Mine To Hold
dedicated to Wolfiegirl1997 for the idea!
Luke comes from a bad home. His parents don't care about him and his stepdad beats him.
The only thing that brings him happiness is Ashton, his hot new English teacher.
"It's time to get up, it's time to get going, going to see some friends of mine, so get the fuck up!" Mikey screamed into Luke's ear.
Luke shot out of bed and landed on the floor with a thud and a yelp.
"One, what the fuck are you doing in my room? Two, how the fuck did you get in my room, and thirdly, you have no friends." Luke glared as he got up.
"One, I'm waking you up for the first day of school dumbass, two, you left the door open. Seriously, not just unlocked, open. Thirdly, I do to! Calum!" Michael rolled his eyes. "C'mon, I'm going to raid your fridge then drive you to school so put some pants on."
Luke grumbled but changed his shirt and pulled on a new pair of black skinny jeans.
When he came down stairs, he saw Calum had gotten into his house too and was sharing a waffle with Michael.
"You should really start closing your door." Calum said. "Good waffles though."
"You're paying for that." Luke sighed and got down a box of cereal.
Michael checked his phone and choked on his food. "There's no time!" He tackled Luke and dragged him out of the house, leaving the door open.
"But my breakfast!" Luke cried, still reaching for it.
"School starts in six minutes! Eat at lunch!" Mikey shoved him into his car and jumped into the drivers seat.
Calum came flying in through the window. "Why do you guys always leave me?" He pouted.
"Why do you insist you're Kiwi Scottish when you're clearly Asian?" Luke countered, trying to clip on his seatbelt as Michael swerved the car, as if that will take them to school faster.
"I hate you." Calum grumbled. "Now I'm sad and need kisses."
"I volunteer as tribute!" Michael cheered as they pulled into the schools parking lot.
Luke was bewildered. "Dude how did we get here so fast? I literally just got buckled."
"No time for explanation!" Michael opened his door and yanked him out. "Four minutes till school starts!"
"Who cares?" Luke groaned as Michael pushed him into the school. "It's the first day, they won't mark us tardy!"
"You never know, Mr. Gorge always does." Calum said, running up beside them.
"I hear that new teacher is super lenient though." Mikey said. "Cos he's like, new and stuff."
"What does he teach?" Luke asked as Mikey slammed him into his locker repeatedly, trying to knock it open.
"English and History I think." Calum thought.
"Hey, can you check what class I have first?" Luke asked, and Michael stopped hitting him to look at Calum, who was holding all their schedules.
"You mofos are lucky I grabbed these." He grumbled, pulling out Luke's. "English, room 150."
"What about me?" Mikey asked. Calum looked down. "Floral Design, Portable C." Calum looked up at him and snickered. "Floral Design?"
"Don't only girls take that class?" Luke laughed as the bell rang.
"Yeah, exactly." Mikey winked at them and grabbed his schedule. "Later."
"Bye Calum." Luke waved as Calum left and opened his locker, pulling out a notebook and folder.
He slammed it shut and ran down the hall to his class.
He was the last one there and everyone turned to look at him as he walked in.
But Luke barely registered them. He was too busy staring at the man who was standing in front of the class.
He hardly looked like a teacher, he was wearing clothes that were closer to Luke's generation than his co workers.
Black skinnies, long sleeved gray button up shirt and a black fedora. With his glasses and the hat, he reminded Luke of Patrick from Fall Out Boy.
"If you're looking for a seat, you're not going to find it on my face." He teased and Luke realized how long he had been staring.
He winked and sat down at the nearest seat.
"Okay, so as I was saying, this is my first year of teaching, so I'd like to get to know my first students, so I'm going pass out a paper that has questions on it for you to fill out so I can get to know you better." Mr. Irwin said, turning to grab a stack of paper.
As he turned, Luke checked out his ass.
Luke smirked. He had noticed all the girls check out the teachers ass too, and a few boys as well. This must be the new teacher everyone was talking about.
Well Luke liked him.
A lot.
It was obvious he would have to stand out so Mr. Irwin would notice him.
The papers were passed out and Luke quickly filled his out.
Name: Luke Irwin
Favorite Book:Fifty shades of grey
Favorite Movie: probably a porno
How do you learn best? Lots of hands on activities ;)
Where do you wish to sit in the class?
Your face
What goals do you have for this class? Let me have your children
Any questions you have for me?
You got a bae? Are you gay? Would you go gay for me if the situation calls for it? Would you if the situation didnt call for it?
Please let me bear your children.
"Okay," Mr. Irwin stood up. "If you're done, you can hand your papers in to me." A few students and Luke got up and walked over to him.
When it was Luke's turn, he made sure their hands brushed, and he lingered there for a while. "Sorry for coming late. I was up late last night, working out." He smiled.
Mr. Irwin took the paper and returned the smile. "First day huh?" He poked Luke's thin arm.
Luke laughed and turned around. "Actually it was leg day." He bent down and looked over his shoulder at Mr. Irwin. "Can you tell?"
"Tell it was your first day? Most definitely." Mr. Irwin smirked. "Please take your seat, you're holding up the line."
Luke straightened up and strutted back to his seat.
After collecting papers, Mr. Irwin stood up.
"I think it's time we went around the room. Say you're name and then tell us something about you. We'll start with this row."
When it was Luke's turn, Mr. Irwin smiled, as if he knew what was coming.
"I'm Luke and I'm good at sex." He winked and Mr. Irwin cheeks reddened slightly. He pushed his glasses back up his nose with a finger. "Oh...congratulations. Next?"
The class laughed and continued.
Luke knew Mr. Irwin would remember him now, but he wasn't satisfied. He wanted to know more about his teacher.
So when the bell rang and everyone poured out of the room to get to their next class, Luke walked up to Mr. Irwins desk.
Mr. Irwin typed on his computer and didn't look at him. "Can I help you?"
"Yeah, I have some questions to ask you." Luke said, pulling up a chair.
"You asked questions on that paper." Mr. Irwin said, finally facing him.
"I have more. What's your name?"
Mr. Irwin sighed. "Ashton."
"How old are you?"
"You're going to be late to your next class." Ashton said.
"You can write me a pass. How old are you?" Luke asked again.
"If you must know, I'm twenty four." Ashton said. "Satisfied?'
Luke smiled. "For now. See ya tomorrow Ashton!" He left before he could correct him, and was late to his second hour.
"I'm so glad we have lunch together." Luke gushed as he forced himself in between Calum and Michael. "Let me tell you about my day so far."
The couple rolled their eyes at Luke as the third wheel boy talked about his day.
"And now were on a first name basis." He wrapped up, stealing a french fry from Calum, who was too busy looking at Michael with a dreamy smile.
"Wow...incest much?" Mikey asked.
"Yeah, and why did you tell the whole class you're gay? Now everyone's gunna know." Calum said, snapping out of it.
"Oh grow up, this isn't like the movies." Luke rolled his eyes. "I'm gunna go eat lunch in the teachers lounge, where I'm appreciated." He huffed and stood up, grabbing his tray.
"I really don't think your appreciated there." Michael called after him, right before Calum attacked him with kisses.
Luke kept walking, and soon found the teachers lounge.
The door was locked, so he knocked.
The door opened and Luke frowned when it wasn't Ashton.
"Excuse you, you're not Ashton. Why would you think it's okay not to be Ashton?" Luke glared and pushed past him. "The manners here are terrible, people thinking it's acceptable to not be Ashton."
"Who are you?" The teacher asked. "Students aren't allowed to be in here."
"And you're not allowed to not be Ashton." Luke retorted.
The man lowered his head to the floor in shame. "Everyone always likes the new teachers more than me." He walked out of the room in a cloud of depression.
Luke set his tray down on a counter and looked around for his teacher. "Ashton? Mr. Irwin? Mr. Ashton Irwin? Come have lunch with me! We can count it as a date!"
The door opened and Luke beamed when he saw it was his teacher.
Ashton was surprised. "Hey, what are you doing in here?"
"I need.....tutoring." Luke said. Aw yeah, you go Luke.
Ashton raised an eyebrow. "Its the first day of school, I haven't taught you anything yet."
God dammit Luke, you worthless toothpick.
"Uh, I didnt understand the stuff from last year?" Luke's voice got high.
"Oh. Okay...." Ashton sat down and Luke sat down beside him.
He suddenly smelt the older mans cologne and a vision of Ashton bending him over a table popped into his head.
"Let me explain this in the sexiest way I can." Vision Ashton whispered in Luke's ear.
Luke snapped to attention as Ashton called his name. "Huh? What? Yeah okay, so I'll meet at your room after school for tutoring everyday. Got it thanks!" And he ran out, leaving his tray and a confused Ashton behind.
After school, Luke ran to Ashton's room and waited for the last person to leave before leaning against the doorway in a suggestive pose.
"Hello Ashton." Luke winked.
Ashton sighed. "What Luke?"
"I'm here for the tutoring." Luke shut the door and walked to his teachers desk.
"I thought you were joking." Ashton frowned.
"I never joke about school." Luke said seriously, leaning in. "Ever."
"Okay," Ashton leaned back. "Take a seat and we can start."
Luke went to a desk in the first row and bent over it. "Is this okay to start with?"
Ashton looked over at him and dropped the papers he was holding. "What are you doing?!"
"I didn't understand the stuff from sex ed." Luke bit his lip. "Help me?"
Blush rose to Ashton's cheeks. "I'm not that kind of teacher, I teach history and English is all."
"Oh, so should I teach you then?" Luke laid down on the desk. "I can show you what I know."
"Um, no. Let's just stick with English." Ashton said, picking up his papers.
"But thats boring." Luke whined. "Teach me something else!"
"Like what? History?" Ashton asked.
"Try again."
"How about foreplay? They never teach you that in school." Luke said, sliding off the desk and walking up to Ashton.
"Well, yeah, because of obvious reasons." Ashton stuttered and backed up as Luke advanced. Luke smelled like summer for some reason.
"You should start your own foreplay club. It can be just us two." Luke said. His teacher was taller than him, but only by a few inches.
"No Luke, we need to focus." Ashton said firmly, regaining his authority. "This is inappropriate and against the rules."
"What is?" Luke asked innocently, tracing his finger down Ashton's chest.
"That." Ashton grabbed Luke's hand and pushed him off. "I have work to do, so if you're not here for tutoring, please leave."
Luke sighed. "Fine." He turned and stalked out of the room.
He met up with Calum and Michael, who were making out in Michaels car.
He climbed into the back and slammed the door shut angrily.
"I'm mad." He announced, crossing his arms and slouching.
Calum and Michael pretended not to notice him and continued to kiss.
"I'm super mad." Luke said, louder this time. He leaned forward. "I might just unplug a lamp out of anger."
Calum rolled his eyes and pulled back. "Fine you cockblock. Why are you mad?"
"Ashton doesn't love me." Luke pouted.
"Lots of people don't, don't take it personally." Michael said, grabbing Calum to kiss him again but Luke interjected.
"What can I do to make him fuck me?" He wondered aloud and Michael sighed.
"I don't know! Be sweet and romantic! That's what girls like."
"How do you know that?" Calum sounded hurt.
"That was when I thought I was straight." Michael assured Calum.
"Those were the dark days." Calum agreed.
"That's it!" Luke shouted, making Michael and Calum jump back from each other again in fear.
"What?" Calum asked irritably.
"I'll send him roses and chocolates and pretend to be a secret admirer and then when he falls in love with me I'll reveal myself and he'll want to throw me on a bed and fuck me right then and there!" Luke smiled. "This is a good plan."
"Fine! Whatever!" Michael rolled his eyes. "Will you please just shut up now?"
"There's no time!" Luke shouted. "Quick, drive me to the nearest floral shop peasants!"
"Or nah." Calum grabbed Mikeys shirt and pulled him in for a kiss.
"Peasants." Luke whined, kicking the seats in front of him. "Peasants."
"Ugh all right already!" Michael yelled. "I made a bouquet for floral design, I can give it to you to send to Mr. Irwin. Now shut up and walk home."
"Yeah, quit ruining Sexy Malum Makeout Time." Calum complained.
"Thanks!" Luke beamed. "Love ya guys." He climbed out of the car and hurriedly ran home.
Luke knew he was in trouble as he neared his house.
He was late, and being late always resulted in a beating.
He quietly opened the door and silently kicked his shoes off. He put them in the closet to make it look like he had been here already, but his plan was in vain when he went into the living room and saw his step dad drinking on the couch.
"You're late." The man said.
"I'm sorry." Luke apologized quickly. "I stayed after."
"Why?" He rose off the couch and advanced towards a shaking Luke.
"T-tutoring." Luke whimpered, backing up as Daxis cornered him.
"It's the first day of school and you're already stupid?" Daxis shouted. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Nothing!" Luke cried. "Please Daxis, please leave me alone!"
"I told you not to call me that." Daxis growled.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Luke screamed as Daxis grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the corner.
He threw Luke outside in the backyard.
Luke tripped and rolled a few feet before he managed to stop himself. His skinny jeans were ripped at the knees and his palms were bleeding.
Daxis marched over to him. "You worthless fuck! Your mom told me she regrets having you. You were her biggest mistake."
"No!" Luke cried. "That's not true!"
Daxis hauled him up and kneed Luke in the stomach.
Luke moaned and fell back to the ground, where Daxis kicked him repeatedly. "Stupid, worthless, gay, fuck!" He yelled with every kick, until Luke was a crying mess on the ground.
"No no no no no." Luke mumbled into the grass. "You're lying, you're a liar."
Daxis threw his beer bottle to the ground and it shattered, a few shards raining on Luke. "Don't bother coming to dinner tonight."
He spat on the ground and walked back inside.
Luke brushed glass pieces off him and curled in a ball to cry.
"Luke?" Michael called the next day, knocking on Luke's door.
"This is weird, Luke never locks his door." Calum said.
"I'm going to call him." Michael said, pulling out his phone.
In the backyard, Luke woke up to the feeling of his cell buzzing in his pocket.
Slowly, painfully, he reached into his pocket and pulled it out.
Mikey flashed across the screen and Luke knew he would get in trouble if he didn't answer.
"Hello?" Luke hated the way his voice cracked. He slowly sat up, wiping dried blood onto the grass from his hands.
"Luke! Hey, where are you? We're at your door but its locked. Are you okay?" Michael's worried voice asked.
"Yeah. Yeah my stepdad must have locked it." Luke painfully stood up. "I'll be out in a minute."
He hung up and went in the back door.
He quickly went to his room to change clothes first before opening his door and letting his friends in.
"Why don't you ever call Daxis, Daxis?" Mikey asked.
Luke shrugged and pulled a beanie on as he went to the kitchen.
Calum followed them. "Are you okay Luke? You don't look so good."
"I'm fine." Luke waved them off. "Let's just eat quick and get to school."
"Oh, here's the bouquet by the way." Michael remembered, pulling out a red and pink assortment of flowers.
Luke took it and smiled. "It's beautiful! Thank you Michael."
Calum made them pancakes quick, and then they were driving to school.
Luke rolled the flowers in his hands. "How do I leave it for Ashton?"
"Who?" Calum asked.
"Mr. Irwin." Luke explained. "His door is locked because he's not there yet."
"You could leave it in his mailbox." Michael suggested. "It's in the main office."
"Okay." Luke agreed.
When they arrived, he went to the office and stuck the bouquet into the wooden box that was his teachers mailbox.
Only the stems fit in, so the flowers bloomed out. It was a pretty sight.
Luke looked around quick to make sure no one saw, before hurrying to his locker.
Ashton pulled into the parking lot and climbed out of his car.
Some students of his smiled at him and waved.
He returned the gesture and smiled.
He was really popular here. He wondered if Luke was going to come again for after school tutoring again.
He stopped by the office to get his mail first and was surprised to see an overflowing bouquet of roses in his mailbox.
He walked up to it and pulled them out. It smelled like summer, and something familiar.
He smiled and checked for a note or tag, but there was nothing.
He frowned and walked to the front desk.
"Hey Meredith? Do you know who delivered these?" Ashton asked.
The receptionist looked over the top of her glasses. "Oh my those are beautiful! No, I don't sorry. Do you have a secret admirer, Mr. Irwin?" She grinned as Ashton blushed.
"Thanks Meredith." He hurried to his room.
He set the flowers on his desk.
A few minutes later, students started coming into the room.
Luke entered, made brief eye contact with his teacher, and smiled at the roses before taking his seat.
Ashton watched him for a bit, but he didn't say or do anything regarding the flowers.
Ashton stood up and passed out their first worksheet. He told them what to do and got them started before returning to his desk.
Luke closed his eyes and laid his head down on the desk, pulling his beanie down.
Ashton frowned and walked up to him. "Luke? Are you all right?"
Luke sat up and smiled. "Fine. But maybe a kiss will make it better?"
Ashton rolled his eyes. "Do you need the nurse or not?"
Luke picked up his pencil and scratched it across his paper. "I'm fine."
Ashton watched him make marks and doodles on the paper. "Do you understand the assignment?"
Luke looked up at him. "If I say no, will you tutor me?"
Ashton narrowed his eyes. "Will you be appropriate?"
"Promise." Luke winked.
"Alright. Come to my room after school." Ashton said and went back to his desk.
He admired his flowers and smiled. They really were beautiful.
After school could not come fast enough for Luke.
As soon as the bell rung, he ran to Mr. Irwin's room.
"Knock knock." He said as he entered.
Ashton looked up from his papers. "Have a seat Luke."
Luke sat on the teachers desk. He plucked a flower out. "Who gave you these?"
Ashton huffed irritably. "I don't know. Now take a seat in a desk."
Luke smiled and broke the rose off the stem. He leaned forward, putting the rose behind Ashton's ear.
Ashton tried to contain his blush. "You killed my flower."
"So what are we learning today? I'm still hoping for that foreplay club." Luke winked.
"English." Ashton said firmly. "Only and always English."
"Boo." Luke complained.
"Sit in a desk and take out the worksheet." Ashton said and Luke made a face but obeyed.
"Now, what about the assignment are you not understanding?" Ashton asked.
"All of it!" Luke complained.
"Okay." Ashton sat beside Luke. "Do you remember how to properly write a five paragraph essay from last year?"
"No." Luke sighed. "I don't remember anything. I'm stupid."
"Hey," Ashton frowned. "No you're not. I bet you could be my smartest student if you apply yourself."
"Doubt it." Luke mumbled. "Can we kiss now?"
Ashton sighed. "If you finish this worksheet, I'll give you a hug. Okay?"
Luke smiled. "Tomorrow will you give me a kiss?"
"No." Ashton stood up. "Stay focused."
Luke whined. "I'm trying! It's not my fault your perfect ass is all I can see!"
"Lucas!" Ashton snapped, blushing as he turned around. "You promised you wouldn't be innappropriate!"
"No, I said promise. There's a difference." Luke smirked. "Can we take a fuck break now?"
"Last warning Luke," Ashton said, "One more inappropriate comment and I'll write you a refferal."
"Fine." Luke groaned and sat back in his seat.
Ashton arrived at his house a few hours after Luke left his room.
The boy had finally finished the assignnment, after Ashton gave him a reluctant hug.
Ashton looked down at his shoulder and frowned for the upteenth time.
The tears were faint, but he could still see the three small stains Luke's eyes had made during the hug.
What had made the boy cry during the hug? Luke didn't seem like the emotional type.
He sighed and pulled into his driveway.
Something bright caught his eyes, and he walked to his door to see a teddy bear holding a box of chocolates taped to his door.
He smiled as he read the small note. For you, love you.
He brought the candy and stuffed animal inside. He tried one of the chocolates. It was delicious.
He knew he was too old to be sleeping with animals, but he made an exception tonight.
Luke sniffed and wiped his eyes. His head pounded from Daxis's latest beating.
His hands were shaking and he wanted to call Michael and Calum so bad but if he did, then they would know.
He didn't know why, but for some reason, he just couldn't tell his friends. It was a bad idea.
He wished he could call Ashton.
He imagined Ashton kicking down the front door, interrupting Daxis from hitting Luke again.
Daxis would rage who the hell do you think you are?
And Ashton would narrow his eyes and reply someone you just pissed off.
And then he would kick Daxis's ass and Luke would be saved. Ashton would take him far away, and they would live happily together until the end of time.
But of course, Luke was stuck imagining that in his head, since that would never happen.
A few weeks passed, and Ashton continued to get notes and flowers from his admirer. He originally thought he was straight, but that went out the window when he fell in love with his secret admirer, and he had no idea of the gender.
Luke continued to stay after school with him, and although the flirty smirk never left his face, the fire behind his eyes burned out a little more each day.
Ashton was worried, but whenever asked if he was okay, Luke always responded that he was, and added some kinky remark.
But one day, Luke didn't show up for school.
Or the next day, or the next three days after that.
It was Friday, and Luke was gone again and something deep inside Ashton told him something was terribly wrong.
The secret admirer had stopped sending him gifts, and it had set Ashton on edge.
Knowing he would get in trouble for this, he went to the schools address book and looked up Luke's address.
"Can't believe I'm doing this." Ashton muttered as he got into his car and drove. "I'm going to get fired, and he's probably just sick or something." But he couldn't talk himself out of it, and soon he pulled up to Luke's house.
The lights were all off when he got there, and it didnt seem like anyone was home.
But Ashton had not just come all this way to leave with no answers.
He made sure no one was outside, before running to a window and peeking inside.
It was all dark and Ashton felt foolish for coming out here. Obviously, no one was home.
But then, where was Luke? If he was sick, then wouldn't he be at home?
Ashton frowned. This wasn't adding up.
He went to the front door and knocked.
To his surprise, man answered the door a few moments later.
"Can I help you?" The man asked.
Ashton was a bit taken aback. "Um, hi. I was just wondering if Luke was here. I'm his teacher, and I was a little concerned since he wasn't at school for the past week."
"He's fine." The man snapped and was about to shut the door, but a familair face came into view.
"Ashton?" Luke asked in amazement. His face was bruised and bleeding, and he was holding his arm in a painful manner.
Ashton gasped and the man slammed the door shut.
"Why is your teacher here? I told you not to tell anybody!" The man shouted and Luke cried out. "I'm sorry! I didn't tell anybody, I swear!"
Ashton took a step back from the door as he heard a loud smack, and the sound of something hitting the floor.
"Who else did you tell?" The man demanded.
"No one! I didn't tell anyone." Luke sobbed. "Please, Daxis-"
"I've told you not to call me that! You stupid gay fucker!"
The man, Daxis, shouted and Luke screamed out again.
Ashton ran back to the door and pounded on it. "Luke? What's going on?"
Click. The door locked and Daxis hissed out, "Go away."
"Ashton!" Luke cried out. "I love you!"
Ashton gasped and froze.
The handwriting on the notes, the summertime smell of the flowers, Luke's constant need of affection for Ashton, Luke was his secret admirer.
Luke was convinced he was going to die tonight.
He just knew it. Daxis was going to kill him.
In an act of desperation, Luke cried out, "Ashton! I love you!"
He had to know. Luke shielded his face from Daxis's kicks, but he wasn't blocking much. His tears blinded him.
Daxis raised his foot for the final kick and Luke squeezed his eyes shut.
But instead of a foot colliding with his face, they both stopped when they heard a loud bang, and the front door fell off its hinges and slammed to the floor.
Luke stared up in amazement at Ashton, who was holding his shoulder and glaring at Daxis.
"Who the hell do you think you are?" Daxis yelled.
"Someone you just pissed off." Luke mouthed the words as Ashton said them angrily.
"Yes..." Luke whispered, his eyes sparkling.
"Get out of my house before I call the police!" Daxis snarled.
"I already called them." Ashton said. "They'll be here momentarily to arrest your homophobic ass."
Daxis made to punch Ashton, but stopped when his words sunk in.
He debated wether it was worth it to stay, but decided it wasn't and ran out the broken door.
Ashton immediately ran to Luke's side. "Oh my God, Luke, are you okay? I can't believe I didn't see the signs, this is all my fault." Ashton held Luke close, crying softly.
"I could really use that kiss now." Luke smiled feebly and Ashton laughed through his tears.
He lowered his head to Luke's and kissed him softly.
Luke closed his eyes and savored the taste of Ashton.
But all too soon, Ashton pulled away, tears of a different kind in his hazel eyes.
"This is wrong Luke. I'm too old for you, I'm your teacher!"
"You're not too old for me!" Luke gripped Ashton's shirt to prevent the older boy from leaving. "Age is just a number!"
"But in this case, it's a very important number." Ashton said, biting his lip.
"No, really, you're not too old for me." Luke said, struggling to sit up. "I'm legal."
"You're...what?" Ashton blinked.
"I'm eighteen. I'm legal." Luke smiled.
"But, when?" Ashton asked.
"Today." Luke shrugged. "Happy birthday to me, uh?"
"You're eighteen?" Ashton asked in disbelief.
"Look it up if you don't believe me." Luke said. "I'm legal, we can be together."
"Oh Luke..." Ashton helped him stand as two policemen came in.
"What happened here?" One asked, taking in the busted down door and the destroyed living room.
"Luke, why don't you go wait in my car? I'll talk to the police for you. Is there any relatives I can take you too?" Ashton asked softly, bending down to Luke's height.
Luke nodded and hugged Ashton. "My aunt lives a few towns over."
"Okay." Ashton pressed a gentle kiss to Luke's forehead, before letting him go.
Luke sat in his teachers car and watched out the window as Ashton talked with the two policemen.
A few minutes later, he came back to the car, climbing into the drivers seat beside Luke. "Do you need to pack anything to take to your aunt's? She's already been notified of what's happened."
Luke nodded. "I can pack something quick."
"Hey Luke?" Ashton stopped him as he made to get out. "Where are your mother and brothers?"
"They left. I don't know where." Luke cast his eyes down. "She disowned me and left Daxis to be my guardian."
"Oh..." Ashton looked thoughtful. "Go get packed, I'll wait here."
A few minutes later, Luke shoved his bag into Ashton's trunk and climbed into the car.
The drive to the hospital was silent and Ashton glanced over to see Luke asleep.
He gently shook Luke awake when they reached their destination and helped Luke into the hospital where the police were waiting.
After the check up, the nurse let Ashton into the room to talk to Luke.
"I have good news and bad news, then good news." Ashton said as he entered.
"Okay...?" Luke tried getting comfy on the small hospital bed.
"The first good news is, they caught Daxis and arrested him." Ashton said, sitting on the edge of the bed. Luke sat up. "Really? He's going to jail?" Luke couldn't help but break out in a smile.
"For a long time." Ashton nodded. "Bad news, since he was your legal gaurdian, and now he's in jail, you have no one to look after you. Your aunt said she would step in and be your new guardian."
Luke thought about it. "That's okay, I guess. She's nice."
"And the last good news," Ashton couldn't help but grin. "She signed the guardianship papers over to me."
Luke gasped. "You mean...?"
"You can live with me, if you want. Since you're eighteen, you can choose to live somewhere else, but if you want to-" Luke cut Ashton off by hugging him tightly.
"Yes yes yes! I would love to live with you!" Luke said happily. "I can't believe this is happening."
Ashton smiled and tilted Luke's chin up so they could kiss.
"Happy birthday Luke."
my follow/followers thing pissed me off for the last time so i unfollowed a lot of u and i feel so terrible, because i really really really want to follow all of u, because u all deserve it, but it keeps spazzing out and im just so sick of it. I'm sorry :(
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