"I'll Catch You If You Fall."
Ashton gets a cut and Luke helps bandage him up :3
Ashton watched Luke as Luke did tricks on his skateboard. Luke noticed him watching and smiled.
"Wanna try?" he asked, coming to a stop in front of him.
Ashton shook his head. "No way, I'll get cirrohsis and die." Luke laughed. "No you won't, I'll catch you if you fall."
After some more persuading, Luke finally managed to get Ashton on the board. Ashton held on to Luke's hands tightly. "I'm going to fall!" He cried.
"You won't." Luke said firmly. "I promise."
Ashton sighed. "Okay..." He put one foot on the driveway and pushed off. Luke watched from the garage. "You're doing great so far Ash!" He called.
"I can feel the cirrhosis coming!" Ashton cried back and Luke rolled his eyes.
Suddenly Ashton cried out, falling off the board. It bounced off and into the street. Luke gasped and ran to him. "Ashton! Are you okay? What happened?" He asked worridly as he helped his bandmate up.
"I hit a rock or something." Ashton winced. Blood ran down his arm from a scrape on his elbow. "Oh fuck." Luke frowned. "I'm sorry, let's get you inside."
Luke led Ashton into the bathroom. "Sorry." Ashton said, poking the cut tenderly as he sat on the sink.
"For what?" Luke asked, reaching into the medicine cabinet and pulling out some gauze and disinfectant.
"I dripped some blood on the floor." Ashton said, frowning up at him.
Luke sighed and rolled his eyes. "Don't apologize for that. I should have caught you."
"Yeah you should have! Where were you, you promise breaker!" Ashton teased. "I almost got cirrhosis because of you."
Luke frowned and wordlessly sprayed the disinfectant onto the cut.
"Ow!" Ashton complained, yanking his arm back. He looked up at Luke and frowned. "Hey, I was joking. Luke? Are you alright?"
Luke sighed and slammed the spray onto the sink. "No, you were right. I promised to catch you and I didn't."
Ashton's eyes were wide. "Hey! It's fine, really. I'm not mad, and the cut doesn't even hurt." He lied.
Luke just grabbed the gauze and wrapped it around Ashton's arm wordlessly, obviously still upset with himself.
Ashton pouted and looked out the window.
"Done." Luke muttered a moment later, putting the medicines away.
"Thanks." Ashton said, smiling at him. But Luke just nodded and started to leave.
"Luke wait." Ashton said. Luke sighed and turned around. "Ashton I-"
"Kiss me." Ashton said, closing the space between them and stared into Luke's wide eyes.
"I, uh, Ash, what...i mean, um." Luke stuttered, staring back in surprise. Blush colored his cheeks.
"Please," Ashton whispered, leaning in. He was so close now that Luke could feel Ashton's breath against his lips when he spoke. "Kisses make things better don't they?"
"Um, well, yes, I suppose." Luke said, heart pounding.
"So do it. Kiss me. Please, it hurts Lukey." Ashton turned his head to the side and closed his eyes. His arms wrapped around Luke.
Luke was shaking. "I, well...okay." He gently placed his hands on Ashton and pulled him closer.
They stood impossibly close together. Luke was trembling so hard, making Ashton smile faintly, his eyes still closed as he waited for the feel of Luke's lips against his own.
He could hear Luke's shaky breaths as he leaned in closer and closer. He felt the cool metal of Luke's lip ring, and then finally, his soft lips.
He smiled into the kiss, making Luke relax some. Luke brought his hands up and cupped Ashton's face, and Ashton wove his hand into Luke's hair, the other on his back.
Some time later, Luke stepped back, trying and failing to hide his grin. "You smell like disinfectant." Ashton smiled. "Sorry, a giant ass snake bit me. I managed to kill it with my bare hands but not before it cut into me with its razor sharp teeth." Luke rolled his eyes and leaned in. "Oh no, that sounds horrible. Want a kiss to make it better?"
"That would be greatly appreciated yes." Ashton said, hugging Luke close as they kissed again.
"Thanks for making me get on that skateboard." Ashton whispered into Luke's ear when they broke apart. Luke blushed and smiled.
"Thanks for falling off."
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