my back but I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Oh grow up." I muttered.
I continued walking until I reached the pier. I took a seat on the end of it, my long legs dangling over the edge.
I tapped the end of my cigarette so the ashes fell into the ocean.
"You know there's an ashtray right there." A voice said.
I twisted to look behind me. An old man was fishing a few feet away. He pointed to a wooden post.
An ashtray sat atop it.
I flicked the finished cigarette into the water. "Don't need it."
He frowned. "Hey young man, that's harmful to the environment. Pick that up."
"Yeah," I snorted as I stood up. "Right."
I started walking back as the man glared after me. I was late for the interview.
Whatevs though. I didn't even want to go to that stupid thing.
I was going to live the rest of my life the way I wanted to, and no body was going to tell me otherwise.
That was a promise.
At the interview, Calum and Michael were apologizing for the absence of Luke. Again.
"And when are you going to hire a new drummer?" The interviewer asked. "Its been a few months now."
"We're still looking." Calum said defensively.
"Actually, I've been talking to a guy. He's a really good drummer, I saw his covers on YouTube." Michael said.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Calum questioned.
"Surprise." Mikey shrugged.
Calum sighed and they cut to commercial.
"Boys!" Stan, their manager said, coming up to them. "Where is Luke?"
"I don't know, he stormed out of the house a few hours ago." Calum said.
Stan sighed. "Half the band is gone, we can't keep going like this. I hate to say it, but if Luke doesn't change, there won't be anymore Five Seconds of Summer."
Calum and Michael gasped. "What? No!"
"Yes, I'm sorry." Stan was apologetic. "But bands can't work if half of it is-"
"But we don't have half!" Michael blurted out.
"Excuse me?" Stan asked.
"We're getting a drummer, and if Luke turns his act around, we'll be normal...ish, again!" Michael explained.
"Hmm..." Stan thought.
"Please Stan, just give us a couple weeks! The new boy can live with Luke and maybe change him back to his old self. They're both bi, maybe he can take Brianna's place." Calum joined in.
"That's a lot to ask of the new boy." Stan said seriously.
"But it's not impossible." Michael added.
Stan took in their hopeful faces and sighed. "Alright fine. I'll rent a nearby house for you two while the new boy and Luke meet each other for the first few weeks. But if Luke doesn't change, you know what will happen to the band."
"Thank you Stan!" They shouted, hugging their manager happily.
"Okay yeah, don't touch me." Stan grimaced. "You know I dont like human contact."
Ashton sat down at his computer and clicked on the new message that was waiting for him.
The position is yours if you want it :D just meet us at the address at the bottom of this paper and we can meet officially!
We have some stuff to talk about but its nothing serious.
-Michael G. Clifford The First.
Michael stop signing our letters that way! You take all my credit and you're not royalty!
Boo, Calums a whore.
He smiled happily and copied off the address.
Tomorrow he was going to meet his new band members! Calum and Michael seemed like nice guys, it was Luke Ashton was worried about.
It was no secret the singer was spiraling out of control.
Plus Ashton knew that their previous drummer had broken up with him and now he was a heart broken jerk.
Oh well, he thought as he got ready for bed, Nothing I can't handle. Everyone wants someone to care about them, I'll just be that person.
Ashton looked at the paper, to the house he was standing in front of.
The addresses matched and he texted Michael to let him know he was here.
He waited by the car and a few moments the door opened and two people came out.
"Hi, you're Ashton right?" The one with blazing red hair asked, shaking his hand.
"Yeah." Ashton smiled.
"Hi! Im Michael, and this is Calum. The emo one inside is Luke." Michael introduced.
"I'm not emo, I've got a damn pony shirt!" Someome shouted from inside. (I like to make references okay. Not exact ones in this case cuz this luke would never wear a pony shirt)
"Need help with your bags?" Calum asked, and Ashton nodded gratefully.
"Let me give you a tour of the house. You and Luke will be living here for a few weeks, Cal and I will be a few blocks down, in the white house at the end of Taylor Street." Mikey said. "Here's the foyer, the kitchens down there, down to the left is the bathroom, this is your room, heres the living room, the other bathroom and Luke's room is up there...."
Ashton's head spun as Michael led him around the giant house.
"Questions?" Michael asked a few minutes later when the tour was over.
Ashton shook his head. "Thanks for showing me around. I hope me and Luke will get along."
"I hope so too. If you don't, we'll have to disband. Literally."
Calum came up behind him. "Don't pressure him!" He smiled at Ashton. "I put your bags in your room. Good luck, Mikey and I have to get back. We'll stop by tomorrow morning to pick you guys up for the interview."
"Alright, thanks so much!" Ashton was nervous but he didn't show it.
"You're welcome, bye!" And they were gone.
- (fuck u guys, I like my squishy ♡)
Luke was curious as to what the newbie looked like, but he didn't want to show it.
He could hear him wandering aimlessly downstairs and he sighed.
He slid out of bed and lit a new cigarette.
He walked out of his room and gasped, the cigarette falling out. He clutched his heart as he came face to face with the new drummer.
Ashton gasped as well and stumbled backwards. He tumbled backwards down the stairs and mumbled an "ow" at the bottom.
"What the fuck man?" Luke angrily threw away his ruined cigarette.
"Sorry," Ashton winced and felt his lower back as he propped himself up on his elbow. "I didn't know you were home."
"Whatever." Luke mumbled, sliding down the banister.
He jumped over Ashton and walked to the kitchen.
Ashton looked around before getting up and following.
"Um, so, I'm Ashton. You must be Luke." Ashton smiled through the pain in his back and held his hand out.
Luke looked at Ashton's hand as if it was full of diseases. "What was your first clue?"
He turned to the fridge and rummaged through it.
Ashton slowly brought his hand back and looked to the ground. "So, you're 18 right?"
"We're not playing 20 Questions." Luke snapped, slamming the fridge shut.
He walked up to Ashton, standing only an inch away.
Ashton was a little uncomfortable with that, but he didn't back down.
Luke looked down at him, eyeing him and judging.
"Your purple shirt is terrible." He said finally.
"Sorry." Ashton mumbled.
Luke grabbed a new cigarette and walked to the living room to smoke it.
"Seven minutes." Ashton said, following him.
"Excuse me?" Luke asked in annoyance.
"Cigarettes. They take seven minutes off your life." Ashton sat on the couch, drawing his knees up to his chest as he looked up at Luke.
"So? I don't want to live anyways." Luke exhaled smoke and Ashton grimaced and waved the smoke away from his face.
"Can you smoke that outside?"
"Can you go fuck yourself?"
Ashton sighed and got up. "I'll be in my room." He walked up to the stairs and stood in the doorway of his new room. "So fucking glad to be in the band." He slammed the door shut.
So day one didn't go down too well, Ashton admitted as he thought in the shower, where he was shampooing his hair.
The door opened and Luke came in.
Ashton gasped and even though the curtain was closed, he freaked out.
"What are you doing in here? You have your own bathroom!" Ashton protested, pinning the curtain shut.
"Chill out, I hid my lighter in here somewhere." Luke said, and Ashton heard him rummaging around.
"Well can you hurry up?" Ashton whined.
"I'll leave when I find it." Luke snapped.
He slammed a drawer shut. "Dammit, where is it?"
"I don't know, look for it when I'm done!" Ashton said.
"Or nah." Luke suddenly stopped searching. "Oh."
"Oh?" Ashton questioned.
Luke ripped the curtain back and Ashton screamed and scrambled back.
Luke stepped into the shower as Ashton stared up at him in shock.
"What the hell are you doing?" He screeched.
"I remembered where I hid it." Luke mumbled. He stood in his tip toes and reached over Ashton's head to the small ledge on the shower wall.
His hand grasped a small red lighter and he brought it back down.
"Great. Can you get out now?" Ashton asked quietly, averting his gaze as he sat on the floor, the shower spray wetting his hair down.
"Do I have to?" Luke grinned down at him and Ashton blushed and glared. "Yes!"
Luke crouched down to Ashton's height and smiled. He cupped Ashton's jaw and slid his thumb across Ashton's smooth cheek.
"You're no Brianna, remember that." He stood up and walked out of the shower.
"But then again, I don't like Brianna." He shut the door behind him.
Ashton let out a shaky breath and slowly stood up. "Day two isn't looking so good either."
He wrapped a towel around his waist when he finished in the shower and ran to his room, not wanting to run into Luke in this state.
He had just pulled a pair of boxers on when Luke barged in.
"Stop doing that!" Ashton cried. "You're giving me a heart attack!"
"What are you wearing to the interview?" Luke asked, going through Ashton's bag.
"Clothes." Ashton snapped, pushing Luke off his stuff. "Get out so I can change into them."
"I'll wait here." Luke sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Then where exactly am I supposed to change?" Ashton huffed, hugging his shirt and pants to his chest.
"What are you talking about, you're already wearing boxers. Besides, there's nothing I haven't seen before." Luke smirked and Ashton could feel his cheeks burning.
"Get out." He mumbled, holding his clothes to him tighter.
"Fine. But you have one minute to change." Luke said, jumping up and walking out the door. Ashton glared after him, but he quickly changed into the clothes.
Luke opened the door a few seconds after he finished. "Okay, let me see."
"I'm not going to model for you." Ashton glared.
"Did I ask for that?" Luke walked around Ashton. He pulled on the fabric of Ashton's shirt. "Yeah no, this won't do."
"Excuse you?" Ashton frowned.
"You can't wear that on your first interview!" Luke shook his head. "Let me help."
"I don't want your help." Ashton snapped, slapping Luke's hands off him. "I don't need you to dress me."
"But I'm going to." Luke gripped Ashton's shirt and yanked it up over Ashton's head.
Ashton gasped and covered his chest as if he was a topless girl. "Luke!"
"Oh calm down." Luke rolled his eyes. He slipped off his own Nirvana shirt and handed it to Ashton. "Wear this. I can take you shopping later to get new jeans, the only color you need is black."
"I don't want to dress like you." Ashton said. "I'm not a goth emo punk."
"Neither am I!" Luke glared. "But if you know us then you know we don't dress like how you are."
"We're not a boy band." Ashton snapped. "We don't wear the same, matching clothes."
"No, but we don't wear this either." Luke threw Ashton's shirt onto the floor. "Just wear my shirt, you're lucky I'm letting you keep the pants."
"Lucky?!" Ashton fumed. "You don't run a dictatorship here! I can wear what I want!"
"This, is my house." Luke rounded on Ashton. "You're just living in it. Just put the fucking shirt on."
Ashton glared up at him but pulled on the shirt. "Happy?"
"Ecstatic." Luke rolled his eyes and walked out.
A horn honked outside and Ashton ran to his window to see Michael and Calum outside in their car.
He ran downstairs and slipped on his shoes.
He climbed into the cars backseat. "Hi."
"Hey, how was your first night?" Calum turned in his seat and faced him while Michael honked the horn repeatedly to Luke, who was still inside.
" was okay." Ashton said slowly. He smiled to show he was alright.
"Luke! Get your fat ass out here!" Michael yelled out the window. (Luke you fat lard!)
"Let me guess, we're going to be late." Calum rolled his eyes.
"I'm sure the producers will understand." Ashton said, putting his hand on Calums shoulder.
"Luke! I swear to God I will drive this car into the house if you don't get out here right now." Michael shouted.
"Fuck you!" Luke yelled, finally coming out.
"Fuck you first." Michael muttered as Luke climbed in beside Ashton.
"So the interview," Calum said awkwardly, breaking the silence, "don't be nervous. It is live, but there's no studio audience."
"Okay." Ashton nodded.
"Yeah, there's just gunna be a few questions about you joining the band and our upcoming show." Mikey assured as he drove.
"Want mommy to hold your hand baby?" Luke taunted in a high voice. "Interviews are such scary things!"
"Shut up Luke." Michael growled.
"You don't have to baby him!" Luke snapped back.
"We're not!" Calum huffed.
"You were the one who dressed me this morning." Ashton pointed out, feeling extremely awkward.
"You what?" Michael nearly slammed on the brakes.
Luke's face heated up as he glared around the car. "You should have seen what he was wearing!"
"Hey, that's Luke's shirt!" Calum realized and pointed.
Now Ashton was blushing too. "So, the interview?"
"Whatever." Luke put his earbuds in and leaned against the window.
"Three minutes till showtime!" Someone with a clipboard yelled and Ashton took his seat between Calum and Luke on the large bench in the middle of the room.
The interviewers desk was across from them, but the interviewer wasn't there currently.
"Do you have to sit next to me?" Luke snapped at Ashton.
"Do you have to be an ass?" Calum glared.
"Who else is gunna do it?" Luke asked, leaning back.
"Who says someone has to be it?" Ashton asked quietly.
"Shut up." Luke rolled his eyes.
A man took a seat at the desk then. "Hello boys, nice to have you on the show." He smiled at then and shuffled his papers.
"Thank you, glad to be here." Ashton smiled back politely.
"You must be Ashton." The man said. "Adjusting to the band well?"
Ashton looked at Calum and Michael and smiled. "For the most part."
"One minute!" The same person yelled.
Someone ran up to the man and dusted some makeup across his face before running off the stage.
The man turned to the camera and smiled. "Hello and welcome to the Evening News. I'm Ray Allen and tonight we have the first exclusive interview with Five Seconds of Summer in a couple months." He faced the band. "So, I understand you got a new band member."
"Yeah, I found him on YouTube, where he was doing covers of songs." Michael explained. "He was really good."
Ashton blushed and smiled. "I'm grateful Michael asked me to be apart of the band."
"I asked too!" Calum said. "Michael never includes me."
Ray laughed and looked to Luke. "So, I hear Ashton lives with you? How is life at the Lashton house?"
"Okay, one, don't ship us together." Luke narrowed his eyes. "Two, we're still getting to know each other, so I can't say for sure."
Ashton gasped slightly as Luke draped his arm over his shoulders. "But I think we're going to be great friends."
The interview continued, but Luke's arm never left Ashtons shoulders. He could feel Luke's fingers dancing on his shoulder, but he didn't dare shake him off on a live interview.
A few more questions later, the interview wrapped up.
Luke stood up abruptly and walked away, leaving a cold spot across Ashton's shoulders.
Stan ran up to them. "Boys! Minus Luke! Great interview! Remember we're rehearsing all this week to prepare for the show Friday. Can I count on you to get Luke to the studio at ten tomorrow?" Stan asked, looking down at Ashton.
Ashton nodded and Stan smiled. "Great! I like you already. Alright, go out to eat and get to know each other. But be back at home before midnight okay? I don't want you boys tired on your first day."
"Thanks Stan!" Calum and Michael hugged him and he stiffened.
"Personal bubble, personal bubble!" Stan cried, shaking them off.
Ashton watched them and stuck his hand out instead. Stan smiled at him and they shook hands.
"Now where did Luke go?" Michael asked as they walked back to the couch.
"I can go find him." Ashton volunteered.
"Okay, we'll meet you in the parking lot with the car." Calum said and they left.
Ashton wandered to the bathrooms and knocked on the door. "Luke? You in there?"
"Go away."
"Luke? Are you okay?" Ashton asked in concern.
"I said go away!" Luke yelled and groaned.
Ashton frowned and jiggled the door handle but it was locked. "Luke?"
Luke didn't respond but Ashton could hear him crying.
"Please Luke." Ashton knocked harder on the door. "Let me help you."
"I don't want your help!" Luke snapped.
"And I didn't want yours but I got it anyways so open up!"
Luke sighed and a moment later the door clicked open and he stepped out.
Ashton gasped at the ruined black makeup around Luke's eyes. "Luke, were you crying?"
"No." Luke shoved Ashton off him. "Where's the others?"
"In the parking lot with the car." Ashton explained. Luke took off walking and Ashton quickly followed him.
"What happened? Why did you leave?" Ashton asked.
"I said I wasn't crying!" Luke shouted. Ashton stopped. "I didn't say that!"
Luke rolled his eyes and continued.
"You were thinking about her, weren't you?" Ashton questioned and Luke froze.
"Brianna? You still miss her."
Luke rounded on the smaller boy, his green eyes blazing with unspilled tears. "Don't you say her name."
"You were crying over her." Ashton realized. "What reminded you of her?"
"What was it Luke?"
"Nothing!" Luke shouted.
"Tell me!"
"You!" Luke yelled. Ashton stopped.
Luke sighed and ran a hand through his quiff. "You did, okay? I always put my arm around her shoulders and for a moment I thought you were her. So you can go tell Calum and Michael that bad boy Luke cried over his ex. Go ahead, I don't care."
Ashton softly put his hand on Luke's shoulder. "I wasn't going to."
Luke was surprised. "Why not?"
"It's not their business." Ashton smiled.
Luke glared at him. "Don't think we're suddenly friends now." He shrugged Ashton's hand off.
"Wasn't planning on it." Ashton muttered.
- (so many squishies)
An hour later, they sat around a table at a restaurant, Calum and Michael on one side, Ashton and Luke on the other.
Luke hadn't said anything on the car ride here, and he seemed angrier than before.
Calum and Michael kept asking why, but Ashton told them it was nothing.
"Hey I'm Daniel, and I'll be taking your order today." A waiter said as he came to their table.
Michael leaned forward and squinted at the man. "You look like a stuffed lion I lost."
"Oh yeah, I ran away, took on a human life form and got a job here." Daniel said sarcastically.
Michael stared at him with wide eyes.
"I'm joking!" Daniel exclaimed and they all relaxed.
"Anyways, I'll have the chicken." Calum said and they placed their orders.
"Not hungry." Luke mumbled when it was his turn.
"You sure?" Ashton asked him. Luke glared. "Yes! I don't need you to babysit me!"
"Sorry." Ashton looked at the ground.
Daniel left with their orders.
"We have rehearsals tomorrow." Calum reminded Luke.
"Yes, I know." Luke rolled his eyes and slouched down in his seat.
"So you'll be there, right?" Michael chimed in.
Luke glared at them. "If I feel like it."
Ashton gave them a small smile as he put his hand on Luke's crossed arms. "We'll be there."
Luke shook his hand off.
Their food came a few minutes later.
Luke took half of Ashton's plate, but the new boy didn't complain.
He also didn't comment when Luke fell asleep against his side, his head resting on Ashton's shoulder.
"Why did they break up?" Ashton questioned when it grew quiet.
"Luke and Brianna?" Calum asked. Ashton nodded.
"He thought Brianna was cheating on him with me." Michael said as he stabbed his salad. "I wasn't, but he didn't believe me."
"I'm sorry." Ashton said.
"Not your fault, but thanks." Michael smiled.
Luke frowned in his sleep and readjusted his position. Ashton stayed still, hoping not to wake Luke up. Eventually, Luke sighed and was still.
"How is it really?" Calum whispered. "At the house?"
Ashton sighed. "We're getting the hang of each other."
"It's okay, you can say it. Luke's a jerk." Michael said.
Ashton frowned. "He's not a jerk. He's just lonely and heartbroken."
"Whatever." Michael muttered.
Luke opened his eyes and sat up. He looked over at Ashton and frowned. "I wasn't sleeping on you."
"You weren't." Ashton agreed.
"I want to leave." Luke said. "Drive me home."
"As you wish, your majesty." Calum said sarcastically.
Michael called Daniel back and paid.
Ashton slid out of the booth and Luke followed him. Wordlessly, he reached up and smoothed the spot on Ashton's shoulder, where his head had messed up Ashton's shirt.
He walked outside quickly and waited for the rest of them to catch up at the car.
It was late when they arrived home.
Michael and Calum dropped them off before driving back to their house.
"We should go to bed, its already 10:30 and-" Luke cut Ashton off with his hand.
"I'll go to bed when I'm tired." He jumped onto the couch and turned the TV on.
"But..." Ashton sighed. "Fine. Just keep it down." He went up the stairs to his room.
It wasn't long before he fell asleep.
Sunlight streamed in through Ashton's window and onto his face, waking him up.
He groaned and rolled over.
"Morning babe." Luke leaned over and pressed a kiss to Ashton's hair.
Ashton's eyes shot open and he gasped at Luke, who was laying beside him.
"Luke! What are you doing here? Did we sleep together? Why can't I remember last night? Did we get drunk and have sex? Oh God, please tell me we didn't. Wait, why are you suddenly nice to me? I thought you hated me?" Ashton rambled questions and Luke smiled.
"Silly boy, I don't hate you." Luke climbed on top of Ashton. "In fact, it's just the opposite."
"What?" Ashton was confused.
Luke kissed down Ashton's neck, his hands getting tangled in the boys curly hair. "I really, really like you."
"You do?" Ashton whined as Luke sucked on his sweet spot.
"I do." Luke smirked and continued his way down Ashton's chest.
"But- but-" Ashton gripped the sheets as Luke slowly grabbed his pajama pants and pulled them off.
"Sh." Luke smiled. "I've been wanting to do this since I first laid eyes on you."
Ashton gasped and woke up. Sweat covered his body from his dream.
He calmed his heart as he looked around. Luke wasn't in bed with him.
He sighed and threw the covers off him. He stood up and went to the bathroom. It was eight in the morning, so they had two hours to get to the studio.
He showered quick, scared Luke would get in with him again, and changed into his clothes. Luke could yell at him later if he wanted.
He ate a small breakfast and went to Luke's room. The door was shut, no surprise there.
"Luke?" Ashton knocked on the door, then opened it when there was no answer.
It was dark in here since the blinds were shut and the lights were off.
"Luke, it's time to get up. Rehearsals are today." Ashton said as he made his way to Luke's bed.
He knelt down in front of Luke's sleeping face and poked his cheek. "Come on, I dont want to disappoint the others."
Luke mumbled something and rolled over.
Ashton sighed and jumped on top of him. "Wake up!"
"No," Luke pressed his hands against Ashton. "Five more years Ashy."
"Did you just call me Ashy?" Ashton asked, but Luke was asleep again.
"Come on Luke, it's good morning time!" Ashton pinched Luke's cheeks in his hands and played with his face.
Luke slowly blinked his eyes open. "Ashton? What are you doing in my room?"
"Waking you up." Ashton replied.
"Get off." Luke mumbled and Ashton slid off.
Luke sat up and grabbed a cigarette.
Ashton frowned and slapped it out of his hand. "No. Don't smoke that. They're bad for you."
"I don't care." Luke reached for it but Ashton kept it out of his grasp.
"You can have it if we make it to the studio on time." Ashton said.
Luke glared at him. "You can't do that!"
"Why not?"
"Because why?" Ashton crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
"Because I don't want you to!" Luke made for it again, but Ashton shoved it into his back pocket.
"Like I said, you can have it if we get there on time."
Luke glared and Ashton wouldn't be surprised if Luke murdered him right then and there.
But to both of their surprise, Luke went to the bathroom.
Ashton followed him. Luke was putting in his contacts.
"Why do you wear those? You don't need them." Ashton said.
"Because I want to." Luke said.
"Is it because Brianna has green eyes?"
Luke stopped and slowly put down the contacts.
"You're hurting for her still, aren't you? That's why you got all those piercings, that's why you change your eye color, that's why you cut."
Luke whirled around and faced Ashton. "I don't cut!"
"You do." Ashton took a step towards him.
"I don't!" Luke shouted. "I don't cut!"
"Yes Luke, I know you do." Ashton said.
"No!" Luke cried. "I don't cut, I'm stronger than that!"
Ashton grabbed Luke's flailing arms and held them still. "Cutting isn't a matter of strength!"
He grabbed a handful of Luke's bracelets and pulled them down.
Dozens of red slashes covered the inside of Luke's wrist.
Luke stared at Ashton with tears in his eyes.
"I cut too." Ashton said softly, letting go of Luke to yank down his sleeve. His wrist matched Luke's. "Well, used to. I've been clean for almost a month now."
"That's how you knew, isn't it?" Luke asked. "Why?"
Ashton nodded. "My step dad abused me sexually when I was little. Cutting was the only way I could...."
"Have some power?" Luke filled in and Ashton nodded again. "I couldn't control Brianna leaving, or my emotions, but I could control how deep, and how many cuts." Luke said softly. "That's why."
"I won't tell anybody." Ashton smiled.
"I won't either." Luke returned the smile.
About forty minutes later, Luke was ready to go.
Ashton noticed his eyes were blue again, and the eyebrow piercing was gone.
"The lip ring stays." Luke said as they climbed into the car.
Ashton smiled and handed him the cigarette. "You earned it. But keep the window down, and don't litter."
"Don't tell me what to do." Luke snapped, but did as Ashton said.
"We're here." Ashton called as they entered the studio.
"Is that, Luke Hemmings?" Calum asked, squinting at Luke. "On time?"
Luke rolled his eyes. "Haha, you're so funny. All hail the Asian King."
"Thank you, Ashton." Michael said and Ashton gave him a smile. "You're welcome."
"Okay, lets start this!" Calum cheered.
They got behind their respective instruments and Luke watched as a worker set a microphone in front of Ashton.
"You can sing too?" He asked.
Ashton blushed and nodded.
"Are you any good?"
"He's great." Michael butted in. "Can we start now?"
"First song is She Looks So Perfect." Calum said and on the count of three, they began.
- (I think this one shot has the most number of squishies in it. I like it.)
Nearly three hours later, they had gone through all the songs. They discussed which ones they we r going to sing at the concert, and in which order.
Calum and Michael pulled Ashton off to the side after practice.
"Okay, what did you do?" Calum asked. "It's been three hours and Luke hasn't acted like a jerk at all."
Ashton smiled. "He just needed someone to give him a chance."
"But he still misses Brianna, and he still hates me." Michael said.
"He doesn't hate you." Ashton said. "He just takes his anger out on you because he misses Brianna."
"Hey Ashton!" Luke called. "Come here a sec!"
"S'cuse me." Ashton smiled to them before walking over to Luke.
Calum and Michael shared a look and a grin.
"Can you teach me how to play the drums?" Luke asked sheepishly. "I've always wanted to know how."
Ashton beamed. "Sure!"
Calum and Michael watched as Luke sat on the drum seat and Ashton leaned over him, positioning his hands around the drumsticks.
"They are so cute." Calum said.
"I ship it." Michael agreed.
A few days later, they had practiced to the point where they could perform in their sleep.
It was Friday, concert day.
To say Ashton was nervous was an understatement. He had thrown up three times today because of nerves.
Luke pretended to be disgusted, but inside, he was concerned.
He walked up to the pale boy, who had his eyes closed as he leaned against the wall backstage.
"Ash? You okay?" Luke tapped his shoulder.
Ashton groaned. "No."
Luke frowned and sat beside him, draping his arm around the smaller boy. "Do you want some Tylenol or something?"
Ashton sighed and leaned against Luke. "No, I'll be fine. Just tell me this gets easier."
"It gets easier." Luke smiled. "And way more fun."
They were called up then and they had to part as they went to their different places.
Their instruments were on lifts, that would bring them up to the stage.
"Good luck." Michael told everybody.
"Thanks." Calum said.
"You too." Ashton smiled.
Michael and Luke looked at each other.
Luke nodded and faced front again.
Michael looked away too, but Ashton saw a small smile on his face before he turned away.
Someone counted down from the sides, and the lifts shot them up to the center of the stage.
Ashton gasped at the scene before him.
Thousands of screaming girls jumped and waved their arms in front of them. It was all black, except for the lights that came from the stage and the neon lights above them.
Plus the white light of cell phones that were recording them.
"Hello Santa Barbara!" Michael shouted into the mic and the crowd screamed.
"As you guys know, we got a new drummer." Calum said, directing his free hand to Ashton.
Ashton smiled and blushed. He gave a small wave. "Hi, I'm Ashton."
"Hi Ashton!" The girls yelled and Ashton giggled.
Luke turned and faced Ashton too. "Lob chu baby." He winked.
That made everyone cry and scream louder, including Calum and Michael.
"My OTP's!" Michael yelled. "Also, my heart!"
"Stahp!" Calum shouted. "Lets play the first song already!"
Luke laughed and turned back around.
The chords to their first song began and Ashton concentrated on not messing up.
The concert passed with no mess ups from anybody, although the crowd was kinda hoping they would forget the words because that's just plain adorable.
Luke, Michael and Calum ran and danced around the stage, just like old times, and Ashton watched them happily from above. So this is the real Five Seconds of Summer. He thought and smiled.
At the end of the concert, Luke walked up to the microphone and calmed the crowd down.
"I'd like to thank you guys for coming here tonight, and for sticking with us while I was being a huge jerk ass, but I promise that's all behind me now. Ashtons been living with me and helping me get over Brianna. He did a good job. In fact, I have a question for him." He pulled the mic out of the stand and faced the drummer.
"Ash, you've filled the hole in my heart Brianna left, but not the hole that's lonely and heartbroken. That hole needs a partner. Will you be my partner Ash, and be my boyfriend?"
Ashton climbed off his stool and ran down to Luke.
"On one condition." Ashton said as Luke hugged him.
"What's that?" Luke asked.
"You love me forever." Ashton smiled and Luke brought him in for a kiss.
"I promise."
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