Wedding present
This was requested by TailorMade_Rose I hope it's okay!
Hope you're all doing okay, remember you are so worth it. You are incredible. And you are loved. I love you.
3rd person P.O.V
"What about 'around you' instead of 'about you'?" Zayn threw out the idea to Liam who was writing in the notebook they'd bought specifically for this and Niall who was trying to find the melody for their lyrics on his guitar.
Liam hummed a moment, singing through the change in lyrics before saying, "That could work, it may fit better with the melody," then nodded and wrote something down.
"We're still keeping the chorus the same right?" Niall asked, pausing his fingers on the strings.
"What chorus?" Louis' voice filled the room and Liam slammed the notebook shut as Niall froze and Zayn looked up.
"Hmm?" Zayn shrugged. "He didn't say chorus."
Louis looked at him confusedly as Harry walked in behind him making Niall's eyes widen more and Liam tucked the notebook under his leg.
Harry stood by his fiancé and looked at all the boys. "What's going on?"
"They're being weird." Louis stated, not taking his eyes off his friends.
"No we're not." All three boys said in sync making Harry frown as he looked to Louis and nodded.
"They're hiding something." He put his arm around Louis' waist and leant closer, staring at his friends each for a few seconds. "Want to tell us why you're being weird?"
"No." Liam said, standing up, tucking the notebook into his back pocket. "I like to keep you guys on your toes." Then with that he walked away, Niall looking between the couple in front of him before jumping up and running after Liam. Zayn sighed at him before standing up too.
"They're weird. I'm normal." He said, walking over to the couple and patting Harry's shoulder. "Are you guys nervous yet?"
"Why would we be nervous?"
"Because you're getting married in a week? Or have you decided you're better as friends for the fiftieth time." Zayn smirked when Harry frowned at him and Louis kicked his foot out.
"We only did that twice actually." Harry stated. "Well, actually three... if we count 2010 to 2011. Whatever... all of those times were before 2017. It's been five years and we're very much not just friends."
Zayn laughed, crossing his arms over his chest. "You guys gave us all whiplash in the band. But I know why, it wasn't easy for you. Which is why I'm seriously happy for you guys. You deserve this wedding."
Harry and Louis' expression softened as they smiled at him. "Thanks Z." Louis smiled.
Zayn nodded and then headed in the direction Liam and Niall left in. The couple watched him before turning their attention on each other.
"Is it weird that we're not nervous?" Louis asked, stepping out from under Harry's arm so he was in front of him.
"I don't think so. Maybe we've waited so long for this that we're more excited to finally do it." Harry replied, shrugging one shoulder. "We were back and fourth for a while."
"Not because we didn't know how we felt though," Louis pointed out, "We knew very well how much love we had for each other it was just scary because no one seemed to want us to tell anyone. And our career was on the line half the time. It was scary." Louis paused, running his finger over Harry's anchor tattoo on his wrist. "But then I saw you on vacation after the band and I figured there had to be a reason we always met no matter what... that someone was rooting for us. So I went up to you."
Harry smiled. "And you asked to talk. And I agreed because truthfully I missed you so much I would have done anything to hear your voice for a little longer. And we decided friends wasn't what we wanted and then you helped with my album, we went on a few dates and when we got back to London we decided we wanted people to know."
"And we did. We told everyone." Louis stepped closer and then raised his hand to the back of Harry's head, pulling him closer. "I'm so glad we did." He whispered, smiling softer.
"Me too." Harry removed the space between them by leaning forward and pressing their lips together as his hands went to Louis' waist, gripping tightly.
"I think they're distracted..." They both pulled away at the sound of Niall's voice. Who was half-peeking around the wall with Liam behind him. "No-never mind," he shoved Liam back with wide eyes. "Go- go-they're not distracted anymore."
Louis just shook his head with a laugh. "Weirdos."
It had been a few days since the couple had almost discovered the secret that the rest of the boys were keeping from them. Since then they'd decided to have their clandestine meetings at Liam's house to avoid Louis and Harry walking in again.
Currently they all had some sort of instrument in their arms, with a book of lyrics in front of them, smiling like they'd won the lottery. "We did it." Niall breathed out, letting go of his guitar and leaning back on the couch.
"Why are you surprised? We are songwriters." Zayn laughed closing the book of lyrics and pushing it to the side as he reached for his drink.
"It's the first time we've had to write a song and hide it from Lou and Harry though." Niall pointed out, eyes half closed and hands crossed over his stomach.
Zayn hummed in agreement, nodding his head as he took a sip of his drink. "That's true."
"But we did it though." Liam chimed in. "We wrote them a song. Best wedding present they'll get." He laughed a little relaxing in a similar position to Niall. "I was worried for a moment that they'd either find out or we wouldn't finish it. I mean it's only three days until the wedding."
Zayn's eyes widened as if the thought just hit him. "Good thing we've been practicing as we go."
Harry and Louis had told the other boys a little while ago that they had the opportunity of a speech or something else after the ceremony, the boys had chosen the something else option and managed to create a song for the couple that they were going to sing at the wedding.
Only problem was trying to write it without either of them figuring it out.
They realised very quickly that they weren't that good at lying to their friends, and it was a lot harder than they expected when they spent so much time together.
They had to keep making excuses for why the three of them were always off together and being secretive. There had been a night they nearly gave it away but Liam managed to keep composure and convince them it was nothing.
Thankfully all that was over and all they had to do was practice their performance in the few days they had.
It was the morning of the wedding.
The ceremony was meant to start at 1pm and it was currently 11am. The boys were each in their own dressing rooms getting ready.
They had decided not to do such a traditional wedding, and instead they were going to have a first look and then be together before they entered the room where the wedding ceremony was happening.
"Louis you need to get into your suit right now." Jay said sternly as she walked from one side of the room to the other to collect her lost earring. "You only have ten minutes before you're supposed to be seeing Harry, so chop chop." She clapped, making Louis laugh and walk over to where his suit was hanging.
"You're making your mum stressed, man." Zayn chuckled from where he was laying on the couch.
"I don't know why, everything's fine." Louis said calmly, getting out of his casual clothes.
Zayn stared at his face for a moment making Louis laugh. "Careful mate. I'm getting married." Zayn groaned and threw a magazine at him.
"I was just thinking how you're probably the calmest groom I've ever seen. Like you don't look even one tiny bit nervous."
"Why would I?" Louis questioned. "It's like I said before. It was a long time coming. It only feels like the right thing to do." He stopped and smiled for a moment. "And there'll be Harry. Nothings scary when he's around."
Zayn smiled as he looked back to his phone. "You guys truly are made for each other, Niall just text me saying Harry's more calm than Liam."
Both boys laughed, picturing the scene before deciding to focus on getting ready before they were late.
It wasn't long before Louis was standing in the room they designated for the first look, facing the wall, waiting for someone to tell him he could turn around.
He could feel the light breeze from the fan on the ceiling and could hear the steady beat of his heart because the room was so quiet, it was like everyone was waiting for the moment they could let themselves exhale.
The noise of a door opening behind made him jump slightly as he'd been focusing on the noise from the fan slicing through the air and had zoned out momentarily.
He knew Anne and Gemma had just brought Harry in making sure he couldn't see Louis either.
"Ready boys?" Anne spoke into the silence, as everyone finally exhaled.
"Yeah." Louis replied, he had been away from Harry for far too long (only like 6 hours) and he couldn't stand another second of not being able to see him.
He couldn't even hear anything when he finally got to turn around. It was like everything around him just stopped. Allowing them to look at each other in this moment before the world could then continue turning.
But Louis thought the world could be collapsing and he wouldn't even notice, he'd still be looking at Harry as it all fell down.
And god. Louis had thought he'd only ever fall in love once. But standing in this room, with the man he would soon call his husband opposite him, he felt himself fall again.
His hair was styled, but not too much, just enough that it had some structure but a few curls were falling over his forehead. His green eyes looked so piercing in this dim glow lighting and his dimples were strong on his face as he smiled at Louis with an absolute look of love.
His suit fit his body perfectly, tightening around his hips making his figure look undeniably gorgeous. Every time Louis' eyes scanned over another part of his body he fell in love again. Everything was perfect.
They had planned that they would walk in together because everything they'd been through in their lives they'd done together. Even when they were apart, the driving force behind every action they made was each other. So it made sense to walk in together.
So before that their families would leave them to go to their seats and they'd have a few minutes just the two of them before they needed to go in.
Their families gave them final hugs and little words of congratulations before they left for the hall, leaving the two men alone.
"I thought it was impossible to love you anymore. But you've taken over my heart and gone beyond." Louis said as he took the few steps forward he needed until he was in front of harry. "You are everything to me. And I love you so much, H."
"I love you more, Lou." Harry smiled, reaching his hand out to touch the end of Louis' suit jacket, pulling him a little closer. "I've never wanted anyone but you. I don't think I'm capable of loving anyone else."
Louis smiled wider and leant forward, kissing Harry's temple gently before pulling away. "I've been waiting so long to marry you. It doesn't quite seem real that it's finally happening."
"I know what you mean." Harry whispered as he reached for Louis' left hand and traced his finger where in twenty minutes a ring would sit and stay. "But it is. And I'm so happy."
Louis looked down at their hands. "Me too."
They stepped apart more and started walking towards the two double doors as the wedding planner waited on the side, getting ready to call them in.
They stood with their hands entwined, and happiness ebbing from their bodies. Nothing could dull their light.
"Ready?" Harry asked with a smile as the doors slowly started to open.
"Always." Louis squeezed his hand as they both then looked forward.
The ceremony had made everyone in the room cry. Zayn and Liam would deny it but Niall had seen the sheen across their eyes when Harry and Louis said their vows, their hands entwined still.
Everyone had clapped and cheered when they'd kissed and it had been perfect. Seeing two people finally get what had been inaccessible for years, forced to hide and pretend. Now there was no more role to play.
Everyone had moved to the after party room and the speeches had begun, starting with their mums, then their siblings and stepfathers and finally grandparents.
Only ones left where Niall, Liam and Zayn.
"" Niall seemed to freeze slightly and forgot what he was saying as he looked at the room full of guests making Liam sigh as Zayn took the mic off him.
"We literally planned this, Ni. And you're a singer." Zayn shook his head with a laugh as the rest of the room smiled in amusement. "Okay, so we didn't know what to get these two as a wedding present. You guys are really hard to buy for just so you know." He sent a look over at the couple who were quietly laughing.
"And after exhausting all our options we decided to make you something. And as we're all singers the obvious thing to do was to make you guys a song."
Liam stepped up holding a mic as Niall grabbed his own mic. "So, Harry, Louis, we hope you guys enjoy."
Niall smiled, no fear on his face and said, "This is Act My Age."
The lights dimmed and everyone in the room fell quiet as the music started. Some of the audience looked surprised as the beat didn't sound like what they expected, which was a slow song, but from the big smile on Harry and Louis' faces they were more than happy with the upbeat tune.
Niall and Liam started off the first lines, moving slightly as they sung. "I can count on you after all that we've been through." At that line Louis looked over to Harry with a soft smile as Harry's hand tightened on his husbands thigh but his eyes stayed on his group of friends. "Cause I know that you'll always understand."
"No I'll still feel the same around you." They all sung with grins just as they moved off the stage they were on and down onto the floor, skipping over to their married friends as the music continued.
"When I'm fat and old," Liam sang as he leaned his arms on Harry's shoulder.
"And my kids think I'm a joke," Zayn continued standing behind Louis who was shaking his head with a laugh. "Cause the stories that I told, I tell again and again."
When they got to the bridge the boys went back up onto the stage as some home videos started to play on the screen behind them. Including all types of clips from Harry and Louis' life together.
"We'll still stay up til morning, we'll throw the after party," Liam sung as the audience snickered at a video of Louis on Harry's back as they jousted with pool noodles against Lottie and Gemma.
"No I'll still feel the same around you." They all sang and looked over to their mates who hadn't stopped smiling and were currently watching the videos with emotional faces as it changed to a clip of them at some party but they're only looking at each other as everyone else moved around them.
"No I'll still feel the same, you will too."
(A/N: I'm ngl I didn't realise how many na-na's there were until I actually saw the lyrics 😭)
The song ended along with the videos and everyone started clapping and cheering, (The newly married couple being the loudest) as the boys smiled and moved to all stand round Liam's mic.
"That was for you guys. It's truly been incredible to see you both fall in love, fall apart and fall back together again. We learned what love was through you two. So thank you for letting us be apart of your journey. It doesn't end here. Congratulations guys. We're happy for you."
They all walked over to the couple and shared one big group hug as the guests all continued to clap around them.
"Thank you guys, that was awesome." Louis thanked them as they pulled apart. "You were making me weirdly emotional." He said, patting Liam on the back.
"Thank you, it means a lot you wrote that for us." Harry chimed in, smiling at them all. "Thanks for bringing us to our senses whenever we needed it." He squeezed his arm round Louis' waist tighter as his husband leaned into him.
They all sat back down and the after party continued for a few more hours before guests were leaving and saying their final goodbyes to the couple and it was only the five boys left.
"Well," Zayn smiled, "You better go and enjoy your honeymoon. You deserve a break after all that wedding planning."
"I don't know who got more stressed, Louis or the actual wedding planner." Harry laughed remembering Louis' near breakdown at the wrong flowers being delivered. (A/N: I'm picturing bridezilla Mickey)
"They didn't fit the theme." Louis mumbled making them all laugh more.
"Go on you two. Get in your fancy car and enjoy the honeymoon you're not even paying for." Liam urged them on after they had chatted for a little longer.
The couple nodded and started heading for the car. "Seriously guys, thanks for the song. It was great. Best present we got."
Niall cheered silently with a grin as the couple laughed, said their final goodbyes and thank yous before getting into the car.
"I'm really happy for them." Niall said as they all waved the car off, the happy couple inside and heading to the airport. "They deserved this after everything."
"They really did. They stuck through all the hard times and got here." Zayn said with an emotional smile.
Liam looked proud as he put his arms around both his friends, "Of course they did. They're Harry and Louis after all. They were always gonna make it."
This wasn't really a Larry-centred one so I'm sorry if you didn't like it. But for some reason it was really hard to write the middle part i don't know why. I hope you guys liked it tho!
Don't forget to eat and drink something today, even if it's small. I love you, don't forget that. <33
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person - Mignon McLaughlin
I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once - John Green
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