Luke's Fairy Part 2
"Luke! Hey, wake up! Luke!"
Luke opened his eyes to see Ashton sitting on his nose. The fairy beamed. "Morning! Ready to go find my family?"
Luke sat up and Ashton climbed onto his hair. "This early?"
"Its not that early. We gotta leave before your parents wake up!" Ashton said, walking around on Luke's head.
"Hey quit it; you're gunna leave footprints in my hair." Luke shooed him off and got dressed.
"Where do we start?" Ashton asked, pressing his tiny face against the window. "The world is so big!"
"We can start at the meadow again." Luke said, brushing his hair. "Do you have any idea where your family is?"
Ashton thought. "It's by a big tree. Everyone lives there."
"A big tree?" Luke asked. "I know where one is! We can start there."
-At the big tree-
"Does this look familiar?" Luke asked. Ashton flew off Luke's hand and buzzed around the tree.
He studied it for a moment. "No." He said finally.
Luke sighed and plopped onto the grass. "Well shit." His eyes widened and he gasped. "Don't tell my mom I said that! It's a naughty word!"
Ashton's eyes got wide too. "Shit! He giggled. "I wasn't allowed to say that either."
Both boys giggeled micheviously before getting up again.
"Well, now what? I don't know of any other big trees." Luke frowned.
Ashton thought a moment. "Hey! I have an idea! Why don't we climb a tree, and then look out from it! We can see if there's another big tree!"
"But, can't you just fly up and look?" Luke asked. Ashton shook his head. "No, I can't fly that high."
"Okay then, let's climb this one!" Luke jumped up and grabbed a branch from a large tree, pulling himself up.
Ashton flew into his pocket and cheered him on as Luke climbed higher and higher.
"Whoa, look at how high we are!" Ashton exclaimed, looking down.
"I'd rather not." Luke grimaced, grabbing onto another branch carefully. "I've never been this high up before, I'm scared."
"Dont be scared Lukey! Ill catch you if you fall!" Ashton smiled up at him, petting the humans face with his tiny hand.
"Thanks Ash." Luke rolled his eyes and kept climbing.
"This is as high as I can go." Luke said a few minutes later. "Can you see anything?"
Ashton flew off Luke's head and looked around. "I can see everything! Hey! That big tree down there! Its on the end of that hill!" He pointed excitedly.
Luke peered out. "I see it too. Is that your home?"
Ashton nodded. "Looks like it!"
After they had climbed back down the tree, Luke started walking to the hill.
"Hey Luke," Ashton said suddenly. "Whats that?" He was pointing to the trees, where some bushes were shaking.
Suddenly a cat shot out of the woods, nearly knocking Luke over. The human stumbled and Ashton tumbled off his hand, landing on the grass.
The cat hissed at Ashton and the fairy shrieked and hid behind Luke's leg.
"Hey! Get out of here!" Luke shooed at the cat.
"Help me Luke!" Ashton cried. "It's going to eat me!"
The cat swiped at Ashton with a paw and the fairy climbed up Lukes jeans. "Noooo! I want to live!"
Luke picked up the stray and threw it across the field. The cat landed, hissed at them, and ran away. (that was the meanest thing I have ever written omg)
Luke sighed in relief. "Its okay Ashton, he's gone now, you can come out."
Luke bent down but Ashton was no where to be seen. "Ash? Did I step on you?" He looked all around but couldn't find the tiny fairy anywhere. He checked his pockets and shoes, the ground around him, and even climbed the tree again, but the fairy was missing.
Luke sat down in the field. "Well shit."
Ashton peeked his eyes open. He looked around at his unfamiliar surroundings.
He had been holding onto Luke when a giant wind blew, (giant to him anyway), and he had tumbled off. The wind had carried him away from Luke.
He stood up and looked around. He was inside someone's house. The wind had carried him in through someones open window. He brushed dirt off himself and flew off the dresser he had landed on.
He was in someone's room, a young boys room by the looks of it. He was studying himself in the mirror when he heard a shout.
"Im going to my room now mom!"
"Alright, take your little brother with you!"
"Aw mom! I don't want to play with Calum though, he's a baby!"
"Michael Gordon Clifford, he is your brother and he wants to play with you. Let him in your room too."
"Uuuuugh fine. Come on Calum."
Ashton didnt have time to hide as the door burst open and a little boy came in, holding an even littler boys hand. The smaller boy held a blue blanket in his other hand.
The first boy gasped. "Whoa, what the heck?"
The smaller boy who looked Asian but was probably Kiwi and Scottish toddled up to him. He sucked on his thumb while he stared at Ashton with big eyes.
Ashton smiled and waved, making the little boy smile around his thumb and wave back.
"What are you?" The bigger boy with green hair asked, crouching down to eye level.
"I'm Ashton, Im a fairy. What are you? Are you a Luke?" Ashton asked, studying the boy closely.
"A Luke? No, Im a Michael, and thats a Calum." The Michael said, pointing to the Calum.
Ashton was confused. "But, I thought you all were Luke's. Hey, wheres my
"I don't know what youre talking about, but maybe I can help you find him?" Mikey asked.
Calum climbed onto the dresser and pointed at Ashton. "Mikey wassat?"
"Thats a fairy Cal, his name is Ashton." Michael said as Ashton looked at hinself in the mirror again.
"Haha, look at me the Mikey! I have two of me!" Ashton laughed into the mirror. "Hey, do you have a rubber ducky? Can we take a bubble bath?"
"I don't have any bubble bath." Michael said, picking Calum off the dresser and putting him back on the ground. "I know a kid named Luke, he's in my kindergarten. Is he the Luke you want?"
Ashton made faces in the mirror. "Maybe. Whats a kindergarten? Can I eat that?"
"No silly, its a place. I can bring you to the place tomorrow. I have school tomorrow." Mikey explained as Calum crawled back up onto the dresser.
"Sure! Thank you!" Ashton faced him. "Do you have cookies?"
"Yeah, want me to get you one?" Mikey asked, taking Calum off the dresser again.
Ashton nodded. "Yes please! I like chocolate chip!"
"Okay, be right back." Michael left the room and Calum climbed back onto the dresser.
Ashton smiled at him again and Calum smiled back bashfully.
Calum offered out his blanket and Ashton climbed inside it, snuggling down besides the baby human.
Calum smiled and laid down, and soon they were both asleep on the dresser.
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