Sparkle Brighter Than A Star, Sunshine (2) 💚
Same note and warning as the last :)
Words: 1,123
Harry and Louis took a break and went to bed after the second fan, planning to continue the next day. Harry scrolled through Twitter after his husband fell asleep on his chest. The green-eyed man ran his fingers gently through Louis' soft feathery hair, admiring his calm expression every so often.
He went to the accounts of the two fans that they talked to and followed them, logging into One Direction's account and Louis' account to do the same there. Larry was trending again (It's always trending) but no one really knows why this time, besides the fans they talked to. Louis and Harry asked them not to say anything about it until after they finish, since they didn't want rude fans coming on just to talk to them. They wanted to be there for fans who needed someone to talk to, not ones who wanted to come for the hell of it.
Of course, they still mattered to the two, but that's for a different time.
Harry turned off his phone and switched off the lamp, snuggling under the covers and pulling Louis closer to him. Louis sighed contently in his sleep, Harry's shirt balled up in his fists. Harry smiled softly and pressed a kiss to Louis' temple.
"Love you, Lou."
"Love you too, Hazza," he mumbled back sleepily.
"I'm excited again." Harry laughed, watching Louis bounce in his seat. It was later in the day, Harry had a meeting then Louis picked him up and they went out to eat together. So no sweat pants and comfy clothes this time (though Louis did have one of Harry's hoodies on, because why not).
Harry hummed to too young playing softly in the background, logging onto the familiar sight. "Okay, ready bub?"
Louis nodded happily. Harry clicked the button to pair them with their first fan and quickly wrote down the username ( @anastasyiavanderbilt ).
The girl that popped up had beautiful long locks that spilled down her shoulders, obviously dyed blonde. Her expression showed calmness, but her eyes told a different story.
"Hey," she said, voice a lot deeper than the boys thought it would be, but pretty nonetheless. "I'm Anastasyia, but uh Anna is okay, I'm just going to get straight to the point. I struggle with anxiety- extremely original, I know- and social anxiety. I don't know what it is but public places feel like small boxes, and my friends feel like pawns that are out to kill instead of help, even though I know that they probably don't mean any harm. Maybe they do- I don't know. I don't like to trust. I overthink too much, it drains me and I get really tired. It's nothing new, I've been dealing with these struggles for a long time, but sometimes everything just catches up to me and I can't breathe. Anxiety attacks are awful and I hate when they come but I can't avoid them." Anna barely stopped to breathe and Louis was about to tell her to relax, but soon she calmed anyway.
Louis looked over at his husband, who was nibbling on his bottom lip nervously. Louis smiled gently at him and took his hand, trying to be a sense of comfort while Anna continued.
Anna continued for a little more but it didn't take long before she finished.
"Thank you for listening, I know you probably have better things to do than listen to me rant but thank you so much anyway. I feel a bit better now. Do you have Instagram, maybe?" Anna pulled out her phone, encased in a light blue case with large daisies on the outside.
Louis looked at Harry, who grinned a bit and nodded. So Louis leaned forward and unmuted himself. "Yeah love, it's louist91."
Anna stared at the screen for a moment, freezing with her mouth agape. "Alright what the fuck," she whispered, more to herself than the two men.
Harry chuckled lightly and turned their camera on. He waved energetically at her, and she was almost in tears.
"Oh god did I really-" She set her phone down (gently). Louis and Harry talked to her for a few more minutes, Harry following her on his and Louis' accounts then logging into the 1D one to follow her on there too. They again asked not to say anything on social media yet, but let her take a picture of the screen before hanging up and moving onto the next person.
"She was sweet," Louis smiled. "They all are."
The two moved onto the next person ( @2lovelies8 )
The next fan was extremely tall, tanned skin glowing with the purple LED lights in the back. She had on a crop top that fit snug on her gorgeous body shape but Harry believed it fit her really well, and she looked stunning, but by the way the girl immediately pulled on a jacket when the screens popped up told the two that she thought differently.
"I'm Sophia, um but you already knew that of course because of my profile," she stopped, nibbling on her lip and tugging at a lip ring (which Louis had to say fit her really well) before continuing. "I struggle with a common one, body weight. I try to eat healthily and I work out a lot but I find it hard to eat properly with school and assignments and tests and other activities. It's just been triggering a lot of anxiety that I really don't need right now with all the testing coming up."
Harry looked at Louis for confirmation before unmuting himself, loving the way her face slowly lit up at the familiar voice.
"Hey, we saw before you put your jacket on and I hope you know that you're absolutely stunning, and don't need to change. It's good to eat healthily and work out but try not to stress too much about it, y'know?" Louis turned on their camera while he was talking, making funny faces to get her to smile which successfully worked.
The three talked for a bit longer, Sophia's little sister Isabella coming in to say hello too. She was only about three so she didn't really get it but seemed happy to be there anyway.
Louis followed her on his and Harry's accounts and did the same on the One Direction one as they did for the last few fans.
After they hung up, Harry ordered pizza and they decided to continue tomorrow with the three last fans.
yay :) there are three more people on my list to write for, so hopefully, the last part will be up soon but I can't promise anything! <3
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