Find Love On Earth
Dedicated to RachelMeyers for the idea!
Luke is an alien from a different planet and due to a secret mission, he needs Ashton Irwin.
Luke stood up, brushing the dirt off himself. He checked himself for any injuries, but minus a few scrapes and bruises, he was fine.
"What the hell was that?"
"I don't know, but it landed somewhere over here, come on!"
Luke gasped slightly and took off running the other way.
He ran right into the road, nearly getting hit by a car.
He brought his hands up to block his face from the cars lights.
"Hey!" The driver shouted. "Get out of the road!"
Luke risked a glance behind him, the others were catching up. He took a split moment to decide his next course of action and climbed into the persons car.
"Hey!" The driver exclaimed, turning back to look at him. "Do you want to die earlier than you should?!"
"Just drive!" Luke snapped, looking out the windows.
"No!" The driver said indignantly. "Get out!"
"Look out!" Luke suddenly shouted, pointing out the rear window, where a truck was coming straight at them.
Ashton gasped and slammed on the gas, veering the car off the road, just as the truck barreled past the spot where the car had just been.
He screamed as he jerked the wheel violently, the car bumping around items in the dark. Luke brought his hand up and suddenly the car rammed to a halt.
Ashton gasped in pain as his head hit the steering wheel, his hands slamming against the dashboard to stop himself.
He breathed heavily for a few moments then whipped around to Luke. "Dude!"
Luke got out and climbed into the passenger door. Ashton leaned back. "What are you?"
"I'm a...shit, what do you people call themselves?" He reached his hands up and brought his fingertips to Ashton's head. "Hold still."
Ashton froze. He could feel tiny fingers prying around his brain, searching through his thoughts and memories.
Luke pulled back. "I'm human. Like you."
Ashton narrowed his eyes. "You are not. What's your name?"
"Ashton." Luke replied.
Ashton raised an eyebrow. "Really? You're last name wouldn't happen to be Irwin, would it?"
"Uhhh..." Luke avoided eye contact.
Ashton sighed. "Tell me what you really are or I'll call the police."
Luke sighed in defeat. "Fine. My name is unpronouncable in your language, but you can call me.....Luke."
"O-kayy...are you like an alien, or something?" Ashton asked, his hand slowly rising up and grabbing the door handle.
Luke tilted his head to the side. "Technically, you're the alien. To me anyways."
"So you are?"
Luke shrugged and nodded.
Ashton nodded slowly. "Okay..." He suddenly yanked the car door open and ran out.
"Hey!" Luke called. "Don't you want your car?"
He sighed when he didn't get an answer and climbed out to. He closed his eyes and saw Ashton clearly. He imagined himself where Ashton was, and suddenly appeared in front of the human.
Ashton screamed and dug his heels into the ground, trying to stop himself from running into the alien. Luke caught him and held him steady while the boy tried to catch his breath.
Ashton threw Luke's hands off him and stumbled back. "Dude!"
Luke cocked his head. "You left your car back there."
Ashton groaned and sat down. "Can't you just leave me alone? You almost got me killed, totalled my car, and dug through my brain, something I did not appreciate by the way."
"I'm sorry, I can fix your car if you want." Luke blinked.
Ashton frowned at a strange noise that had suddenly appeared. He looked up and gasped at the sight of his car falling down on top of him.
Luke leaped suddenly, tackling Ashton out of the way.
The car landed with a crash and Ashton moaned into the dirt. "My car!"
"I brought it here to fix it." Luke said, climbing off of Ashton.
Ashton sat up and glared at Luke. "You almost killed me! Twice!"
"But I didn't. I saved you." Luke trailed his fingers along the car, the dents and scratches magically disappearing under his touch. "Twice."
Ashton watched in fascination. "What planet are you from? Are you in the Milky Way, or farther?"
"Much farther." Luke said, concentrating on his work.
Ashton scrambled up. "How far? And why do you look human? How do you speak English?"
"I learned your language when you spoke to me on the road. I have the ability to learn any language by hearing it." Luke said.
"How come all aliens have superpowers? You said that we were aliens too yet none of us have any powers."
"Some species are just less advanced than others." Luke shrugged. Ashton glared. "Whatever."
"Done." Luke announced a moment later. Ashton inspected his car and was surprised. "'s actually looking better than before I bought it!"
"Yeah, you're welcome." Luke smiled.
Ashton climbed in. " then. Thanks for giving me an interesting night."
Luke frowned. "You can't leave. I need your help."
Ashton groaned and hit his head against the wheel repeatedly, making the horn honk. "Nooo! Dammit, dammit, dammit!" He sighed, resting his head against the wheel. He turned his head and faced Luke. "What do you need?"
"A place to rest and some food to complete my mission." Luke said.
Ashton heaved a sigh. "What mission is that?"
"Mission F.L.O.E." Luke responded.
Ashton was confused. "Floe?"
"No, the acronym FLOE. F.L.O.E." Luke said.
"What does that stand for?"
"That's classified."
Ashton blinked up at him then groaned. "Alright fine. Get in. I can take you to my place."
Luke climbed in and Ashton started the car. "I don't suppose you can just teleport us home right?"
"I could."
Ashton brightened. "Really?"
"Do it!"
"Fuck you."
Ashton grumbled as he started the car. "How come the boy who's always hated aliens winds up with one?"
He pulled up to the house a few hours later.
"Here we are, don't break anything." He said as he unlocked the door.
Luke suddenly slammed Ashton into the door and the boy groaned into the wood. "Dude! What was that for?!"
Luke pointed. "There's a thingy!"
Ashton glared at him and looked around. "There is no thingy. God I think you just broke my back."
There is too a thingy!" Luke grabbed Ashton's face and tilted it in the direction of his finger. "See?"
Ashton rolled his eyes and slapped his hands off. "That's the glow from my neighbors TV. Sheeshus Jesus."
He opened the door and walked inside.
Luke stared at the thingy a moment longer before following.
"So, you can sleep on the couch here, and uh, theres food in the fridge." Ashton said, walking up the stairs to his room.
"Wait!" Luke called and Ashton stopped. "Yeah?"
"Nothing. Thank you." Luke said and Ashton gave him a nod, walking to his room.
Luke stared after him. "I think...I think I love you."
Ashton came down the next day. He looked at the couch, but Luke wasn't there.
"Luke?" He called, looking around the kitchen and bathrooms, but those were empty too.
He went outside and looked around, seeing his neighbors TV on again. He finally spotted Luke standing in the backyard, holding something in his hand.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Ashton asked, walking up to him.
"Just making friends." Luke responded, petting the little bird that was on his finger softly.
Ashton stared at him in wonder. "You can talk to animals?!" Luke rolled his eyes. "No, course not. Don't be stupid." Ashton huffed. "Sor-ry." He crossed his arms and Luke smiled.
"Aw, someone's grumpy in the morning."
Ashton glared and flapped his long sleeves of his black hoodie in Luke's face.
Luke laughed and let the bird fly away.
Ashton watched it go with a look in his eyes. Luke noticed it and followed his gaze.
"You wanna fly?" He asked softly, taking Ashton's hand.
Ashton looked at him and took his hand back. "No, course not. Don't be stupid. Humans can't fly." He was blushing and it made Luke smile. He came up behind Ashton and the human gasped slightly as Luke hugged him from behind, resting his chin on Ashton's shoulder. "But aliens can."
Ashton's breath caught as Luke grabbed his waist, and they slowly lifted off from the ground.
Ashton hid his face in his hands and they rose and Luke laughed. He removed Ashton's hands with his free hand. "Look babe, it's a pretty nice view."
Ashton slowly peeked his eyes open and he turned around, grabbing Luke's shirt tightly. He buried his face in Luke's chest. "How high are we?!"
Luke looked down. "About three feet."
Ashton sighed and tilted his head back, looking down at the ground.
Luke stared at Ashton and his breath caught. He leaned down and paused, centimeters from Ashton's neck.
Ashton was completely oblivious, happily watching below them. He twisted back around so his back was to Luke. "Whoa, we're as high as the birds!"
Luke sighed and pulled back. "Yeah, want to go higher?"
Ashton closed his eyes and beamed, spreading his arms out. "Yes please!"
Luke grinned and raised them higher.
Ashton laughed and opened his eyes. "This is better than being on the Titanic!"
"Can you hear Heaven?" Luke asked. Ashton frowned and listened. "No, can you?"
"Yeah, they say they can't wait for you to join them when it's your time."
Ashton's eyes were wide. "I'm going to Heaven?" (lol im not)
Luke laughed and nodded, flying them back to Ashton's house. "Are you?" Ashton asked as they landed.
"Am I going to Heaven?" Luke asked, letting go of Ashton. "No. I'm not going to your Hell either though."
Ashton frowned. "But, then where? Are you going to turn into a ghost or something?"
Luke smiled. "No, I'm from somewhere else, remember? My species never dies."
Ashton's eyes widened. " are we supposed to be together forever if you don't die with me?"
Luke's heart fluttered. "What?"
Ashton looked at the ground. "Let's go make breakfast. I'm hungry."
He walked quickly to the house and Luke smiled and followed him. A light caught his attention and he looked at the neighbors house again.
"It's just the TV." He told himself before going into Ashton's.
Ashton was in the kitchen, getting down bread for toast."Do you eat Earth food? Or nah?" He asked.
"I can." Luke nodded and Ashton made them some toast.
"What's that?" He asked as Ashton spread something on the toast. "Vegemite." Ashton said. "Try it." He handed Luke a piece and Luke took a tiny bite. He made a face. "You people actually eat this?"
Ashton pouted. "What are you talking about? It's good!" He took the food from Luke and ate it himself while Luke smiled fondly.
After that, Ashton had to leave for work and Luke was left alone in the house.
Luke poked around at things, turned on the TV, flushed the toilet, figured out how to break the microwave and accidentally tipped over a vase, spilling dirt and flowers across the carpet.
"Curse these long yet ridiculously sexy human legs."
He used his mind to raise the vase and set it back on the table. He reached his arm out and made the flowers fly back into the vase. He filled it with water, and was looking for the vaccumn cleaner when he saw something out the window.
He looked out and saw the neighbors window, just as a shadow flitted past. Luke frowned and closed the blinds.
He found the vaccumn and cleaned up the spilled dirt.
He waited on the couch for Ashton to come home, and as soon as the human did, he tackled him.
"Do you just love hurting me or something?" Ashton groaned.
"I saw the thingy again." Luke said urgently.
Ashton rolled his eyes. "You're like a cat with a laser pen. It's just the glow from their TV! They watch it all the time. Why are you so freaked out?"
Luke got off Ashton and stood up. "Im not freaked."
"You actually are."
"I just don't want it to be the E.S.P's." Luke pouted.
"The what? And don't tell me it's classified."
Luke sighed. "The Evil Space Personnelles. They followed me to Earth."
Ashton blinked. "What."
"They followed me to-"
"Yeah yeah," Ashton held his hands up. "I meant what as in, what?! Why would you let evil space thingies follow you here?!"
"It's all part of F.L.O.E." Luke sighed.
"What kind of mission is this?! You're not gunna blow up the Earth right?" Ashton questioned.
Luke rubbed his neck awkwardly. "Haha, of course not."
Ashton sighed and fell back on the couch. "I'm regretting meeting you."
Luke bit his lip.
Day One
Figured out text faces, which is the best thing on Earth, well besides Ashton.
So far he hates me, maybe I should find someone else to use to complete the mission. Also, getting suspicious of his neighbors, might be evil o.O
Twelve hours left.
Day Two
Broke a microwave and a vase.
Took Ashton flying with me, and I think he might love me back. Maybe I can keep him for the mission after all (:
Two hours left.
"Luke?" Ashton called up. "You ready to go?"
Luke hid his writing and went downstairs, where Ashton was waiting.
"Yeah, sorry." They headed out.
"Where are we going?" Luke asked a moment later.
"What place is that?" Luke was confused and Ashton smiled.
"I've never heard of that place." Luke said and Ashton sighed.
"Just forget it." He brought Luke to the park and they sat on the swings.
"Now what do we do?" Luke asked.
"Swing! Don't you know how to swing?" Ashton asked.
Luke shook his head.
Ashton groaned. "Do I seriously have to push you?"
"What kind of push?" Luke winked and Ashton rolled his eyes. "Not the kind you're thinking."
Luke pouted and Ashton got behind him and gave him a push. (I don't think there was a possible way to write this without sounding dirty so I just screwed it.....)
Ashton thought about Luke as the alien happily swung.
It was obvious Luke was attractive, but then again, he was pretty mysterious too.
Ashton didn't know his real name, or where he lived or basically anything about him.
But he would be lying if he said he didn't love the alien.
Luke checked his watch and jumped off the swing. "Hey Ash?"
"Would this be considered a date? What we're doing?" Luke asked.
" some cases." Ashton said.
"What about our case?"
"Uh well, that depends." Ashton blushed slightly.
"On what?"
"Well, when two people go out, it's because they love each other, so they want to express their love by going on dates."
They started walking again.
"So, were you expressing love?" Luke asked and Ashton looked at the sky.
"No...I was just being friendly."
Luke frowned. "Are you friend zoning me?"
"Well if you don't love me, then you hate me right?"
"No! There's a space in between love and hate called friends. That's where you are." Ashton tried to explain.
"Exactly- friendzone."
Ashton huffed. "Alright fine. Yes, I friend zoned you. Happy?"
"Most definitely not!" Luke pouted.
"Well what do you want me to do?" Ashton asked. He felt like he was talking to a little kid.
"Love me."
Ashton choked. "Whoa slow down! I've only known you for a day!"
Luke looked crestfallen and Ashton suddenly feared him to be suicidal. "I'll admit I think you're good looking, but that shouldn't be the only reason I love you."
Luke was smiling at him and Ashton didn't know why. "What?"
"You said 'I love you'."
Ashton rolled his eyes. "How old are you?"
"On what?"
"The unit of measurement of time." Luke responded, checking his watch.
"Earth years."
"About eighteen." (Luke isn't allowed to be older than 18)
"Wait, your planet sent a teenager to do this mission? Are they some kind of stupid?" Ashton asked.
"Excuse you, I was privately asked to do this mission." Luke retorted.
"Sorry. You don't talk much about yourself so..." Ashton shrugged as they came to a pier.
Luke shrugged too. "It's classified. There's not much I can tell you."
"Well, tell me what you can!"
"And what will you give me in return?" They sat on the edge of the dock, watching the sunset.
"Um, how about a kiss?"
Luke sat up straight. "Really?"
Ashton nodded. "Tell me about the mission and I'll kiss you."
"Okay." Luke swung his feet happily. "Well, my planet is highly advanced, and they sent a select few to various planets. Since my kind cherishes love above anything else, our mission is to find love on the planets we were sent to. If we find it, the planet stays alive, if not, we blow them up." (I was gunna put an invader zim reference here but I didn't think anyone would get it, "Moosey fate! Say your moosey fate!")
Ashton stared at him. "What part of that was classified?"
"The combination to open the door of my spaceship." Luke replied. "Now will you kiss me?"
Ashton opened his mouth, but then just shook his head and closed it. "Sure."
They leaned in towards each other.
Ashton placed his hand on Luke's cheek, feeling the smooth skin. They got closer and closer, until their lips barely brushed against each other.
Ashton was just about to go for it, when Luke suddenly sighed. "Shit."
A timer was going off. They looked at Luke's watch, which was flashing.
"What does that mean?" Ashton asked.
"Uh, I forgot to mention a tiny detail. I only had two days to find love on Earth." Luke admitted sheepishly. "Times up."
"What?!" Ashton scrambled up. "Well, find some love!"
Luke jumped up too. "I was! All you had to do was kiss me!"
The ground rumbled suddenly and they nearly fell into the lake.
"Earthquake?" Ashton cried out, holding into the wooden post of the pier.
"No! E. S. P's!" Luke shouted. "They're going to blow up the Earth!"
"Well make them stop!"
"I can't! I didn't find love!" Luke cried.
"Well..." Ashton looked around desperately. "There's got to be something we can do!"
"Do you love me?" Luke asked suddenly as high winds made large waves in the lake. Car alarms started going off and Ashton could hear panicked screaming as the sky turned an ugly color.
Luke sighed. "Your planet is about to be destroyed! Now is not the time to act like a school girl with a complicated crush!"
Ashton huffed. "Alright! I do! I love you, okay? I really, really do. I fucking love you! Want me to broadcast it on the radio? I'll play it loud all day, everyday. Ashton the human loves Luke the alien! Everyone come read about it! It's a complicated relationship but they'll make it work because it's true love dammit!" The ground gave a stomach flipping lurch, and Ashton held onto the post tighter, squeezing his eyes shut.
Luke smiled and carefully made his way to Ashton.
Ashton opened his eyes at the feel of hands cupping his face.
He looked up and saw Luke smiling down at him, floating slightly so the ground wouldn't affect him.
"I love you too."
Luke kissed him and the world froze.
Ashton closed his eyes and kissed him back.
When they pulled back, it was quiet.
The lake was calm, is was silent in the distance, the sky was a pretty shade of pink as the sun set.
Luke set his feet on the ground and helped Ashton up.
"Wow." He admitted sheepishly and Ashton giggled. "Yeah, wow."
Suddenly the humans eyes widens and he gripped Lukes arm. "Wait, you're not gunna leave to your home planet now right? Are you leaving me?"
Luke pulled him close, one hand on Ashton's waist, the other holding his hand.
"I'll stay as long as you want me."
"So, forever then?"
"Or until you die." Luke smiled and Ashton glared at him.
"You ruined it! We were having a moment and you fucking ruined it!"
"Sorry." Luke laughed as they started walking back home.
"Oh, and Luke?" Ashton asked.
"Congrats on getting out of the friend zone."
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