Blackmail Part 2
"Have you seen Ashton?" That phrase had never been said so many times before until this night.
Luke was desperate now. Something had happened to his friend, and no one here seemed to know what.
Luke didn't trust Calum and especially Michael completely, but they were helping him find Ashton, so they weren't entirely bad.
"Have you seen Ashton?" Luke asked a girl and she glared. "You already asked me that! No! For the fifth time!"
"Okay jeez." Luke brushed past her.
Luke turned when he heard his name and saw a familiar person standing there.
"Oh, hey Diana. What are you doing here?"
"I'm here for the party." She giggled. "Wanna dance?"
"I can't right now. Have you seen Ashton?" Luke looked around his ex girlfriend at all the people who were partying, but he didn't see his curly haired, smiling, giggly, muscled friend anywhere.
"Who?" She questioned, spinning around.
"My...friend." Luke said. "He came with me to the party, but then he vanished."
"Maybe he ditched you." Diana shrugged and stepped closer to him. "Come on, dance with me! I love this song!"
"No!" Luke snapped, pushing her off him. "I need to find my friend!"
"Luke!" She called after him as he pushed his way through the crowd, to the back of the house, where Calum and Michael were waiting.
"Find him?" Luke asked them, but they shook their heads.
"Maybe he's not at the party." Mikey said. "We've looked everywhere here, maybe he's outside or went home."
"We didn't check everywhere, the garage door is locked." Calum said. "But I don't think he would be there."
"I'm checking anyways." Luke tried the door, but as Calum said, it was locked. "Josh has a key right? Let's find him so we can unlock it."
"But how could Ashton be in there if its locked? How did he get in?" Mikey asked.
"Maybe someone locked him in there." Luke was getting angry. He just wanted his Ashton back.
"Let's find another way in first, then ask Josh." Calum suggested, and Luke finally agreed.
They went outside and walked around to the garage.
"Look." Luke pointed up. A light was shining through it. "Someone's in there."
"Ashton?" Michael asked and Calum shrugged.
Luke ran to the front of the garage and flipped open the remote to open the garage door. "Whats the code?"
"How the fuck are we supposed to know?" Michael snapped.
"Try 4573." Calum suggested and Luke punched it in.
The door started to open.
"Whoa, how did you know?" Mikey asked in amazement.
"It's Josh's name in numbers." Calum shrugged.
"What the hell...? Ashton!" Luke shouted.
Exhaust was pouring out of the garage like a giant cloud of smoke. There was a car inside, which was on. The garage was full of the fumes.
Luke coughed and ran in. He looked in the driver's seat, but it was empty. He yanked the door open and pulled the key out.
The car shut off.
"He's not in the backseats either." Calum called, covering his mouth and nose with his shirt.
"Guys!" Michael shouted from the back of the car.
Luke ran to him. "Is he in the trunk? Ashton? Ashton?"
"The key!" Calum shouted, pointing to Luke's hand. "Unlock the trunk and let's see!"
Luke fumbled with the key and shakily slid it in the lock. It clicked and Michael opened the lid.
"Ashton!" Luke cried. "Oh my God, is he dead? Ashton, Ashton! Wake up!"
"He's not dead, his chest is moving. But we need to get out of here now or we'll all die." Michael said, grabbing Ashton's arm and hauling him up.
Calum grabbed his other arm and they pulled him out, all were coughing to hard to speak. The gas made it hard to see, but they managed to stumble out to the yard.
They collapsed on the lawn and took deep breaths of the fresh air.
Ashton moaned and rolled over. Luke grabbed him and hugged him tightly. "Ashton! What happened to you?"
"Let him catch his breath first." Michael said.
A few partyers looked at them weird but assumed they were just drunk or something and moved on.
Ashton gripped Luke's shirt and let out a sob. "He was going to kill me!"
"Who? Who was going to kill you? I'll kill them!" Luke's grip on Ashton tightened.
"I don't know." Ashton caught his breath and wiped his eyes. "He was wearing a hood and I didn't see his face."
"Did he say anything to you?" Calum asked.
Ashton nodded. "He said to stay away from him."
"What? He takes you and then says to stay away?" Michael asked.
"No, he was talking about someone else. But I don't know who." Ashton sighed and leaned against Luke. "He was so scary Luke. I didn't want to be afraid but I was."
"It's okay, you'll be okay. He won't hurt you ever again, I promise." Luke pressed a kiss to Ashton's hair and Calum and Michael pretended not to notice.
"I think it's time we went home." Luke said. "I'm sick of this party."
At school the next day, Ashton was jumpy and anxious.
He went straight from class to class, which made Luke sad since they no longer stopped at each others lockers.
All four of them had the same lunch though. Luke had never noticed that before.
Mostly because he hated Michael and never bothered to notice him.
In lunch at that moment, Calum was explaining the notes to Ashton.
" after that we all teamed up! Do you have a note?"
Ashton shook his head and looked behind him before scooting a little closer to Luke.
Ashton wasn't the same after the attempted murder on his life yesterday.
It pissed Luke off. Now Ashton couldn't be his happy, bubbly self. And that son of a bitch was still out there somewhere, probably planning on doing it again.
Luke wrapped his arms around Ashton's trembling body. At least it had brought them a little closer together.
"Who's doing this?" Luke wondered aloud. "Who did we piss off?"
"I don't know, but this guy has some major issues." Michael said, taking Luke's fries.
Ashton suddenly placed his palm against Luke's cheek, tilting his face so Luke looked at him.
"What if he tries to hurt you too?" Ashtons worried hazel eyes brimmed with fear as he stared at Luke.
"He won't." Luke assured, holding Ashton's hands in his. "He won't touch any of us ever again. None of us have gotten any new notes right?"
They all shook their heads.
"Good. Maybe he's done messing with us. The stunt at Josh's party might have been the final trick to scare us, but he's done now."
Calum frowned. "Does this mean the end of the four musketeers?"
"How can there be an end to something that's never started?" Mikey rolled his eyes and took Luke's cookie.
"We're not calling ourselves that." Luke rolled his eyes.
Calum pouted. "Haters."
Ashton sighed and leaned against Luke. "I just hope you're right, Luke."
Im grounded so I had to end this one quickly sorry it sucks
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