Baby Ashton
Luke needs money to buy a new guitar. His neighbors need a babysitter.
Just a bunch of cute baby Ashton moments ❤, no real plot or anything :)
Luke's P.O.V.
"There it is boys." I say, pressing my face against the window pane. My backpack falls to the ground as I stare in awe.
My friends, Calum and Michael, stop walking and turn back to me.
"The Aviator Soul?" Calum asks, eyes wide. "Do you know how much that costs?"
I nod. "A shit ton. But I have an allowance and I'm looking for a job too." Someday, the Aviator Soul will be mine.
The Aviator Soul was the newest, most amazing guitar on the market. It was everything I wanted and more. It was also way out of my price range.
"Hey, you can babysit my cousin!" Michael says. "He's two."
I shake my head and we keep walking. "Not in a million years. He bit me last time I saw him." Michael frowned. "That just means he likes you."
Henry was two, and the most vicious child on the face of the universe.
You couldn't pay me a million dollars to watch him.
Okay, you could actually. But Henry's parents weren't millionaires so...
"Hey, didn't you get new neighbors last week?" Calum asks.
I nod. "Yeah, they have a baby too I think."
"Perfect!" Michael exclaims. "Babysit their kid!"
I roll my eyes. "No. Why do you think I'm a babysitter suddenly? Kids hate me! Remember the confetti incident?"
Michael laughs. "Oh God, I can't forget!" I blush and hit his shoulder. "Shut up, my ego was bruised for weeks!"
Calum laughs too. "That was the best! You got your ass beat!"
"Shut up!" I snap, blushing harder. "When I get the AS I'm not letting you guys play it."
That shut them up.
We reached my house and I said goodbye to my friends.
My mom was in the kitchen, getting out plastic cups and plates. "Oh good, you're home." She says, shoving the plastic items into my arms, making me drop my backpack. "Bring these out to the backyard, you're father is grilling."
"Are the new neighbors coming?" I ask as I blindly make my way to the backyard.
My dad opens the door for me and answers my question.
"Yes, the whole neighborhood is for the start of summer."
I was so excited, today was the last day of school. This summer would be all about the Aviator Soul, camping trips, sleepovers with Calum and Michael and doing absolutely nothing.
"I want you to meet with them Luke." My mom says, handing some food to be grilled to my dad. "They have a son you can watch. You know you need a summer job."
I roll my eyes. "I'm not a babysitter! Kids hate me!"
My dad laughs. "Remember the confetti incident?"
I glare as my parents laugh. "That was the most traumatic thing I've ever experienced. I needed therapy."
"Don't exaggerate Luke, the kids were only playing." My mom says.
Yeah, playing with knives, I think darkly as I go back inside.
About half an hour later the neighbors start showing up, bringing other foods and making small talk. Pets and children run around the yard.
I was texting my friends in a group chat when my mom places her hand on my shoulder. "Luke, the new neighbors are here. Go say hi. They were just saying how they were looking for a sitter."
I sigh and get up.
I walk over to a man and a woman who are talking with my dad. They look nice, and the woman is holding a little boy in her arms.
"Hi." I say as I approach them. My dad throws his arm around me. "Hey Luke! This is Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, and their son, Ashton."
"Hi." I say again, smiling at them. I look down at Ashton. He was wearing an adorable light blue onesie. He had slightly curly brown hair and was kicking his feet in excitement, making baby noises every time a butterfly flew past.
"Aw." It slips out of my mouth and Mrs. Irwin smiles at me
"Now, I understand you're looking for a sitter." My dad says. "Luke is very good with children." I smile like it's true, thankful my dad doesn't mention the confetti incident.
"Oh really?" Mr. Irwin says, looking down at me. I nod.
"When are you available for work?" Mrs. Irwin asks, setting Ashton on the grass, laying him on his tummy. He babbles and pulls at the grass, a huge smile on his face.
"I can watch him right now if you guys want to hang out with the other adults." I say, knowing it was the perfect thing to say. Even my dad is impressed.
"Well thank you! We would be delighted to have you watch him for us." Mrs. Irwin smiles and leads her husband away to mingle.
My dad claps me on the back. "Good job son." Then he leaves too. I smile and sit down in front of Ashton.
After a few minutes, he was still content to pull out our grass so I take out my phone and snap a picture, sending it to my group chat.
Guess who got a job watching him!-L
Lol how did you manage that? -M
Easy, kids love me. -L
No but seriously, he's adorable, whats his name?-M
Ashton <3 -L
How old is he?- C
Uh...i dont know, 9 months?- L
U know 9 month babies need lots of diaper changes right? ;) -M
Shut up, no they dont-L
Do they?-L
XD they do. I remember when i had to watch Henry when he was that young. it was like five times a day!- M
Nuh uh! Ur messing with me! Ashton doesnt need to be changed that much!- L
How do you know? U havent ever watched him before -C
Speaking of, where is he? i want another pic! -M
Hes-......oh shit. -L
I quickly out my phone away and run to the edge of our yard, where Ashton had crawled, chasing a butterfly.
My phone dings repeatedly, most likely Calum and Michael laughing their asses off.
I scoop up Ashton. "No no silly, stay in our yard." I walk back over to the party.
Luckily, Ashton's parents were getting some food and didn't see.
"Okay," I sit him down again and he wobbles. I quickly grab him and lay him down on his back.
"Guess you can't sit up without support yet, huh?" I ask. He stuffs his hand in his mouth, staring up at me uncomprehendingly. I laugh a little. "You're pretty cute." I make sure he's alright laying there before pulling my phone out again, this time checking on Ashton every few seconds.
Did u kill him? XD -C
I will bet you 50$ hes getting in trouble rite now XD -M
Shut up! He was fine and i didnt get in trouble-his parents didnt c XD -L
Oh good, i feel sorry for ashton, he has to b watched by u- M
Yeah, poor guy :( -C
Oh whatever, im good with littler kids! -L
XD what if there was a repeat of the confetti incident, only this time with an army of infants? -M
OMG XD that would be amazing!!! -C
NO that would NOT be amazing!! It was horrible enough the first time!
>:(! -L
So glad i got it on video XD -C
Delete it -L
"Luke!" I quickly put my phone away as Ashton's parents walk over to me.
I grab Ashton's little fist and wave it, making him screech with delight. I smiled to myself. This would get me good points with his parents.
Then he grasped my finger and brought it to his mouth. I tried to pull my finger back but, I don't know, he looked so happy sucking on my finger (not to mention adorable), so I just let him.
"How's it going?" Mr. Irwin asks. I smile up at him. "Great! He's adorable." Mrs. Irwin beams. "Thank you. I can see Ashton likes you." Ashton looks up at them upon hearing his name. "Da!" He shrieks. I pull my finger back and wipe baby spit off it and onto the grass as Mrs. Irwin picks Ashton up.
"Here's a ten for watching him today. Is it okay if you watch him tomorrow too? I have to leave for work at six and my wife leaves around noon, and won't be back until nine, and I wont be back until even later. Could you watch him from 12 to 9? I realize that's a long time, but we're willing to pay 50$ everyday for the whole summer."
My eyes widen and I can't speak for a moment.
"I told you 50 was too little!" Mrs. Irwin says to her husband. "We'll pay you 65 instead."
I shake my head rapidly. "No no, 50 is great actually, thank you. I'll watch him whenever you need me." I say, ecstatic.
"Great! Thanks a ton!" Mrs. Irwin says, smiling at me one last time before carrying Ashton away. Mr. Irwin thanks me too and follows his wife.
I sigh happily. "At this rate, I'll get the Aviator Soul in no time."
I wake to my mom shaking my shoulder.
"Luke, it's already 11, you have to babysit in an hour and you haven't showered yet. Get up!"
I groggily open my eyes. I was up until five last night, playing music and texting until I passed out. I realize now that that probably wasn't the best way to spend the night before I have to go to work.
I got up and went straight to the shower. The water was cold at first, waking me up. Then when it turned warmer I did your typical shower things.
By the time I was dressed and ready, it was 11:47. I had time to eat breakfast quick before leaving. My mom told me you should always be a little early so I decided to arrive on the Irwin's doorstep at 11:55.
I made some toast with honey, making a huge mess as usual.
Luckily I wouldn't have to clean it up because I had to leave for work.
"Bye!" I call as I run out the door before my mom notices the mess.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin live right across from us, so I cross the street and knock on the door, checking the time quick.
11:56, nice.
Mrs. Irwin answers the door. "Good morning Luke, come on in." She says, balancing Ashton on her hip.
"Good morning." I say and step in, taking off my shoes.
She hands me Ashton. Today he's wearing Spider Man pajamas and matching socks. I giggled softly at them, they were so tiny on his feet! I tickled his foot and he squirmed, squealing happily.
He was such a happy baby.
"I have to leave soon, so let me show you around quick." Mrs. Irwin says, coming out of the bathroom while putting in an earring.
"Here is the kitchen, living room, our bedroom, and Ashton's room. There are extra clothes for him in the closet, and right here is the changing station." She motions to a dresser with a little crib like structure on it. Diapers, powder, wipes and a trashcan are all nearby. (A/N, i know 9 month olds dont eat baby food yet, but they do in this story cuz im sassy and cant b tamed 😎) "There's baby food and bottles in the fridge, just heat the bottle up to room temperature before giving it to him. Oh, and here's his pacy and blanket." She hands Ashton a little white pacifier and he takes it, sucking on it happily. She puts a blue blanket in the crib. "He calls his blanket Nanu, so if he starts crying, just ask him if he wants his Nanu."
I smile. "Nanu, that's cute." She smiles back. "Yeah, and if he falls asleep we have Netflix downstairs you can watch if you want. There's pop in the fridge and you can heat up a pizza if you get hungry."
She checks the time. "Well, I gotta go before I'm late." She bends down and gives Ashton a kiss and a hug before saying goodbye to me and leaving out the door.
I walk to the living room and set Ashton down in the middle of the room.
Toys are scattered around the room. I pick up a stuffed pig. "Here Ashy, wanna play with a pig?"
He giggles, and the pacifier falls out but Ashton doesn't seem to care. He clumsily crawls over and reaches for the pig. I hand it to him and he starts to chew on the ear.
I grin and ruffle his soft hair. He has soft everything; hair, skin, laugh, the list goes on.
He loses interest in the pig and crawls over to the couch, pulling himself up to his feet. He hangs on tightly to the cushions and bounces up and down. He points to something behind me. "Dat! Dat dat dat!" He bounces as he points.
I turn around and see a little plastic sphere with shapes cut in it. Inside the sphere are plastic shapes. I assume the point was to fit the correct shapes into the cut outs.
I walk over and pick it up. I open the sphere and hand the pieces to Ashton, sitting in front of him.
He seems confused. To take the pieces he has to let go of the couch, but he doesn't want to let go of the couch.
He shakily reaches one hand down but begins to topple backwards. He quickly grips the couch again with his tiny fingers. He looks down at the pieces and bounces up and down again, this time in frustration.
"Dat!" He cries. "Want dat!" His smile disappears and is replaced with a frown. Tears well up.
I quickly grab the pieces and dump them on the couch in front of him. "Here Ashy, how about I do it for you?" I take a circle and fit it through the circle cut out.
He watches in pure fascination.
I do all the pieces and when I finish, his smile is back and he bounces happily again, stuffing his fingers into his mouth.
I laugh and kiss his forehead. "How about we get you some crackers instead of that hand?" I scoop him up and walk to the kitchen.
I search the cabinets for baby snacks while Ashton's baby babbles fill the room.
"Here we go." I say, pulling down some baby crackers. I set Ashton into his high chair and secure him in. Then I get a plastic bowl and pour in some crackers.
He munches on them contentedly. He offers me a chewed up one that he had already put in his mouth and I politely decline.
I pull out my phone.
Guess how much im getting paid? 😏-L
100,000,000,000,000,000$ -C
Close, 50$! -L
Awesome! This rate u'll have enough for the AS in less than a month! -M
Ikr!! Ashtons such an easy baby too, i feel like theyre over paying me to watch him :P -L
Just go with it XD -C
Plus they give me free drinks, food and netflix ;) -L
.....Dude im on my way over -M
Lol no -L
Lol, hows ashton doing? -C
Should i call an ambulance?! do u know the heimlich?! -M
XD no, hes fine. im just messin with ya :P -L
-.- ugh fuck u -C
Seriously, i almost had a heart attack -M
What if he really was tho? like what if he died while u were watching him? -C
Nope nope nope not even going there -L
Dude i would not be able to live with myself if that happened to me -M
Same -C
Ok u guys talk about dead babies all u want, im gunna give ashton a bath -L
U just want to c him nekked 😏 -M
Hes a baby -.- -L
Notice how he doesnt deny it XD -C
Ugh whatever! He got dirty during his snack! -L
Lol sure he did -M
I roll my eyes and put my phone in my pocket.
Ashton had finished his snack and had crumbs all over his face and hands. He was drawing doodles in the crumbs on his high chair.
"C'mon Ashy, let's go get you cleaned up!" I coo, lifting him out of the seat.
He pets my face, giggling. I laugh in response. He was too cute.
I turn the water for the bath on, making sure the water is the perfect temperature.
I hold Ashton still as I take off his socks and pajamas. It was hard, he kept squirming and giggling.
Finally I succeeded and placed him in the tub, keeping one hand in his back so he wouldn't topple over.
He splashed his hands in the water, soaking the both of us.
"Wha-hey!" I laugh. "Watch what you're doing mister."
He giggles and picks up a cup, filling it with water. He tries to pick it up but it's too heavy for him when it's full, and it drops back down. He frowns and tries again, this time with both hands.
This time all the water splashes out, completely covering him.
He freezes, shock clear on his face.
I bring a hand to my mouth, trying to cover my laughter.
His hands are still midair, water drips down his face and the now empty cup bobs beside him.
Then he suddenly lets out the loudest screech I've ever heard.
I make to bring him out but then I realize he's laughing, not crying. He kicks his feet, reaching for the cup again.
I laugh. "Oh you like that huh?" I pick up the cup and fill it up with water again.
I carefully cover his eyes as I pour the water over his head, making sure none leaked into his eyes.
He grabs his toes, shrieking happily and giggling, so I do it again.
Then I see baby shampoo. "Should we wash your hair Ashy?" I ask.
He smiles up at me, having understood nothing I just said.
"Alright, we'll do it." I grab the bottle. It's tear free, apple smelling baby shampoo. I pour a little into my hand.
"Mmm, it smells like strawberries, not apples." I say as I gently massage the stuff into Ashton's soft, curly hair.
He closes his eyes and tips his head back, having done this before with his parents. I shape his hair into little spikes, mohawks and every other little hair do I can think of. Of course, he looks adorable in all of them.
When it's all rubbed in I grab the cup, filling it with water. I block his eyes again as I wash the stuff out.
"Okay Ashy, ready to get out now?" I ask. He ignores me, playing with some floaty toys.
He takes a rubber duck and places it on the edge of the tub. I push it back in when he isn't looking.
He frowns and puts it back on.
When he looks for another toy, I push the ducky back in.
Now he's getting frustrated. And it's adorable. He pouts, his bottom lip sticking out. His tiny eyebrows furrow in concentration as he places it back onto the edge.
This time he watches it intensely. I laugh. "You're a smarty pants aren't you?" I flick the toy in and his eyes widen. He looks up at me, probably wondering why I would betray him like that.
I reach in and put the duck back up onto the edge. "Sorry baby, there you go."
He reaches up and knocks the duck over onto my side of the tub. He claps and kicks his feet delightedly.
I smile. "Alright, we're even." I get a fluffy towel from under the sink and wrap him up in it. He was completely covered under the towel, with only his tiny face peeking out.
I grinned and kissed his nose, making him giggle and hide his face in the towel.
I pull the plug in the bathtub to let the water drain out and bring Ashton to his room. I open his closet. "Let's see, what should we dress you up in Ashy?"
I make sure he's dry before placing him in his crib, the blanket still wrapped around him.
"How about stripes? You wanna wear stripes?" I pull out a blue and white striped shirt and blue pants. He's busy playing with Nanu and doesn't listen to me.
"We're wearing stripes." I decide and put the outfit on him.
He lays down in his crib, holding Nanu with one hand and sucking his thumb with the other.
"Aw." I kiss his head as his eyes start to close.
When they shut completely I quietly sneak out of the room, shutting the light off and closing the door behind me.
I don't want to wake him up, so I make a sandwich as a late lunch and grab a pop from the fridge, taking it downstairs with me to watch TV.
I check the time after I finished watching Mean Girls. No one was around to witness me watching it, so I watched it.
It was a little after six, so I still had about three hours. I put my dishes away back upstairs and checked on Ashton.
He was still asleep, Nanu wrapped around him like a snake. I smiled softly, detangling the blanket and laying it across him properly.
"There you go silly." I kiss his forehead and he stirs. I hold my breath. He slowly relaxes again and I breathe out slowly, exiting the room quietly.
I cleaned up the living room and bathroom from the mess Ashton and I made. I'm in the middle of cleaning Ashton's high chair when the phone rings.
I answer it quickly. "Hello?"
"Luke?" It's Mrs. Irwin.
"Hi Mrs. Irwin." I say.
"Hello dear, how are things?"
"Great, I gave him a snack and a bath and we played and now he's taking a nap." I finish cleaning the kitchen while I talk.
"Oh good, thank you so much. Did you get something to eat too?"
"I had a sandwich."
"Good. I'll be home in about two hours okay?"
"Bye Luke."
"Bye." I hang up, just as I hear little sounds coming from Ashton's room.
I open the door slowly but there's no need since Ashton is awake.
He was standing, holding onto the railing for support, his pacifier in his mouth.
I smile and pick him up. "Morning cutie!"
"Coo!" He squeals and I laugh. "That's right, you're a cutie."
"Coo, coo, coo." He babbles as I bring him back to the living room.
I sit on the couch with him on my lap, facing me. "What's your name?" I ask, wondering what else he could say.
"Coo!" He grins up at me, head tilted to the side.
"No silly." I giggle. "You're names Ashton. Can you say Ashton?" He just stares at me.
I poke his nose. "Ashton." I say slowly. I point to myself. "Luke."
His eyes follow my finger as I repeat that a few times.
"Can you tell me your name?" I ask again. He blinks, then looks down at the couch.
"Ashton. Can you say Ashton?" I ask, determined.
He looks up at me. Then he points at me.
"Luke." I say, smiling. He looks thoughtful. He pokes his nose. I laugh. "Ashton."
He pokes me. "I'm Luke." I say.
"Lu!" He suddenly shrieks. I beam. "Yes! Good job Ashy!" He grins widely back, clapping his hands and I clap with him.
"Now what's your name?" I ask.
"Lu." He smiles.
"No no, I'm Lu, er, Luke." I giggle. "Who are you?"
"Coo!" He squeals. "Yes, you're cute silly. But your name is Ashton, not cute."
"Coo." He smiles.
Suddenly I wrinkly my nose. "Oh, did you make a stinky?" I ask. He just plays with his toes, not understanding me. I carry him to the bedroom and lay him down on the changing bed. "Yes you did, you made a stinky." I say in a baby voice.
Halfway through the changing I realize Ashton is not going to sit still while i'm trying to change his diaper. He keeps squirming and trying to flip back over onto his tummy, and once, when I set his down on the floor because I had to get some wipes, he crawled out the door, half naked.
"Okay baby," I say, laying him back onto the bed, "You gotta sit still. I'm almost done." His face crumples into a frown. "No!" He cries, not wanting to lay down.
"Sh, shh." I try to cam him down. "Want Nanu? I'll get you Nanu." I keep one hand on him while reaching into the crib and pulling out Nanu. He takes the blanket and cries into it.
Man, this kid really doesn not like getting his diaper changed.
"Hey Ashy? Wanna hear a song?" I ask, remembering that my mom used to sing to keep me distracted when I was a baby.
He just stares at me with big eyes.
Knowing I would only have his attention for a few moments, I quickly blurt out something random.
"Ashy-poo, I love you, I really do, my Ashy-poo." It's really fast but I'm just happy it rhymes. It takes me five times of singing it to last the whole diaper change, but Ashton seems to like it.
"Ah-hee." He giggles and I grin. "That's right! You're Ah-hee!"
I am such a good teacher.
Mrs. Irwin comes home a while later.
Ashton was sitting in his high chair that I brought into the living room so he could watch cartoons.
I know those cartoons are for kids Ashton's age, but they totally caught my attention too. All those shapes and colors, I felt like I was high or something.
"Hey boys!" Mrs. Irwin says cheerily.
Ashton gasps when he sees his mom and kicks wildly in his chair. "Mo-mo!" He squeals, reaching his arms towards her.
"Hi baby!" She scoops him up and kisses his cheeks repeatedly.
"Mo-mo?" I chuckle, turning off the TV.
"Yeah, he means Mom." She says, taking Ashton's little fist and poking her cheek with it. Ashton giggles.
"How were things?" She asks me.
"Great! He was really good." I say, getting up.
"Good to hear." She smiles. "I'll get my purse and then you can head back home, okay?"
"Alright." I smile and she brings Ashton into his room while she gets money out of her bag.
She comes back and hands me a ten and two twenties. "Thanks again!"
"No problem. Bye!" I say as I go downstairs and slip on my shoes.
"Lu!" I hear Ashton scream from his crib.
"Bye Ashy!" I call back, blushing a little as Mrs. Irwin looks at me.
I wave goodbye and head out the door, feeling the sunshine on my face.
Today was a good day, and I couldn't wait for tomorrow.
XD I dont think i understand the meaning of a one shot, these all seem to be pretty long compared to these other one shots ive read
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