You saved my life.
I was struggling to find a picture that fits this chapter as I have Thalassophobia and all the pictures that came up made me look away multiple times and It terrified me so I chose a random one because I couldn't look further. Anyway I hope you enjoy this one, It shouldn't be that long but I say that and then it's 2000 words so we will see :)
Louis' P.O.V
I was floating on my back in the ocean, and it was around 7pm so all the lifeguards had gone home. There was only around 5 other people here with me. I was just relaxing in the water as I was looking up at the sky above me, watching the way the stars shone. Suddenly a wave came over my face and I wiped my eyes and looked around noticing I was further out than before and that the waves were getting quite strong. I turned back just as another wave crashed into me knocking me under. I started to panic a little as I resurfaced but as soon as I came up to breathe another wave that was stronger than the last hit me and knocked me under again. As I came up again I realized how rough the water was and with the waves constantly hitting me, I was going under quick.
I started to panic more and my breathing became rapid as more waves kept hitting me and knocking me under. As I was under I opened my eyes ignoring the salty sting and looked down seeing the sandy floor far beneath me, I wish I didn't do that as I started floating down until my ears popped from the pressure. I started kicking as hard as I could trying to reach the surface.
When your drowning your instincts tell you to kick, jump, pull yourself, do whatever you can to swim up because your so desperate to get to the surface. I kept my mouth closed trying my hardest not to open it to take the breathe that I was craving. The worst part is that no one can see what's happening and it's frustrating because you know that your dying and your just waiting to drown.
My lungs started to burn. I was desperate for that sweet taste of oxygen, I wanted to get out of the water, but whatever I tried couldn't even pull myself to the surface. I kept thinking I could breathe, but I couldn't. I started to grab my throat and I stopped fighting the water, there was so much pressure I felt like I could explode. Eventually my lungs gave out and I took a deep, deep breath. For a second I felt relived finally taking the breath I needed. But that soon passed as I felt the water enter my mouth and it made me feel 10x heavier. It hurt so bad and I couldn't do anything to save myself.
In a panic I inhaled more and more water and began to feel dizzy. Then calm. I realized how silent it was. Peaceful. I could feel myself slowly going to the surface but I didn't reach above the water, I was just floating near the surface but I had no more energy to swim. So I didn't. I just stopped. I allowed the water to take control of my body, I just left my mouth slightly open and I was just so calm. I didn't feel anything. I was no longer afraid of death, which is weird because I'm terrified of dying. But in this moment I wasn't afraid. I was just... numb.
My vision started to spot because of the lack of oxygen to my brain. But I didn't try to take my last moments fighting because everything around me was still, and relaxed that I didn't feel the need to save myself from something that felt so blissful. It then all went black.
My eyes opened and everything was blurry, but I suddenly felt very sick and sat up throwing up water onto the sand next to me. Sand? I looked around a little seeing paramedics all around me placing me onto a stretcher before putting a oxygen mask over my mouth and nose. Breathing felt foreign and I didn't like that It wasn't quiet anymore. My whole body ached and I felt paralyzed. I felt them pick up the stretcher and start walking to the ambulance. My eyes caught sight of a man with brown, wet, curly hair, breathing heavily as he followed the paramedics. I was completely disoriented but I couldn't help to notice his beautiful green eyes.
They placed me into the ambulance and the green eyed man sat on one of the seats. My eyes started to feel heavy and my body longed for sleep.
"Sir, please try and keep your eyes open." I heard a woman say. I looked over at the unknown man near me and whispered something before letting my eyes fall closed listening to the sound of the voices.
"He's got too much water in his chest!"
"He's going in and out of consciousness!"
"Hold on just a bit longer please." I heard a deep voice whisper, this voice was different to the others, It was softer, more loving. I wanted to open my eyes to see who the voice belonged to, but I couldn't. Then it all went silent.
I woke up to the sound of beeping and a white light above me. I opened my eyes to see I was in a hospital room. I look around and see a man looking very tired as he stares at the ground in the chairs near the bed. He had green eyes and brown curly hair. He looked so familiar but I couldn't figure it out. His head snapped up to me when I groaned after trying to move a bit.
He walked closer slowly, almost like he was testing if I would tell him to get away.
"What happened?" I croaked out. He crouched a bit by my bed so he wasn't so tall.
He hesitated before answering. "Two days ago you almost drowned at the beach, I was able to get to you but you were already unconscious so I called the ambulance who brought you here, I came with you as you had no one else with you and I wanted to make sure you were okay" He said looking at me with his gorgeous eyes.
Suddenly it all came back to me. The waves, the fighting, the struggling, the pain, the panic, the calmness, the silence. And curly. He was next to me when I woke up on the sand, he also got into the ambulance with me. He was the one who saved me.
"You saved my life." I said quietly as it hurt to much to raise my voice. He just smiled.
"And I'd do it again, but lets hope I don't have to." He paused for a second. "Sorry could I know your name, it's just the doctors need it but I couldn't give it to them before as I don't know you."
"Louis" I said, He nodded and walked out the room talking to a doctor and entering the room again with the doctor behind him.
"Hiya Louis!" the doctor said way to chirpy for my liking.
"Hello" I mumbled back.
"What's your last name louis?" The male doctor asked me.
"Uh, Tomlinson." I croaked out, grabbing my throat as pain scratched at the back.
"Okay Mr Tomlinson, how do you feel today?" He said with an annoying smile on his face.
"Oh fantastic, You know I didn't almost die or anything" I said sarcastically, I just couldn't help it. I looked at curly who was trying to hide his laughter. But the doctor didn't find it very funny as he was now giving me a stern look so I spoke again. "Umm, My throat hurts and my body aches a bit. And I guess my chest hurts a bit too." He smiled and nodded as he wrote something down.
"That's quite normal after the experience you went through. Right I'm going to go speak to some other nurses and tell them to bring you some food as your probably very hungry." He said before walking out the room.
I looked over to the man who had sat back down in the chair. "Well you know my name, I think I should know yours" I said with a small cheeky smile.
He chuckled a bit "Okay louis, My names Harry. Harry Styles."
"Nice name." I said letting my eyes wander over his body. He saw and coughed making me blush a little. "So Harry, why didn't you go home after You saved me?" He brought his chair closer to my bed and leant back in it.
"Well, I wanted to make sure you were okay, and I didn't want to leave someone as beautiful as you on your own after almost dying" I blushed more at the fact he called me beautiful.
"Thanks, and your not so bad yourself styles." I said laughing a little, he pretending to look hurt but he just made me laugh more. Bad Idea. A shot of pain ran through my chest. "Ahh!"
"Lou! Louis! Are you okay?!" He stood up quickly and ran over to me.
"Yeah, just a little sore still. Maybe I shouldn't laugh." Harry hummed in agreement as he sat back down.
"So Harry, I want to get to know you a bit. Seeing as you saved my life and you seem like quite a nice guy." I said smiling fondly when I saw his dimples.
"Okay well, I'm 24, I'm single, I work as a concert photographer and my favorite colour is blue. Just like your eyes." He said showing off his dimples I already loved. "What about you?"
"umm, I'm 26, I'm also single, and I work as a drama teacher in high school and my favorite colour is red." I said being a little quieter than before.
"Do you have any family?" He asked me, he must have seen the way my face dropped because he started speaking again. "Oh, you don't have to answer that if you don't want to Lou"
I sighed "No, its alright. I don't know why, but I trust you." I paused taking a deep breath in. "My dad left when I was very young and my mum passed away when I was 20. I had one sister, Lottie, but she now lives in LA and I don't really get along with anyone else in my family. But that's because after my mum died, Lottie coped by leaving Donny, my hometown, and starting somewhere fresh but I stayed and made some bad decisions and I guess they didn't like it and I haven't spoken to them since then." I frowned looking down at my hands.
"Louis, I-I I'm so sorry." He stuttered out. He came closer and wiped a stray tear that rolled down my cheek.
"Its okay" I said honestly, his eyes met mine and we were just looking at each other. He took his hand off my cheek and entwined it with my hand. He looked at me as if to ask 'is this okay', I just nodded and told him to tell me more about himself.
The nurse bought my Lunch in and I ate their disgusting hospital food as I gave some to Harry to eat and he told me all about the concerts he been to for his job. I smiled and kept holding onto his hand that fit perfectly in mine.
Yeah okay that wasn't short, BUT IT WASNT TOO LONG SO I SUCCEDED :))))
Anyway I hope you enjoyed and I should be HOPEFULLY uploading another SHORT chapter tonight.
A drowning man cannot be saved until he is utterly exhausted and ceases to make the slightest effort to save himself. - Watchman Nee
You don't drown by falling in the water, you drown by staying there - Edwin Louis Cole
You don't need water to feel like you drowning - Jodi Picoult
If you ever need anyone to talk to about anything, message me and I will listen, if you need advice I will give you my advice and if you need cheering up I will help you. <3
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