Mini Ashton
"Hey, don't swear!"
Or in which Luke finds himself stuck with a tiny Ashton who slaps him whenever Luke swears.
Luke woke up with a yawn. Someone was pounding on his door.
"Luke get up! You're gunna miss your bus!" His mom yelled.
"Shit." He cursed as he sat up abruptly.
A tiny sting pierced his neck and he slapped a hand over the spot, exclaiming a "hey!" in protest.
"Don't swear!" A squeaky voice shouted up.
"What the fuck?" Luke looked down and saw a very little boy jumping off his shoulder and onto his lap.
The boy glared up at Luke and pinched his thigh. "I said don't swear!"
"Ouch! Don't do that!" Luke yelled.
"Don't swear." The boy retorted.
"What and who are you?" Luke asked, picking up the tiny being by the back of his shirt.
"Ashton Fletcher Irwin at your service!" The itty bitty boy smiled up proudly and saluted Luke.
"What are you?" Luke squinted at Ashton as he set the boy down on his hand.
Ashton was about as tall as Luke's middle finger. (Flower Child Ashton is as big as Luke's hand; fun fact)
"I'm here to help you." Ashton sat down in Luke's palm. "You swear too much and it's not healthy for your soul."
Luke snorted. "Really now?"
"Very berry really." Ashton nodded seriously. "I'm here to save your soul from being torn apart by," he looked around before leaning in and whispering, "bad words."
"Like fuck?" Luke grinned.
Ashton glared and slapped Luke's nose.
Luke yelled and jumped back, surprised that that had actually hurt. "Don't!"
"Don't swear!" Ashton countered.
Luke's mom pounded on the door again. "Luke! Get out here now! Your bus will be here in five minutes!"
Luke jumped up and Ashton fell off his hand, tumbling onto Luke's bed.
Luke cursed in his head as he hurriedly pulled on new clothes.
Ashton watched him. "Internal swearing is bad too."
"Shut up." Luke mumbled. "I don't have time right now. I'm gunna be late again!"
Ashton stood up on Luke's bed. He was too small to jump off, so he reached his arms up and clapped his hands to get Luke's attention.
Luke almost didn't hear him, Ashton was so tiny.
"What do you want?" Luke asked as he faced the small boy.
"I'm coming with you." Ashton announced. "Pick me up!"
Luke snorted. "Hell no. I don't want you hurting me all day! And my friends will think you're weird."
Ashton glared and ran up to Luke, pinching the boys leg.
"Ow, dammit!" Luke howled and swatted Ashton away. "Quit it!"
"Shush your mouth!" Ashton accused, pointing a finger up at Luke.
"I don't have time to deal with this." Luke muttered. He picked up his backpack and grabbed Ashton, stuffing the tiny boy into it.
"Bye mom!" He yelled as he ran out the door. He ran his hands through his hair as he hurried to the bus stop, hoping to look somewhat decent until he could get to his locker.
He had emergency brushes, breathmints and clothes in his locker for situations like these.
Plus a mirror.
He arrived at the stop just as the bus pulled up, and he climbed inside.
He sat in front of his two best friends, Calum Hood and Michael Clifford. "Hey guys." He said, turning around to face them.
He put his backpack beside him.
"Almost late again, Hemmings?" Michael shook his head. "Tsk tsk."
Luke rolled his eyes. "Shut up, Michael."
Michael glared. "You shut up!"
Ashton climbed around inside Luke's bag, and poked his head out of the top. He was glad Luke hadn't zipped it all the way shut.
He looked around. He was moving, and loud kids were all around him.
He squirmed out and slid down Luke's backpack. He ran across the seat and jumped onto Luke's back, and started his long climb to Luke's shoulder.
Luke glared at Michael. "Nuh uh! You shut up first!"
Mikey sighed. "Seriously? You're so immature."
"Just like you." Luke retorted.
"Slay." Calum coughed under his breath.
"He dissed himself as well!" Michael crossed his arms and sulked at Calum.
Ashton finally made it to his destination. "Your legs are really long." He panted, leaning against Luke's pale neck.
Luke gasped and clapped a hand over his little visitor and quickly turned back around.
"Ashton! What are you doing?" Luke hissed, holding the boy in his hands.
"Making sure you don't swear." Ashton reminded him. He curled into a ball. "And I'm cold."
Luke groaned. "I don't have a teeny tiny blanket with me or anything."
Ashton just smiled up at him until Luke couldn't help but smile back. "Alright, you can stay in my pocket. That should keep you warm."
He let Ashton crawl inside his pocket and he felt the little boy lay down inside the fabric.
He faced his friends again and they stayed that way until the bus stopped in front of their school.
Ashton was jarred awake by Luke suddenly standing up.
He grabbed onto the lip of Luke's pocket and pulled himself up so he could see out.
Luke was walking into some building that was even louder than the bus.
Ashton shrank back a bit by all the swearing he heard.
"Did you see Fred's fucking awesome new car yesterday?"
"...and then I was like hell no and she was all like I'm telling De'Quan..."
"What the hell do you mean you don't like tater tots?"
Ashton reached up and pulled Luke's shirt over him. He grabbed onto the fabric and began climbing up once again.
Luke stopped in front of his locker. He giggled when he felt tiny hands running up his torso.
Ashton finally emerged from Luke's collar and he jumped into Luke's locker. "Stop being so darn tall!" He plopped down to catch his breath.
Luke grabbed his books and a pencil. "Stop being so damn short."
Ashton immediately reached out and pinched Luke's arm.
Luke yelped and retracted his arm instantly. "You lil shit!"
Ashton pinched his chest this time and Luke glared. "I will lock you in here I swear to God."
"I'm just trying to save you!" Ashton wrapped his arms around himself and Luke noticed he was shaking slightly.
He sighed as his resolve dissolved. "Alright fine, but calm down on the pinching. That shit hurts."
Ashton bit Luke's hand, that was held open for him to climb onto.
Luke glared. "That hurt more!"
The bell rang then, and he gasped and slammed his locker shut and hurried to his class.
Ashton was held in Luke's hand, rather tightly, but his shivering only increased despite Luke's body heat.
Luke made it to class on time and he sat down beside his friends just as the last bell rang.
"Nearly late again I see." Michael mumbled under his breath.
"Shut the fuck up." Luke said.
Ashton shivered and bit Luke's finger.
Luke hissed but didn't do anything.
Throughout the day, Luke swore thirty two more times, each time resulting in a bite from Ashton.
By the time Luke grabbed Ashton and had run to the privacy of a bathroom stall, his hand was red and bleeding.
Luke set the tiny boy on top of the toilet and grabbed some toilet paper to stop the bleeding. "I can't do this anymore! No more biting!"
Ashton drew his knees to his chest and shook uncontrollably. "I-it's f-f-freezing in h-here."
Luke frowned and took pity on the small boy. "It isn't that cold." He sighed. "Can we work something else out? I can't have you biting me all the time. You don't have rabies right?"
Ashton was shivering too hard to answer.
Luke got down to his level. "Hey...are you okay? Whats up? Why are you so cold?"
"M-my h-heart." Ashton squeezed out. He fell over onto his side. "H-h-hurts."
Luke scooped him up as his frustration turned into concern. "What do you mean? What's going on?"
"F-f-freezing." Ashton mumbled. "From the i-inside out."
Luke gasped and stood up. "What! Why?"
"Every t-time you said a bad w-word." Ashton tried to explain but his teeth were chattering too hard to go further.
Already, Luke could feel his hands start on to go numb just from holding Ashton.
Concern turned to panic. "What can I do?" Luke asked desperately. "What do I do?!"
"N-nothing." Ashton sighed and shut his eyes. "T-too late."
"No!" Luke shouted. "Freaking no!"
Ashton slowly opened his eyes.
"No no no no no!" Luke rambled. His hands trembled as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I don't want you to freeze! You're so freaking cute and sweet and gosh darn it if I'm the reason someone as special and wonderful as you dies then- then, then..." He sniffed.
Ashton sat up. His shakes subsided. "D-do you m-mean that?"
Luke nodded. He kissed his finger then poked Ashton's face. "You mean hecka lot to me, even though I've only known you for a day."
Ashton beamed. "Y-you mean a l-lot to me too!"
Luke noticed his own hands had restored feeling. "Hey...what's going on? Again?"
"You didn't use bad words!" Ashton kissed Luke's thumb. "Congratulations!"
"Con..." Luke trailed off.
Ashton managed to stand up. "Using not bad words makes me happy. Happiness makes me warm inside." He smiled up at Luke.
"Oh!" Luke finally got it.
Ashton giggled. "You're silly."
Luke smiled and walked out of the bathroom stall.
He went to his locker and since he missed his bus, started walking home.
Ashton took his rightful place on Luke's shoulder.
"I promise Ash, I'll never swear again." Luke said.
Suddenly, his backpack split open and all his papers fell out and scattered down the sidewalk.
Ashton raised his eyebrows at him and he sighed.
"Starting now."
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