Bad Influence
Dedicated to byeslutss for the idea! :D (hope you like it!) ((even if u dont ship larry, u ship larry))
Introducing Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. Two boys who fell in love.
They dated and had the time of their lives together. Eventually they settled down and got married, even had a kid, Ashton Fletcher Stylinson.
He was your typical cutie pie with his curly hair and dimples.
Now enter Luke Hemmings. Your everyday bad boy with his lip piercing and criminal record.
Ashton catches Luke's eye and the two start to hang out more and more, much to the distaste of Ashton's friends and family who think Luke is a bad influence on Ashton.
And maybe Luke is, but if it's true love, what can you do?
"Bye dads!" Ashton called as he ran out the door.
"Bye Ash, be home by ten!" Harry shouted after his son.
"Don't listen to mommy Harry, curfew is midnight!" Louis called and Harry hit him with a pillow. "Louis! I am not the girl!" Harry whined.
Ashton smiled and ran down the driveway, where his friends Calum and Michael were waiting.
"Your dads are awesome." Calum said as they walked to the park.
"Yeah, my curfew is eleven always." Mikey whined. "You're so lucky."
Ashton beamed. "It's nice having them as parents."
They reached the park and sat on the swings.
They played around for a while, until Ashton noticed a group of boys hanging around some bikes. They were wearing black and had tattoos and piercings. And one was looking at him.
"Hey, who are those guys?" Ashton asked. Calum and Michael stopped swinging and looked.
"Don't know, but they don't look friendly." Mikey said.
"Hey, is that blonde one looking at you Ash?" Calum squinted.
"Let's go say hi!" Ashton jumped off his swing.
"What? Ashton no! I get that you're all flower crowns and happiness with your gay parents, but those kids look dangerous!" Michael exclaimed.
Ashton shrugged. "They look like they wanna play with us."
The kids were all looking at them now, and had started walking across the playground to meet Ashton and his friends.
"Hi!" Ashton chirped. "Wanna play with us?"
The blonde smiled. "Sure. What's your name cutie?"
"I'm Ashton. These are my friends, Calum and Mikey." Ashton introduced.
"Hi. These are Zayn, Niall and Liam." The blonde pointed as he spoke. "And I'm Luke."
"Hi Luke! Wanna hang out with us? We can play tag!" Ashton said.
Luke smiled. "Sure. I'll be it."
"Great! Try to catch me!" Ashton laughed and ran away. Luke grinned and chased after him.
Their friends watched them. "Wow, I've never seen Luke so happy before." Zayn said.
"Yeah, he's usually so depressed." Niall put in.
"I think Ashton is raising his spirits. He has that effect on people." Calum said.
Liam nodded in agreement. "He makes me feel like a little kid again."
"Ashton is a little kid at heart." Michael laughed.
"Mikey! Cal Pal! Aren't you guys gunna play?" Ashton called from the monkey bars, where he was on top of, trying to stay out of Luke's reach.
"I'm having more fun watching you guys." Zayn called and Luke gave him the finger.
Ashton gasped. "Lukey! That's not nice! Zayn is your friend! You should apologize!"
Zayn burst out laughing. "Yeah Lukey, you hurt my feelings, apologize!"
Luke took one look at Ashton's pouting face and sighed. "Fine. Sorry Zen."
Ashton clapped his hands. "Yay! Now we're all friends again!" He jumped down from the monkey bars. "Come push me on the swings Lukey!"
Luke followed.
"If I ever called Luke, Lukey, he would kill me." Liam said.
"Yeah," Niall sulked. "Why does Ashton get to call him that?"
Ashton climbed onto the swing excitedly. "Push me really high Lukey!"
Luke walked behind him and gave the swing a push. "Don't fall off!"
"I won't." Ashton giggled. "Higher!"
Their friends watched them play for a few hours, until Michael and Calum had to leave for curfew.
"Ash, it's really late." Luke said. "Maybe we should do something else now."
"Like what?" Ashton asked, jumping off the swing.
Luke smiled and took his hand. "I can think of a few things."
They walked back to Luke's friends.
"Hey boys, ready for some real fun now?" Luke asked as they walked to their bikes.
"Finally." Zayn lit up a cigarette. (Have u guys seen the video of louis and zayn smoking weed in Peru?)
Ashton frowned at him.
"Where are we going?" Ashton asked. Luke mounted his bike and patted the handlebars for Ashton to sit on. "Just around town." He smiled and Ashton smiled back, taking the seat.
They biked around, the road only lit by streetlights. They turned on their phones' music and sang loudly to the familiar songs.
They stopped in front of a movie theater and Luke signaled them to cut the music.
They got off their bikes and crept around to the back of the theater.
"What are we doing?" Ashton whispered.
"Sh babe, don't wanna get caught." Luke winked at him.
"Caught? Doing what?" Ashton asked.
Luke pointed ahead, where an employee was taking a smoking break. The back door was open.
"We're sneaking in. Now on my signal, we run in." He picked up a rock and threw it. It clattered a few yards away and the employee walked over to investigate the source of the noise.
"Go go!" Luke whispered. They ran single file and slipped past the door.
Ashton's eyes were wide. "Luke! This is illegal!"
"We're not hurting anybody." Luke smiled. "C'mon, this is fun."
He offered Ashton his hand and Ashton took it slowly.
"Which movie do you wanna see?" Luke asked. "Pick a theater."
"Um, I don't care, you pick." Ashton said, gripping Luke's hand tightly.
"Let's do this one! I heard it's good!" Niall said, pointing to a theater in excitement.
"But thats rated R!" Ashton gasped. "We're too young for that!"
"Loosen up Ash." Luke said as they walked into the theater and took seats in the back. "No one will know we're underage."
"But..." Ashton sighed. "Alright whatever."
They watched the movie, which Ashton did not like at all, and kept his face hidden with his hands the whole time.
When it finished, they walked out of the theater with everyone else.
"And that part where the chainsaw guy from Hell ripped off the girl scouts head? Bloody amazing!" Niall gushed as they got back on their bikes.
"Remember when the doll got possessed and chased the mom around the house for like an hour?" Zayn said. "I was laughing so hard."
"Yeah, even though she died at the end." Luke laughed and looked over at Ashton. "What did you think of it Ash?"
"I think I'm gunna be sick." Ashton mumbled. "What time is it?"
Luke checked his watch. "Nearly two in the morning. Why?"
Ashton's eyes widened. "No! Really? I was supposed to be home two hours ago!"
Luke frowned. "I can take you home if you want. Where do you live?"
Ashton gave him directions and they biked back to his house.
"Thanks." Ashton got off quickly. "Goodnight."
"Wait!" Luke pouted. "Dont I get a hug?"
Ashton ran back down his steps and hugged him. "Night." He smiled.
Luke smiled back and waved before pedaling away with his friends.
Ashton opened the door silently. He had never missed curfew before. The house was dark. He silently took off his shoes and locked the door behind him.
"Care to explain where you were Ashton?"
Ashton jumped at the sudden voice.
"L-Louis! Uh, I was out with some friends and we lost track of time." He said honestly.
"What friends? Mrs. Clifford called me and said her son and Calum came back to her house on curfew and you were MIA." Louis crossed his arms and glared.
"Uh..." Ashton looked around the room and saw Harry coming down the stairs. "Ashton Fletcher Stylinson!" He shouted. "You are grounded! Two hours late! Where were you?!"
"With some mystery friends." Louis said.
"Mystery friends? What mystery friends?" Harry asked suspiciously, as he came to stand beside his husband.
"Just some new friends I met at the park. We saw a movie and it ended a few minutes ago." Ashton said evasively. He knew his parents wouldn't like Luke and his friends. They would call him a bad influence. He had never lied to his parents before either.
"Wait wait wait." Louis held his hand up. "You're telling me, you left Calum and Michael to hang out with some kids you don't know, this late at night, to go see a movie?"
Ashton hesitated, then nodded, looking at the floor.
Louis sighed. "Ashton what were you thinking?"
"He wasn't." Harry snapped. "Go to your room now."
Ashton bit his lip and walked to his room.
He could hear his dads talking about him downstairs as he got ready for bed.
But he was surprised to find he didn't care.
He had felt a weird buzz when he snuck into the theater, when he was riding with Luke past curfew, when he came home late.
He smiled into his pillow and fell asleep.
The next morning he awoke to his phone buzzing.
He grabbed it and unlocked it sleepily.
Hey cutie, its Luke, ur friends gave me ur number. Wanna hang out today?
I can't :( im grounded.
then ill sneak you out ;)
Ashton grinned and got dressed quickly.
He was styling his hair when a horn beeped outside. He ran to his window opened it.
Luke smiled up at him from his motorcycle. "Hey there cutie, wanna hop on?"
Ashton giggled and climbed out the window. He grabbed onto the garden vines that grew beside his window and climbed down. He landed on the ground and ran to Luke.
He got on behind him and held onto Luke tightly. "Where are we going?" Ashton asked as they peeled away from Ashton's house and took off down the street.
"My house, is that okay?" Luke called behind him. "My parents are out so we don't have to worry about getting caught."
Ashton's heart was pounding and he squeezed Luke tighter. "Okay. Hey, shouldn't you be wearing a helmet?"
"Helmets are gay." Luke smiled. "Nah, I like to ride without all that safety protection."
Ashton frowned. "Theres nothing wrong with being gay, me and my parents are gay."
"Of course there's nothing wrong with being gay, im bisexual myself." Luke said, pulling up in front of a house. "Here we are. Want to watch a movie?"
"Sure." Ashton climbed off and Luke parked the motorcycle.
Luke led them inside and into his room.
"Lets do this one!" Luke said, putting in a movie. Ashton sat on his bed. "What movie is it?"
"A horror one, but better than the one we saw last night." Luke climbed onto the bed next to him.
Ashton frowned. He wasnt a big fan of horror movies, but if Luke wanted to watch it, then he would watch it too.
But he was surprised. The movie had ended and he hadn't gotten grossed out or scared like he normally would have.
Luke stretched and slid off the bed. "Hey Im hungry, want some lunch?"
Ashton followed him into the kitchen. "Sure."
Luke made them some sandwiches. He pulled a beer out of the fridge and handed it to Ashton before grabbing one for himself. "Here."
Ashton took it with wide eyes. "But, this is illegal for us! We're underage!"
Luke rolled his eyes. "It's only one, and we'll stay inside okay? Come on Ash, don't be a baby." He popped the cap off both their bottles. "Haven't you ever wondered what it tastes like to be an adult?"
Ashton shrugged and looked down at his bottle. "Maybe a little."
Luke grinned and raised his bottle. "Then cheers!"
Ashton smiled and clinked their beers together. "Cheers!"
Luke noticed his fathers video camera on the counter. He smiled and turned it on. "Let's record this!"
Three bottles later, Ashton was completely wasted. He threw himself on top of Luke, who was laying on the couch.
"Luke!" He slurred, slapping Luke's face. "Wake up man, we gotta, we gotta save the penguins!" He shoved the camera in Luke's face.
Luke groaned and opened his eyes. "Pengy?"
"Yeah, yeah dude, Pengy. He's-he's-he's, he's dead. We gotta save him." Ashton rolled over and fell off the couch with a thump. "Get up."
Luke grabbed a pillow and pressed it over his face. "Wait, wait, I'm hungry. We gotta-like-make food first!"
Ashton sat up. "Mac and Cheese!" He grabbed the camera and drunkenly placed it on the kitchen table.
Luke gasped and sat up too. "Yes! So much Mac and Cheese! We, we need to make it all!" They stumbled up and clumsily made their way to the kitchen, where Ashton turned on all the stove tops, and Luke got down five boxes of Mac and Chesse.
Ashton put pots over the stoves and gasped at Luke, who had dropped the boxes and was laying on the floor in a haze.
"L-Luke!" Luke looked up at him drunkenly.
"That's not enough macaroni! W-we need to go to the store and, and get more! Lots more!" Ashton took the car keys off the counter.
Luke heaved himself up. "Okay, I'll get the vehicle of transportation!" He walked into the wall and groaned. "Dumb place for a wall!"
"I agree!" Ashton glared at the wall. He punched it. "Get out of here! Can't you see you're not wanted?!" He threw the keys at the wall and sighed. "It's dead. I killed it Luke."
"Thank you Ashton." Luke grabbed one of the empty pots and dropped it in the sink. "T-the cheese is ready for macaroni Ashton. C-come eat it."
"No." Ashton slurred, stumbling over to the sink.
They stared down at the scorching pot for a few minutes. "Okay now." Ashton said.
They grabbed spoons from the silverware drawer and scooped up air from the empty pot.
"Oh my God Luke, this cheese, this cheese is so, oh my God Luke." Ashton said. "We-we need more!"
"So much more!" Luke yelled. He grabbed another hot pot and dropped in on top of the first one.
"Wait, I'm full." Ashton dropped his spoon and collapsed to the floor.
Luke frowned at him. "B-but you gotta eat your vitamins! Or else...or else you'll, you'll die!"
Ashton burst out crying. "I don't wanna die Luke! It's not my time!"
"Yes it is!" Luke shouted, hauling Ashton up. He spun him around and pointed to the timer, which was going off. "See!? It's your time!"
"No no no!" Ashton cried. "I didn't even- the cat! And the salad!" Luke gasped. "French toast! We need to make french toast!" He ran to the fridge and yanked it open. "Where's the french?"
Ashton grabbed the toaster and threw it out the window. "It's in the river! I can swim! Watch me swim Luke!"
He ran upstairs and jumped into the bathtub. "I'm doing it Luke, are you watching?" Ashton called down. Luke jumped at the fridge, knocking down the food and shelves. "Come out here french! Get out here you little shit!"
"Help Luke! I'm drowning!" Ashton cried and Luke made airplane noises as he grabbed the camera and ran up the steps. "I'll save you Ashton! I can swim too!" He jumped on top of Ashton. Ashton gasped at the sudden weight and reached a hand up to grab onto something to pull himself up. He grabbed the shower handle and turned on the cold water.
"The ship is sinking!" Luke cried. "Don't let go Rose!"
Ashton passed out, leaning against the soap holder and Luke soon fell asleep to, cold water raining down on them.
Ashton woke up with a groan. His head was pounding, his lower half was sore and numb, and what the fuck was he doing in Luke's tub with Luke sleeping on his lap? The camera's red light was still blinking and he shut it off. "Good thing that's waterproof."
He clumsily shut the water off and shook Luke awake. "Wake up Luke! Get up dude! We are in so much trouble."
Luke groaned and picked himself up off of Ashton. "Oh man, what the hell happened?"
"I don't even...what time is it?" Ashton asked, climbing out of the tub.
"Uh...eleven thirty. At night." Luke squinted at his watch. "But this thing is totally broken, so it may be later or something." He climbed out too. "Ugh, I'm gunna throw up."
"Oh fuck...I am in so much trouble." Ashton ran down the steps and gasped at the scene before him. There was spilled boxes of macaroni all over the kitchen floor, the fridge door was left open, its contents were on the floor, as if it had thrown up. The stove was still on, and the pots that were on top of them had been burned through. The timer was still beeping.
"Shit." Luke wiped his mouth and came to stand by Ashton. "You are such a drunk." Ashton glared at him. "Excuse you, I had three and you had one, you are such a lightweight." Luke walked down the stairs. "So glad my parents wont be home for a while."
Ashton followed. "I'll help you clean." Luke shook his head. "No, you need to get home before your parents realize you were gone. I'll clean up here."
Ashton nodded and hugged him. "Thanks for the fun night, even though I don't remember it." Luke smiled and kissed him lightly. "I'll pick you up tomorrow for a date we will remember."
Ashton smiled and blushed and headed out the door.
"Hey Luke," Ashton opened the door, but turned back to face him.
Ashton grinned. "Delete that video, kay?"
Luke grinned. "Okay."
Zayn walked through Luke's door an hour later. "Whoa, what happened here?" Niall peeked around Zayn's shoulder. "Whoa, rough night?" He winked.
Luke groaned. "Will you just help me clean please? I keep getting distracted."
"By what?" Liam asked as he came into the room.
Luke nodded to a video camera. "I keep watching that tape."
Zayn picked it up and Niall and Liam surrounded him to watch it. Luke sighed. "Guys, come on! Don't watch it! Help me clean!"
"Is this a sex tape?" Zayn asked.
Niall burst out laughing. Luke rolled his eyes. "No! Ashton and I got drunk and recorded it."
Liam frowned. "But you're both underage! Luke, you're not a very good influence on Ashton." Luke waved his hand dismissively. "No one got hurt, it's fine."
Liam shared looks with Zayn and Niall.
Ashton ran home, stumbling around objects in the dark.
He checked his phone to see the time. "Oh, it's only ten! I'm not late at all!"
He smiled and slowed down. He walked through his front door and kicked off his shoes.
Louis jumped into the room, holding a baseball bat. "We don't want any!" He screamed, then noticed it was Ashton.
"Louis, what are you doing with the anti-creep stick?" Ashton questioned, trying to slow down his heart rate.
"Ashton!" Louis gasped, and hugged him tightly. "Where have you been! We almost filed a missing person report!"
"What?" Ashton asked in confusion. Harry ran up and hugged him too. "My baby!" He cried. "Oh, we thought you were dead! Or kidnapped! Or dead!"
"Y-yeah, you said that." Ashton struggled out of the group hug. "What are you guys freaking out about? I'm home on time."
"Yeah, on time the next day!" Louis shouted. Ashton's eyes widened. "What? Nuh uh!"
"Ya huh!" Harry glared. "We checked on you in your room this morning and you weren't there! We called Calum and Michael but you weren't with them either!"
Ashton looked at the ground. "Has it really been a whole day?"
"It has." Louis crossed his arms. "Where were you?" Harry put a hand on his husbands arm. "it's okay Boo, I got this."
Ashton looked up at Harry with big, watery eyes.
Harry slapped him across the face. "Where the actual fuck were you?! Do you have any idea how much pain and worry you've been causing your father and I lately? What part of grounded do you not understand?!"
"Harry what the shit!" Louis yelled, pulling Harry back. "Chill out mate!"
Ashton held his cheek in shock. He had never been slapped before.
Harry sighed. "I'm sorry Ash, you just really stressed us out. It's late, get to bed."
"Wait." Louis put his hand out and stopped Ashton. At first Ashton thought Louis was going to slap him too. Louis knelt down. "You smell like alcohol." He frowned.
"What?!" Harry picked up the anti-creep stick and raised it above his head. "He better fucking not!" Ashton screamed and ran while Harry chased after him.
Louis sighed and sat on the couch, flipping on the TV, while his husband chased their son around the house. "Parenting done right." He murmured.
Luke threw a rock at Ashton's window the next night.
A moment later Ashton opened it and stuck his head out. "Luke?"
Luke smiled up at him. "Ready for our date night?"
"Actually...I think you should come inside instead. I'm double grounded." Ashton said. "Climb up the garden vines."
Luke frowned but did as told. Ashton helped him in through the window.
" now what?" Luke asked as he sat on Ashton's bed.
"Well..I have homework to do." Ashton pulled out his backpack and Luke groaned. "Ash, are you kidding me?"
Ashton pouted. "It's Sunday night! This is due tomorrow and I haven't even started yet!"
Luke groaned loudly and flopped backwards onto the bed. "You're killing me Ashton."
Ashton hit him with his notebook. "You have homework too."
"So, do it!"
"Can't you do it for me?" Luke whined. "I hate History!"
Ashton gasped. "How can you hate History?! It's the easiest class ever! Here, who do you have? We probably have the same assignment."
"Mr. Jones." Luke grumbled. "He hates me."
Ashton rolled his eyes. "He doesn't hate you. Now come on, we can share my History book."
Luke protested but in the end, Ashton managed to get him to finish his homework.
Ashton yawned and checked the time. "Wow, you should get to bed, it's late."
Luke looked down at his paper. "I've never gotten something in on time before." Ashton smiled. "Well now you have."
Luke took his paper and smiled. "Thanks Ashton."
Ashton gave him a kiss. "Anytime. Now get out of here." He teased. Luke smiled and climbed back out the window.
The next day at school, Luke handed his paper into Mr. Jones, who took it with surprise.
"Lucas, I'm surprised. You really came through on this, good job! Keep it up." He smiled and Luke smiled back, feeling happier than he had in a long time.
Ashton came home after school. "Hey dads, can I be not grounded now?"
Harry came around the corner and glared at him, poking with with the baseball bat. "No. Go learn the piano and don't come back down until you are fluent in Italian." Ashton ran back up to his room.
A few hours later, Ashton was called down for dinner.
Harry raised an eyebrow at him. "Com'è stato studiato?"
Ashton glared. "Buona." Harry smiled. "Good."
Ashton muttered to the ground. "Cazzo."
Louis hit him lightly on the head. "No calling your father a dick at the dinner table."
Luke returned home to an empty house. He flopped onto the couch and sighed. He would text Ashton, but he was still grounded.
He sighed and went to the kitchen, looking for something to eat, but he and Ashton had ruined all the Mac and Cheese.
He went up to his room and looked over at his textbooks. He took one out and studied it for his upcoming test.
"Luke that's amazing!" Ashton hugged him happily. "Congratulazioni! I'm so glad you are finally taking school seriously!" Luke smiled back. "I was surprised I passed that test to be honest, Chemistry is hard."
"It is." Ashton agreed, intwining their hands as they walked home from school. "I'm so proud of you."
Luke blushed and squeezed their hands.
Ashton brought Luke to his house, where Harry was luckily no where to be seen. "Come on, we can study for the finals in my room."
Louis was cooking dinner when Harry returned home from work.
"Hey BooBear." Harry greeted, giving his husband a loving kiss. Louis took Harry's bags and set them in the living room. "Hazza. How was work?"
"Hell, but now I'm in Heaven." Harry smiled and held Louis close. Louis laughed. "Why did I marry you again?"
A slow song drifted through the radio and Harry put one hand on Louis's waist, the other held his hand. They slow danced around the kitchen.
Harry dipped Louis and the older but smaller boy laughed. "The food is going to burn."
Harry brought him back up and kissed him. "Let it."
"I love you Harry."
"I love you more Louis."
Ashton and Luke watched them from the top of the stairs.
"Wow, your parents really love each other." Luke commented. Ashton smiled down at his dads proudly. "Yeah." He looked over at Luke and frowned. "Luke? Are you okay? Why are you crying?"
Luke rubbed his face. "I'm not. I just wish my parents loved me like your's do you."
Ashton grabbed Luke's hands held them tight. "I love you Luke."
Luke looked up at him. "You do?"
Ashton smiled and nodded.
Ashton led him back to his room and shut the door. "Because you're perfect." He turned the radio on and the same slow song came on. "And now, balliamo!"
"What?" Luke asked. Ashton smiled and placed his hands on Luke's shoulders. "We dance."
Luke was uncomfortable about it at first, but was surprised he was actually enjoying himself. He laughed as Ashton twirled him around.
"Hey Ash?" He asked, his face flushed red from dancing and happiness.
"Yeah?" Ashton held him close.
"I love you too."
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