(Ashton and Luke are both only childs and are in same grade in this one.)
There's two extra boys in Mrs. Kisaki's health class. It was a mistake, there was supposed to be an even number of boys and girls for their baby care unit, in which the students partner up boy-girl to take a baby home for a week. But the administrator places Ashton in the wrong class, and him and Luke are put together to take care of a baby. Ashton hates Luke because he is always on his phone and hardly helps with the baby. Finally, Ashton has enough and decides to see what Luke has been tweeting about.
Luke slouched in his seat, toying with his lip ring with his tongue.
He hated this class and it was only the third day of school. It was full of girls who always tried to come onto him and guys that were immature idiots.
He sat in the far back, closest to the door for quick exit's.
The teacher was just beginning to explain the pregnancy and prenatal care unit (gross), when the door opened.
The class turned to see a boy enter the room.
He had curly brown hair held back in a bandana and hazel eyes. He was wearing skinny jeans and a simple graphic tee. He handed a note to the teacher and she nodded, pointing to an open seat in the front.
Luke pulled out his phone and watched him as he took his seat.
"Okay, today is the start of our baby unit, so everyone-" Mrs. Kisaki was cut off by a girl raising her hand. "Yes Ashley?" Mrs. Kisaki asked.
"Do we take home the babies in this unit?" She asked and all the girls giggled.
"I was just getting to that." Mrs. Kisaki said, walking to the supply closet. She opened the door and revealed shelfs that were holding dolls. "Each of you will partner up with someone of the opposite sex and take home a baby. You will draw a slip of paper from a hat to determine your partner and to determine the number and sexes of your kids."
The class groaned. "Why can't we pick our own partners and kids?" One guy said.
"Because last time we did that we lost nine dolls and had a student suspended." Mrs. Kisaki said, getting out a hat. "High school relationships aren't always going to work out ladies."
She went around half the room, and those kids picked a name out of the other half of the kids.
Luke was part of the half that didn't select from the hat, and he prayed he wouldn't get paired with Lisa.
Lisa creeped him out. In fact she was staring at him right now.
Why doesn't she ever blink? He thought, shifting uncomfortably.
"Okay, now everyone who picked, go to the person you drew. Then come to me and I will give you your child or children."
Luke sighed in relief when Lisa went over to a kid named John, much to John's horror.
Then he looked around the room as everyone was getting paired up.
Who would he get?
Everyone seemed to be with their kids and partners now. He pulled out his phone and opened an app.
Then he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw the kid from earlier standing there, holding a slip of paper that had Luke's name on it.
"Are you Lucas?" The kid asked uncomfortably.
"Call me Luke." Luke said. "I'm Ashton." The new kid said. He looked back down at the paper. "Uh, are you transgender or something?"
Luke burst out laughing. "No!" He put away his phone.
"Oh, well, I think we have a problem. It's supposed to be boy-girl right?"
"Oh yeah." Luke said. By now everyone had noticed their situation and was giggling.
"Oh dear." Mrs. Kisaki came over. "What happened?"
"I pulled out a guys name." Ashton said.
"Hah! Gayyy!" A boy shouted and the class laughed.
Ashton blushed and looked at the ground.
"Tony! Principal's office! Now!" Mrs. Kisaki barked.
As Tony walked out, his partner, Brittany, wailed, "No Tony! Don't make me a single parent!"
Drama queen, Luke thought.
"Okay, well, I guess we'll have to exchange some students, we need two more girls in this class, so Ashton is it okay if you take this class third hour? No wait, that's my prep hour, shoot. They must have mixed up things while you were gone Ashton. Can you take this class fifth hour?"
He shook his head. "I'm a teachers assistant that hour."
"Oh. Okay, Luke, would you mind switching classes?"
"Actually Mrs. K, it's fine." Luke said, holding up a hand. "I don't care if I work with Ashton."
"Oh...well, are you fine with it Ashton?" She asked.
He shrugged. "It's the grade that matters anyway."
"Okay, you two can be partners then." Mrs. Kisaki said.
The class whispered and Luke glared at them.
"Alright class! Line up to get your kids. They will be turned on at exactly six tonight. Yes, they will cry during the night, yes they will cry during the day. That's why we are doing this over the weekend."
The class groaned.
"What do we have?" Luke asked, peering at the paper.
"Not a what, a he." Ashton said. "We have a boy."
"Just one?" Luke asked. Ashton nodded.
"Good. This'll be easy." Luke said as he played on his phone.
"Speak for yourself." A girl behind them muttered. "We got triplets."
"Ouch." Ashton grimaced while the girls partner looked glumly at the floor.
When they got to the front, Ashton showed the teacher the paper and she handed him a baby dressed in a blue onesie. She handed Luke a carrying seat and a bag that contained a bottle, pacifier, two diapers, an extra pair of blue pants, a blue hat, blue mittens and a blanket.
"Write your names on this sheet and the babies name." She instructed and went to help the next couple.
"Uh, what are we naming it?" Luke asked as he wrote their names.
"It's not an it!" Ashton glared.
Luke laughed. "You just called it and it."
"Stop calling it an it!" Ashton giggled, shifting the baby so his other side.
"You're the one calling it an it!" Luke said.
"Okay okay stop talking." Ashton said. "We are horrible parents and it hasn't even been turned on yet."
"You called it an it again!" Luke laughed. "Oh hey, what's your last name? I need to write it down."
"Irwin." Ashton said, digging into the bag and pulling the little hat out.
"Okay. Now what are we naming this....thing."
"It's a baby. Call it a baby." Ashton rolled his eyes as he pulled the hat over the baby's head.
"You just called it an it twice." Luke laughed and Ashton blushed as he put the mittens on the child too. "So did you!"
"Okay," Luke said, thinking, "What's your middle name?"
"Fletcher." Ashton said, adjusting the mittens.
"Why don't we name it Fletcher then?"
"As long as we don't keep calling it an it."
They took seats next to each other. Luke pulled out his phone again.
"Here, give me your number and I'll give you mine. In case we need to text about the baby and stuff." Luke said and they exchanged numbers.
"Hey, what's your middle name?" Ashton asked.
"Robert." Luke said.
"That could be Fletchers middle name. So it's like, even and stuff." Ashton said.
"Fletcher Robert Hemmings." Luke nodded.
"Hey!" Ashton pouted. "What makes you think you're the guy?"
"I'm not the one dressing him up." Luke raised his eyebrows and Ashton blushed. "It's cold in here."
"The bell's going to ring, make sure you have everything!" Mrs. Kisaki said and the bell rang a second later.
Chairs were scooted back and kids talked loudly as they exited and ran to catch their buses and catch up with friends.
"Do you walk home or get a ride?" Ashton asked, placing the baby in it's carrier and covering it with a blanket.
"I normally walk, I live nearby." Luke said, getting up. He grabbed the bag as they walked out.
"I take the bus sometimes, but I live nearby too." Ashton said.
"Great. How close are you?"
"Uh, about ten minutes." Luke nodded as took out his phone. "Okay, we can go to your house then, you're closer."
"Mom, I'm home!" Ashton called as he opened the door. Luke followed in behind him.
"Hey sweetie, how was school?" A woman called back from the kitchen. Luke assumed it was Mrs. Irwin. He pulled out his phone.
"Good. Mom, this is Luke. We accidentally got paired to take care of this baby together." Ashton said, setting the carrier down onto the table carefully.
"Hello Luke." She smiled. "Hi." Luke smiled back, glancing up from his phone.
"What's its name?" She asked, removing the blanket.
Ashton groaned. "Not you too! It's not an it! It's a he named Fletcher."
Mrs. Irwin smiled. "Aw."
"Stop calling our baby an it." Luke teased.
Ashton was about to respond when he suddenly glanced at the clock.
"Okay, it's three o'clock, so we have three hours before it turns on, I mean, he turns on."
"Does this baby cry during the night too?" Mrs. Irwin asked.
Ashton nodded and she immediately shook her head. "I have to get up four to get to work early, I have an important presentation to give."
"Well what am I supposed to do? I can't control when it cries!" Ashton said.
"We can stay at my house. My parents are out of town and I live nearby." Luke said.
"Okay, you take it home with you for tonight and then switch off nights." Mrs. Irwin said.
"Okay first, we need to stop calling him an it. Second, then he watches it for tonight and I do a night and a day, that's not fair." Ashton said.
"You could stay over at my place then. My parents won't mind." Luke shrugged, pulling out his phone again.
"That's fine with me. Make sure you behave yourself Ash." Mrs. Irwin said, as she left to finish making dinner.
"Oh, um, I'll just go pack my stuff then." Ashton said awkwardly.
Luke followed him up to his room.
"I'm surprised my mom said I could go to your house for the weekend." He said as he opened closet and grabbed some shirts.
"Why?" Luke asked, sitting on the bed.
He shrugged. "She doesn't even know you, like, you could rape me in my sleep and kill the baby. I mean, I know you wouldn't, but she doesn't."
Luke laughed. "I wouldn't kill a baby or rape anyone!"
Ashton laughed too. "Okay, I feel safer now."
They went back downstairs when Ashton finished packing.
"Bye mom!" Ashton called as they went out the door. "Bye Mrs. Irwin!" Luke called.
"Wait boys! Aren't you forgetting something?" She called back.
They looked at each other. Luke was carrying the baby bag, Ashton was holding his overnight bag.
Then it clicked.
"You forgot Fletcher!" Ashton laughed/accused and ran back inside.
"I did not! You did!" Luke followed.
They ran back inside, where the baby was still on the table.
Luke grabbed Ashton's bag so Ashton could carry the baby carrier.
Mrs. Irwin shook her head. "Thank God it's not on yet."
They said goodbye again and left.
"So where do you live?" Ashton asked. Luke looked up and put his phone away.
"Not far, take a left here."
They chatted aimlessly. Luke learned that Ashton was an only child, like him. Ashton learned Luke's parents were always busy, so it wasn't a surprise to him that his parents were out of town.
"So where is the baby going to sleep?" Luke asked as they walked up his driveway.
"I think he sleeps in his carrier." Ashton said.
"Okay, we can set it by my bed then. What time is it?"
"Five thirty." Ashton said. "We better get everything set up."
They went to Luke's room and set the carrier down beside Luke's bed. They put the bag of supplies down beside it.
"Okay, is it just me or did you get a random wave of nervousness too?" Ashton giggled.
"Aw, you're so eager to be a mother." Luke teased.
"I'm not the girl in this relationship!" Ashton protested.
"Babe, you giggled. You're the girl." Luke said, grinning.
Ashton rolled his eyes and went downstairs. "I'm older than you."
"I'm taller than you." Luke replied.
"Height doesn't matter!" Ashton exclaimed. "Hey, do you know how to cook?"
"I'll order a pizza." Luke said. "What do you want?"
"Um, anythings fine."
Suddenly, they heard a baby gurgle from upstairs.
"Fletchers awake!" Ashton said, running up the stairs while Luke called a pizza place.
He hung up the phone when he was done and went upstairs.
Ashton was in his room, holding the baby. "Aw, he has blue eyes like you!" He said. Luke smiled. "You're getting really attached to this doll."
"No I'm not, I just don't want to fail is all. This part counts for like 60% of our grade." Ashton said, fixing the baby's hat.
"Sure." Luke grinned. "You just don't want to admit you're really adorable with Fletcher."
Ashton blushed as the doorbell rang. "Go get the pizza."
Luke laughed as he payed the pizza guy and brought the food to the kitchen.
Ashton came down the stairs. "Hey, where's your bathroom?"
Luke pointed. "Down the hall, second door on the right."
Ashton nodded. "Okay, hold Fletcher."
Luke suddenly became nervous. "Uh, can't you just lay him on the floor or something?" He fiddled with his phone.
"No, you have to keep the head supported. Here," Ashton transferred the baby to Luke's arms. "Just put this hand here, and this hand like that. There."
Luke looked down at the animatronic baby. "Now what?" Ashton laughed. "Just hold him until I get back." He smiled and left.
Luke stood absolutely still, as if moving would make it cry.
And then it did.
It made a sound first, startling Luke. It babbled, making little noises.
Are those good noises or bad noises? He thought, looking around for Ashton.
Suddenly the baby let out a wail.
Definitely bad.
He panicked. If the baby cried to long, they would get a bad grade.
He ran upstairs and looked through the babies bag and grabbed the bottle.
"Is this what you want?" Luke asked, giving the bottle to the baby. But the doll continued to cry.
Where was Ashton?! Luke dropped the bottle an picked up the pacifier, but the baby didn't want that either.
"Ugh, what's wrong?!" Luke asked. He carefully set the baby down on his bed, putting a pillow under the head for support.
"Do you need a diaper change?" He asked, then realized he was talking to a doll.
He took the little blue pants off and pulled out one of the diapers. The baby was already wearing one, so whenever it needed a change you would switch the diapers.
He changed the diaper but the baby continued to cry. Luke was freaking out. Nothing was working!
"There you are." Ashton said, suddenly at the door way.
"Take it!" Luke cried, thrusting the baby into Ashtons arms. "It won't stop crying! I gave him a bottle, his pacifier and changed his diaper but he wont stop crying!"
Ashton remained calm. "Fletchers not an it." He took off the babies hat and mittens. "He's probably too hot." And sure enough, the baby's cried subsided. Then he made little snoring sounds.
Ashton carefully laid him back into the carrier. "We can eat now thats he's sleeping."
Luke was amazed. "Where did you learn that?"
"Learn what? How to take off clothing? Second grade." He laughed.
Luke led the way downstairs and opened the pizza box. "You're better at this than I am."
"No I'm not, you just don't have confidence, and you're always on your phone. What are you doing on there anyway?" Ashton asked, taking a slice.
"Nothing." Luke put his phone away. "How long do you think Fletcher will sleep?"
"I'd guess a few hours." Ashton said, getting up. "Where's your cups?"
"I'll get them." Luke got up and returned with two cups of milk.
"Yeah. Wanna play Fifa?" Luke asked.
Ashton shook his head. "No thanks, I don't like Fifa."
"What do you mean you don't like Fifa? Everyone likes Fifa!" Luke was shocked.
"I'll watch you play." Ashton said and they moved the food to the living room, where Ashton watched Luke play Fifa for two hours until Fletcher started crying again.
"I got him." Ashton said, getting up.
Luke felt a little guilty at not helping but he didn't want to make things worse. He grabbed his phone off the couch.
Ashton came back down, holding Fletcher. He was giving him a bottle.
"Keep playing." Ashton said, sitting beside him. Fletcher was making happy baby noises around the bottle.
"Okay." Luke unpaused the game and continued to play.
He played until both the baby and Ashton fell asleep on the couch.
Luke snapped a picture, knowing this opportunity was too good to let pass.
He checked the time, it was 11:37.
He carefully shook Ashton awake. "Hey, we should get to bed. I'll put Fletcher in the carrier."
Ashton sleepily handed Fletcher over and rolled over, snuggling back up on the couch.
Luke smiled and went to the closet, getting a blanket and pillow with his free hand. He draped the blanket over Ashton and set the pillow on the armrest.
He went upstairs and laid Fletcher in the carrier, covering him with a blanket.
Then he got ready for bed.
He shut off the lights and dove into bed. He was asleep a moment later.
Ashton woke up three hours later. He blearily checked the clock. It was 2:30 and he groaned, rolling back over to sleep.
Then he realized he was awake because Fletcher was crying.
He hoped he hadn't been crying long. He raced upstairs. Luke was still asleep which astounded Ashton. How could he sleep through a crying baby at the foot of his bed? Not to mention his phone vibrated with a message every three seconds.
Ashton glared at the phone.
Fletcher cried louder and Ashton quickly picked him up. He tried the bottle but the baby didn't want it.
He grabbed the pacifier next and thankfully the baby accepted it.
He walked back to the couch and fifteen minutes later Fletcher fell asleep again.
Ashton sighed and carefully placed him back in the carrier, putting the blanket back over him.
He was so tired, and felt a little annoyed that he was doing most of the work. Luke was always on his phone.
He collapsed back on the couch, surprised there was a blanket and pillow there.
He smiled a little, taking back what he thought of Luke.
Fletcher cried twice again that night, once for a diaper change and another because he just wanted to be held.
Ashton was cranky that morning. He had slept a total of four hours, could you blame him?
Luke came down the stairs around ten, yawning. He met Ashton and Fletcher in the kitchen, where Ashton was giving him his bottle.
"Morning." Luke said, getting down some cereal.
"Mhm." Was all Ashton said.
Luke sat down at the table and played on his phone.
"Hey, can you watch Fletcher while I get dressed?" Ashton asked, yawning. He was still in his clothes from yesterday. He hadn't even changed into his pajamas.
"Oh...yeah." Luke said, gently taking Fletcher.
Ashton sleepily walked up the stairs and changed.
Luke snapped a picture of Fletcher.
"You are a little cute." Luke admitted. "But don't think I'm going to go all Ashton on you. Though you are a pretty easy baby."
"He is not." Luke turned to see Ashton coming down the stairs, rubbing his eye.
"Oh, did he cry last night?" Luke asked, handing Fletcher back. Ashton wearily accepted him. "Yes. Four times."
"Oh, I'm sorry. Why didn't you wake me?" Luke frowned and put his bowl away.
Ashton shrugged. "There wasn't a need for both of us to be up."
Luke felt guilty. "Uh, wanna take him to the park today?"
"Sure." Ashton sat on the couch while Luke packed the baby bag.
He held the carrier out to Ashton but he declined it. "Fletchers lighter without that."
Luke locked up the house behind them.
"Where's the park?" Ashton asked, pulling on Fletchers hat.
"Nearby. Listen, I'm really sorry I didn't help out last night. I'll make it up to you tonight, I'll get him every time he cries."
Ashton waved a hand. "It's cool. I'm not mad."
"Still. I promise." Ashton smiled. "Alright. Thanks."
They arrived at the park. Ashton put Fletcher in the baby swing and gave it a little push. Luke sat down on the swing beside him.
"So, you're a sophomore too?" Luke asked. Ashton nodded. "I moved here last week, which is why I wasn't here the first few days of school."
"Oh, nice." They talked a while more. Fletcher babbled occasionally but thankfully didn't cry.
"Hey, I'm hungry, wanna get some ice cream or something?" Luke asked. "There's a gas station nearby."
"I'll stay with Fletcher if you wanna get us some stuff?" Ashton said, giving the swing another push. Fletcher made a giggling sound. Luke laughed. "He giggles like you." Ashton blushed. "I do not giggle."
That made Luke giggle because, yes Ashton did.
"Okay, I'll get the stuff."
Ashton sat on the ground in front of the swing, occasionally giving Fletcher a push.
Luke retured a few minutes later carrying a bag of chips and pop. "Thanks." Ashton said as Luke handed him a Coke (because it's better than pepsi.) He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, and pulled it out to see someone had followed him on Twitter and that one of his tweets had been retweeted by someone. The tweet was just a simple "so glad it's the weekend! XD", But he didn't have time to view the person's profile because Luke suddenly snatched up his phone.
"Hey, sleep in my bed tonight, that way if Fletcher cries and I don't hear it, you can wake me up." Luke said.
"Oh, um alright." Ashton said. They talked a while about everything and nothing before they realized Fletcher was asleep in the swing.
"I guess we should head back then." Ashton said, giggling as he picked up Fletcher. That made Luke grin. "Yeah, it's getting kinda dark." He pulled out his phone.
"Okay, Fletcher's asleep in the carrier." Ashton said as he came down the stairs. Luke was on his phone on the couch. "Great, we should be quiet now then. Wanna watch a movie?" Ashton sighed at the sight of the phone but nodded to the movie.
They chose Mean Girls because Luke refused to watch anything else.
"Why are we watching this?" Ashton complained as he sat down next to Luke. "This is a girls movie."
"Yeah, a great girls movie! Now sh!" Luke said, staring at the TV intently. Ashton smiled and rolled his eyes.
It was around eleven when the movie finished.
Ashton stretched. "Okay, it wasn't bad. But it's still a chick flick." Luke smiled. "Told you!"
Ashton went upstairs to change while Luke put away the movie. Fletcher was still asleep. After changing, he pulled out his phone and checked his twitter as he crawled into Luke's bed. He didn't recognize the account that had followed and favorited him, but followed them back anyways.
Luke must have changed downstairs because when he came into the room he was already changed.
He yawned. "Well, goodnight." He slid in beside him and literally was asleep a few minutes later. Ashton smiled and rolled his eyes before falling asleep too.
Ashton woke up.
He looked around, disoriented, wondering where he was and why he was up.
Then Fletcher made a little whimpering noise.
Ashton sighed. Fletcher had woken him up again.
Luke was beside him, still sound asleep.
Well, if Ashton was already up, then there was no need to wake Luke up.
He sighed and climbed out of bed tiredly.
He dug around the blue bag and pulled out the pacifier. Fletcher didn't want it. He tried the bottle next but he didn't want that either.
Fletcher was crying louder now, his needs not being met.
Luke stirred and woke up. "Huh? What's going on?"
"Just Fletcher." Ashton said, holding back a yawn. "I'm just gunna change his diaper."
"No no." Luke shook his head and crawled out of bed. "I'm supposed to be doing this tonight, remember?" He gently took the baby from Ashton and laid him on the bed.
"You can go back to sleep, I got this." Luke said as he changed the baby's diaper.
"Thanks." Ashton smiled. He knew if Fletcher cried again in the night, he would be the one waking up again, but he appreciated Luke taking responsibility.
He crawled back under the covers and fell asleep.
The next morning Ashton woke up, surprised Fletcher had only cried once that night.
Of course Luke gets the easy night, he though as he rolled out of bed. Fletcher was asleep in the carrier, Luke was still asleep in the bed.
It was Sunday, so at six o'clock last night, Fletcher had shut off.
Ashton was glad he wouldn't be woken up again but at the same time he was a little sad.
He changed into his new clothes and packed his bag up.
"I think we did pretty well with him." Luke said and Ashton jumped, not expecting him to be up.
"Jeez, you scared me." He laughed and Luke smiled, apologizing.
"So Fletchers asleep?" Luke asked, changing his clothes too.
Ashton shook his head. "No, he's off now. The weekends pretty much over."
"Oh, right." Luke said, sounding sad.
"Well, I need to take a shower quick and then I can walk you back to your house." Luke said. "Yeah sure, thanks." Ashton replied. Luke left and Ashton sat on the bed.
Suddenly Luke's phone vibrated and Ashton picked it up.
Ugh, this stupid thing never shuts up! He thought. Then, feeling only slightly guilty, he unlocked the phone, grateful Luke didn't have a pass code on it.
As soon as it was unlocked, the device went straight to twitter.
"So is this what you've been on this whole time?" Ashton murmured, viewing his profile.
He had lots of followers, and a cute icon pic, but that's not what caught Ashton's attention.
It was his most recent tweet, well actually, it wasn't a tweet, but a retweet.
"so glad it's the weekend! XD"
"Oh." Ashton said. "So you're my mystery follower."
He clicked on View Tweets and gasped.
They were all of him.
The first one was an image of him handing a note to the teacher on Friday, with the caption, "Look at the cutie who just walked into my class! #Lashton!"
The second one was "OMG WE JUST GOT PAIRED TO TAKE A BABY HOME TOGETHER ASDFGHJKL IM DYING!!! #Lashton" With a photo of the paper that had Luke's name on it.
Ashton gasped slightly and continued to scroll through the tweets.
Next was a blurry photo of Ashton holding his own phone, and the text said "OMG we just traded numbers, u can tell this is getting serious lol, #Lashton."
Then a picture of Ashton's house. "Aw, he's introducing me to his mom already #Lashton <3"
Ashton blushed when he saw a picture of him sleeping on Luke's couch, holding a sleeping Fletcher. The caption was "#Lashton <3 Hes such a good mommy <3 im so lucky!"
Then a picture of Ashton pushing Fletcher in the swing. "They laugh the same way. I am not stable #Lashton!!"
Then a picture from last night of Luke, looking seductively into the camera. "Finally got him into bed with me ;) #Lashton ❤"
Then another picture of Luke changing Fletchers diaper. "I can b a good daddy too! Not as good as Ashy tho ❤ #Lashton."
Finally, a tweet from a few minutes ago.
Luke was pouting into the camera. "Todays our last day together. Fletchers off and tomorrow i wont c him as much </3 #Lashton."
Ashton blinked, stunned.
Luke...cared for him? All this time, Ashton had thought Luke didn't care for him or Fletcher, but now he realized how wrong he was.
Ashton knew Luke was popular, but he didn't know he was this popular! All his tweets had at least forty retweets or favorites.
One had even replied to the last tweet, "Oh no!! :( im going to miss #Lashton!" Luke had favorited that.
"Hey, ready to head out?" Luke asked at the doorway, drying his hair off. He had changed into his clothes already. Ashton dropped the phone and ran to him, hugging him tightly.
"Whoa, um...what's up?" Luke asked quizzically.
"I saw the tweets." Ashton whispered and Luke blushed a deep red. "Oh...sorry about those."
Ashton giggled into Luke's chest. "Don't be! I loved them!"
Luke beamed. "Really?"
Ashton smiled up at him. "Yes. I ship #Lashton."
"Me too." Luke bent down for a kiss, but Ashton out his finger up to stop him.
"Not in front of the baby!" He giggled, pushing the carrier out into the hall. Luke smirked and shut the door.
"I'm so nervous, what if we failed?" Ashton bit his lip as he and Luke's walked into class together, holding hands.
"With your parenting skills, there's no way we could have." Luke said, pressing a kiss to Ashton's cheek, making him giggle.
"We." Ashton laughed. "I did like 90% of the work!"
"Yeah, I was busy confessing my love for you to random people on social media." Luke said, grinning as they took their seats.
"Alrighty everyone! Grades have been posted, so if you would like to see what you and your partner got, it's taped to the back wall."
Everyone was instantly at the back wall, trying to find their names on the paper.
Ashton and Luke waited for the line to go down some before going up.
"Look!" Ashton gasped. "We got a 98%! That's an A!"
"I must have cost us two points that first night." Luke laughed.
"Aw." Ashton cooed, pointing to their names. "Look what someone wrote!"
Someone had written #Lashton ❤ under their names, and multiple people had put hearts and smiley faces around it. Ashton even recognized Tony's handwriting and smiled.
"You were perfect babe." Luke kissed Ashtons nose. "Thanks for the excellent grade."
Ashton laughed. "It wasn't all me, you helped too."
"Yeah, I helped us fall in love, didn't I?"
"Yeah," Ashton stood on his tip toes and brushed a strand of Luke's blonde hair away from his eyes. "I guess you did."
And they kissed to the applause of the class.
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