Luke's Fairy Part 3
Luke cried all the way back to his house. He burst through the door and ran up to his room, sobbing into his pilllow.
His mom came into the room a few minutes later. "Luke? What's the matter honey? Why are you so upset?"
"I l-l-lost my A-Ashton!" Luke sobbed. "He was b-behind me, and then he was gone! I couldn't find him and now he's lost forever!"
His mom rubbed his back soothingly. "Who's Ashton sweetie?"
Luke sighed into his pillow. "No one anymore."
Ashton blinked open his eyes the next morning to see baby Calum staring at him. Ashton sat up and smiled. Calum smiled back around his pacifier. Ashton stretched and climbed out of the blanket.
He was in Calum's room, in Calum's crib more accurately. Michael must have put them in here when they had fallen asleep.
Ashton flew up onto the top of the mobile that spun around above Calums crib. "Good morning the Calum!" Ashton called out cheerily. "Thanks for letting me sleep with you! I need to go find the Mikey's room now so he can take me to the kindergarten. Have a good day the Calum!" He waved and Calum waved back.
Ashton flew off the mobile and out of the nursery. Across the hall was the familiar looking boys room he had stumbled into the other day.
"The Mikey?" Ashton whispered as he crawled under the crack in the door and walked across the blue carpet. "Where are you the Mikey? Is it time for the kindergarten yet?"
Sheets rustled on the bed as Michael rolled over. "Ashton what are you doing up? School doesn't start for...crap I'm late." He shot out of bed and Ashton took off into the air quickly to avoid being stepped on as Mikey hurridely changed into his clothes.
"What's wrong the Mikey?" Ashton asked, settling himself down onto Michael's backpack. "Why are you running around?"
"'Cuz I'm late for school!" Michael exclaimed, running into the bathroom and brushing his green hair quickly.
"You mean the kindergarten?" Ashton asked with wide eyes.
Mikey nodded. "Yes! I get to see my Luke again!" Ashton cheered.
Michael came back into the room and picked up the backpack. "Okay, you stay hidden in here while I go to school. I'll come get you at recess and then I'll show you to Luke, and hopefully he is the Luke you are looking for."
Ashton nodded and hid down into the side pocket of the backpack. It had a hole in it so he could peek out.
Mikey ran out of the room and out the door, calling out a quick goodbye to his parents as he ran to the bus stop, making it just in time.
He climbed onto the bus and sat down beside a blonde haired kid.
"Hi Niall." Mikey greeted.
"Hi Mikey!" Niall grinned. "Wanna play race cars with me today?"
"Sure! I call being the red one!"
Niall pouted. "Aw, I wanted to be the red car!"
"Too bad, I'm the red one." Mikey stuck his tongue out.
A brown haired kid in front of them turned around in his seat. "Hey, don't fight you guys. Why don't you just share the red car?"
"Cuz I don't want to share!" Niall frowned. "Liam, tell him he's being selfish!"
"You're being selfish." A black haired kid faced them too.
"Shut up Zayn." Mikey glared. "I called being the red car, you can be the red car tomorrow."
"Fine." Niall agreed. "Wanna see the painting I did yesterday?"
"Sure!" Niall dug around his Power Rangers backpack as the bus pulled to a halt and two boys climbed on, holding hands.
"Hey, it's Haz and Lou!" Liam called, waving the boys over. "Hey guys, come sit by us!"
The curly haired boy and the feathery haired boy walked over and sat behind Niall and Michael.
"Hi guys!" Harry said happily, leaning over the seat, his curls bouncing around. The boy beside him giggled and played with his hair.
"Hey Haz and Lou! You guys ready for today? The water table is open!" Niall said, passing around his painting.
"Yes!" Louis beamed happily. "I love the water table!"
"I love you!" Harry said bashfully. Louis smiled at him. "I love you too."
"Wow Niall, this is amazing!" Zayn said, studying the painting. "Almost as good as mine!"
Niall grinned. "Thanks!"
"Hey, is Luke here today?" Michael asked as the bus pulled to a stop in front of the school.
"I think so." Liam said. "Why?"
Michael shrugged. "Just wondering is all."
They climbed off the bus and chatted happily as they walked to the old brick building.
"Oh my gosh!" Niall exclaimed suddenly, slapping Liam in the face as he gasped across the playground. "Lookit! Its Justin! Holy cow, he's so cool!"
"Yes Niall, we all know how cool first grader Justin is." Zayn rolled his eyes while Liam pouted and rubbed his cheek.
"He's not as cool as Harry." Louis disagreed, holding Harry's hand again.
"But Harry's not as cool as Louis." Harry said.
"Hey! Josh is here!" Niall ran off to catch up to his friend Josh. "Wait up Josh!"
Mikey walked into his classroom as his friends played on the playground before class started.
He put his backpack in his cubby and Ashton crawled out and onto Michaels hand.
"Okay, Luke's not here yet, but we can wait for him to show up outside." Michael said. They went outside and Ashton hid in Mikey's pocket while he and his friends played.
But then class started and Luke still hadn't shown up.
The fairy flew out of the pocket as everyone filed into the room.
Ashton frowned. "Luke? Where are you?" He plopped down onto Michaels desk. "Luke...I miss you. Where are you hiding?"
Mikey frowned and patted Ashton's head. "It's okay, he might just be late."
But story time, reading time, play time and work time had passed and Luke still hadn't shown up.
Ashton laid down and cried. Mikey tried to quiet him down but the fairy just kept sobbing.
Mikey quickly grabbed Ashton and shoved him into his desk and closed the lid, hoping to silence the noises.
He played race cars with Niall for a few minutes, and when he came back he opened his desk to check on Ashton.
Ashton had sat up and was sniffling and wiping his eyes. "It's dark in here."
Mikey helped him out of the desk. "Sorry, I just didn't want someone to hear you."
Ashton sighed and looked out the window. "Luke's not coming, is he?"
Mikey glanced at the clock. "No, schools almost over. But we can try again tomorrow."
"But I don't wanna wait till tomorrow!" Ashton wailed. "I want my Luke now!"
"Okay, okay!" Michael shushed the fairy. "After school today I can take you to his house. He invited me to his birthday party last year, I can take you there."
Ashton sniffed. "Really?"
Mikey smiled. "Yeah. Just be quiet during nap time or I'll get in trouble okay?"
"Okay." Ashton stayed in Michaels desk, munching on a cracker while Mikey was at nap time and an hour later, school was over.
Mikey grabbed his backpack and ran back to his desk.
He opened it and Ashton climbed back inside the pocket.
"To Luke! Charge!" Ashton cried.
Michael rolled his eyes but started off in the direction of the house.
Luke sighed as the doorbell rang downstairs.
He had stayed home from school today on the account of depression.
He opened the door to reveal a green haired kid standing there.
"Hey Luke!" Michael smiled.
"Hi Mikey. What are you doing here?" Luke asked.
"I came to return something to you." Michael pulled out his backpack.
Ashton flew out and threw himself at Luke, clinging onto the humans shirt.
"Luke! It's you! I found you! I missed you so much!" Ashton gushed, climbing up the shirt to rest on Luke's shoulder. He leaned against Luke's neck and hugged tightly. "Can we take a bubble bath again?"
Luke stood in shock for a moment before snapping into action.
He grabbed Ashton and hugged the fairy closely. "Ashton! I missed you so much! Where were you?"
"At the Mikey's. The wind blew me there. But now I'm back with you! Got anymore cookies?" Ashton said, slightly muffled against Luke's chest.
"Thank you so much for returning him Mikey!" Luke beamed. "You can come over and play anytime you want!"
"Yeah! And bring the Calum!" Ashton shouted.
Mikey smiled. "You're welcome. And thanks, I will! Bye!" Luke waved to him before walking back into the house.
He ran up to his room and collapsed onto his bed.
Ashton sat on Luke's chest and grabbed his toes, beaming up at the human. "Hi."
"Hi." Luke smiled back. Then he gasped. "Hey! We never got to your house!"
Ashton shrugged. "That's okay, I'd rather stay with you anyways."
Luke smiled. "Really?"
Ashton climbed up onto Luke's hair, walking around on it like he always did. "Really. Can we take a bubble bath now?"
Luke smiled. "I'll get the bubble bath!"
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