Friday The 13th
Friday the 13th doesn't always have to be a bad day.
*purposely publishes this when its not Friday the 13th*
Luke liked to think he was attractive. He had normal self concious issues like everyone else, but he knew he wasn't ugly.
He liked his blonde hair and his lip ring, and his personality was pretty awesome too.
So when he got a random tweet from someone he didn't know, he felt a little more confident. Especially since the tweet said: hi, ur really hot and I like u but im too scared to say anything to u ): ♡
Luke rubbed his phone in his friends face. "Ha, see, Calendar? I have a secret admirer."
"Get your phone out of my face before I rip out your lip ring." Calum muttered.
"You're such a jealous Calculator."
"Who is that anyways?" Calum asked.
"Oh...I have no idea. I'll tweet her back." Luke pulled out his phone.
Aw thanks! Id love to know who you are tho, do u go to NorthWest high? Its southeast of Riverdale and eastsouth of the football stadium
"Smooth." Calum rolled his eyes. "Eastsouth isnt even a word."
"Shut up spring roll."
"Oh, she responded!" Luke said excitedly.
Yeah, I go there. Btw, eastsouth isnt a direction cx
"That's what I said!" Calum exclaimed.
"Whatever lo mein!" Luke huffed. He typed back a reply.
Thats cool! U seem nice and stuff; meet me @ the auditorium after school?
Well...alright...but u won't like me after we meet...
Luke scoffed.
We'll c about that, princess (;
"How can you call her that when you dont even know what she looks like?" Calum raised his eyebrows. "Doesn't her Twitter give any info?"
"Oh right. Well her user is 19Ash94 and her pic is some band." Luke went through 'Ash' Twitter. " pictures."
"Mysterious." Calum commented.
"Shut up Calibration."
When lunch was over, Luke and Calum split up to their different classes.
So, what grade r u in?
Same as u luke.
U know my name?
Lol duh, we have a class together cx
What??? Which one?!
Not telling
Luke groaned.
So....y r u suddenly interested in me?
What makes u think this was a "suddenly" thing? cx
Ur so cute ♡ is ur name Ash?
It's Ashton...
Oh...pretty (;
Thanks Lukey ^.^
Lukey? Does that mean I can call u Ashy?
what? Y not ):
Cuz that sounds childish.
So does Lukey :-)
Whatever XP
hey. Add the nose!
What? No!
Add. The. Nose.
Make me (;
Wait no! Im sorry! Ill add the stupid nose! X-----------P
what. Is that pinocchio?
Oh shut up, im just trying to please u >.>
I know babe, and its working ;-)
I cant take u seriously with that stupid nose
Thx m8
Last class of the day! R u still gunna meet me @ the auditorium?
I guess....
Hey...y suddenly sad )-:
I just dont want u to hate me...
Princess, that could never happen (-:
.....god that stupid fucking nose.
Okay, im in the front row. Where r u? having second thoughts...
No! Plz ashy! I already like u and I bet ur as beautiful as ur personality! behind the curtain..
Luke jumped to his feet and ran to the stage. He threw back the curtains.
Ashton looked up at him from where he was sitting on the floor. His phone was still in his hands.
Cautiously, he hit send.
Luke was shocked. He thought he had been texting a girl this whole time.
His phone vibrated in his pocket and he took it out.
19Ash94: hi Lukey...
Slowly, Luke sat opposite of Ashton and typed back a reply.
Hemmo9: im speechless...
19Ash94: im so sorry! I should've told u I was a guy! But I didn't want u to reject me that fast- I wanted to spend some time with u before u hated me and-
Luke stopped Ashton from typing and tossed both their phones away.
He smiled and took Ashton's hands in his own. "No you dork, I'm speechless because you're even more beautiful than I pictured."
He leaned in and placed his hand against Ashton's blushing cheek. "Can I kiss you? Please, it'd be an honor."
"Oh...okay." Ashton whispered.
Luke leaned in and softly pressed his lips against Ashton's. He brought his other hand to cup Ashton's face.
When they pulled back, both of them were blushing hard.
"Cute!" A voice yelled.
They whipped around to see a boy walking over to them.
"California, what are you doing here?" Luke frowned.
"I had to see your crush!" Calum giggled. "He's so cute!"
Ashton giggled and bit his finger as Luke argued with his friend.
"Look, orange chicken, we're kinda having a moment here, so can you leave?"
"Wait wait wait." Calum grinned and faced Ashton. "So you're a guy right? And you have the dick to prove it right? So show Luke your proof!"
"Calculus!" Luke shouted, shoving Calum. "Leave, oh my God!"
"Hey sorry for trying to set you up!" Calum shrugged.
"Bad egg roll, bad." Luke scolded.
"Lukey? I wouldn't mind showing you my proof at your place tonight." Ashton winked at Luke.
Luke and Calum were both stunned into silence.
"I mean...teehee." Ashton giggled and twirled a curl.
"And I wouldn't mind being shown your proof." Luke finally smirked.
"My innocent calorie eyes!" Calum wailed.
"Shut up Calorie- oh wait-"
"Yeah, I used that one."
"Damn you, you wonton." Luke glared.
"Um..." Ashton coughed.
"Oh right." Luke put his arm around Ashton's shoulders. "Well, let's go see that proof of yours, shall we?"
Calum shook his head as he watched them go. "And they say something bad always happens on friday the 13th!"
Then he fell off the stage.
I feel like this whole one shot has been 50% lashton fluff and 50% calum abuse, im sorry XD ♡
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