Penguin+kitty=kenguin (you'll get it later)
Luke is a famous YouTuber.
So is Ashton.
Ashton also happens to be a hybrid.
One day they meet at a Taco Bell. (Because why the hell not)
Dedicated to Buteras-flowers for the idea!
idk if u were serious about this one or not, so I just did it XD
"Can I get the number three please?" The boy in front of Luke ordered.
The lady behind the register punched in the order and the boy paid.
Luke was at Taco Bell and it was super busy. Basically every table was full.
A few minutes later he got his order and looked around the place to sit, but the only available spot was with the boy who was ahead of him.
Luke hoped the boy didn't mind sharing the table, because Luke didn't want to sit in his car to eat.
"Can I sit here?" Luke asked as he approached the boy.
"I don't know, can you?" The boy grinned up at him and Luke smiled. "May I sit here?"
"Yeah." The boy giggled.
They ate in silence for a while, and the slightly awkward atmosphere was killing Luke.
"What's your name?" Luke asked.
The boy looked up from his phone. "Ashton. Yours?"
"I'm Luke." Luke smiled.
Ashton smiled and nodded before turning back to his phone.
"Whatcha doin' on there?" Luke asked, oddly curious.
"Oh, just looking back at some of my old videos." Ashton giggled and blushed, tugging his beanie down a little more.
"You're a YouTuber?" Luke asked eagerly. "So am I! What's your user?"
"Ashisakitty." Ashton mumbled fast.
"Cute." Luke winked. "Mine's Lukeisapenguin. That's freaky; they're so similar!" (This is the part where you get it and applaud)
"Yeah, why a penguin?" Ashton asked him.
"I love penguins! Why a kitty?" Luke questioned.
"Cats are cute and fluffy and stuff." He shrugged and blushed.
"Like you." Luke laughed and Ashton glared as he blushed harder.
"Ashton is not cute and fluffy!" He hissed.
Luke stared at him. "Oh...sorry."
Ashton pulled his beanie over his face. "S-sorry. It's not you, sometimes I just say...stupid things."
Luke still felt responsible though, so he invited the boy out to ice cream, and after some persuading, Ashton agreed.
They dumped their trays and walked outside.
"So, how long have you been making YouTube videos?" Luke asked as they walked.
"Um, only a few years. You?" Ashton asked.
"Same, but it's amazing. The best decision I ever made." Luke laughed.
Their hands accidentally brushed together and they quickly apologized and blushed.
They walked in silence again and Luke, who wasn't a fan of awkward silence, pulled out his phone and played music for them.
They were joking around about their favorite bands when a stray dog suddenly ran in front of them.
Ashton gasped and hissed, swatting at the dog.
The dog growled at him and barked.
Luke watched in confusion as Ashton backed against the wall of a building, glaring and hissing at the dog.
The dog barked louder and kept coming closer to him, and Ashton got a panicked look.
"No! Stay away from Ashton!" Ashton shouted, jumping on top of the dumpster. He hissed, and it sounded just like a real cats hiss.
"Hey!" Luke called, grabbing the dog. He pulled him away from Ashton, which was hard since the dog was determined to get to the top of the dumpster.
He calmed the dog down finally, and led him away.
A woman ran up to him, holding a leash.
"Sorry! He ran off when I unclipped his leash. Did he hurt you?" She apologized as she took her dog back.
"I'm fine, it's okay." He smiled and walked back to Ashton when the woman led the dog away.
"Ashton? Are you okay?" He called.
He turned the corner, and saw the top of the dumpster empty.
"Ash? Ashton?" He spun around, but the boy was nowhere to be seen.
And then he heard a whimper.
"Ashton?" He followed the sound back to the dumpster. "Oh no..." He opened the lid and saw Ashton hiding in the corner.
"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you in there?" Luke asked gently, propping the lid open.
"D-don't like dogs." Ashton rubbed his arms and shivered, even though it was like 80 degrees out.
"It's okay, the dogs gone now. Still want to get ice cream with me?" Luke asked, reaching a hand down to help Ashton out.
Ashton eyed his hand, and slowly took it.
Luke pulled him out and Ashton clung to him, his eyes big as he looked around.
"It's okay Ashton, the lady came and took her dog back." Luke assured, taking Ashton's hand.
Ashton looked down at their intwined hands and Luke suddenly realized what he had done.
"Oh, sorry, I didnt mean-"
"It's okay." Ashton said softly, tugging on his beanie.
Luke smiled and they kept walking.
Luke looked over to Ashton, who was walking with his eyes downcast.
"Can I ask why you're wearing that beanie? It's so hot out, aren't you sweating?"
" it." Ashton said slowly.
"You like to sweat?"
"No!" Ashton giggled. "Like the beanie."
"Oh. But still! Aren't you hot?" Luke asked.
Ashton shook his head and tugged the beanie down again.
They reached the ice cream shoppe and ordered some cones to go.
They walked to the park that was nearby and sat on a bench to eat them.
"What are your videos mostly about?" Luke asked. He had literally just met this boy, but he was intrigued by him. But Ashton didn't even seem to care back about him. And after this date, if you would call it a date, they would probably never see each other again.
"Whatever's on the mind." Ashton shrugged.
Luke giggled. "You have a funny way of speaking."
Ashtons cheeks reddened and he turned away. "S-sorry, wasn't trying to work on it." Luke's heart broke when he saw tears gather in the boys eyes.
"No! Im sorry, that was rude of me, you talk cutely! I didn't mean it as a bad way!" Luke said, leaning in towards Ashton. "That was a dick thing to say, I'm really sorry, I swear-"
Ashton smiled softly and pressed his finger to Luke's mouth. "Okay. I forgive you."
Luke sighed and smiled and they finished eating in a comfortable silence.
"Should go." Ashton murmured suddenly, looking down at his watch.
"Oh." Luke said in disappointment. "Do you have to?"
Ashton nodded and stood up.
Luke jumped up too. "Wait, at least let me walk you home! It's the least I could do after being rude."
Ashton smiled. "I said it's okay."
"No seriously, I want to." Luke insisted. "Just tell me where to go."
Ashton looked at him. "You're not going to let me walk alone tonight, are you."
Luke hugged him in response and Ashton sighed. "Okay, I live down there." He pointed and they started walking.
"So...why do you talk that way, not that it's a bad thing." Luke said quickly.
Ashton pointed up in the sky. "Bird!"
Luke looked up too. "Yeah, I think its a seagull." He looked back at Ashton and frowned. "Hey-"
"I don't think it's a seagull." Ashton said.
"I'm not a bird expert, I don't know." Luke said. "But why do you-"
"I think it's a robin." Ashton said, looking up still.
" might be. Listen, I won't judge you, but why-"
"Yeah, it's a robin." Ashton concluded and Luke finally accepted that Ashton wasn't going to talk about it, which only intrigued him further.
They stopped in front of a house a few minutes later.
The lights were all off in it and Luke asked Ashton if he lived alone.
Ashton nodded and tugged on his beanie again.
"Why? Are you old enough to live alone?" Luke asked.
"Thanks for walking me home Luke." Ashton smiled brightly. "Night!" He walked inside, and Luke felt his heart fill with lead and drop straight to the ground.
He should have asked Ashton to meet again later, or for his number, something to assure him that he would see the strange, cute boy again.
He sighed and started walking home. At least he knew where Ashton a non-stalker way.
When he got home, he went straight to YouTube and searched Ashtonisakitty.
He subscribed to the boys channel, and fell asleep watching the boys videos.
It was cute, Ashton wore the same beanie he was wearing today in all his videos.
Luke woke up late the next day.
He immediately checked to see if Ashton had uploaded anything new, and his heart jumped when he saw he did.
He clicked on it eagerly.
Ashton spun around in a swivel chair. He stopped it in front of the camera. "...Hi." He said, his cheeks red. "I didn't upload anything yesterday as promised, because I made a friend. He's nice...but I'll upload something tomorrow." He smiled and tugged on his beanie. "Bye."
The video ended.
I'm nice. Luke beamed. "He called me nice!"
He went to his own page and uploaded a video of him talking about Ashton.
"I really just wish he would say something!" He sighed. "He's driving me crazy, I want to get to know him but he pushed me away and he's just so....interesting like you don't understand. Not to mention how cute he is." Luke smiled to himself. " all started at Taco Bell. He makes really accurate cat noises too. Oh and that beanie he wears! Its like a bullet to the feels." He sighed and leaned back. "How am I going to see him again? I don't have his number or anything." He heaved a long groan. "Oh well, he subscribed back to me, so at least there's that."
He ended it and went to get ready for the day.
He realized he was vague, but the people didn't need to know about him and Ashton.
He wondered if Ashton would be at the Taco Bell again.
He wondered if Ashton had been thinking about him too.
He went to Ashtons latest video and commented, hi :P wanna trade numbers? If u have a twitter, we can DM.
He left it at that, hoping Ashton read the comments of his videos.
He was bored, so he left and went to the Taco Bell, hoping Ashton would be there.
But he wasn't.
Luke frowned and sadly started walking back. He kept checking his phone, but Ashton hadn't replied to him.
Three days had passed since then, and Luke was depressed.
Was Ashton dead or something. He hadn't uploaded any new videos and Luke was getting worried.
His phone vibrated in his pocket and Luke sighed and pulled it out.
It was a Twitter notification. He opened the app and clicked on the DM.
From KittehAsheh; hi
Luke gasped and nearly dropped the phone. That had to be Ashton!
From AwkwardPenguinLuke; ashton! Hi! Where have u been, how r u? XD ♡♡♡
From KittehAsheh; fine. Thanks (: u wanted to trade numbers?
From AwkwardPenguinLuke: yeah, like, just to text and stuff :P
From KittehAsheh; ok
Luke was almost dizzy from happiness as he put Ashtons number in his phone.
From AwkwardPenguinLuke; lol u really like cats huh?
From KittehAsheh; u like penguins
From AwkwardPenguinLuke: I do haha. So what's up?
From KittehAsheh; nothing
From AwkwardPenguinLuke: wanna hang out? :P
A few minutes later, Ashton responded.
From KittehAsheh; where
From AwkwardPenguinLuke; anywhere u want! My house?
An even longer amount of time passed before Ashton replied to him.
From KittehAsheh; idk
Luke bit his lip as he typed.
From AwkwardPenguinLuke; please? I swear I wont make things awkward ;)
From AwkwardPenguinLuke; dammit I just did.
From KittehAsheh; okay. But I dont know where you live
From AwkwardPenguinLuke; I'll pick u up at the taco bell in ten minutes! C ya soon!
Luke grabbed his shoes and ran out the door.
He had waited for about fifteen minutes when Ashton walked into the restaurant.
Luke spotted him immediately and ran up to him. "Ashton! Hi!" He giggled nervously.
Ashton smiled at him and tugged on his beanie. "Hi."
" my house then." Luke held the door open for Ashton and followed him out.
Luke's heart hammered as he led Ashton back to his house. "So, what was up?"
"What is your meaning?" Ashton asked, confused and innocent.
" were gone for three whole days." Luke laughed nervously. "What was up?"
"Oh that." Ashton said quietly. "Nothing. Nothing was up."
"Oh...okay. Cos I was just-"
"Is that another robin?" Ashton asked and Luke knew he didn't want to talk about it.
They reached Luke's house and Luke led him inside.
"You live by your alone too?" Ashton asked.
"Uh, no. My family is just out right now." Luke said. He sat down on his chair and Ashton took a seat on the bed.
"So...." Luke was hating how awkward this was. "Wanna make a YouTube video?"
"What about?" Ashton got up and stood beside him.
"Whatever's on the mind." Luke smiled and turned on the computer.
Ashton smiled and ducked his head as he pulled down his beanie.
Luke created a new video. He scooted over in the chair so Ashton could sit beside him.
"Hello everybody! I'm here with Ashton, and he's here with me." Luke said cheerily, and Ashton gave a small wave. "Just where he should be."
"H-hi." Ashton tugged down on his beanie and smiled at the floor.
"And yeah, we're stuff. BUT NOT THAT KIND OF STUFF!" Luke laughed. "Uhm, wanna play 20 questions Ash?"
"But my name is Ashton." Ashton said, frowning.
"It's a nickname. Is that okay? Sorry, I just thought someone would have called you that." Luke said quickly.
"" Ashton questioned. "Ashto- I haven't been told a nickname before." Luke could tell he was getting flustered so he quickly intervened. "It's okay, do you wanna play?"
Ashton nodded slowly and Luke beamed. "Okay, I'll start. What's your favorite....animal?"
Ashton giggled and bit his thumbnail. "Kitty!"
"Oh right, duh." Luke laughed.
"Now Ash- I ask?" Ashton asked and Luke smiled and nodded.
"Okay. Why is the sun hot?"
Luke laughed. "Oh, uh, because of the stuff in it I believe. How old are you?"
"Um...uh....I...seventeen?" Ashton asked. "Why is the grass green?"
"Um...I don't know." Luke smiled. "Do you know how to play this game Ash?"
Ashtons face crumpled and his bottom lip trembled. "Ashton is a fuck up!" He cried and ran out of the room.
Luke jumped up after him. "Ashton! No wait, I'm sorry! You're not a fuck up, please come back!"
He ran out after him.
"Please Ashton, it was my fault, I was a dick again! Im sorry, you didnt do anything wrong, really."
He slowed to a walk and looked around. "Ashton...please come back...I don't wanna lose you again." He sat on the last step and put his head in his hands.
"God damn it Luke." He groaned out. "You're the fuck up!"
All was quiet, and then Luke heard a faint sound.
He raised his head and saw Ashton slowly walking back to him.
"L-Luke is not a f-fuck up." Ashton said softly. "Luke is n-n-nice." He blushed and tugged down on his beanie.
Luke stood up. "Ashton, I'm sorry!"
Ashton looked at the ground. "It's okay, Ashton is used to messing up. No! I meant I! I am used to fucking up!" He wailed out and sat on the floor. "Mess up mess up mess up." He mumbled to himself.
Luke cautiously sat beside him. "'re not a mess up. You're cute and funny and adorable and intriguing. Much more amazing than me. Definitely not a fuck up."
"No." Ashton sniffed. "I am a piece of trash."
"Well, since I care about the environment, I see it as my duty to pick you up. Is 8 okay?"
Ashton looked up at Luke. " Luke asking"
"He is." Luke smiled. "Come on, we can get dinner at Taco Bell if you want."
He stood up and reached a hand down to Ashton.
Slowly, Ashton took it. "See...Luke is nice. Lu- you are not a fuck up."
"And neither are you." Luke hugged him tightly.
Ashton tugged down his beanie and shrugged.
Luke turned off the video upstairs and deleted it, and they left.
The next day, Luke texted Ashton, but he didn't answer until a few hours later.
Luke asked him to come over again, this time just to hang out, and Ashton agreed.
They sat on the couch a few hours later, just watching a movie, and Luke couldn't help but notice how Ashton was once again, wearing the black beanie.
"Hey Ash," Ashton turned and faced him, "Why do you always wear that beanie?"
Ashton looked around the room, but there were no robins here this time.
"I mean, if you like beanies enough to wear one everyday, then surely you have more than one?"
Ashton started fidgeting and breathing hard. "Uh, uh...Asht-I..uh..."
"Hey, hey, it's okay." Luke pressed his hands against Ashton's chest. "It's alright."
Ashton sniffed and scrambled back. "Should go...."
"No, please, stay!" Luke pleaded. "I'm sorry, I just really care about you, and I don't even know why, but...I want to help you. Please Ash, I'm nice, I promise. I swear, I won't ever hurt you."
Ashton started crying. "Lies! No one cares about Ashton! Ashton is loser!"
He collapsed to the ground and Luke pulled him up to the couch.
"No, no no no." He soothed, holding Ashton on his lap. "I care about Ashton! I definitely don't think you're a loser."
Ashton sniffed and wiped his eyes. "But, Ashton is ugly. Ashton is not wanted. Ashton a freak!" He spat out the last word in disgust.
"Ashton is none of those things." Luke said firmly, planting a kiss to Ashtons forehead.
Ashton froze.
"Ashton is the most wonderful, caring, amazing, unique person on the planet! I wish I could be Ashton." Luke said, resting his head on Ashton's shoulder.
Luke could feel tears dripping on his hands as he wiped away the tear tracks on Ashtons cheeks. "Hey...babe, what's the matter?" He asked softly.
"Luke...kissed...Ashton." Ashton blinked rapidly. "No one has ever kissed Ashton before...."
Luke squeezed Ashton tightly. "More people should."
"But Ashton is not a Luke said." Ashton whispered.
"Ashton...Ashton is not...human." he whispered even softer.
Luke slowly processed what Ashton said and froze.
Ashton sensed Luke tensing up and he burst out crying, scrambling up. "Sorry! Shouldn't have said that! Mess up mess up mess up!" He cried.
Luke jumped up and grabbed him. "No! Ashton is never a mess up! Now, what did you mean when you said...what you said?"
Ashton sniffed and sighed. "Ashton likes kitties so much, because...he is a kitty."
And he removed his beanie.
Luke stared at the two little kitty ears that poked up from the mass of curly hair in Ashton's head. They matched the color of Ashton's hair.
Ashton bit his lip and smiled. "Have a tail too."
Luke blinked as Ashton turned around and pulled his pants down slightly, revealing a brown tail.
"Oh. Yeah...that's not human." Luke said. He sat down on the couch and Ashton quickly ran to him.
"Luke is okay? Luke needs a minute?" He petted Luke's face frantically.
"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Just a little...stunned." Luke smiled.
Ashton sighed and his ears flattened against his head. "Ashton is a fuck up."
"No!" Luke jumped up and grabbed Ashton. "You are not!"
He pressed his forehead to Ashton's. "You're perfect."
He grabbed Ashton's face and tilted it up so their lips met.
Ashton's eyes were wide and his face heated up significantly.
Luke kept his eyes closed as he kissed the kitten boy with every ounce of passion he had stored up.
Ashton slowly blinked his eyes shut and started kissing back, his hands holding each other in between Luke and him.
Luke pulled back for air a minute later.
"Luke kissed Ashton again." Ashton was beaming at the ground. "Luke really loves Ashton...."
Luke smiled and hugged the smaller boy close. "Luke really does."
A few months later, Ashton and Luke sat in front of Luke's computer again.
"Okay, your turn." Ashton giggled, playing with his beanie.
They were making a video on their combined channel, Lashtonisakenguin.
"Alright...hmmm. Would you rather have to eat fish or steak for the rest of your life?" Luke asked.
Ashton rolled his eyes. "Fish! Duh. Okay, what is your favorite color?"
"Yellow, like the sun." Luke laughed. "Oh, we're out of time almost...say goodbye Ashton!"
Ashton giggled and waved bye to the camera as Luke signed off.
He tackled his boyfriend to the ground. "We can do the make out now?"
"Say it properly first." Luke instructed.
Ashton huffed. "Can...we make"
Luke smiled. "Yes!"
Ashton giggled and climbed all over Luke. "Yes yes yes! Ashton is good with the English now!"
"Ashton is a frisky kitty." Luke teased as he sat up. "C'mere cutie pie."
Ashton made a rumbling noise deep in his throat as Luke rubbed the spot behund his ears. "Like it when Luke rubs there." He purred.
"And I like it when Ashton is all cuddly." Luke laughed. He hugged Ashton.
"Ash- I, love you." Ashton admitted, watching his tail flick across the floor.
"I love you too baby." Luke kissed him and Ashton's tail curled up in delight. "My little kitty cat."
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