Luke is the prince of the land Sydney, which is at war with the kingdom of Australia.
Ashton is the prince of Australia.
(in this story, Australia rules over a little kingdom called sydney. Sydney wants independence from Australia and that is why they are at war)
(Full new story is up on my profile!)
Two hundred years ago, a group of Australian settlers disbanded from their town to start anew. They wanted to build their own cities and villages.
The kingdom of Australia granted them permission, as long as they let their new town, Sydney, be run by them. The Sydney's agreed.
But then, a revolt happened.
The Sydney's wanted total independence from Australia, and the Australian kingdom refused, saying it went against their founding father's pact made years ago.
So now the two kingdoms are at war. For many years, the towns people of both kingdoms were convinced the only thing that could end the war and reunite the kingdoms to live in harmony was a prince and a princess getting married.
The prince of Australia was born first.
Prince Ashton Fletcher Irwin the first was his royal name, but only his parents called him that when he was in trouble.
Then, the king and queen of Sydney had a child.
Hah, imagine the villages shock when the baby was also a Prince.
Anyways, all hope was lost again. But little did anyone know that the two princes actually liked each other.
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Present day.
Luke hurried down the long hallway of the castle. He was late. Again. His father would be mad but oh well.
Luke didn't always take his princely duties seriously, but when it came down to it, he was always there for his people.
Luke burst into the room, where his father and some men were talking.
"Luke! I called you down here nearly an hour ago! Where were you?" His father boomed, turning every head.
"Sorry." Luke said, coming up to the table where the men were gathered. He decided not to tell them he was hanging out with Calum.
"What's going on?"
"We're planning to meet the King and Queen of Australia today and their son to negotiate peace terms." His father informed him. "Get dressed in some appropriate clothes and meet your mother in the carriages outside."
Luke nodded and walked out. Once it was safe to do so, he rolled his eyes. "Yay, more talking." The only thing different now was that Luke would have to meet with the stupid Australians son too.
"Great." He muttered, changing into his dress clothes. "I bet he's just as stuck up as the rest of them.
He hated being under the rule of the Aussies. Kingdoms should not be ruled under other kingdoms, screw any pact people made a bajillion years ago! Luke didn't want to be king of a kingdom that was under another kingdom, the Australians son would have more power than him! Not fair.
He checked his appearance in the mirror and put his lip ring in to look more intimidating.
He walked out of the castle, where his mother was waiting with the horses.
Village peasants were surrounding them, calling out their love. Luke smiled and waved. He was like a celebrity to these people, and they loved him. He loved them too, and made sure to wink at some of the prettier ones.
He joined his mom and climbed up onto his white horse.
"Hi mommy." He said and she kissed his hand. "Morning baby. You look nice." Luke pointed to his lip ring.
"Yes I noticed it, very scary." She smiled and Luke beamed.
The King came out then and strode up to his black horse, mounting it easily.
"Let's go." He said and they took off.
"Hold still Ashton, or I will poke you in a place you severely don't want to be poked." Michael said warningly.
Ashton sighed heavily. "But I hate these clothes! They're so itchy and ugly."
"Suck it up." Michael stepped back and looked him over. "There, all done."
Ashton turned and faced the mirror. "Ugh, how long do I have to wear these?"
"Until your guests leave." Mikey said. "Speaking of, here come the Sydney's now."
Ashton looked out the window and saw three horses riding up.
"Ugh, they brought their son? Why? Now I'll have to like, talk to him and make eye contact and stuff." Ashton pouted. "Why can't they just honor what their ancestors did and stay under our rule? It's better for their economy anyways."
Michael shrugged. "I think it's a pride thing."
"Alright whatever." He fixed his hair and joined his parents at the entrance just as the horses and their passengers pulled up.
Ashton watched as the king and queen and thier son dismounted their horses and strode up.
Ashton sized up the boy. Blonde hair, styled up. Lip ring, smartly dressed.
What a loser.
"Welcome back Mr. King and Queen." Ashton's dad smiled warmly, stepping up. "I see you brought Luke this time."
Luke smiled up at the sound of his name. Ashton glared at him.
"I did. And this must be Ashton." The King of Sydney smiled.
Ashton smiled up at him and Luke glared.
"Yes. Well let's go inside to talk. Luke and Ashton, why don't you go inside to Ashton's room and talk?" Ashton's mom said.
Said. Not asked. Which meant they had too.
Ashton sighed. "Sure. Follow me."
His mom grabbed his arm as he passed. "Make an effort." She whispered before the adults went into the conference room.
"My room's this way." Ashton mumbled, leading the way. He didn't want some stuck up stranger prince seeing his room.
Luke followed silently.
Ashton was disappointed to find Michael had left. Now it would be more awkward.
Ashton sat on his bed while Luke surveyed his surroundings.
"So, you have a bed. I have one too." Luke said.
Ashton laughed and looked at him weird. "Uh, yeah. Doesn't everyone have a bed?"
Luke shrugged. "Some people don't. I guess you wouldn't know, you don't bother to check on your own people."
Ashton jumped up and glared. "Excuse you, I do to check up on my people! And none of them are living in poverty unlike in your stupid kingdom!"
Luke stood so close to Ashton, Ashton could see the darkening of the prince's blue eyes. "Don't. Ever. Call. My. Kingdom. Stupid." Luke poked Ashton with every word. "You Aussies think you're the shit, but you're not. Reality check; you're just shit."
Ashton glared and shoved Luke back. "Say that again, I fucking dare you."
"You're just a piece of s-" Ashton tackled Luke, cutting him off.
They wrestled around on the floor, knocking into things that fell of their tables and crashed to the floor.
"Take it back!" Ashton shouted, pinning Luke down.
Luke struggled and flipped them over. "Never!"
The door suddenly swung in and the kings and queens stood there.
"Luke! What are you doing! Get off him now!" The Queen of Sydney cried.
"Ashton! Explain your horrid behavior in front of our guests!" Ashton's dad exclaimed as the two princes were pulled apart.
"He called us shit!" Ashton shouted, pointing a finger at Luke.
"Because he dissed our kingdom!" Luke yelled in defense.
"You dissed my kingdom first!" Ashton cried, struggling against his dad to get to Luke again.
Luke's face was red. "Because you were too stuck up too see it for yourself!"
"Luke!" His mom shouted abruptly. "That's enough! This meeting is over, pack your things and go back to the horses. Now."
Luke glared at Ashton as he walked out. Ashton glared back.
"And stay out!" Ashton shouted after him. Luke turned around and gave him the finger.
The Queen of Australia quickly shut the door. "I'm so sorry about that. You can bet Ashton will be punished for his unprincely behaviour." She apologized to the guests.
"What?! But he started it!" Ashton gasped.
His mom glared and he shut up.
"I assume we will reschedule this meeting right?" The King asked as he and his wife ushered their guests out of the room.
Ashton collapsed onto his bed.
"Stupid Sydney's." He muttered into the pillows.
He glanced out the window. Maybe Luke did have a point though. He hadn't ever really checked up on his people. Maybe some didn't have a bed.
He groaned.
Luke angrily mounted his horse and waited for his parents to come back.
He looked around at the Australians passing by on their ways to work and to home. They all looked more well fed than his people.
Was it true some of his people lived in poverty?
His parents came out then.
"Let's go Lucas." His father said sternly and Luke knew he was in some deep shit.
"So how'd it go?" Calum asked when Luke got home.
"Well, we're still under their rule, the King and Queen hate me because I wrestled with their son and broke some things, we were pretty much kicked out and now we have to reschedule." Luke said, joining his friend on the bed.
"That could have gone better." Calum agreed. "Why were you and their son fighting?"
"I guess I kinda started it by dissing his kingdom but then he tackled me." Luke explained what had happened. "And now I'm grounded and have to go with to the next meeting to apologize."
"That sucks." Calum laid beside him. "Must be hard being a prince." Luke looked at him. "Hey, you visit the people alot, do any live in poverty?"
"What do you mean?" Calum asked.
"Like, are any starving? Underfed frequently? Malnourished?"
Calum shrugged. "A couple. Why?"
Luke looked up at his ceiling. "Just wondering."
"Come in!" Ashton shouted when someone knocked on his door. Mikey came in. "Hey, how was the meeting?"
Ashton groaned. "I tackled their son."
"Why? Did you just feel like it or was he on fire, or something?" Michael asked, trying not to laugh.
"Shut up, this is serious." Ashton glared. "He was dissing my kingdom and I got angry."
"So you tackled him?"
"Yes. And now you're making me angry."
Mikey backed up a few paces.
"Let's calm down."
Ashton sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He took off his bandana and studied it. He had a crown, but he wore the gold bandana more.
"I don't see why they have to have their stupid independence anyways." He said. "It's not like we treat them badly."
Michael shrugged. "Well, when you and their son become kings, you'll have more power than him. Maybe they want their son to have equal power."
"Wait, I will?" Ashton asked. Mikey
"Oh." Ashton said thoughtfully. "Maybe that's why."
One week later, Luke stood in front of his parents as they gave a speech on what to do when they arrived at the Aussie's castle for the second meeting.
"You will apologize and be on your best behaviour." His mom said sternly.
"And no talking about either of our kingdoms." His dad added. "Now, let's go before we're late."
Luke rolled his eyes and followed them out the door.
Ashton watched as three familiar horses rode up.
"Remember Ash, one more screw up and you're grounded for life." His dad said and Ashton pouted out the window.
Luke slid off his horse and the keeper led the horses away.
"Welcome back." Ashton's dad said, smiling warmly. "Let's just pick up where we left off, shall we?"
The adults went inside, leaving the two princes on the castles steps.
Luke sighed heavily. "Hey listen, I'm um, sorry about last time." He said, not making eye contact.
"Me too." Ashton said hurriedly.
"Wanna just like, start over, or something?" Luke asked.
Ashton nodded. "Sure. Uh, wanna ride the horses?"
"Alright. I'll get mine and meet you here?" Luke asked and Ashton nodded.
They ran off.
Ashton ran to the stables and took out his shiny black horse. He mounted him easily and walked the horse out to the front where Luke was waiting on his white horse.
"He's nice." Luke nodded to Smoke, Ashton's horse. Ashton smiled. "Thanks, so is she."
Luke patted his horses neck. "Thanks, this is Snow."
"Smoke. Ready to ride?" Luke nodded and Ashton led them to the pasture in the back of the castle.
"Wanna race?" Luke asked. Ashton shook his head. "Nah, don't wanna show you up."
Luke rolled his eyes. "I'll take that risk."
"Fine. Readysetgo!" Ashton took off.
"Hey!" Luke protested.
"You're a cheater." Luke accused thirty minutes later when they stopped.
"Am not, I just like to have things in my favor." Ashton said indignantly.
"Yeah, that's what cheaters do." Luke said, sliding off Snow.
Ashton got off his own horse. "I'm not a cheater!"
"Then explain how you won." Luke glared.
Ashton got up in Luke's face. "I'm just a better rider than you. Ever thought of that?"
"A cheater and a bragger, wow. I feel bad for this kingdom."
"Why, because it's more powerful than yours?"
They were so close together now. Their chests bumped and they could feel the others breath on their face.
"You're not more powerful than me. Not yet." Luke glared.
"But I will be soon." Ashton narrowed his eyes. "Don't get on my bad side and maybe I won't throw you in the dungeon."
"You can't throw me in the dungeon!" Luke spluttered. "I'm a Prince!"
"I can when I over rule you, oh wait, I already do!"
"Is that a threat?" Luke glared into Ashton's eyes.
"Maybe it is. What are you gunna do about it?" Ashton glared back. They were the same height, so he stared into Luke's eyes.
Suddenly Luke surged forward, capturing Ashton in a kiss.
Ashton's eyes widened and he stumbled back, falling on the ground. He stared up at Luke in slight fear.
"That." Luke snarled down at him. "Don't get on my bad side." He got back onto Snow and rode off, leaving Ashton on the ground, staring after him in wonder and confusion.
Luke pulled into the stables, panting from what he just did.
Why the hell had he just kissed his enemy? Why?!
Luke dismounted and hastily handed Snow's reins to the keeper. He knew his cheeks were burning. Rain had started pouring down.
He ran into the castle, bursting into the conference room. The members of royalty looked at him as he entered but didn't say anything as he sat down.
He looked out the window into the pasture.
Ashton was still there, laying on his back.
Shit, I've killed him!
But then Ashton sat up and Luke breathed a sigh.
He watched as Ashton quickly swung himself up onto his horse and rode away.
He sighed. Why, why, why, had he done that?! He was just tired of Ashton talking like he was better than Luke and Luke shut him up the only way he could think of at the moment.
He buried his face in his arms and waited for the meeting to be over.
Ashton slowed Smoke to a walk as he entered the stables. The keeper led him to Luke's horse, and the two animals immediately cozied up to each other.
Ashton watched them. "Are you serious? Even the horses-ugh!" He threw his hands up and stalked out of the stables.
He ran up to his room to change his clothes. He had fallen into some mud when Luke had suddenly kissed him.
"Well, I see we've almost reached a good agreement." Luke looked up. The Kings and Queens were standing up.
"Yes, I think we can wrap this up at the last meeting." His mom agreed.
"I'll escort you out." The Queen of Australia smiled.
"No need for that, no one's leaving." The butler said suddenly, coming into the room.
"Excuse me?" Luke asked.
"You guys haven't noticed?" The butler asked in surprise. "It's been raining hard for the past few hours. Everything's flooded. There's no way you can leave until the water dies down."
Everyone looked out the window and saw the butler was right.
"We need to get back home now!" Luke's father exclaimed.
"I understand sir, but you can't. You physically can't until the rain dies down." The butler said.
"It's okay, we have plenty of guest rooms." The King of Australia said.
"That's very kind of you but-"
"But what? You can't leave in these floods." The Queen said. "Let us show you around the guest rooms."
Luke's heart pounded. He was stuck here? With Ashton?! The boy he had just kissed?!
"Oh, Luke can stay with Ashton!" Luke's mom said. "I'm sure they can work their differences out, right Luke?"
"Right." Luke muttered.
"Good. Ashton's in his room, why don't you go visit?"
Luke sighed and climbed the stairs to Ashton's room in defeat.
He opened Ashton's door when he reached the top. "Hey, uh, my family-whoa!" He quickly covered his eyes.
"Hey!" Ashton snapped. "Ever heard of knocking?" He pulled on a shirt. "You can look now."
Luke slowly pulled his hand away from his eyes. "Sorry."
"You were saying?" Ashton asked, doing his hair in his floor to wall mirror. "About your family?"
"Uh right. Well, there's been some flooding and we're stuck here until it dies down." Luke said nervously. All he could think was the kiss.
"What?" Ashton exclaimed. He ran to his window. "Fuck! And I'm guessing you're rooming with me?"
Luke just nodded. "I can stay in a guest room if you want."
Ashton sighed. "No whatever, my parents will get mad if we don't get along."
Luke nodded again, looking at the floor.
Ashton walked up to him then. He grabbed Luke's face and tilted it up so their lips connected.
He kissed him hard then shoved him away. Luke hit the wall and stared at Ashton, his lips still tingling from the sudden kiss.
"Now we're even." Ashton said, walking out of the room.
Later that night, Ashton crawled into his bed. Luke was in the bathroom still.
Ashton made a barrier with the pillows, dividing the bed.
Luke came out then.
"That's your side." Ashton pointed. "Don't touch me."
"Don't kiss me." Luke snarled.
"You started it!"
The door opened and the Queen's poked their heads in. "Night boys! Please behave."
"We will." The princes chorussed.
They smiled and shut the door.
Immediately after, Luke grabbed a pillow and hit Ashton with it. "You gave yourself way more room!"
"Ow, what? Did not! And even if I did, it's my bed!" Ashton glared and grabbed the pillow from Luke, hitting him with it.
"So?! I'm the guest! Treat me with respect!" Luke grabbed another pillow.
"I will when you fucking earn it!"
They started whacking each other with the pillows then, making feathers fly everywhere.
"Stop hitting me!"
"You stop hitting me!"
"Ow hey! Not the face!"
"Oh sorry, wouldn't want to damage that fancy ass lip ring, would we? Hey! Give me back my bandana!"
"Wow, you call out my lip ring when you have a fucking gold bandana!"
"You wish!"
They flopped back onto the bed, gasping for air. Feathers drifted around them.
"You ruined my bed." Ashton accused a moment later.
"You're on my side." Luke glared.
Ashton jumped on top of him. "Ooh, I am! Now what?"
Luke flipped them over and they rolled off the bed.
"Ouch!" Ashton exclaimed as he landed on the hard floor with Luke on top of him.
"That's what!" Luke glared.
"You can go fuck your-" Ashton was cut off as Luke pressed their lips together.
"Why don't you fuck me?" Luke asked as he pulled back. "Why can't you just let my kingdom have their freedom?"
"Because!" Ashton rolled them over and pinned Luke down. "It's better this way!" He bent down and kissed Luke.
Luke flipped them back over while Ashton was distracted, keeping their lips together.
"Says you!" He said when they finally broke apart.
"You have a lot of pent up sexual frustration." Ashton glared.
"So do you!" Luke glared back. "Wanna do something about it?"
Ashton flipped them back over. "I think we already are." He kissed Luke again, this time tongues and hands were involved.
Downstairs, the Kings and Queens stopped what they were doing and looked up at the ceiling.
"What do you think they are doing up there?" The Queen asked her husband.
He shrugged. "I think we should just let them figure things out for themselves."
Ashton pushed Luke onto the bed and climbed over him, kissing him fiercely.
Luke gripped Ashton's hair. "I fucking love you." He groaned.
"Good, I fucking love you too." Ashton slid his shirt off and Luke quickly took his off too.
"You're such a dick." Luke said breathlessly when Ashton slid Luke's pants off as slow as possible.
"And you love that." Ashton kissed him hard. "Otherwise we wouldn't be doing this right now."
"Actually," Luke gasped as Ashton trailed love bites down his torso, "I'm
"That works too." Ashton grunted around Luke's neck.
The Queen of Australia put down her cup of tea and looked at the ceiling again.
"Seriously, what's all that banging? They're supposed to be asleep!"
Her husband waved her off, not looking up from his paper. "I'm sure they're fine, just let them be."
"But what if they break something again?" She asked fretfully.
Her husband sighed. "Honestly, they're fine. What could they possibly be doing anyway? Just give them a few minutes and then we can go check on them, alright?"
She huffed. "Alright, fine."
"Ashton!" Luke wailed suddenly. "H-holy fuck!"
"Shh!" Ashton shouted. "You want them to hear us downstairs?"
The King and Queen gave each other wide eyed looks.
"Should we-I mean, if they're-oh my God." The Queen buried her head in her hands while the King's paper fell to the floor.
"What do we tell Luke's parents?" He asked in a whisper.
Ashton collapsed beside Luke on the bed, both of them were breathing heavily.
"Luke?" Ashton asked after a moment.
"Y-yeah?" Luke faced him.
"Three things. One; Our parent's can't find out about this." Luke nodded. "Understandable."
"Two, if we get married, would our kingdoms be merged into one?"
Luke thought. "Yeah, it would."
"Okay great. Three: Will you marry me?"
Luke rolled over and Ashton draped his arms around the younger boy. "Yes." Luke snuggled into Ashton's chest and the older boy smiled.
"Great. Thanks."
The next morning, both sets of parents barged into the room to see their sons dressed in fancy clothes.
"What happened last night?" Luke's mom asked cautiously.
Luke held up his left hand, where a ring sat around his finger. "I got married."
She stared at the ring. " least there wasn't sex."
"Oh no we did that too." Ashton assured. "And we fixed you're guys's problem. Australia and Sydney are now one giant kingdom!"
The Queen's eyes rolled back and she fainted against her husband.
"So." Luke beamed brightly. "When can we have the wedding?"
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