Niall's Flower Children Mishap
dedicated to AmandaBaldenebro
Niall carried the flower child lovebirds to his house, wondering how he was going to handle the two mischievous kids.
Louis and Harry held hands as they looked around the giant world as they sat on Nialls hand.
Louis grabbed Harry and pulled him back slightly. "Careful baby, don't want you to fall."
Harry scooted back and leaned against Louis. "Okay, sorry for scaring you."
"Sorry for calling you baby, I didnt know if you were okay with it or not."
"Im sorry for not telling you it was okay." Harry whispered, staring up at Louis with pure admiration.
Niall slapped himself repeatedly with his free hand.
"Sorry for making you apologize." Louis said, kissing Harry's curls softly and Niall screamed silently.
"Sorry for making you feel bad about apologizing."
Niall bit down on his finger.
"Sorry for-"
"No more!" Niall shouted. "No more apologizing for cute little things! No more adorable tiny love!"
"Excuse you." Louis looked aghast up at Niall. "Our love is not tiny!"
"Yeah!" Harry shouted up, falling across Louis's lap. "Its as big the moon! Or even bigger!"
"Son of a whore, I didn't sign up for this." Niall muttered as he unlocked his front door.
"Whore?" Harry asked, tilting his head to the side.
"What's a whore?" Louis asked, pressing tiny kisses to Harry's face.
"Nothing. It's a nothing. Don't repeat any thing I say. Ever." Niall backtracked.
He set them down on the coffee table in the living room. "Are you guys hungry? I can cut up some more fruit and set it on the table so you guys can eat whenever."
Louis looked to Harry. "Are you hungry Haz?"
Harry nodded and took Louis's hand.
Louis looked up at Niall and raised his and Harry's hand up.
Niall bent down and picked them up. He carried them to the kitchen and set them down on the counter.
He grabbed out a pine apple from the fridge and started cutting it into tiny pieces.
The flower children sat down and watched him, little flowers and patches of grass blooming where their skin touched the marble surface.
Niall hissed in pain suddenly, yanking his hand back as he accidentally cut his finger.
"I wanna help!" Harry announced, standing up.
"Oh, thanks Harry, but I think this is a just a one person job." Niall said, wiping off the blood.
Harry stomped his foot. "Harry wants to help!"
"Okay!" Niall shouted. He got out a little plastic knife and handed it to the flower child.
"Careful baby." Louis warned, standing up.
"I can do this." Harry poked his tongue out as he slowly cut the yellow fruit.
Louis poked Niall and glared up at him. "Who do you think you are, giving my Hazza an object that could hurt him?"
"He'll be fine!" Niall waved him off and Louis climbed onto his finger. He pointed to the cut. "Like you were fine?"
"Ouch, yes. Trust him."
"I do trust him! I'm just concerned for him." Louis plopped down on Nialls finger. "Its a flower child thing, we don't go good with sharp things and darkness."
"I did it!" Harry shouted triumphantly, holding a crudely cut piece of pine apple above his head. He ran up Nialls hand and bashfully handed it to Louis.
"Here you go...I cut this for you."
Louis stood up and took it. "Aw Haz! Thank you!"
Harry smiled at the ground. "It was nothing."
They started walking up Niall's hand to his shoulder, and the human gasped.
"Uh, one of your cute little flowers that appear every time you step just got into my I going to die?" He asked fretfully, examining his finger.
Louis shared the pineapple with Harry on Niall's shoulder. "I don't think so. Maybe you should call Luke."
"Yeah call Luke! I like Luke!" Harry swung his feet happily.
"Do you guys take anything seriously?" Niall sighed as he grabbed his phone amd dialed Luke's number.
It picked up on the third ring, and they could hear Luke and Ashton giggling in the background.
"Found you! Now you count to thirty and I'll hide." Luke said.
"But I don't know all the numbers!" Ashton pouted.
"Uh, Luke?" Niall asked.
"Yes you do, I taught you numbers last Wednesday!"
"...Luke." Niall said again.
"Well I forgot!" Ashton protested. "I wanna hide again! I promise I won't hide in your hair again."
"Luke!" Niall shouted and Luke jumped, dropping his phone.
Ashton giggled and ran to the phone. He flipped it upright and sat on it.
"Hello. The person you are trying to call is currently busy playing hide and seek. Please call back never." He pressed the end button with both his hands and hung up.
Niall gasped as Louis and Harry laughed on his shoulder.
His phone buzzed and Niall answered it.
"Sorry Ni, I put Ashton in the bathtub as punishment. So, what did you need?" Luke asked.
"Oh, I was just wondering if I was going to die because one of the flower children's flowers got in a cut I had." Niall explained.
"Uh...I don't know. I seriously dont think so, but I can come by tomorrow just in case?"
"Sure." Niall said. "Thanks, bye."
"Bye." Luke hung up and walked to the bathroom, where Ashton was crying in the tub.
Upon hearing his human enter, Ashton turned around and reached his arms up, crying and hiccuping to much to speak.
Luke sighed and picked him up. He gave the flower child a kiss on the forehead as Ashton sniffed and snuggled down against Luke's chest.
"I'm sorry." Luke murmured, carrying Ashton to his bed. "But you know not to hang up my calls like that. Niall was very concerned."
Ashton curled into a ball and gripped Lukes shirt tightly with both hands. "I don't like the bathtub. Get rid of it."
Luke plugged in the Christmas lights and flicked off the normal lights. He climbed into bed, cradling the flower child. "But then we can't take bubble baths together anymore."
Ashton sighed and looked up at Luke. "I like bubble baths...."
"Exactly." Luke gently placed Ashton in his crib but the flower child sat up quickly. "No! I want to sleep with you! The bathtub gives me nightmares."
Luke smiled and brought him to his bed instead.
The door opened and Calum and Mikey jumped up onto the bed, curling up together at the end of it.
"I have to go check on Niall tomorrow. Do you want to come with?" Luke whispered as Ashton's eyes slowly started to close.
"Mhm." He hummed, falling asleep on Luke's pillow.
"Okay." Luke pressed a kiss to Ashton's hair and pulled the blanket up over them both.
"Ready to go Ash?" Luke called, slipping on his shoes.
"Yeah!" Ashton came running down the stairs, Michael and Calum chasing him.
He ran to Luke and climbed up his legs. He gripped Luke's pocket and crawled inside. He stuck his tongue out at the angry cats.
Luke rolled his eyes fondly and started walking to Niall's.
"So what exactly happened?" Ashton asked.
"He got a cut and then a flower from Harry and Louis got into it. He's just concerned."
Luke explained.
They arrived at Nialls door and Luke knocked.
But after a few minutes had passed, Luke frowned and tried the doorknob. It was unlocked.
"Niall?" Luke called, walking inside. "Where are you?"
They heard the pitter patter of tiny foot prints as Louis came running up to them. "Hi Luke!"
"Hey Lou, where's Niall?" Luke crouched down to Louis's height as Ashton crawled out of his pocket.
"Hes in his room with Harry." Louis led the way back to Niall's room.
"Niall, you okay?" Luke called again, pushing the door open.
Louis giggled. "Not really."
Harry came around the bed and giggled beside Louis. "Hi Luke, hi Ashton."
Ashton smiled and waved as Luke went around the bed.
He gasped loudly.
"Niall! You're a flower child!"
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