Luke's Flower Child Part 5
*dances in Japanese*
"Luuuuuuke!" Ashton called, running into Lukes bedroom.
"Ashton!" Luke quickly pulled a blanket over himself. "I'm getting dressed!"
"Not like I haven't seen it all before." Ashton dismissed with a giggle.
Luke huffed and quickly pulled on his clothes. "What do you want, Ash?"
Ashton bit his lip and beamed, plopping onto the ground and squeezing his toes. "Guess what day it is!"
"Um, Flag day?"
Ashton shook his head, still beaming. "Nuh uh, keep guessing!"
"Tuesday?" Luke guessed, sliding on his socks.
"It's Monday!" Ashton squeaked. "Two guess left!"
"Wait...its not Christmas, is it?" Luke asked.
Ashton frowned. "No! It's still summer!"
Luke shrugged. "Ah, gee, I'm all out of guesses then."
Ashton gasped, tears welling up. "Wha- no! You can't be done, you haven't guessed correctly yet!"
"Sorry." Luke stepped over the small flower boy and headed to the bathroom.
Ashton grabbed onto Luke's socks and let himself be carried down the hallway via foot. "Luuuuuke! It's the most important day in the world!"
"It's not Halloween." Luke frowned, pulling out a brush to style his hair.
Ashton glared and started climbing up Luke's legs. "No, it's not! It's something better!"
"I already guessed Christmas." Luke said as he picked Ashton up and set him on the counter.
"Luke," Ashton pouted and tears welled up. "Did you really forget?" He kicked his little feet in frustration, sending flowers flying.
"Forget what?" Luke finished his hair and scooped up Ashton.
They headed out the front door and across the street.
Ashton crossed his arms and turned away from the human. "I'm not talking to you ever again never!"
Luke smiled to himself and knocked on Nialls door.
A moment later the blonde opened it and Ashton gasped.
"Happy birthday, Ashton!" Niall, Luke, Harry and Louis sang.
Ashton took in all the decorations and stood up in Luke's hand. He slapped the humans chest. "You jerk face! You made me believe you forgot my birthday!"
Luke chuckled and set the flower child down on the floor. "I could never."
To himself he muttered, "You never shut up about it, how could I?"
Harry ran forward and squeezed Ashton in a tight hug. "Happy bir'day!" He squeaked. "Now you're old enough to drink!"
"I don't know how old I am." Ashton blinked. "And I can't drink alcohol."
Harry sighed. "Me neither, I just thought saying that would make me seem smart."
Louis came up and kissed Harry. "My Hazza is the smartest Hazza ever!"
He hugged Ashton too. "Bappy Hirthday, Ash! Let's play some more pranks later."
Ashton beamed. "Yes!"
"Ready for some cake?" Niall asked. "Ah who am I kidding, of course you are."
Everybody followed him into the kitchen, where a beautiful cake covered in copious amounts of icing sat on the table.
Luke picked up the flower children and set them on the table.
Harry pointed to a spot on the cake. "That's where I fell in."
"I saved him!" Louis shouted, raising his hand.
"That can be Harrys piece then." Ashton nodded.
"Hey wait, can you guys even eat cake?" Niall wondered. "It's not fruit."
"A little bit should be fine." Ashton said.
"You just want to eat the frosting," Luke rolled his eyes.
Ashton did finger guns at his human. "You got that right, Hemmings."
Luke frowned. "Don't call me that."
"Harry first!" Harry shouted and dove in.
"Harry you can't breathe cake!" Louis ran over and started yanking him out.
"I can try!" Harry wailed, straining to get to the cake.
After everyone had a piece of cake, (with the flower children's pieces indefinitely smaller than the humans pieces), they gathered in the living room for presents.
"Open mine first!" Harry ran in circles excitedly.
Niall brought out the gifts and planted one in front of Ashton. It was pink and about a foot tall.
"What is it?" Ashton stared in awe.
"Open it silly!" Harry giggled into his hands.
Ashton tore open the paper to reveal a remote controlled car.
He gasped. "It's perfect! I'm gunna run over Mikeys tail in this!"
"And it'll make an excellent getaway car for when we need a quick escape after a prank." Louis nodded.
"Here's mine." Niall handed Ashton another one, wrapped in dark blue.
Ashton excitedly ripped the wrapping paper away. "Thanks Niall! I'm so excite-...uh..."
He looked up at the human who could hardly conceal his laughter.
"Fertilizer?" He asked, tilting his head.
"To help you grow," Niall cackled. "Cuz you're a little on the short side!"
Ashton huffed. "You're a buttface!"
Louis pushed a present forward. "Ignore Niall, open mine!"
Ashton was much more pleased with Louis's gift, which was a photo album of him and Lukes adventures together.
"Aw, I love it Lou! Thank you!" Ashton giggled, rubbing his face against a picture of Luke.
Luke blushed and smiled. "It's very nice, thank you."
After a few hours of flower child sized games and some more cake, it was time for Luke and Ashton to return home.
Ashton yawned atop Luke's palm. "Thanks for the party, Lukey. I had fun."
"Don't fall asleep yet," Luke said. "I still have to give you my gift."
They entered the house and Luke headed to the bathroom.
"What is it?" Ashton perked up instantly.
Luke set Ashton on the counter, shuffling from foot to foot nervously.
"Close your eyes." He whispered.
Ashton giggled and grabbed his toes, falling over onto his back and squeezing his eyes shut. "Should I count to three?"
"Sure," Luke breathed in deeply.
Ashton said loudly, "Oooooone,"
"Th- ow!"
Ashton sat up abruptly, frowning at the small cut on his arm. He clasped a hand over it. "What was-" he gasped when he glanced up.
Luke took a step back, his own eyes just as wide.
Ashton felt funny.
He jumped off the counter, and his feet but the floor. When he straightened up, he was eye to eye with Luke.
Luke dropped the razor.
His hand dripped a little blood.
Ashton connected the pieces and was shocked.
"You turned me human?" He whispered.
"I had to," Luke stepped close, trapping Ashton between him and the counter. "So I could do this."
He leaned in, grabbing the smaller boys chin and tilting it up so that their lips met.
Ashtons eyes were blown wide, and his heart hammered loudly, same as Luke's.
Luke stepped back, anxious to see Ashtons reaction.
Ashton brought his fingertips to his lips, feeling the tingle of Luke's still there.
"Ash?" Luke asked tentively. "A-are you okay?"
"Do that again," Ashton whispered.
Surprised, Luke smiled and leaned again.
This time, Ashton kissed back with force.
It got heated in a second, and soon Ashton jumped up onto Luke, wrapping his legs around the blondes waist.
Luke placed his hands under Ashtons ass, while Ashton tangled his hands in Luke's hair, tugging it to make Luke moan.
"We don't have enough time to go any further," Luke pulled away after a few moments.
"Don't care," Ashton grunted and yanked Luke back in.
Luke struggled against his own want and pulled back again. "Ash, really, you'll change back any second now."
"Then hurry up." Ashton replied, leaning back in but Luke sighed and set him down instead.
"I don't want some sloppy rush job." Luke placed his hands on Ashtons shoulders. "Trust me, I really want you but I don't want to hurt you."
"Put a bandaid on it, it'll be fine." Ashton waved him off.
"Ashton, I don't think you understand." Luke sighed.
"The old man!" Ashton gasped.
"What?" Luke frowned.
"The old man from the kiosk!" Ashton paced the small bathroom.
"What about him?" Luke asked.
"Maybe he has something that could turn me human, permanently!" Ashton faced Luke in excitement.
Luke was touched. " would completely give up being a flower child...for me?"
Ashton smiled. "I would do anything for you."
Luke hugged him tightly, burying his face in the smaller boys neck. "I would do anything for you too."
When they broke apart, Luke smiled.
"Then it's settled. Tomorrow we'll go to the kiosk."
Ashton beamed. "Grea-"
And suddenly Ashton was on the floor, back to being about four inches tall.
"Oh come on!" He squeaked, his voice back to being high pitched. He stomped his foot. "I didn't even get to finish my sentence!"
Luke chuckled and picked him up, carrying him back to his doll house.
He plugged in the Christmas lights and they got ready for bed.
Ashton laid in his bed, playing with the flowers around his head.
He knew he was going to miss them.
I'm thinking of making a flower child "movie"
And by that I mean doing a spin off book where Ashton becomes human and stuff happens and I don't wanna spoil anything but djoakahahaiekawjsak it's gunna be gr8
But if u want Ashton to stay a flower child, dw, I'll keep posting one shots like this
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