Note Passing
Luke is new at Ashton's school and quickly gets a reputation of being the cliche "womanizer and jock".
They get put in the same homeroom and Luke spends each day passing notes to Ashton, trying to get his attention. But Ashton wants nothing to do with him.
Good thing Luke's persistent.
Luke sauntered into his homeroom fifteen minutes late.
Yes, it was his first day at a new school, no, no fucks were given.
He kept his sunglasses on all day, despite the three referrals he had gotten to take them off.
Luke was a rebellious child. Badass, class douche. Womanizer, though he was actually bi. No gender was safe.
The teacher turned and gave him a disapproving glare when he didn't have a pass but Luke just flipped her off when she turned back around.
He bit his lip ring, scanning the room for a place to sit. Since he was so late, only one seat was available. Luke actually took off his sunglasses to look at the boy sitting in front of the only available chair.
He was wearing an adorable flower crown.
Hot damn. He thought, taking the seat. The rows were set up with stadium seating, so Luke could peer down at the kids paper. He was taking notes on whatever the teacher was saying. Luke saw his name at the top of the page.
Ashton Irwin.
Luke smiled, putting his sunglasses back on and leaning back in his seat.
"Well hel-lo Ashton Irwin."
Ashton gathered his things up when the bell rang. He had just walked out the door when someone threw their arm over his shoulders, steering him away from his locker.
Ashton looked up and saw it was the rebel looking kid who was late to class. Wasn't he new?
"Uh..." Ashton stared up at him, wondering what the kid wanted.
"Come to my locker." The kid said, pulling him along the crowd. Kids parted ways for them, staring.
"Luke!" Voices shouted and the kid, Luke, smiled and waved to them.
"You're really popular." Ashton commented as Luke stopped in front of a locker. Luke smiled down at him, looking intimidating with the lip ring and dark sunglasses.
"I just get what I want. I wanted friends when I moved here."
The bell rang and Ashton nodded, starting to head back to his locker.
"Hey." Luke grabbed Ashton's shirt, and pulled him back. He pushed him against the lockers, placing one hand on the lockers on the side of Ashton's head. "I want something else now."
"What?" Ashton asked, tilting his head to the side. The action made Luke laugh a little in cuteness. He leaned in close. "You babe."
Ashton's eyes were wide when Luke pulled back. "M-me? Why?"
Luke grinned, trailing his finger down Ashton's chest. "You're cute. You make laugh."
"B-but I'm taken." Ashton stuttered as the final bell rang. "And now I'm late."
Luke frowned. "Don't lie to me babe. And I got that covered." He took Ashton's hand and led him to his next class.
"Do either of you have a pass?" The teacher asked when they walked in. Everyone turned to look.
"I'm his pass. I'm new here and he was showing me around." Luke brought Ashton's hand to his lips and gave him a kiss. "See you after class babe." He left, leaving Ashton to face the class in embarrassment.
Ashton fiddled with his flower crown and gave a nervous wave to the class.
Micheal: Who was that? I didnt know u had a bf :O
Ashton: i dont! hes not my bf, i hardly know him :/
Ashton was texting his friends, Michael and Calum. He was still weirded out by that new kid. I mean, who does that even? Blunt asshole.
Calum: what did u do?
Ashton: told him i was taken but he didnt believe me. he wants me to wait for him after class
Calum: r u gunna?
Ashton: lol no
Michael: y not?
Ashton gave him a look and Michael made a face back at him. Calum made a face too, making Ashton laugh out loud. People looked at him again and he hid his face.
Ashton: i'm not going too, he kinda scares me
Calum: lol Ashton's a scared cat
Ashton: am not!
Michael: Then wait for him!
Ashton: do u guys WANT me to get date raped?
Calum: kinda
Ashton: -.- ur not invited to my birthday party anymore
Calum: ur bday was two months ago
Ashton: it was? fuck!
Michael: ill stay after with u ok?
Ashton: ugh ok fine. But make sure u do!
After class Ashton scanned the room for Michael. He saw him heading out the door with Calum. He waved as Ashton gaped at him.
Ashton: u dick!!! wth?!
Michael: sorry, i forgot
"There's my cutie!" Ashton looked up and saw Luke smiling down at him.
"Ready for lunch baby?" Luke grabbed Ashton's hand and led him out into the halls.
"Um, yeah, but I can walk there myself." Ashton grabbed his hand back.
"Maybe, but I like holding your hand." Luke said. "Don't you like holding mine?"
"Hey wait a minute, you don't have lunch this hour!" Ashton said. "You need to get to class!"
"Why? We only have homeroom together and I want to see you." Luke pouted.
"You're gunna be late!" Ashton tried shoving Luke but the boy hardly moved. "Just go! I'll see you tomorrow!"
"Promise?" Luke asked and Ashton sighed. "Yeah yeah, just go."
Luke smiled. "It's so sweet how you care if I'm late."
Ashton rolled his eyes. "Seriously, leave."
The bell rang.
"Alright, later babe." Luke bent down and kissed Ashton's cheek before heading to class.
Ashton sat in his seat in homeroom the next day, totally freaking out.
He had never been kissed by a guy before.
And then, that guy walked in.
Luke smiled at Ashton and Ashton blushed, looking at his desk while Luke took his seat behind him.
Halfway into the lesson, a note flew over Ashton's head and landed on his paper.
The flower child turned and glared at Luke.
Open it! Luke mouthed, pointing to it.
Ashton shook his head and stuffed the note in his pocket.
Two more came sailing over.
Ashton ignored them and put them in his pocket.
After the lesson he bolted out the door, running away from the guy that made his heart race unexplainably.
From then on, Luke passed notes to Ashton everyday. Sometimes just one, other times, Ashton could feel his pockets being weighed down from all the paper he was carrying.
He never opened them. Why should he? Luke was an arrogant womanizer and jock. He didn't care about Ashton, just wanted to get in his pants.
The last day of school.
247 notes.
The bell rang. Luke jumped up before Ashton could, blocking the door after all the other students had left in a frenzy for summer.
"Luke." Ashton sighed. "Please move."
"No. Not until you read the notes." Luke shook his head. "I know you carry them all in your pencil bag."
Ashton blushed. "They wouldn't fit in my pockets anymore."
"Just read them! Then I promise I'll leave you alone." Luke smiled.
Ashton sighed. "Fine." He sat on the floor in front of Luke and dumped the notes onto the ground.
He picked one up and unfolded it.
"Dear Ashton, I spend everyday thinking about you. I'd change for you. Please notice me."
Ashton looked up at Luke. Luke motioned for him to keep going.
Ashton picked up another and unfolded it.
It was a picture of him and Luke at the altar, getting married.
Ashton grabbed another, not bothering to look at Luke this time.
Dear Ashton, you may hate me for kissing you that one day. I know I do. I should have done it properly. Please give me a second chance to kiss you right.
Dear Ashton, you're my most favorite person on the planet. Marry me?
Dear Ashton, I can imagine us together and it hurts. I know I can make you happy if you would give me a chance.
Dear Ashton, will you go out with me? No wait, let me ask you this in person!
Another drawing. It was a very detailed drawing of Ashton and Luke, looking happy together on a roller coaster. Ashton was holding onto Luke in fear, while Luke held him back, looking like the happiest man alive.
The next note was Luke's phone number.
Dear Ashton, please notice me. I think I love you. That last line had been crossed out and rewritten many times and finally, erased. But Ashton could see it still faintly.
Dear Ashton, I'd change my lip ring in for a flower crown.
Ashton looked up at Luke.
"Really? You mean all this?" Ashton asked, eyes wide.
Luke nodded and sat beside him. "Every note."
"Wow." Ashton shifted through the pile of notes.
"Yeah." Luke stood up. "Well bye."
"Wait, what, where are you going?" Ashton asked.
"I told you I would leave you alone if you read them. So...bye." Luke walked out the door.
"Wait!" Ashton called, his flower crown falling off as he jumped up.
"Yeah?" Luke asked, coming back.
"What if I don't want you to leave me alone?" Ashton whispered.
Luke smiled. "You have my number. Have a great summer cutie." He winked and walked out, leaving Ashton to sort through the pile, frantically looking for the note that had Luke's number.
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