He Likes Boys
In which Luke's little sister has a new boy friend, but doesn't know Ashton likes boys, or more specifically, Luke.
There is a song called he likes boys XD its hilarious and the reason y i wrote this <3
Luke rolled his eyes as his younger sister, Lilly, rambled on about some guy she met today.
They were supposed to be setting the table for dinner but Luke was the only one doing it since Lilly was on her phone, talking to their mom about the guy and texting said guy simultaneously.
"...and he said he would love to come shopping with me and I said okay and so tomorrow he's picking me up and we're gunna go to the mall and it's going to be like a date and ugh, Chrissy is going to be so jealous 'cause she likes him too but it's obvious he likes me more and-"
"Oh my God, shut up! You guys aren't even dating." Luke groaned. Lilly glared at him. "You're just jealous he doesn't like you."
Luke finished setting the table and rolled his eyes. "I'm not gay."
Lilly gave a dismissive hand wave. "Gay, bi, same thing."
Luke was starting to regret coming out as bi, now his family liked to tease him about it and a few guys at school tried to come onto him.
"What grade did you say he was in?" Their mom asked.
"Tenth." Lilly replied, not looking up from her phone.
"Hey, same as you Luke." Their mom said. Luke grinned. "Yeah. Hey, if this guy is as hot as you say he is, maybe I'll ask him out." He winked at Lilly, making her glare.
"Firstly, he's not gay. Second, if you do, I will lock you in a barrel full of flaming knives, shove you down a steep hill into a lake full of poisonous sharks, then fill the lake with shark-eating sharks, blow up the lake and hack your Facebook."
Luke glared. "Good luck finding shark eating sharks."
"Guys." Mrs. Hemmings sighed. "Shut up and eat your dinner."
Luke stepped off the bus, just barely being missed by Lilly, who was running into the school to meet up with that guy, her girl friends at her heels.
Luke rolled his eyes. "Girls."
"I know right." Luke's friend, Michael, said, coming up beside him. "What did she do this time?"
"She's totally in love with this guy she met only yesterday." Luke said as they entered the building.
"Wow." Michael commented. "Chicks are so weird like that. I've known you forever and I still don't really like you."
"Same." Luke said. They stopped at their lockers before Michael had to leave to go to his class.
Luckily, Luke's other friend Calum was in this class.
"Hey." Calum greeted him as Luke slid into the seat beside him.
"Hi." Luke replied, getting out his worksheet they were supposed to be working on. "Mrs. Jones here yet?"
"We have a sub today, and the sub is here." Calum said.
"Her name is Mrs. Blake."
Calum and Luke turned around and faced the boy who spoke to them.
The boy blushed. "Sorry, just thought you should know."
"It's fine, thanks." Luke smiled. Then he noticed the boy had the worksheet done already.
"Dude!" Luke exclaimed. "How do you have this done already? We just got it yesterday!"
"I did it last night?" He asked it like a question.
Luke studied him. "Are you, like, a genius?"
The boy laughed. "No, but I could tutor you if you want."
"Yes!" Luke laughed. "Thanks, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing."
Luke got up and sat next to the boy.
"I'm Luke by the way."
"Ashton." The boy smiled.
"I like your dimples." Luke teased and Ashton blushed and looked away. "Don't look at them."
"Aw, why not?" Luke said.
"'Cause they're girly!" He exclaimed.
"No they're not! I like them! Wish I had dimples."
"Ladies love dimples." Calum put in, turning around in his seat.
Ashton giggled. "Yeah, right."
"It's true!" Luke protested. "My little sister has dimples as #1 on her list of things she wants in a guy."
"She has a list?" Calum asked in disbelief. Luke nodded.
"That's weird." Ashton said.
"She's weird." Luke shrugged.
"I have a little brother. He's okay sometimes." Ashton said.
"Sisters are the worst." Luke groaned. "You're one of the lucky ones."
They spent the rest of the hour talking about girls, and Luke handed an unfinished worksheet to Mrs. Blake sheepishly.
She gave him a look but Luke didn't care, 'cause he got Ashton's number before the bell rang.
As soon as the bus dropped Luke and Lilly off at home, Lilly was running through the front door, screaming "I need to change my clothes!"
Luke rolled his eyes and called after her, "It's not even a date!"
He pulled out his phone to text Ashton.
My sister is so annoying -.-
Ashton responded a moment later.
Y, what's she doing?
Some guy is coming over and she's acting like it's a date.
Aw, poor guy!
Ikr! I feel sorry for him :/
Luke went up to him room, where he could hear Lilly running around in her own room, most likely making a huge mess.
The doorbell rang.
"He's here!" She screamed. "Luke get the door! I'm not ready!"
Luke rolled his eyes but went downstairs.
"Alright, let's meet the poor sap." He said as he opened the door.
Luke's eyes widened and he gasped, his expression mirroring the guy standing in front of him.
"You're the poor guy?!"
Ashton looked horrified. "I'm the poor guy?!"
Lilly came down the stairs. "Hey Ash! Just let me grab my purse and then we can go." She smiled and left.
"She does know this isn't a date, right?" Ashton asked, looking worried.
Luke shrugged. "Wanna come in?" He opened the door and gestured extravagantly with his arm, making Ashton giggle as he stepped in.
"Such a gentleman."
Luke grinned and shut the door. "That's not all I am, I'm pretty good at everything else."
"Everything?" Ashton asked, raising an eyebrow. "What about hand eye coordination?"
Luke fidgeted. "Doesn't count, no one uses that shit."
"Ready." Lilly said, beaming from the top of the stairs. She came down and grabbed Ashton's arm. "Let's go!" She said as she dragged him out of the house.
Luke laughed at Ashton's expression and waved.
Ashton grinned and flipped him off, making heat rise in Luke's cheeks.
He closed the door, still smiling, but that vanished when he came face to face with his mother, who was staring down at him.
"Ah, holy crap mom!" Luke cried. "Personal space!"
Suddenly his mom grinned. "Oh my God, you like him!"
"What? No I don't, stop being observant- I mean weird!" Luke blurted.
His mom laughed loudly. "Oh you have it baaaaad!"
"I don't have anything except an overbearing mom!" Luke glared, his heart pounding.
"Wait until Lilly finds out!" His mom said mischievously.
"No! Don't tell her!" Luke shouted.
".......I'm telling." She quickly pulled out her phone and started dialing.
"No!" Luke lunged for the phone. He knocked it to the floor, as Lilly picked up.
"Hello?" Lilly asked. Luke dove for it but his mom got to it quicker. "Hey Lilly, how's things going?" She asked, holding the phone out of Luke's reach. "Mom, if you love me, you won't do this." Luke whispered. She grinned. "I'm doing this because I love you." She whispered back.
"It's good, why did you call?" Lilly asked.
"Is Ashton there with you?"
"Mom seriously, don't!" Luke said, reaching for the phone. "I'll hate you forever."
"Shush Luke, I'm on the phone." Mrs. Hemmings said, putting her hand over Luke's face.
"Yeah, he's right here, do you want to talk to him?" Lilly asked, and there was shuffling over the phone and then Ashton said, "Hello?"
"Ashton hang up!" Luke shouted, making a grab for the phone again.
"No Ash, stay right where you are, I have something to tell you."
"No she doesn't, she's insane! She forgot to take her pills this morning so don't listen to her lies." Luke grabbed part of the phone and he and his mom made it into a tug of war game.
"Uh, okay." Ashton laughed. "Should I hang up or...?"
"Yes!" Luke shouted.
"No! Luke lov-"
"No I don't!" Luke blurted, hitting the end button on the phone.
"Aw." His mom pouted. "Just when he was about to find out your undying love for him."
Luke rolled his eyes. "Mom this isn't one of your soap opera's." She smiled and pinched his cheek. "No, but you're face is cute."
"Stop pinching it." Luke complained, blushing. "And I'm not cute, I have a lip ring, I'm super terrifying and manly and hardcore."
His mom burst out laughing. "Oh Luke, you're about as terrifying as Niall Horan and a baby penguin."
Luke glare-pouted and stomped up to his room, collapsing on the bed. "I am to manly." He said, muffled into his pillow.
"No you're not." His mom sang as she passed by the door.
Lilly and Ashton returned a few hours later.
"Hi honey, how was it?" Mrs. Hemmings asked.
Luke peeked around his door. Lilly was beaming. "Great! We had an amazing time, didn't we Ashton?"
Ashton smiled. "Yep."
Luke came out of his room and stopped at the top of the staircase.
"We should go shoe shopping tomorrow!" Lilly gasped. "I need new shoes."
"Okay." Ashton said. Luke came down the staircase. "Shoe shopping? Lilly, you have like, twelve pairs of shoes you haven't even worn yet!"
She glared. "Shut up. I need shoes. You're just jealous because you can't come with."
Ashton laughed, then tried covering it up. Luke glared at him. "Yeah, jealous."
His mom snorted and he gave her a warning look.
"Okay well, I'd better go." Ashton said, awkwardly making for the door.
"I'll walk you home." Lilly said eagerly, grabbing her coat.
"No Lil, you have homework. Luke can walk Ashton home." Mrs. Hemmings said.
Lilly protested but their mom was firm.
"I really don't need an escort." Ashton complained as he and Luke walked down the driveway.
"Well you have one so shut up." Luke grinned. "How was the date?"
"Oh shut up." Ashton rolled his eyes. "We're not dating and you know it."
"You sure? Lilly seems to think so." Luke teased.
"It's the dimples." Ashton grinned, flashing them.
Luke laughed. "Yeah, dimples is the #1 on my list too."
"You have a list too?" Ashton asked.
"What, no. I don't." Luke said. "What gave you that idea?"
"I have no idea." Ashton rolled his eyes.
They walked a few minutes more until they came to Ashton's house.
"Thank you so much for walking me home." Ashton said in a high voice, batting his eyelashes.
Luke grabbed Ashton's hand and bowed. "Anything for you."
"Oh, you're such a charmer." Ashton giggled. Luke grinned. "And only for you."
"Ashton! You're gay is showing!" A voice called from inside the house.
Ashton groaned. "Mom seriously, stop existing right now. Go exist somewhere else." Ashton was blushing as he faced Luke again. "You should go home before my mom decides to talk to you. She's kind of...unstable."
"But it's rude for the escort to leave the escortee without giving them a kiss!" Luke pouted, hoping Ashton would let him.
Ashton laughed. "Since when?"
"Since always!" Luke said, faking being offended.
"Alright fine." Ashton smiled. He held out his hand. Luke accepted it with over exaggerated movements. "Good night my love." He kissed the back of Ashton's hand, making Ashton giggle. "It's the middle of the day."
Luke just smiled. "Bye lovely."
"Bye babe."
Luke ran the rest of the way home, feeling the happiest he ever felt.
Luke was just about to get ready for bed when his phone buzzed in his pocket.
It was a text from Ashton.
Wanna do something scandalous? ;)
Like what?
Open your window.
Luke widened his eyes. He went to the window and opened it.
"Ow!" He cried, grabbing his eye. "Why did you throw a rock at me?"
"Sorry, forgot I told you to open the window." Ashton called up.
Luke rolled his eyes and shut the window. He ran downstairs, sneaking past his mom, who was watching TV and slipped out the door.
"What are we doing?" Luke asked Ashton, trying to conceal his excitement.
"Just follow me." Ashton grinned. They walked side by side, their hands occasionally brushing against each other.
It was dark out, so they used their phones for light.
"Are we there yet?" Luke complained. "My feet hurt."
"Well I'm not carrying-" Luke jumped onto Ashton's back.
Ashton sighed. "Alright, never mind."
"You smell good." Luke said.
"Why are you smelling me?" Ashton asked, laughing.
"'Cause you smell like a baby panda." Luke smiled, petting Ashton's hair.
"Shut up and get off, we're here." Ashton grinned, letting Luke slide off his back.
Luke looked around. "The mall? Isn't it closed this time of night?"
"For peasants yes." Ashton said, walking to the back of the mall. Luke followed. "But we're kings. Well, I am anyway. You're a peasant but you're with me so it's okay."
"I am not a peasant." Luke said indignantly. "I'm a scrub or a servant!"
"You're a scrub."
There was a guy standing by the mall's exit. "Hey Trevor." Ashton greeted, handing him a twenty.
"You guys got an hour and if we get caught; I take no responsibility." Trevor said in a bored voice as he pocketed the money and walked away.
"Who's he? What are we doing?" Luke asked as Ashton opened the door and led them into the silent and empty mall.
Ashton faced him and grinned. "I rented this place for us for an hour." He turned and ran down the hallway. "We have the mall to ourselves!" He shouted.
Luke ran after him, laughing. "Wait up! It's scary here!"
"Aw, Lukey's scared." Ashton said from somewhere.
Luke slowed and traced it back to a clothing store.
"Dude, come out, you're going to jump out and scare me, I know it." Luke said nervously, fiddling with his lip ring.
Ashton giggled and Luke whirled around but no one was there. His heart pounded.
"Ash, c'mon." Luke tried to be serious but laughed. "You're going to make me piddle myself."
That made Ashton laugh loudly and Luke spotted him behind the check out counter.
"Found you, you dick!" Luke shouted, feeling relieved.
Ashton hopped over the counter. "Let's go see some other stores!" He grabbed Luke's hand and ran out, dragging Luke behind him.
"There!" He suddenly gasped, stopping shortly, causing Luke to crash into him.
"Deb? The clothing store for girls?" Luke asked, rubbing his head. "Why this place?"
"I've always wanted to see what you look like in a dress." Ashton said, unlocking the doors and walking in.
"I am not cross dressing!" Luke laughed. Ashton pouted. "I will if you will."
"Fine, let's pick out dresses for each other!"
Luke ended up getting a red, strapless, short dress for Ashton, and Ashton got a wedding dress for Luke.
"Aw, Lukey is so grown up!" Ashton said when Luke came out of the dressing room. "Who's the lucky groom?"
Luke rolled his eyes. "Hey, at least I can actually work this dress." Ashton fake-gasped. "Are you saying I don't look good in mine?"
Luke hid a smile because Ashton actually looked very good in that dress. "No, you look fine, but you would look better in a suit and standing next to me."
Ashton grinned. "So you're saying you're the girl then?"
"Nope, just stating a fact." Luke smiled. They changed back into their regular clothes and walked around for a bit.
"We only have a few minutes left, we should get back to the entrance." Ashton sighed.
Their hour was up by the time they got there. Trevor held his hand out for the keys. Ashton handed them over. "Thanks Trevor." The guy nodded.
"Thanks for taking me out here tonight Ash, it was really fun." Luke said while they walked back home.
"Let's do it again sometime!" Ashton agreed. Butterflies erupted in Luke. "Alright! When?"
"Um, we can't tomorrow, I'm shopping with your sister. But maybe Friday?"
"Oh, right. Yeah, okay." Luke smiled. He had forgotten Ashton was kinda-not-really-but-sorta seeing his little sister.
The next day Luke got to class early, waiting for Ashton.
"Luke Hemmings is in class, on time?!" Calum fake gasped, taking a seat by Luke. "The planets must be out of alliance!"
"Oh shut up." Luke rolled his eyes fondly.
"Hey Luke." Ashton said, coming into the room. Luke turned around in his seat. "Hey."
"We're still on for Friday right?" Ashton asked and Luke nodded. "Yeah, but I wish you could hang out with me today." He pouted and Ashton sighed.
"I do too, but I promised your sister."
"Ashy! There's my favorite gay friend!" A voice boomed.
Luke looked up to see a smiling guy with brightly colored hair coming down and taking a seat next to Ashton.
"Miley!" Ashton whined. "Shut up!" He was blushing fiercely.
"Wait, you're gay too?" Calum gasped. "You should go out with Luke! He's bi."
Luke slapped Calum.
"Shouldn't you get to class?" Ashton asked Michael. "You know, before you're late again?"
He shrugged. "I haven't seen you in weeks! Don't you wanna hang out with me after school today?"
"Sorry, I'm hanging out with Luke." Ashton smiled.
"You're replacing me?" Michael said with fake horror.
"I replaced you the second you left." Ashton laughed as the bell rang. "Get to class."
Michael pouted and left.
"So, we're hanging out today?" Luke asked, smiling.
Ashton smiled back. "Yeah. We are."
"What do you mean you're going out with Luke and not me?" Lilly screeched.
Ashton, Luke and Lilly were outside the school. Lilly had been waiting for Ashton, and cornered Luke and him when she saw them walking out of school together, holding hands.
Ashton sighed. "Lilly, I don't know if you knew this or not, but I'm gay. Always have been, always will be. I thought we were just friends but, you wanted to be more and that just couldn't happen. I'm sorry."
"I can't believe this happened again." Lilly muttered.
Luke squeezed Ashton's hand. "Ready to go?" Ashton smiled. "Yeah."
They started walking but after a few steps Ashton stopped and faced Lilly.
"Hey Lil, you can come with us, if you want.
She shook her head. "No thanks, I just made plans with Sam to go to the movies. I'll see you guys later!" She waved and ran off.
"Who's Sam?" Ashton asked as they started walking again.
"Who cares?" Luke grinned, leaning in for a kiss.
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