Candy Kisses
Where Ashton has a sugar addiction and Luke tries to get him to eat his vegetables.
"Hey Luke, want some gum?"
"No, and I can't believe you bought twenty packs of gum today." Luke grumbled as they started walking home from the gas station.
"So I don't have to make a second trip." Ashton huffed and put a piece in his mouth.
"You have a sugar addiction, this isn't healthy." Luke tried to reason with the older boy but Ashton just blew a bubble in his face and Luke gave up.
"I wonder what the world record for the biggest bubble is." Ashton mused as he unwrapped another piece.
"Don't tell me you're going to try and break it." Luke groaned.
"Of course I'm not going to try and break it." Ashton scoffed.
"Good." Luke sighed.
"I am going to break it." Ashton grinned.
"Ashton!" Luke whined. "You can't! All that sugar would kill you!"
"Then I'll be a martyr for the cause." Ashton said seriously, before popping a third piece of gum in his mouth.
"Seriously Ash, I don't want to be the one the cops arrest for letting you eat all that sugar. You know you have a bad addiction." Luke groaned.
"It's not that bad." Ashton said defensively as they reached the house. He blew a bubble but it popped.
"Really? What did you have for breakfast lunch and dinner yesterday?" Luke raised an eyebrow as they went inside.
Ashton opened his mouth to speak but Luke cut him off. "I'll tell you what you had. You had ice cream for breakfast, skipped lunch to eat chips and pop for three hours straight and ate a can of whipped cream for dinner. Not to mention candy snacks throughout the whole day! How the hell are you not fat as fuck?"
Luke sighed and calmed down. "I just don't want you to have a heart attack."
"It's just gum." Now Ashton felt a little guilty.
"Its always just. Just a can of pop, just a Reeses PB cup, just a cookie. Soon it will be just a heart attack, just a little trip to the hospital. Just another death." Luke ranted.
Now Ashton was alarmed. "Whoa calm down!'s just gum." He said in a small voice. "You don't swallow gum."
"Says the boy who went to bed with gum in his mouth and fell asleep. Do you even remember that? It got everywhere!" Luke yelled. "And I was the one who payed for your dentist visit after that."
Ashton giggled and poked Luke's cheek. "Do you want to know why you did that?"
"No." Luke crossed his arms.
"I'll tell you why." Ashton kissed Luke's cheek. "It's 'cause you love me."
"I don't love you." Luke tried to hold back a smile as Ashton kissed his face.
"You love me and my candy kisses." Ashton said, his minty breath surrounding them.
It was a familiar smell Luke had gotten used to when he had moved in with Ashton.
"Stop." Luke giggled.
"I know you don't mean that so I'm just gunna ignore you." Ashton played with Lukes hair as he kissed him.
"Ash, I have to make dinner, please stop." Luke laughed as Ashton tickled his sides.
"Boo, you always make healthy stuff for dinner." Ashton frowned.
Luke laughed and slapped Ashton's hands off him. "You need me to survive, I'm the only healthy thing in your life."
"Don't make vegetables." Ashton pleaded as Luke walked to the kitchen. He rolled off the couch and stared after his roommate. "Especially not broccoli!"
"If you eat your vegetables, I'll let you kiss me." Luke called back.
Ashton frowned. "That was low. You know I need to give you kisses to survive."
"You also need veggies to survive." Luke smiled.
"No." Ashton complained. "Can't I have some pie instead? That's healthy."
"In what world is pie healthy?" Luke sighed as he started cooking.
"It is if you put a strawberry on it." Ashton argued.
"Will you please get off my floor?" Luke asked. "Your sugary scent is seeping into it."
Ashton started giggling and Luke looked at him. "What's so funny?"
"Seeping." Ashton giggled from behind his hands and Luke sighed. "Just go take a shower."
Ashton skipped off to the bathroom as Luke made dinner for them.
He had an idea suddenly, and grinned evily to himself.
There was no way Ashton would eat the broccoli. At least, not knowingly.
Luke pulled out a box of brownies and smiled.
Ashton came downstairs a few minutes later. "Luke! Help me! I got gum in my hair!"
Luke sighed and set the pan of brownies in the oven. "How?"
Ashton giggled. "Do you really want to know? I thought it was a clever way."
"No." Luke squeezed his eyes shut. "Just come here and I'll work it out for you."
Ashton pulled a chair out and sat down on it in front of the sink.
Luke groaned when he saw the pink mess tangles in Ashton's curls. "Jesus Christ Ash, did you bathe in it?"
"Well actually-" Ashton sniffed the air. "Did you make brownies?!"
Luke frowned. "I just put them in, how did you smell that already?"
Ashton stomped his feet happily. "Can I lick the spoon? Please please please Lukey, please?"
Luke sighed. "If you sit still so I can fix your hair you can."
Ashton giggled as Luke handed him the bowl that held the brownie batter and the spoon. "Thank you!"
Luke concentrated on wetting Ashton's hair and gently pulling the gum out of it. "You're welcome Ashy."
It took him half an hour, but he managed to get it all out. "There. Now don't shower with gum in your mouth again." Luke warned.
Ashton licked the bowl and looked up at Luke with big eyes. "This is the best thing I've ever tasted."
"You say that every time you eat." Luke smiled.
Ashton squealed as the timer went off.
"Brownie time!"
"Not yet! Eat your dinner first, then you can have a brownie." Luke blocked the way to the oven.
"Sorry, mom." Ashton mocked.
"Just," Luke sat Ashton down at the table. "Sit."
"Hey, where's the vegetable?" Ashton asked suspiciously, eyeing his plate.
"We didn't have any." Luke lied, taking the brownies out.
"Oh darn." Ashton happily started eating.
Luke sat beside him and watched his roomate fondly.
"Done!" Ashton chimed. "Brownie time!" He jumped up and ran to the stove.
"Let me get it for you baby, I have to frost them first anyways." Luke said, getting up and putting their plates away.
"Can't I just have one now?" Ashton pouted, poking the pan.
"You can't." Luke said firmly. "Go pick a movie to watch and then I'll bring you a piece."
"Yay movie night!" Ashton clapped his hands. "I'll get the popcorn!"
"Popcorn? You just had dinner and brownie batter and are getting a brownie later!" Luke cried.
Ashton stared at him blankly, his hand on the popcorn bag.
Luke sighed. "Fine, but only one bag."
Ashton beamed and microwaved the popcorn while Luke frosted the brownies.
Ashton took the bag with him as he went to the living room.
Luke cut a brownie out and covered the broccoli lumps with chocolate frosting.
He put it on a napkin and walked to the living room.
Ashton was sitting in front of the TV, the popcorn already half gone. "I want to watch TV, we always watch movies." Ashton said.
Luke sat beside him and handed him the brownie. "Okay."
Ashton squealed and put the whole thing in his mouth.
He bit down and immediately his eyes got wide. He looked to Luke in betrayal.
"Don't you dare spit that out!" Luke yelled as Ashton brought his hand to his mouth to spit.
He tackled Ashton off the couch. "You need to eat your vegetables!"
Ashton shook his head and struggled under Luke.
"Chew and swallow." Luke demanded. "Then you can have the rest of the popcorn."
Ashton shook his head again and glared accusingly.
"I did it for your own good Ash, it's just one broccoli. Please eat it? For me?" Luke pleaded.
Ashton sighed.
"Pleeeeeeeease?" Luke poked Ashton's cheek and smiled.
Ashton rolled his eyes but swallowed the veggie brownie.
"Thank you!" Luke helped him up and they sat on the couch.
"I can't believe you did that." Ashton said as he poured the bag of popcorn into his mouth.
"You're so unhealthy, I just did you a favor." Luke sighed. "I'm sorry."
"I'll forgive you later." Ashton giggled. "What should we do with the rest of the brownies?"
Luke grinned. "Lets give them to Calum and Michael!"
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