He's An Angel (2) 💚
Part two to my previous oneshot (:
Words: 900
Louis POV
The day before winter break, weeks later, Zayn and Niall wanted to meet Harry. After I told them everything that went down between me and my foster parents and now living with Harry they wanted to meet him. So I agreed and stayed behind after class with Harry.
Harry pulled me into his lap and I nuzzled into the crook of his neck, smiling against his skin. He kissed my head and did some work as he does still have a job and we can't just cuddle through his planning. Unfortunately.
"So Zayn and Niall want to meet you," I mumbled, tapping my fingers on the back of his neck.
Harry hummed. "Okay baby. I meant to ask, What do you want to do for your birthday?"
I shrugged, placing a couple of open-mouthed kisses on his neck. I haven't even had my birthday acknowledged by anyone who wasn't Zayn and Niall since my parents died. "I dunno. Date?"
"We can do that," Harry said. I pulled away from his neck and sat sideways on his lap, responding to a message from Niall. Harry added my phone to his bill and I felt bad (I plan on paying him asap) but I'm glad I can message my friends now. He also gave me Liam's number in case I can't reach him even though we're together literally all the time.
"Hey Hazzie, your phone is ringing," I said, pointing at his phone. He looked away from his computer and picked up his phone, putting it on speaker and wrapping his arm around my waist tightly.
"Hey Haz!" Gemma greeted cheerfully. "And Lou too?"
"Yep," I laughed. "Hey, Gemma."
We still haven't met yet, but she and their mum Anne are coming over to visit. I'm excited but also very nervous about it.
"Knew it," she replied, "Harry doesn't shut up about you for more than two minutes. I don't get how he survives most of the day without you."
"Cause I know I'll see his pretty face at the end of the day," Harry retorted, smiling brightly and giving me a soft kiss. I smiled into it, poking his dimple. After Gemma hung up, the bell rang shortly after. I gave him a quick hug and goodbye kiss (he didn't want to let go and neither did I, to be honest) before going to my next class. In the last period, one I had with Zayn and Niall, I told them they could meet Harry properly. After class, we made our way to his classroom which was near the parking lot so just followed the crowd.
"He better be cool or I will kick him where it hurts," Niall threatened. It was odd hearing Niall threaten someone who wasn't just the bartender at some bar.
I knocked on the door and it wasn't even half a minute later, Harry was pulling me in by the waist and kissing me deeply. I made a surprised noise but eagerly kissed back until we realized we had company.
"Hello," Harry greeted Zayn and Niall like he didn't just make out with me in front of my best friends. Zayn raised a brow at me and I flushed, hiding my face in Harry's shoulder.
Niall narrowed his eyes. Harry blinked, staring at them. A moment of silence later Niall relaxed and grinned. "He's good."
"Uh ok," I said, patting his shoulder. After that awkward encounter we sat down and they introduced themselves, easing into a conversation. Really I was just there for the hell of it, they were getting on like a house on fire.
After they left we went home too, enjoying winter break.
Five years later (eIgHtEeN mOnThS)
"Hazzie," I sang, wandering into the living room. I woke up without my husband, and after getting ready (slightly, I still had on boxers and one of Harry's t-shirts) went to go find him.
"Baby?" Harry called from his office. I walked in, smiling at him. He smiled back and pulled me into his lap, giving me a soft peck.
"Woke up alone," I said and punched his shoulder gently. "Rude."
"Awh I'm sorry lovely," said Harry. "Just had to finish grading a bit. How did you sleep?"
"Good," I said. "Happy birthday Hazza."
Harry smiled widely, squeezing my waist. "Thank you, baby."
"So Zayn, Nialler, Lima Bean, Anne, and Gemma are coming over and I'm making you a cake."
Harry rose a teasing brow. "Since when are you allowed in the kitchen?"
I pouted. "I'll have supervision. Mumma Anne said she'll help!"
Harry chuckled. "Okay, babe."
Harry's POV
It was late, maybe a quarter till midnight. Everyone had already left and Louis was curled up next to me in our bed. I kissed his forehead, smiling. Just because. I had the most perfect soulmate, amazing family and friends, great job, what wasn't there to smile about?
Louis huffed against my skin. "Lay down Hazzie, this isn't comfortable."
I rolled my eyes fondly and set my phone aside to slip under the covers. He hummed happily, practically laying on my chest. I didn't mind though and wrapped a loose arm around his waist.
"Goodnight, angel."
He really is an angel.
I liked these two, I should write more oneshots with a plot. They're fun lmao <3
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