Opposites Can't Attract
(procrastinators meeting has been moved to tomorrow)
There he was.
Ashton peered over his books to look at the blonde boy. He had just moved to their school a few days ago, and Ashton was already smitten.
He smiled in contentment as he watched Luke stop at his locker to grab his things.
The boy was so beautiful, Ashton could stare at him all day.
But suddenly he frowned as the smell of smoke stung the air.
He gasped as he looked down to see his notebook smoldering.
He sighed and quickly shoved it into his locker, pulling out his spare. He tended to accidentally set things on fire when he wasn't paying attention, or when his emotions got out of control.
He shut his locker as the bell rang.
Some kids, who had the power to fly, took to the air, zipping over kids to get to their class faster.
Ashton wondered what power Luke had.
Everyone had a power here, but not all of them were good.
Luke laughed with his friends as they walked to class. Ashton watched him and ended up crashing into the wall.
Luke looked behind him and smiled at Ashton.
Ashton blushed and quickly hurried the other way.
The bell rang and Ashton slowly walked to his locker. The hallways were always crowded right after the bell, so he took his time to avoid being mobbed by the crowd.
On the opposite side of the hallway, he spotted Luke coming out of the science classroom. His head was buried in his notes, and he accidentally bumbed into a girl, who was hurrying away.
The girl didn't even stop and help Luke pick up his dropped books.
Ashton glared and hurried across the hall to help. He bent down and helped Luke gather up his things. He stood up shyly and handed over a science textbook.
Luke gave him a smile and reached to take it. Their hands touched ever so slightly-
Ashton cried out in pain and yanked his hand back, dropping the book.
Luke held his own hand tightly, frowning. A thin wisp of steam trailed off the tips of their fingers that had touched the other.
Ashton's face fell when he looked into Luke's eyes. Blue eyes. Color of water eyes.
Luke gave him a sympathetic look, before picking up his now singed textbook (Ashton's fault, he got scared).
Ashton finally knew what Luke's power was.
Luke looked Ashton up and down. He walked back into the science room, and came back a moment later, holding a potted plant.
He raised a finger and water shot out, watering the plant.
Ashton sorrowfully plucked a petal off the flower. It burnt to a crisp in his hand.
Luke understood what Ashton's power was.
He put the pot back and gave Ashton a small, apologetic smile.
The bell rang and Luke quickly gathered up his things. Ashton still stood sadly in the doorway, too upset to move.
Luke debated wether or not to risk a quick kiss. Ashton seemed to know what he was thinking, and he leaned in closer.
Someone cleared their throat loudly behind them, and the two boys turned to see the science teacher. The teacher pointed to a sign on the wall above their heads.
Luke huffed. He glared at the teacher, before giving Ashton a sympathetic look and walked away to his next class.
Ashton watched him go, wondering how being cursed for eternity could possibly be worse than not being able to be with the one you love.
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