Niall's Flower Children Mishap Part 2
"Niall you're a flower child!"
"No, really? Wow thanks for informing me Lucas, I wasn't aware of that fact. Thank God you're here, how would I survive? I never would have figured out I'm a flower kid if it weren't for your keen observant skills." Niall rolled his eyes sarcastically.
Luke frowned. "There was no need for that."
"Nialls a flower child?!" Ashton gasped, running up to Luke. "Haha perfect! I'm going to put you in the bathtub!"
Niall stuck his tongue out. "Not if you can't catch me!" He started running away and Ashton giggled and chased after him.
Luke sighed. "Niall, come back, we need to figure this out! Ashton, ugh." He got up and followed them as Harry and Louis held hands and watched them from the ceiling fan. (I have no idea how they got up there)
"Look at me go Luke! Lookit, lookit, lookit, I have tiny flower foot prints now too!" Niall was beaming as he ran in circles, watching behind him at his trail of tiny flowers. "Are you watching Luke? Are you jealous?"
"My flowers are cuter!" Ashton said, following Niall as they ran in circles. "Look at my flowers Luke!"
"I'm putting you both in the bathtub if you don't stop." Luke warned.
"He can't put us in the bathtub if he can't catch us." Niall whispered to Ashton.
Ashton giggled into his hands and they took off running down the hallway.
Luke groaned. He felt a tiny finger poking his side and he turned to see Louis looking up at him.
"Scuse me Luke, but my Hazza is hungry." Luke looked down at Harry, who was looking at the floor bashfully.
"Okay, what do you want to eat?" Luke asked as he gently picked them up and walked to the kitchen.
"Fruit!" Harry shouted then quickly clapped his hands over his mouth.
"What kind of fruit?" Luke asked as he set them on the table.
"What kind of fruit do you want Haz?" Louis asked softly.
"Whatever fruit you want." Harry whispered, poking Louis.
"Can we have an apple?" Louis asked and Luke nodded, getting one out.
He was in the middle of cutting it when Ashton came running into the room.
"Luke! I've made a wonderful mistake!"
"What did you do?" Luke asked, getting on the floor to Ashton's height.
The flower child smiled and poked Luke's nose. "I flushed Niall down the toilet."
Luke's eyes widened. "You didn't. Tell me you didn't."
Ashton sighed and sat on the floor. "I didn't. I was going to, but I couldn't push the flusher lever thingy down."
"So...where's Niall?" Luke asked, frowning.
"He's stuck in the toilet."
Luke facepalmed. "And how did he get in there?"
Ashton shrugged and avoided eye contact.
Luke sighed. "Okay, you sit here with Louis and Harry and eat some lunch, and if you do one more naughty thing I'm putting you in the toilet."
He set Ashton besides the flower child couple and handed him an apple slice which he promptly licked happily.
Luke ran to the bathroom. "Niall? Are you dead?"
"Nope. Just swimmin'." Niall said. "But this is really gross so please get me out."
Luke went to the toilet and sighed. "I'm too old to be getting flower kids out of toilets." He scooped Niall out and brought him to the sink, where he washed his hands and Niall.
"How do we turn you back?" Luke asked thoughtfully as squirted soap onto Niall's head.
"Maybe we don't." Niall said ominously.
Luke frowned and tried to think of something. "There's gotta be someway."
He washed Niall off and handed him a washcloth to dry off.
"Maybe you should just turn into a flower child too and we can all run away together." Niall said as Luke carried him back to the kitchen.
"I can't do that, someone needs to supervise all of you." He said.
Niall glared at Ashton. "I'm going to kill you."
Ashton squeaked and got up, running around the counter top as Niall chased him.
"Luke! Save me!" Ashton cried.
Luke shook his head. "Nope. I'm leaving this one to karma."
Niall tackled Ashton and they rolled across the cut up apple slices.
"Hey I was eating that!" Harry pouted and Louis gave him a reassuring hug.
"Niall he was eating that!" Ashton said, as they fought. "You need to apologize!"
"You were the one who ruined it!" Niall shouted.
Luke hit his head against the wall. "You all are going in the tub." He said as Ashton and Niall wrestled, Harry cried loudly into Louis's shoulder, and the older boy yelled at Niall and Ashton for making his Hazza cry.
He grabbed them all up in his arms amd walked back to his house, where he dropped them on the sofa.
Niall ran in circles. "Shit Luke! I think I left my sink running!"
Ashton watched him and stuck his foot out.
Niall tripped over his foot and fell off the couch.
(im laughing at my own one shots im so pathetic)
Luke glared down at Ashton and the flower child shrugged up at him innocently.
Luke sighed and picked Niall back up. "Sorry Ni, Ashton's going into a time out."
Ashton gasped. "No! No Lukey please, I'm sorry! It was an accident! My foot had a spasm! Please don't put me in the tub!"
"Apologize to Niall." Luke said sternly.
Ashton sighed and hugged Niall. "I'm sorry Niall."
"Well Niall?" Luke asked.
"He's unforgiven." Niall pouted and Ashton glared. "What do you mean I'm unforgiven? Do I need to have another foot spasm up your ass?"
"Ashton Fletcher Hemmings." Luke shouted and Ashton froze.
"What did you just say?" Luke crossed his arms.
"N-nothing." Ashton looked at the ground.
"Are you lying to me?"
Ashton dug his foot into the couch and shrugged.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you."
Ashton slowly lifted his head but averted eye contact. "But if I do I'll burst out crying."
Luke sighed and picked him up. "You have a fifteen minute timeout for being mean to Niall, swearing and lying to me."
Ashton started crying and Luke nearly forgave him right then and there. But he had to stay strong or else Ashton would never learn.
"No Lukey! I don't want a time out!" Ashton cried, gripping Luke's shirt tightly when Luke tried to put him in the tub.
"Too bad." Luke finally freed his shirt from Ashton's tiny hands and he lowered the flower child into the tub. "Don't eat the soap."
Ashton kicked the side of the bathtub. "I do what I want, I'm adorable."
Luke walked back to the living room, where the other flower children had figured out how to turn on the TV and were watching the screen with big eyes.
Suddenly Niall frowned. "I feel funny."
Everyone looked at him as he stood up on the couch.
"What the...." Luke trailed off in shock as Niall started shaking, then suddenly changed back to normal size with a pop.
Niall stared at himself in shock. "Hey, I'm not a freak anymore!"
Harry glared at bit Niall's ankle.
"Yay, woohoo, congratz." Louis said as he watched the TV screen still.
"I guess the effects are only temporary." Luke marveled as Niall jumped off the couch.
"I guess so. Well, thanks for helping me. But I think Harry and Louis and especially Ashton should stay here with you. I don't think I can handle any more flower children in my life." Niall said as he walked to the door.
"But Niall-" Niall shut the door in Luke's face. He was 500% done.
Luke sighed and turned to face Louis and Harry. They were still watching the TV intently.
He decided Ashton could be off timeout now and went to the bathroom.
Ashton was sitting in the middle of the tub, a bar of soap in his lap.
It was half gone. He smiled up at Luke. "Now my mouth smells like mint!"
Luke closed his eyes and counted to ten.
His phone rang and he gratefully picked it up when he saw it was Niall calling.
"Hey man. We really did leave the sink running. My house has water damage so I'm moving into your place for a while. Cool? Cool." He hung up.
Luke gripped his phone angrily.
Louis called from the living room. "Luke! Michaels trying to eat Harry!"
Ashton licked the soap bar as the door bell rang.
"Luke! Now Calums trying to eat Harry too!"
He put his phone away and walked to the living room.
"Wait Luke, my timeout is over now! Get me out! Luke!" Ashton cried after him.
Niall came in through the door. "Is it cool if I sleep in your bed?"
"Bad kitties! You're making my Hazza cry!" Louis scolded.
"Luuuuke! I. Want. Out!" Ashton screamed.
Luke squeezed his eyes shut and counted to thirty. "The next person who pisses me off is sleeping on the roof!" He shouted.
Everyone was silent.
Harry looked up. "Um, my foots stuck in Michael's mouth a little bit."
"Luuuuke!" Ashton cried.
"Unhand my Hazza you demon!" Louis shouted, slapping Mikey and Calum.
Niall slowly walked to the kitchen.
"Luke! The soap made me burp bubbles but I'm strangely okay with it." Ashton called. "I'm going to eat some more."
Luke sighed and counted to a minute. "I am so done with flower children."
He picked up his phone and dialed two numbers. "Hey Zayn, hey Liam, can you come over for a minute?"
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