Luke's Birthday
Ashton opened one eye sleepily as Luke stood over him, beaming brightly.
"Morning Ashton!" He trilled.
Ashton buried his face in the pillow. "What do you want."
"It's my birthday."
"Yeah, I know that. But what do you want?"
"You to wear this."
Ashton felt something slip over his head and he sat up. He felt his hair and frowned. "Kitty ears? Why?"
"Because I have a fetish and you know the rules!" Luke said happily.
Ashton sighed. "Are you for real right now?"
"Recite the rules." Luke frowned.
Ashton groaned. "In the 5SOS household, the birthday boy gets to do whatever he wants. For twenty four hours, whatever he says, goes."
"That's right!" Luke beamed. "And I say you have to wear those all day!"
"Can't I at least put on a shirt and jeans first?" Ashton whined as Luke led him down to the kitchen.
"Nope. You're clothed enough." Luke smirked at Ashton's boxers, the only clothing he was wearing, besides the cat ears.
"What if I get cold?"
"I'll cuddle you."
"What if I have to go outside?"
"Run fast."
Ashton groaned. "Why me? Why not Calum or Michael?"
"Because I wanted you to wear them." Luke said, sitting on the counter. "Make me pancakes!"
Ashton sighed but started getting out rhe mix. "How are cat ears even relevant?"
"They're cute!" Luke pouted. "You look cute in them."
Ashton blushed as he stirred the ingredients together.
"Put chocolate chips in them!" Luke cheered. "Lots of chocolate chips!"
"You don't need that much sugar this early." Ashton protested.
Luke narrowed his eyes. "It's my birthday and I want chocolate chip pancakes! It's your job to make them!"
Ashton sighed and grabbed the bag of chocolate chips. "Fine. But don't come crying to me when you get a stomach ache."
He dumped the bag in as Luke danced around behind him to the radio.
"Dance with me!" Luke called.
"But then the pancakes will burn." Ashton said as Luke grabbed his hand and pulled him to him.
"Not if you're skilled." Luke countered. He spun Ashton around. "Multitask!"
"I can't if you make me dizzy!" Ashton laughed, squeezing his eyes shut.
"Fine then, Calum can make them while we dance. Cal, finish cooking the pancakes!" Luke dipped Ashton and the older boy looked up to see Calum standing in the door way.
Calum frowned at Ashton. "Why are you wearing kitty ears?"
"This mother fucker." Ashton pointed up to Luke.
"Why?" Calum questioned as he poured the mix over the skillet.
"Because he looks adorable!" Luke pouted, hugging Ashton from behind.
Ashton blushed at the floor.
Luke walked backwards, dragging Ashton with him to the table, where he sat down and pulled the drummer onto his lap.
"Where's Michael?" Luke asked.
"Hiding from you. I think he left last night so he wouldn't have to follow your rules." Calum replied.
"I should have done that." Ashton muttered.
"Oh shut up. We all know you secretly wanted to wear kitty ears." Luke said.
Ashton rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah, there goes my deep dark secret."
"Hey, I said shut up." Luke poked Ashtons cheek.
"What? You mean I can't talk?!" Ashton exclaimed.
Luke poked him harder. "Shush!"
Ashton rolled his eyes but kept his mouth shut.
"Here's your pancakes your Majesty." Calum said sarcastically as he lowered a plate of pancakes onto the table.
"Thank you servant Calum. Leave us now." Luke said, pulling the plate towards him.
Calum left quickly before Luke could give him another order.
Luke cut a pancake into pieces and took turns feeding them to Ashton and himself.
The front door opened and Michael came in. He took one look at Ashton and Luke and took off running.
"Hold it!" Luke called. "Get back here and accept your fate!"
Slowly, Mikey walked back. "What?"
"Get us some apple juice." Luke instructed.
"Fine." Michael rolled his eyes as he walked to the fridge.
"And no back sass!" Luke shouted.
"Sorry." He muttered. He poured two glasses of juice and brought them to the table.
"Anything else?" He asked.
"Nope. That will be all." Luke smiled. "You can put my present with the others on my bed."
Luke looked at Ashton. "I wanna open your present first."
Ashton smiled.
"Can I open them now?" Luke pleaded, hugging Ashton tightly.
Ashton shrugged.
"What did you get me?" Luke asked excitedly.
Ashton stuck his tongue out and Luke huffed.
"Fine. I'll find out the fucking hard way." Luke mumbled.
Ashton frowned. "Hey don't swear."
"Hey don't talk." Luke countered, poking Ashton's face again.
Ashton bit his finger and Luke wiggled his eyebrows at him. "Ooh keep going."
Ashton spat his finger out and blushed. "That's not what I-"
"Doesn't matter." Luke was grinning.
"Get that stupid look off your face." Ashton blushed harder. "I didn't mean-"
"Sure you didn't." Luke winked.
Ashton glared and slid off Luke's lap. "I didn't!"
"I said sure." Luke smiled and got up too. "Let's go see what Calum and Michael are doing." He grabbed Ashtons hand and led him upstairs to Calums room.
He opened the door and saw Calum and Michael on Calums bed. They looked up. "Hey who invited the dick and his cat sidekick?" Mikey asked.
"You're just jealous Ashton looks better in kitty ears than you do." Luke said defensively.
"That would be an amazing comic though, Dick Boy and his sidekick Kitty." Calum said dreamily.
"Stop your thinking right there." Ashton warned.
Calum grinned. "No way, I'm tweeting this."
"Ooh, and take a pic too!" Luke jumped on Ashtons back. "Cheese!"
Ashton groaned as Calum snapped a picture. "Come on guys!"
"Hey," Luke crawled onto Ashtons shoulders. "I never said you could talk again."
"Hey Ashton, say nothing if I look better in cat ears than you." Mikey said and Ashton glared at him.
"Alright it's official, I'm the cutest!" Michael shrugged.
"That's not fair, you won by default." Calum said.
"Which is the best way to win!" Michael smiled. "So a double win."
"I win 'cause it's my birthday!" Luke interjected as he played with Ashton's hair.
"Only for a few more hours! And then we get revenge." Michael shouted.
"Yeah, just wait till my birthday, where I'll make Asian Boy and his Colorful sidekick trend." Ashton muttered.
Luke giggled. "I'll let that one slide."
"Uhm, I would be the leader, not Calum." Michael said as he fixed his hair in his phone screen.
Calum snorted. "No you wouldn't."
"I would too!"
"Would not!"
Luke leaned down and whispered in Ashtons ear. "Bring me to my room. I'm tired."
Ashton left Calum and Michael to argue as he brought Luke to his bedroom.
Luke climbed off Ashton and crawled into his bed. He reached his hands up. "Sleep with me."
Ashton sighed but got into the bed with Luke.
Luke held him close as he started to drift off. "Thanks for an awesome birthday. You can talk now."
"You're welcome." Ashton blushed. Luke smiled. "Can't wait for next years!"
I don't like writing smut.
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