Ashton Irwin, Luke Hemmings, Michael Clifford and Calum Hood have a complicated relationship.
Luke and Michael hate each other, Ashton and Luke kinda-but-not-really-secretly love each other, and Calum and Michael are best friends.
They have nothing in common with each other, until one day when they all get a note.
Someone is messing with their lives.
Someone knows all their secrets.
Someone wants them dead.
(Someone needs therapy.)
It was October.
Brown, red, yellow and orange was everywhere, since they were the current color of leaves and the leaves were fucking everywhere.
That was what Luke was thinking as he walked to school one chilly day.
It was quiet out, minus the crackle of leaves as he stepped on them.
He wondered if Ashton would be waiting at his locker again today.
He smiled uncontrollably at the thought. Luke loved Ashton, but Ashton didn't love him back.
His smile faltered and he looked at the ground.
A few minutes later, he heard another crunching noise followed by a faint click behind him and he turned around.
The noise stopped and he didn't see anybody.
He frowned and turned back around.
He shivered and pulled his hood up, wanting to get to school faster so he could warm up and maybe see Ashton before the first bell rang.
He ran the rest of the way to the old brick building.
He opened the doors and a wave of loud noises hit him.
There was way too many people in the hallway for his liking, he thought as he squeezed his way to his locker.
But his day brightened when he saw a familiar curly head waiting there.
"Ashton!" Luke beamed. "Hi."
"Hey Luke." Ashton giggled.
"It's cold out." Luke said as he shoved his backpack into his locker. "I was freezing on the way to s-"
"Dude don't!" A body crashed into Luke's locker, slamming it shut.
"Hey!" Luke exclaimed as Michael picked himself off Luke's locker.
"I said don't push me Cal!" Michael shouted and chased after his friend, ignoring Luke.
"It's okay." Ashton put his hand on Luke's shoulder. "It wasn't his fault."
"He could have at least apologized though." Luke grumbled, redialing the combination.
Ashton sighed and when Luke had his stuff, walked to class together.
"I can't wait till Halloween." Ashton said excitedly. "Are you going to Josh's party?"
"Ugh, Josh." Luke muttered and Ashton frowned. "You don't like Josh?"
"I think he likes you." Luke said, trying to keep the jealousy in.
"What makes you say that?" Ashton questioned.
"You haven't noticed him staring at you in the locker room? Or how he switched lockers to be closer to you? He totally likes you." Luke grumbled.
"No he doesn't." Ashton dismissed. "And anyways, I would say no if he asked me out. He's not my type."
They reached the classroom and Luke sighed. "Promise?"
"Promise what?" Ashton asked.
"'ll be at his party." Luke laughed nervously. "I don't want to go alone."
Ashton smiled. "Sure. Bye Luke."
Luke cursed at himself as he ran to his class. Now not only did he have to go to a party he didn't want to go to in the first place, but he made Ashton go and the host of the party had a crush on his crush.
Someone came running down the stairs and they collided with each other.
"Shit!" Luke looked up and saw Michael rubbing his head and glaring at him. "Watch where you're going next time."
"You crashed into me!" Luke shouted.
"Whatever." Mikey brushed past him and hurried down the hall as the bell rang.
Luke kicked the steps angrily before running to his class.
"Here." Calum said boredly.
He stared out the window as the teacher continue with attendance.
After school today, he and Mikey were going to the coffee shop to work on their English projects.
They were supposed to research the origins of the English language and he was not looking forward to it. Especially since it was worth half their grade.
He sighed and started to daydream, just waiting for this class to end so he would be closer to lunch.
A sound startled him out of his head and he looked at his desk to see a crumpled up piece of paper on it.
He picked it up and looked around, but no body was looking at him.
He unfolded it and read it.
I know what you did.
What? What did he do? And when?
He looked around the room again, but everyone was paying attention to the teacher.
He frowned and pocketed the note. Maybe it was supposed to be to someone else. Maybe it was just a prank.
He looked back out the window and forgot about it.
"Hey Ashton. You coming to my party?"
"Oh, hi Josh. Yeah, Luke and I can't wait for it." Ashton smiled up at him from his desk.
"Great." Josh grinned. "Remember it starts at eight!"
"Okay." Ashton waved goodbye and headed to Luke's locker.
He poked Luke's perfect hair. "Hey you."
"Hey you." Luke responded, searching his backpack for a pencil. "How was science?"
"Educational." Ashton gave his pencil to Luke and they headed to History.
"That's nice." Luke suddenly whirled around and looked behind him.
"What was that for?" Ashton asked when Luke turned back around.
"Sorry, I just thought I heard a camera click." Luke said uneasily. That's what that click was from before, a camera.
"Who would take a picture of you?" Ashton joked.
Luke shoved him playfully and they took their seats in the classroom.
"Can I get my book from my locker?"
"Michael, this is the third time. Come to class prepared next time, okay?"
"Yes Mrs. Johnson." Michael took the pass and left to his locker to get his book.
"Mikey! Wait up!"
Michael turned and saw Calum coming out of the bathroom.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Michael asked as they walked to his locker.
"Just had to go to the bathroom." Calum laughed. "What about you?"
"Forgot my book again." He dialed his combination and the locker swung open.
A tiny note fell out and landed at their feet.
"What's this?" Mikey picked it up.
"Hey, I got a note today too." Calum said as Mikey opened the note. "What's it say?"
"Your secret isn't safe with me." Michael read. He looked up at Calum. "What secret?"
"I don't know, what's your secret?"
Michael laughed. "As if I'd tell you."
They started walking back after Michael grabbed the book.
Calum pouted. "But I'm your best friend! We know each others secrets!"
"Trust me Cal, there's at least one thing people don't want the world to know about them. And now this guy knows mine...."
"You look nice Luke." Ashton giggled as Luke picked him up for the party tonight.
"You look better." Luke smiled as Ashton climbs into the passenger seat. "Do you have the directions?"
"Yeah they're on the invite." Ashton pulled out the orange and black party invitation. "Take a left up here."
Luke pulled up to a large house a few minutes later. Cars were parked up and down the street and people were crowded around the lawn. Even more people were inside.
"Were we supposed to dress up?" Luke asked as they got out and started walking inside.
"I don't think so." Ashton adjusted his bandana.
"Good." Luke wasn't in the mood to dress up to stupid Josh's stupid party.
"Let's go inside." Ashton held the door open for him.
Luke grabbed Ashton's hand and walked in, taking in everything.
He walked around, trying to find a clear space in the crowded house to stop but there seemed to even be people on the ceiling.
He huffed in frustration and was about to face Ashton and ask to leave when he felt something get pressed into his hand.
He looked down and opened his hand, seeing a piece of paper on his palm.
Keep what you love close.
He looked up and around, but he couldn't tell who had given him the note among the throng of people. (And no, that did not say thong)
He looked behind him. "Ashton?"
But his hand was empty.
Ashton was following Luke when cold fingers suddenly grabbed his wrist and yanked him away.
"Hey!" He exclaimed, trying to tug his hand back as the person dragged him away from Luke.
They were gripping him so hard, purple bruises in the shape of fingers were appearing on his skin.
He could see the person who was holding him. They were dressed in all black, and had their hood up so Ashton couldn't see their face.
He was pulled outside to the garage, where nobody was.
In an act of desperation, he brought his wrist to his mouth and bit the strangers hand.
The stranger yelped but didn't let go. Instead, they turned around sharply, their free hand raised.
And that was the last thing Ashton saw before the hand connected with his cheek and knocked him out.
The last thing he heard was a click.
"Hey Luke! Glad you could make it, have you seen Ashton?" Josh shouted over the noise to Luke.
Luke shook his head frantically. "Have you? I lost him a few minutes ago."
Josh frowned. "He said he was coming with you."
"He did, but then, I don't know, maybe he wandered off." Luke said uneasily.
"Oh. Well I got to go get more snacks, so I'll see you later?" Josh patted Luke's shoulder and walked away.
Luke sighed and pulled out his phone to text Ashton.
Hey, where'd you go?
A second later, his back pocket vibrated. Confused, he reached into his pocket and his heart filled with dread when he pulled out Ashton's cell phone.
Calum and Michael sat on the couch in Josh's living room, listening to some story a senior was telling.
Well not really, they weren't listening, but they were on the couch.
"Who would give us these notes?" Calum asked. "Did we piss someone off and they're getting us back?"
"I don't know." Mikey admitted. "But I dont think we should get on anyone elses nerve for a while."
"Do you think it's Luke?" Calum pointed to Luke, who was walking by them.
"Doubt it. He hates me but why would he send you a note too?"
"Oh right. But lets find out! Hey, Luke!" Calum shouted. He waved him over.
"Have you seen Ashton?" Luke asked as he walked over.
"Uh, no. But have you sent us any notes recently?" Calum asked as Michael and Luke ignored each other.
"No, I got a note too." Luke showed them the crumpled piece of paper.
"This is weird." Calum murmured, comparing all the notes side by side.
"Wait, you guys got notes too?" Luke asked in confusion.
"Yes dipshit." Mikey rolled his eyes.
Luke glared at him but before he could reply, Calum spoke up.
"Did Ashton get one?"
Luke shook his head. "I don't think so. But I can't find him."
"Maybe he's the one sending the notes." Michael said ominously.
Luke huffed. "Why would he do that? No, I think he's in trouble so I'm gunna go find him." He starts walking away but Calum jumped up.
"Wait! We'll help you!"
"Why?" Luke asked suspiciously.
"Because all of us, besides maybe Ashton, have gotten creepy notes! We're all connected! We should team up and find out who ever did it!"
Michael looked at Luke and shook his head. "Pass."
Luke glared at him. "Same."
Calum rolled his eyes. "I swear I will make you guys kiss if you dont agree to team up in the next three seconds."
Luke and Michael looked at each other, debating if it was worth the risk.
"Fine." Luke grumbled. "If you help me find Ashton, I'll team up."
"Deal!" Calum smiled.
Mikey rolled his eyes. "Whatever."
Ashton groaned and blinked his eyes open to darkness.
He felt his cheek, which was hot to the touch from that backhand.
"Stay away from him." A voice growled.
"What do you mean? Stay away from who? Who are you?" Ashton looked up but couldn't see anything, it was all dark.
He felt around his eyes, but nothing was covering them.
He concluded that he must be inside something then, but what?
Something small, since he couldn't stretch out.
He hit his hands against the walls around him. "Where am I? What's going on?"
Nobody answered and Ashton got a bad feeling this was going to be a horrible night for him.
Why is no one talking about halloween?
Like seriously, im so pumped for it and it seems like no one else is.
That's the reason I wrote this, for halloween. There's going to be more parts, cuz I didn't want to make one really long one shot so this is just part one.
Lol fetus muke.
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