"Who's that?"
"Him, the one alone in the corner."
"Him? Oh, don't bother talking to him."
"That's Ashton Irwin, and he won't ever answer you."
"Why not?"
"He's mute."
Luke's P.O.V.
I looked myself over in the mirror. Black skinny jeans, a Nirvana shirt. Simple. I didn't want to stand out today.
My dad got a promotion at work and we had to move. For everyone else, it was the last week of school, for me, it was the first day. Pretty stupid if you ask me.
"Luke! Are you ready?" My mom called. "Yeah!" I yelled down. I grabbed my backpack off my bed and went downstairs.
I skipped breakfast as we got into the car.
"You'll have to walk home, I don't get off work in time to pick you up." My mom said, pulling out of the drive way.
"Thats okay." I said, turning the radio to my favorite station.
A few minutes later we pulled into the parking lot and I got out. A few kids stared at me but I didn't mind. I stared at the new kids too.
I waved goodbye to my mom and went inside the building. I found my locker and dialed the combination I memorized last night.
I put my backpack away and grabbed my things that I would need for my first class.
As I was walking into the room, I heard someone say, "Alright, bye Cal!", and then that person crashed into me.
"Oof!" He gasped. "Shit sorry!" He reached a hand down and helped me up.
"It's fine." I smiled, picking up my stiff. He studied me. "Hey, are you in this class?" I nodded and he gasped. "Really? I've never noticed! Wow, sorry!" I laughed.
"I meant I'm new, I just moved."
"Oh." He smiled. "Well, you wanna sit by me? You can sit with me and my friend Calum at lunch too."
I grinned. "Thanks!"
We took our seats and the teacher came and passed out a study guide for the upcoming quiz.
"Pst!" He whispered. "What's number seven?"
"Forty two." I whispered back. He frowned. "But...this is History. Not math."
I laughed and the teacher gave me a look. I shut up and looked down at my paper.
"Hey, you should do this for me." He whispered again a few minutes later.
"Can't." I whispered back. He pouted. "Aw, why not?"
"I don't even know your name."
His eyes widened. "I never told you? Oh, sorry haha, I'm Michael."
I smiled. "I'm Luke."
After class he showed me to my next class.
"See you in lunch!" He waved as he ran off to his class.
"Bye!" I called. I turned around and bumped into someone.
"Oh! Sorry." I said but the guy didn't say anything. I looked up and saw he was already walking down the hall, his brown curls bouncing from his fast pace.
I frowned but shrugged at his weird behavior.
After that class I found my way to the lunch room.
I got my lunch and scanned the room, looking for Michael.
I saw the boy I had crashed into earlier. He was sitting alone, reading a book.
I was about to walk over to him when I heard Michael shout my name.
I walked over to his table and saw another guy standing there.
"Hey Luke, this is Calum." Mikey introduced me to an Asian looking boy. (I KNOW HES NOT ACTUALLY ASIAN THO OK) I smiled and he waved.
"Hey, so you're new?" He asked and I nodded. "It must be weird to be coming in here when there's only a week left of school." He comments.
"It is. But I don't have to take that upcoming History test." I said and Michael choked on his burger. "Wait, what? Then why did you do that huge packet?"
I shrugged. "'Cause it's fun." He rolled his eyes at me.
I looked around the room, searching for a trashcan after I had finished eating but instead I caught eye contact with the boy from earlier. He looked down quickly back at his textbook.
I turned back to the boys.
"Who's that?"
"Him, the one alone in the corner."
"Him? Oh, don't bother talking to him."
"That's Ashton Irwin, and he won't ever answer you."
"Why not?"
"He's mute."
My eyes widened. "Really? Why?"
He shrugged. "He hasn't told me."
Calum rolled his eyes. "Bad joke Mikey. Bad joke."
I looked over my shoulder at Ashton. He flipped a page in his book, his head resting in his hand.
"I wonder why he can't speak." I mused.
"Not can't, won't." Mikey said, turning to look at the mute boy too. "He can talk if he wants to, but he never has."
Calum turned too. "Weird boy."
"Should I go talk to him?" I asked. Calum shook his head. "I wouldn't."
"Why not?"
"He's mute! What are you guys going to talk about? Besides, I heard he doesn't have good social skills." Mikey said.
"Maybe he wants company."
Ashton looked up then and saw us all staring at him.
He looked uneasy and grabbed his book before running out of the room.
I groaned. "Great, now he thinks we're creepy."
The next day I decided I was going to sit by the mute boy. I was convinced he wanted company.
I sat down in the seat where he had sat yesterday.
Students stared at me as they filled until the lunchroom. I spotted Michael and Calum and waved.
They, like everyone else, gave me wide eyed looks.
And then he entered.
He stopped when he saw me sitting there. He looked around the room and started backing out.
"Wait!" I called, jumping over the table. "Sit with me! Be my friend!"
He ran out and into the hallway, leaving me no other choice but to tackle him.
His hazel eyes were wide with fear as I sat on his chest.
He was breathing hard and I realized I was probably cutting off his circulation slowly.
"Okay, um, I don't really know how to say this, so I'm just gunna say it. Why are you mute?"
He glared at me.
"Oh c'mon, please tell me!" He turned his head and faced the wall, refusing my question.
"Write it down? Email? Sign it?" I pressed.
He ignored me.
I heaved a sigh. "Alright fine. I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice."
I started tapping his chest. He gave me a weird look, then an uncomfortable one as I continued.
He squirmed beneath me. "I'll stop if you tell me why." I tempted but he just shook his head.
"What are you two doing?" A voice screeched.
I looked up and saw a teacher storming over to us.
I quickly scrambled off him and he gasped for air. Now I glared. "Hey! I'm not that heavy!"
"What's going on here?" She asked, crossing her arms at us.
I looked over at Ashton. "Wanna take this one buddy?" He glared at me and I rolled my eyes. "Alright fine. So what happened was-"
She stuck her hand in my face. "I don't wanna hear it. Detention, both of you. After school today."
I gaped after her as Ashton pressed his hands to his face, trying to hide his smile.
I glared. "What are you laughing at? You got detention too."
He just smiled.
Ashton's P.O.V.
I walked into the detention room. So far it was just me.
I took a seat in the back, just as that boy came in.
Of course he sat right next to me.
"Okay, I realize we may have gotten off on the wrong foot. So let's start over. Hi, I'm Luke." He stuck his hand out. I looked at it, then turned away.
He huffed. "Okay then, I see you're not But whatevs, I can handle that."
He put his head in his hand and stared at me.
And stared.
And stared.
And stared.
Finally I turned around, glaring at him.
He reached a finger out and poked my cheek. "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii." He said slowly, dragging his finger across my face.
I slapped his hand away and faced the front.
"Aaaashtoooooon." He whispered loudly. I was surprised, I didn't know he knew my name.
"Ashtooooon, why are you mute?" He asked.
I just glared at him.
He started reaching his hand out to poke me and I kept slapping his hand away.
"Okay fine." He muttered, facing the front of the room. He looked serious. "Just answer me this."
I cocked my head.
"Boxers or briefs?" He asked.
I hit my head on the desk and stayed that way for the rest of the hour.
Luke's P.O.V.
"Then what?" Calum asked me the next day at lunch.
"I asked him boxers or briefs?" I said, retelling the story of yesterdays detention.
Mikey burst out laughing. "Oh wow, really? I wish I had been there."
I scanned the lunchroom, looking for Ashton, but I didn't see him.
I pouted. "Hey, where is he?" Calum shrugged. "Sick?"
"Or hiding from you." Michael said, laughing.
I hit his head. "Haha. I'm going to the bathroom."
As I walked through the halls I sang a song I had just made up to the tune of Call Me Maybe.
"Ashton's a mute boy, he doesn't talk much, my name is Luke, I want to fuck him."
I came around the corner and saw Ashton standing there, looking horrified.
"How much did you hear? Nod once for all, twice for some." I said.
He nodded once.
I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Of course you did, this is fan fiction. Alright well...I suppose I can't ask you for your number now right?"
He shook his head.
"Right. Okay. Bye." I said, quickly running away.
I slammed my hand onto the table back at the lunch room.
"What's up?" Calum questioned.
I told them the story and they of course just laughed their asses off, offering no help.
The next day I was buzzing with excitement.
I was confident I was going to make Ashton talk today.
As soon as the bell rang for lunch I jumped out of my seat and ran into the door, forgetting to open it in my haste.
Students behind me rammed into me, pushing the door open by force.
I stumbled into the hall and ran to the lunch room.
"Hey! No running!" Yelled a familiar voice. It was the teacher who gave me detention yesterday.
I thought fast. "But ma'am, Ashton dared me to do it!"
"What?!" She stormed into the lunch room. "Ashton Irwin! Detention after school today!" She shouted, pointing a finger at him.
His eyes were wide and spread his arms out in bewilderment. I peeked out from behind the teacher and wiggled my fingers.
He narrowed his eyes at me.
And that's how I got detention two days in a row.
"Hey Ash, if you don't answer the question, you will regret it tomorrow." I threatened.
I was sitting behind him in the detention room.
He just flipped me off.
"Alrighty then. Be prepared for tomorrow." I whispered in his ear.
Of course I didn't plan on doing anything though, I just wanted him to talk.
He had been even more mute than usual all day, and it was frustrating me.
"WHY WON'T YOU TALK?" I yelled, making him jump.
The teacher supervising glared at me.
I hid behind Ashton. I petted his bandana.
"You look really cute today." I complimented.
He picked my fingers off.
"I love your pony shirt." I said. He huffed.
The bell rang then and he shot out of his seat.
"Wait Ashy!" I called. "Let me love you!"
I'm not going to tell you what happened when my mom found out about my detentions. This story isn't rated for that.
~Next day at lunch~
I saw Ashton sitting at his usual spot at lunch.
I went over to him, ignoring Cal's and Mikey's protests to not to.
"Hey cutie." I said, sliding up next to him. "Wanna get detention after school today? I'm free."
He shook his head. I rolled my eyes. "Just say one word and I'll leave you alone!"
He sighed and got up, sitting a few tables away.
I narrowed my eyes. I got up from my seat and dive-tackled him off the table, dragging him out of the lunchroom.
I brought us to the nearest bathroom and locked the door.
He shoved me off him and glared as I blocked the door.
"Please Ashton! Just say one word! One! I promise I'll leave you alone after that!"
Someone knocked on the door. "Go away, I'm shitting in here!" I yelled.
Ashton smiled at that and I grinned. "See! I can make you smile! I promise to make you smile everyday if you'll speak to me. I just wanna hear your voice."
The person knocked again, louder this time.
"I said I'm busy in here! Go away!" I yelled through the door.
Ashton tried walking past me but I grabbed his arm. "Please? Just one word?" He shook his head. "Ashy, it's the last day of school! please!"
The person pounded on the door and I lost my patience.
"LOOK I CAN'T SHIT ANY FASTER SO JUST-" I stopped when I saw it was the teacher who gave us detentions.
She narrowed her eyes at us. "What are you two doing in the girls bathroom?"
"T-the what?" I asked nervously, fiddling with my lip ring while Ashton died on the floor behind me.
"The ladies restroom?" She asked again, crossing her arms.
"Uh, right! Well uh, funny story, you're going to love it. So, Ashton and I are learning Braille, and uh, I see we misread the bumps on the bathroom sign."
"Ashton, is this true?" She asked, looking past me to him.
He wiped a tear and shook his head, still smiling.
She glared down at me. "Detention."
"This one is your fault." I grumbled to Ashton as I sat beside him in detention.
He shook his head.
I heaved a loud sigh. "Okay, you know what? I'm done. I don't care if you don't speak to me anymore. I don't even wanna know what your voice sounds like." I lied.
Then he suddenly smiled. He reached past me and grabbed my backpack.
"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked as he pulled out my notebook and a pen.
He scribbled something and then ripped out the page, handing it to me as the bell rang.
He winked and ran out.
I stood there like an idiot before suddenly snapping into action and opening the note.
Meet me by the gardens after school today, I have something to tell you.
"Yes!" I cried, jumping around. I grabbed my backpack and ran outside.
I spotted Ashton standing by the gardens and ran to meet him.
"Yeah?" I asked breathlessly. "What is it?"
He smiled and wrapped his finger around the collar of my shirt, pulling me into him.
He leaned in and whispered in my ear.
"I'm not actually mute."
I stood there, dumbfounded, while he smiled cutely at me.
"Wait, what? Then why....what?" I stumbled out.
"I paid Calum and Mikey to tell you I was so you would take interest in me."
He said. "I knew you liked me."
"And how did you know that?" I asked defensively.
"I knew it when we crashed into each other that day. It was obvious."
"I'm not obvious!" I said. He just smiled. "Yeah you are. I was right, wasn't I?"
He pressed something into my hand.
"Have a great summer Luke." He kissed my cheek and ran off.
I opened the note he had given me in shock.
On it was a phone number and the words;
Call me, cutie ;)
So there it is......idk what happened. it was going to b serious and turned into more of a comedy somehow.
Im sorry. i dont even...
Okay bai
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