Freedom- Never Surrender
Do you know what its like to want to surrender?
Ever since Luke and Ashton came out on live TV, chaos had followed them.
They were no longer allowed to sit beside each other in interviews, share bunk beds, or even text or call each other.
Ashton sat on his bed at home, trying not to burst out crying.
The band had been told to take a few weeks off, and they had all split up to stay at their own homes.
Ashton hadn't seen Luke since the day they admitted their relationship on TV, so for two weeks.
He called Calum while Luke called Michael, and they put their phones together so the couple could speak to each other.
Ashton sniffed and wiped his eyes, holdig his phone closer to his ear. "I miss you."
"I miss you too."
"When can we see each other again?" Ashton asked shakily.
"Probably not for a while."
"Why don't they like us?" Ashton whispered.
Luke sighed. "I don't know."
Ashton bit his lip, trying to hold back the whimpers.
Luke closed his eyes and leaned against the wall. "Please don't cry Ash, it'll be okay."
"Make me feel better, I wanna feel better!" Ashton cried.
Luke squeezed his eyes and drew his knees to his chest. "We'll keep fighting till this is over, okay Ash? Stay with me here and never surrender. We won't stop until we've won."
"I don't want to feel like this tomorrow too." Ashton sighed. "I love you."
"I love you too."
He hung up and handed the phone out to Calum.
Calum had tears in his eyes as he accepted it. "I'm so sorry Ashton. I wish...I just wish things were different."
Ashton buried his face in his hands and cried.
"Who the fuck do they think they are?" Michael asked angrily, kicking Luke's trash can around the room. "They can't just do this!"
Luke wiped his eyes with his hands. "Well they did anyways."
Mikey sighed and sat down. "Have you been on Twitter recently? Everyone's freaking out. They love you guys. I don't know why those people are making you guys stay away from each other. It's not right."
Luke sighed and laid down on his bed, pulling the covers over himself. "It doesn't matter."
Mikey looked over at him with wide eyes. "'re not giving up, are you?"
Ashton looked out his window, watching the rain pour down.
He visioned the rain as blood, trickling down his window pane and he stood up, walking to the bathroom.
He shut the door, and locked it.
With shaking hands, he opened a small drawer that hadn't been opened in years, pulling out a familair blade.
There came a knock on the door. "Ash? I'm heading back to my place and I need to grab my brush, can I come in?" Calum asked.
Ashton placed the blade on his wrist and slowly drew it across, gasping at the pain. Blood dripped to the floor.
There was a pause outside the door, then Calum knocked again, harder this time. "Ashton? Are you okay?"
Ashton studied the cut. "Dammit, not deep enough."
Calum jiggled the doorknob. "Ashton? Ashton! What are you doing in there? Ashton! Open this door!"
Ashton ignored him and yanked the blade across his wrist again, and again, and again.
"Ashton!" Calum yelled, pounding on the door. "Please, don't do it! Never surrender, remember?"
Ashton fell to the floor. He struggled to keep his eyes open.
He brought the blade to his throat, just as Calum knocked the door down.
"Good luck putting me back together." Ashton whispered.
"Just go, Mikey." Luke mumbled.
Michael gaped at him. "Luke, no! You can't! Never surrender, remember?"
Luke ignored him. Mikey sighed as his phone rang.
He pulled it out and answered it. "Hey Cal-what? He-he's...are you sure? Have you called an ambulance?! Oh my God, we're coming right over." He hung up and yanked the covers off Luke.
"Hey-" Luke's protest was cut off as Michael hauled him off the bed and pushed him out the door. "Grab your shoes, we're going to Ashton's."
"But I'm not allowed." Luke said, pulling his shoes on. "Why are we going now?"
"Because Calum and I haven't surrendered."
"In other news, Five Seconds of Summer's Ashton Irwin is in the intensive care unit at Blue Cross hosital after trying to kill himself last night. The star cut his wrists and tried to bleed out. All because of their management not letting him and his boyfriend, Luke Hemmings, stay together. I really hope this changes things, because something tells me this isn't the end."
"No," Luke whispered, staring up at the hospitals TV, "It's just the beginning."
"How is he?" Mikey asked the nurse who just came into the room. He and Calum jumped up from their seats, but Luke remained sitting, holding Ashton's hand with his.
"There is a fifty-fifty chance he won't wake up from this coma. If he doesn't wake up by midnight tomorrow, the chances of him ever waking up is less than one percent." The nurse said softly. "He lost a tremendous amount of blood, but we were able to stitch him up just in time. You were very lucky he didn't cut his throat." She looked down at Ashton. "I'm afraid we'll just have to wait and see."
Luke gripped Ashton's hand as tears built up, threatning to spill over. "Please Ash, I'm sorry I gave up on us...please wake up so I can fight for us, because I can't do this on my own."
He leaned over and kissed Ashton's forehead softly. "I will never surrender."
He leaned back and the tears spilled over. "You fight your battle, and I'll fight mine. I'll meet up with you when we've won, okay?"
"Luke..." Calum said breathlessly, looking out the hospitals window. Mikey and Luke got up and looked out too.
Thousands of people were standing outside the hospital, holding up signs and candles.
"Oh..." Luke was speechless as he read the signs.
#Never Surrender
We love Lashton!
Luke looked at the clock.
Ashton had nine hours to wake up.
Luke ran back to Ashton's bed and kissed him passionately.
"Stay with me here, and never surrender." He whispered as he pulled back. "Please."
But Ashton still slept.
*kisses fingers and holds hand up to the sky* to Larry
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