Friends With Benefits
Luke and Ashton have been friends with benefits for as long as they've known each other, but lately Ashton's been wanting to be more than that.
But what happens when Luke doesn't want to change?
dedicated to SunshineAndPosies for the idea!
Luke collapsed onto the bed, breathing heavily. "Oh wow, I will never get tired of that." He grinned at Ashton and the older boy smiled.
"Me either." Ashton said. "But you know, our sex could actually mean something. It doesnt just have to be the occasional fuck here and there."
Luke sighed. "Ashton, we've talked about this. I don't want to be your boyfriend."
Getting stabbed would have hurt less.
"We just use each other for sex and blow jobs, okay? Don't bring this up again."
Death would have hurt less.
"Okay." Ashton said softly, blinking back tears.
Luke sighed and stood up. "And now I hurt you. I'm sorry babe." He hugged Ashton.
"It's okay." Ashton sniffed. "Im fine." He pulled back. He gave Luke a quick smile before walking out of the room.
He quickly ran out of their flat and burst out in tears.
For the past three years, Luke and Ashton had a tricky relationship.
Ashton loved Luke, while Luke loved sex.
At first, Ashton was okay with it, he had just met Luke and thought of him as just a cute fuck buddy. But then stupid feelings developed and he wanted to date Luke, but the younger boy just wanted Ashton for sexual things, not romance.
He sighed and slowed to a walk, wiping his eyes.
He just wished Luke felt the same way about him.
He envied the relationship his two best friends Calum and Michael had. He wanted him and Luke to be like them, but obviously, Luke didn't.
He needed someone to talk to so he went to Calums house. Of course, Michael was there too.
"Can you guys stop frickle frackling for a moment? I need some advice." He called out as he knocked on the door.
The door opened and Calum stood there. "We were sleeping, not frackling, FYI."
Ashton walked in and sat on the couch. "I need some help."
"With?" Calum sat on the chair.
"Luke?" Mikey asked as he came in.
Ashton nodded and looked at his hands.
Calum sighed. "Just forget about him! You know he only wants you for sex! He doesn't care about you, I'm sorry to tell you this Ash, but you need to hear it."
"I know." Ashton sighed. "But...I can't forget about him! That's the problem! I want us to be together, not to forget about him."
Calum put his hand on Ashton's. "He's never going to change Ashton."
"I think you should give it a chance." Mikey shrugged. "If he likes you for sex he might like you for romance too."
Calum rolled his eyes. "No Michael. You're horrible at advice."
"Im just preaching it." Michael shrugged.
Ashton giggled slightly. "I'm gunna go have a talk with him. Thanks guys."
He gave them each a hug before running out.
He ran all the way back to Luke's house, where Luke was waiting.
"There you are." Luke sighed, grabbing Ashton in a hug. "I was getting worried."
Ashton smiled. "Sorry, I was at Calums."
"Why?" Luke pulled back and started kissing him.
Ashton didn't answer since he knew Luke wouldn't be listening anyways.
Luke grabbed his hand and led him to the couch, where he sat Ashton on his lap and continued leaving a trail of kisses down the older boys neck.
"Um, Luke..." Ashton said, tilting his head up so Luke would have more places to kiss. "I've been thinking."
"Again?" Luke mumbled around Ashtons skin. "Why?"
Ashton bit his lip. "Well, I know you don't want us to be a serious relationship, but-"
Luke pulled back. "I don't want their to be an 'us' at all. I've told you this."
"Y-yeah, I know, but-"
"But nothing. Ashton, get those thoughts out of your head!" Luke said exasperatedly, annoyed that Ashton had ruined the mood.
Ashton frowned as tears burned behind his eyes. "But can't we just give it a try? I want us to be something more meaningful than just sex partners and I know we could work if you would just-"
"I said no!" Luke snapped, jumping up.
Ashton fell to the floor and stared up at Luke with hurt eyes.
Luke sighed and helped him up. "Let's just go upstairs and forget about this, okay?"
He trailed his hands down Ashton's torso, but Ashton slapped his hands away and stepped back.
"No! I'm not going to be your slut anymore Luke! If you don't want anything romantic to do from me, then I want absolutely nothing to do with you!"
He angrily wiped his eyes and walked to the door.
"Ashton, wait!" Luke called after him but Ashton was done.
He slammed the door behind him as he walked back to his own house.
It was time to forget Luke.
Ashton woke up late the next day.
He flipped on the TV as he grabbed down a box of cereal.
"Tragedy struck the town of Blaine today as a nineteen year old committed suicide sometime last night. With a note in his hand that said 'I'm sorry', the young male died from shooting himself around midnight. Oh, officials just released the name. Luke Robert Hemmings."
Ashton looked at the T.V. as he poured the cereal into a bowl.
"Sad. I bet he would have made a great boyfriend."
He turned the TV off and went back to his room.
New Message
Calum: hey how was last night? did luke stop being a dick?
To Calum
Ashton: you could say that
New Message
Calum: great! so r u 2 together?
To Calum
Ashton: no, he had to leave
New Message
Calum: he left Blaine? aw im sorry ash. maybe now you can forget about him
To Calum
Ashton: yeah
New Message
Calum: wanna get ice cream with me and mikey later?
To Calum
Ashton: sure
New Message
Calum: great! pick u up at 8!
To Lukey ♡
You stupid bastard
To Lukey ♡
I'm sorry too.
To Lukey ♡
Goodbye ♡
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