Theme park.
Okay so I was at a theme park with my family a little while ago ago and I was waiting for one of the rides when I thought of this, btw they're not famous in this one.
A year ago today I published my first oneshot, thank you to everyone who still reads this, it means more than I could say. I love you all immensely.
Tonight I went to see Ashe with my best friend it was incredible and I think I almost passed out when niall came out. I want to show you guys pictures I took but for some reason it won't let me put them in, if anyone knows why please tell me :(
Anyway enjoy :)))
3rd person P.O.V
Louis' eyes slowly drifted open when he felt a warm pair of lips gently press onto his forehead, he smiled before opening his eyes fully and looking up at his husband who was leaning over him with a grin on his face. "Morning, love." Louis mumbled as he leaned up to kiss Harry's lips before sitting up properly. "Why are you up?"
"Because it's almost 9am, and Gem said she was bringing the monsters over around 9." Harry said as he got off the bed and walked over to the bag that was on the floor filled with a few of their clothes. "By the way, I've already packed most your stuff."
"Thanks." Louis got out the bed and walked over to the bathroom. Gemma and her husband were going away for three days for their anniversary so Harry said he and Louis could look after their two sons, Noah and Alex.
So Louis and Harry decided to take them out to a theme park for two days, they would stay in a hotel over night before driving back late on Sunday and then their nephews will sleep at their house and stay there until Gemma and Michal come to get them on Monday.
When Louis walked back out the bathroom a few minutes later still only wearing a pair of boxers Harry resisted the urge to hit him. "Lou, can you please put some clothes on? As much as I love it, I'm not sure your nephews will enjoy seeing you in a pair of boxers." He picked up a shirt and some trousers off the end of the bed and chucked it at Louis. "Plus you'll encourage Noah to take his clothes off too and that is not happening today."
Louis just laughed as he slipped the shirt over his head, he was about to say something when the doorbell rung. Harry turned to look at him and pointed sternly. "Put the clothes on." He turned and walked out the room.
Harry quickly got to the front door and opened it just as a tiny body was running into him and gripping his legs. "Uncle Harry!" Noah yelled as he wrapped his arms tighter.
"Hey buddy." Harry smiled and ruffled the five years olds hair before looking up at Gemma.
"Are you sure you and Lou don't mind doing this?" She asked as Alex walked closer to the door.
"I'm sure. It'll be fun, right Noah?" He looked down at the boy who nodded vigorously before standing back and looking at his mum.
"Hi uncle Harry." Alex smiled as he walked into the house. "Where's uncle Louis?" He asked as he looked around and didn't see him walking around behind Harry.
"Oh he's upstairs." Harry told him, Alex was about to walk up there when Harry quickly turned around. "I'd wait until he's come downstairs. I think he's getting ready."
"He wasn't dressed was he?" Gemma asked, knowing how late Louis normally got up.
"No, he was not. And I'd rather not have your eleven year old son be traumatised." Harry laughed as the two boys walked back over to their mum, and said goodbye.
"You two behave, okay?" Gemma said sternly as she kissed them both on the head. "I'll pick you up on Monday and I don't want to hear anything about bad behaviour."
"Mum, we'll be good. Promise." Alex whined as he pulled away with a smile.
"Okay, and Harry, don't buy either of them any stuffed toys, they've got enough to fill an entire room." Gemma looked at Harry with an almost deathly look.
"Alright. I won't."
"I don't trust you, you love spoiling them. But I need to go on a relaxing holiday so I'm going to pretend you won't." She smiled at her brother before stepping forward and pulling him into a hug. "Let me know if anything's wrong or they're being a nuisance."
"They won't be." Harry hugged her back before they stepped apart and she said one last goodbye before walking away from the house and back to her car where Michal was waiting.
"Louis!" Noah suddenly screeched making Harry turn around and see his husband waking down the stairs now fully clothed.
"Hey little guy." Louis laughed as Noah ran up to him and practically barrelled straight into his legs.
"M'not little, I'm six in two weeks." Noah mumbled as he looked up at Louis.
"Sorry, my bad. You're a big guy now, huh?" Noah nodded excitedly before running off into the living room. "Hey, Alex." Louis greeted him as he walked further into the hallway where Alex was stood with Harry.
"Hi, when are we leaving for the theme park I know what rides I want to go on." Alex rushed out as Harry laughed.
"We'll leave soon, bud, it's a bit of a drive though. It's around two and a half hours." Louis answered as he went to stand next to Harry.
"That's fine, I've got music to listen to." Alex waved his phone about before walking away from his uncles and towards where his brother was staring confusedly at the golf that was playing on the tv.
"I've finished packing the bag, love." Louis said quietly as he rubbed his hand up and down Harry's back.
"Thank you. We should probably get ready to go." Harry mumbled as he leaned forward to rest his head on Louis' shoulder, yawning slightly.
"Yeah, I'll put all the bags in the car. You can make sure Noah still has his shoes on otherwise that's gonna take ages trying to tie them up again. The kid is so wriggly." Louis chuckled as he kissed Harry's temple before moving away.
Harry made sure Alex and Noah were ready to go while Louis moved all the bags into the boot of the car, then he secured Noah's booster seat into the back seat before helping the five year old into it.
Alex got into the back with his brother while Harry made sure all windows and doors were locked in the house before getting into the passengers side.
It was quarter to twelve when Louis was parking in the massive field packed with a multitude of cars around him, there was a blue track for a roller coaster in the distance, the sound of thrilled screams nothing but a murmur from where they were.
"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Noah chanted from the backseat, practically jumping out of his car seat in excitement.
"Can we go on that one?" Alex asked, his head pressed to the window as he pointed to the roller coaster in the distance, behind the trees. There was two visible loops and a corkscrew in the track from where they were parked, and Harry's eyes widened as he saw the roller coaster carriage fly down the first drop before going straight into a loop.
"Uhh..." Harry bit his lip as he looked over at Alex. "You can go on it with Louis, I'll stay with your brother."
Louis laughed as he got out the car and walked around to Noah's side. "Uncle Harry," Alex smirked and leaned forward, "are you scared?"
"No." Harry said quickly making Louis scoff as he undid Noah's seat belt. "But you're brother won't be able to go on that one so I'll have to stay with him."
"Well I can always go on twice." Alex smiled, as he undid his seatbelt. "Once with Uncle Louis, once with you."
"No, no, it's fine. You don't need to go on twice. It's fine." Harry shook his head as Alex burst out laughing.
"You are scared!" He said breathlessly as Noah started laughing too, not really knowing what he was laughing at but he joined in anyway, making Louis' job of getting him out the car seat harder with his wriggling. "Its okay, roller coasters aren't that scary."
"You can think that, bud, but there's no way I'm getting on that." Harry said as he looked back over at the theme park behind the wall of trees. "I'm not a big fan of 'em but I'll just stick with Noah on the big ones you wanna go on, deal?"
Alex thought for a minute before a grin took over his face. "Deal."
"Noah, mate, please stop wiggling otherwise I'll have to leave you in the car." Louis sighed out bringing Alex and Harry's attention to Noah who was still moving around excitedly, but the thought of being left in the car stilled his movements as his eyes widened. "Thanks, buddy." He smiled as he finally managed to unclip all the straps and lift the boy out the seat and onto the ground.
"Are we ready to go in then?" Harry asked as he and Alex got out the car.
"Yeah! I wanna ride all the scary ones!" Alex yelled as his dark brown eyes lit up with excitement.
Louis chuckled as the four started to follow the crowd towards the entrance. "Let's go then."
Noah was about to run forward until Harry grabbed his arm at the last second and carefully pulled him back. "Don't run, there's too many people here for you to be running off, okay?" Harry said sternly, but he still kept his voice light so he knew he wasn't in trouble. "You have to be with either me, Louis or Alex."
"Okay. M'sorry." Noah mumbled as he walked next to Harry.
"It's fine, just be careful." Harry ruffled his hair before a tiny hand was grabbing his, he smiled and held Noah's hand as they continued to walk along the stone pavement.
Louis and Alex were walking in front talking about the rides they were going to go on and what ones to do first, Harry heard the mention of 'upside down' and 'backwards' and immediately decided that was one he was not going on, luckily Noah would be too small for most of the big scary ones so he had a reason to not go on them.
After a few more minutes they had successfully got into the park and were stood on the other side of the ticket gates looking at the sea of people in front of them and the noise of the tracks and screaming people.
"Uncle Harry! Look!" Noah tugged on Harry's hand who looked to his left to see what the five year old was so excited about. "It's Thomas land!"
Harry could immediately see where it was as as soon as he looked to his left there was a large statue of Thomas the tank engine in front of the metal gates leading into 'Thomas land'. "We need to go in there, I'm going to die if we don't." Noah whined as he pulled Harry's hand again.
"Don't be so dramatic, Noah." Alex laughed as he looked away from his brother and over to one of the rides that was spinning people upside down.
"Please, please can we go in there, I want to see Percy, Toby, James, Cranky, Gordon, obviously Thomas and Emily." Noah listed off the characters on his fingers as he thought of who he wanted to see.
"Sure, me and you can go in there when Alex and Louis go on one of the big rides." Harry said making Noah's eyes lit up as he wrapped his arms around Harry's stomach as that was as high up as he could reach.
"Okay, so how about we go on a few rides together before lunch, then we can find some food before Me and Alex go on the bigger rides while you two go to Thomas land, sound good?" Louis suggested as everyone nodded. "Alright, what first?"
"The rocking pirate ship's right there, we could do that?" Alex said as he pointed to their right. "Noah's tall enough for that too."
"Yeah! Let's go!" Noah practically yelled as he tugged on Harry's hand in the direction of the cue for the ride.
"Okay, pirate ship it is." Louis laughed as he watched Noah try and pull Harry. (A/N: okay imma sound so dumb but is there a rocking pirate ship ride in America or do half of you not know what the hell I'm on about?)
The walked through groups of people before they were heading through the empty spaces in the cue, eventually standing behind a family of three. Noah let go of Harry's hand and went over to his brother before mumbling about something Harry nor Louis could hear.
"Have you thought about what we're supposed to do with a five year old when we have to wait in a cue for an hour?" Louis whispered to Harry, as they shuffled forward, closer to the rides entrance.
Harry leaned back against the wooden rail behind him as he stuffed his hands into his Jean pockets. "Nope. This ones not too bad, it's only half an hour but there's gonna be rides where we gonna be stood for a while." He replied, looking over at Alex who was playing rock, paper, scissors with Noah.
"Yeah, I guess if worst comes to worst I can just give him my phone and let him watch something." Louis said making Harry nod in agreement. "That would keep him occupied until we can get on the ride."
"Yeah until he gets bored of that and starts to annoy all the people around him."
"We'll just hope it doesn't get to that." Louis chuckled as Harry smiled, his dimples showing as he shook his head.
"Probably a good thing we don't have our own kids." Harry said as they moved forward in the cue again. "God knows what we'd do with them."
"I think we'd be good, y'know." Louis said with a grin as Harry moved to stand next to him, their bodies resting against each other as they stood.
"Yeah. Plus you have this really hot dad look when you're with kids and I wouldn't mind seeing that everyday." Louis smirked making Harry laugh and nudge Louis' arm with his before settling back into him. "You do." Louis pushed on. "I love it."
"Shut up."
Louis only laughed more as he moved his arm to Harry's waist, just letting his hand rest on the younger lads hipbone.
After twenty minutes they were finally in the group of people allowed onto the ride, Noah and Alex were smiling happily as the worker asked how many of them there were.
"Four." Louis replied as the worker nodded and gestured them onto the ride, the two boys quickly walked to one of the back rows. Louis got in the row first then Alex, Noah and Harry sat on the end, they pulled the lap bar down before waiting for the ride to start.
The whole time they were on the ride Noah was giggling and smiling widely as they rocked backwards and forwards, going higher each time. Alex was smiling too, even starting to laugh when it rocked the highest it had so far.
"Again, again!" Noah yelled, jumping up and down as they all got off the ride.
"Not right now, Noah. We can go on it again tomorrow or later today if we get the other rides we want to do today done." Harry said as Noah pouted. "Cmon, buddy, don't you wanna go on a different ride?"
He perked up at that and nodded excitedly, grabbing hold of Harry's hand. "Okay, what next?" Louis asked as he and Alex came to stand next to them. "Alex, you mention one when we were in the cue, what was it?"
"Oh there's this one called accelerator or something like that. I saw it on the map as we came in, it looked pretty cool, and I think Noah can go on it too." He smiled. "And that also means you won't get scared." He smirked at Harry as he spoke, trying to hold back his laugh when his uncle glared at him.
"Alright, let's go find it then." Louis and Alex walked in front as Harry walked behind with Noah, his legs not long enough to walk as fast. And after they found a map they located where the ride was and started walking there.
It was only a two minute walk before they were outside a building with the giant words 'Accelerator' built on the front. Noah was tall enough to ride it as long as he was accompanied by an adult, so the four of them walked inside and waited in the cue.
"How long is the wait for this one?" Harry turned to Louis as Noah sat down on the concrete floor and rested back against Harry's legs, Alex was leant against the wall looking at the map they picked up.
"It's estimated an hour from over there," Louis pointed to a sign a few meters behind them, "so I guess anything under an hour, it depends how quick they get people on and off." He shrugged and moved closer to his husband subconsciously.
"We should probably get some lunch after this." Harry mumbled as they shuffled forward, Noah grumbling as he had to stand up from where he was sat. "It'll be around 1pm when we get off this ride."
"Yeah, there was a building that we passed that did food and drinks so we could go there." Louis suggested as Harry nodded.
It was around twenty minutes later when Harry felt a poke to his knee, he looked down and saw Noah looking up at him, still sat on the floor. "What's up, buddy?" He asked as the five year old stood up.
"When we gonna get on the ride?" He asked with sigh. "I'm bored."
"Well that's not good is it? We can't let you get bored." Harry joked with a smile, he looked to his right and saw Louis watching him with a fond look on his face. "What can we do so you're not bored anymore?"
"We can play a game!" Noah yelled excitedly as they moved forward in the cue again, now moving into a room with a bunch of race cars on top of ledges coming off the walls.
"What game?"
"Umm..." The five year old looked around with a concentrated expression. "I spy!"
"Oh, okay we can play that." Harry tried not to laugh as he thought of the times he had to spend playing I spy with Alex when he was younger.
"Uncle Louis, can you play too?" Noah asked as he looked over at Louis who was on his phone. "Please."
"Sure, Noah." Louis smiled and shut his phone off, quickly putting it in his back pocket.
"Alex... will you play too?" Noah seemed to know his bothers answer as he put on the puppy dog eyes and pouted.
"Really Noah?"
"Fine." Alex sighed as he gave into his brothers charm. He does seem to have a knack at getting everyone to agree to what he wants, it's curse as well as a superpower.
"I'll go first!" Noah looked around the room with eager eyes as Louis chuckled and leaned into Harry's side slightly, waiting for the boy to pick his word. "Okay I spy with my little eye something beginning with C."
Alex rolled his eyes, already knowing what it was but deciding not to ruin his brothers fun. "Cat?"
"There's no cat in here." Noah giggled as he looked at Harry and Louis.
"Umm, cart?" Harry said making Noah shake his head.
"Close... but no." The five year old smiled and rocked on his feet a little, grinning because no one could guess his word.
"Okay, what about..." Louis paused and looked around, trying to avoid the obvious word. "Camera?"
"Nu-uh." Noah grinned with the shake of his head.
After a few more random guesses, it was Alex's turn again. "Oh I know!" He said with fake excitement, "Its car!"
"Finally!" Noah almost yelled as he threw his arms up in the air. "You guys not very good at this game." They all moved further forward in the cue. "Now it's your turn Alex."
They played many, many games of I spy, so many that Louis was trying to remember how long they had been in the cue. But finally after fifty minutes they were getting onto the green roller coaster, Harry sat with Noah in front of Alex and Louis.
The lap bar came down making Noah squeal with excitement before he looked over at his uncle with a anxious expression. "I'm a little scared now." He whispered to Harry as more people got into the carts behind them.
"It's alright, buddy, it's gonna be fun. And you're brave. Much braver than me, so if I'm not scared then you shouldn't be either." Harry whispered back to him making the five year old nod.
"Yeah, you aren't as brave as me."
Harry tried not to laugh and instead just nodded at the serious looking boy next to him, waiting for the ride to start.
Just before the roller coaster was about to move Louis leaned forward and whispered in Harry's ear, "Are you scared yet?"
Harry only tuned his head to glare at his husband before the ride started to go backwards, pulling them higher and higher up. So high that Harry began to wonder if it was ever going to stop until suddenly it jolted and the carriages stopped before suddenly just dropping forward and soaring down the track, now going forward.
They went round as the track tilted a little, making them go on the side before straightening out and going up a steep incline. Noah was giggling excitedly as Alex was grinning before letting out a small scream when they dropped back down, this time doing the track backwards until they reached the beginning again, the cart stopping quickly and the lap bars lifting up.
Noah jumped out the car, jumping around and laughing while Louis quickly got out to make sure he didn't run off anywhere. Alex got out and walked out the rides entrance, smirking at Harry. "You screamed like a girl."
"Excuse me, I think it was a very manly scream." Harry replied before nudging Alex gently. "You screamed too."
"Only because I didn't know we were going to go backwards!" Alex laughed as Harry shook his head with a smile.
"You were scared too. Admit it."
"No way."
The four came to a stop not far from the ride they were just on, Noah now sat on Louis' shoulders after complaining that his legs felt like jelly and he couldn't walk anymore. "Alright, are we going to get lunch?" Louis asked, holding on to Noah's legs so he wouldn't fall.
"Yeah, I'm hungry and I saw hotdogs when we passed earlier." Alex said as he pointed to the wooden cabin with a cue of a few people in front of it. "Can I get a slushie too?" He asked politely.
"Sure, Noah do you want one too?" Louis asked as patted the boys knee, getting his attention.
"Yes, please."
"Alright, and good manners buddy."
Alex started talking to Harry as they walked, and Noah was rambling about who knows what while he stayed sat on Louis' shoulders.
"Harry, do you want to take them to a table while I get the food?" Louis turned to his husband when they reached the wooden cabin with signs of food and drink menus hung on the outside.
"I can, but are you going to need help bringing the stuff back?" Harry replied as Louis crouched down and helped Noah get off his shoulders, carefully getting the five year old back on the ground.
"I can help you?" Alex offered as Noah went over to Harry and grabbed his hand.
"Thanks, Alex." Louis smiled and motioned him over to the cue. "Do you just want water for you drink?" He asked Harry who nodded. "Okay, we'll be back in a minute." He kissed Harry's cheek before turning to the cue and waiting in line with Alex next to him.
Harry turned and walked with Noah over to a few picnic benches by a pond surrounded by a low brick fence that kept the ducks away from the theme park crowds.
"Noah, can you clean your hands with this please?" Harry held out a small bottle of hand sanitizer, Noah nodded and held out his hand.
It was around ten minutes later when Alex and Louis walked back over to them carrying food and drinks for the four of them. Alex sat down next to Noah and gave his brother his drink and his food before taking a sip of his multicoloured slushie.
Louis sat down next to Harry and gave him his food and drink. "Where should we go next guys?" He asked as they started to eat.
"Water ride!" Noah yelled excitedly, ketchup from
his hotdog smeared on the side of his lips.
"Yeah, please can we do that one?!" Alex joined in, grinning.
"Why don't we wait for the end of the day to do that one." Louis suggested. "Otherwise we'll spend the rest of the day soaking wet and cold."
"We'll dry off, please uncle Louis." Noah did his signature puppy dog look, sticking out his bottom lip too as he looked at his uncle who was trying very hard not to give in.
"Do not cave." Harry whispered to his husband, not particularly wanting to get soaking wet at noon.
"Please." Alex added in, smiling slightly.
Louis groaned, "Fine."
"You caved." Harry threw his arms up dramatically.
"Did you see their faces?" Louis turned to his husband. "It was like if I said no I would have crushed their souls or something."
Harry just shook his head with a laugh going back to his food while the two boys grinned and started talking about what other rides to go on.
Once they finished eating, Alex looked at a map and found where the water ride was before excitedly jumping up and trying to pull Harry towards it.
"Noah, bud, can you walk there this time." Louis asked the five year old who pouted, not saying anything. "You're gonna kill my shoulders, little man. So cmon, stand up. It's only a short walk and then we're waiting to go on the ride, so please."
Noah didn't say anything but he got up anyway and grabbed Louis' hand remembering what Harry told him at the beginning of the day. "Thank you, buddy. I'll carry you around later if you really want." That made Noah smile and nod happily as the two followed behind Harry and Alex.
They reached the ride and quickly got into the cue, Louis gave Noah his phone to watch Paw Patrol while Alex just occupied himself with looking around at all the things on the walls. Harry was leaning into Louis' side, his head resting on his shoulder.
Louis moved his arm to go around Harry's waist and he turned his head to kiss his forehead. "You okay?"
"Mhm." Harry hummed, lips turning up into a small smile when he felt fingers pinch his hip gently. "Are we going to take them out to eat? Like a restaurant or are we just going to grab something from the hotel?"
"We can take them out, I'm just thinking about Noah though." Louis said quietly as they moved forward in the cue a bit. "He's a picky eater so I don't know if it would just be easier to go to the hotel."
"We can ask Alex what he wants to do and then see if Noah is alright with that, I'm sure we'll find something for him to eat if we go out." Harry picked his head up but stayed close to Louis. "Alex?"
"Yeah?" The eleven year old turned around to look at his uncles.
"Would you rather go to a restaurant tonight or eat at the hotel?"
"Umm, restaurant."
"Alright, do you know a restaurant that your brother would happily eat at?" Harry asked, glancing down to Noah who was currently sat in front of his legs as he watched the show on Louis' phone.
"He likes going to Pizza Express. But it's weird because he won't eat the pizza, he'll eat pasta. But he's weird so it doesn't surprise me." Alex shrugged.
"Okay, so if we went to Pizza express you wouldn't mind?"
"No," Alex answered, "I like pizza express, it's just good Noah does too."
Harry nodded and turned to his husband. "So thats dinner sorted."
They continued to edge closer and closer to the start of the ride, Louis kept his hand on the small of Harry's back as they moved forward and Noah ended up giving Louis' phone back when the sound of water got stronger.
They were right at the front of the cue when Louis' eye caught sight of one of the raft-looking boats coming back in to the building, the five people on it looking anything but dry. "Oh god. This was a bad decision, wasn't it?"
Harry nodded. "Yup. But you caved, so we're here."
"It was their faces, Harry. I literally couldn't say no." Louis defended as he watched the people get out the raft and onto the platform, dripping with water.
"You guys can go in that one." The worker said to them, pointing to the raft on the track. Louis helped Noah get in before the rest of them got in and sat down. Harry and Noah were sat at the front, Louis and Alex behind.
"My bums already wet and we haven't even moved." Louis said as he moved a little in the seat. "You regret this yet?" He asked Alex who shook his head with a smile.
"This is gonna be fun."
Their raft moved forward pushing them out onto the water that was enclosed by the edges of the ride, they started going up straight away, making Noah laugh with excitement.
The water that was settled at the bottom of the raft ran to the back the higher up they went, and then suddenly they were falling forward and splashing into the water at the bottom which caved around them, drenching them.
Alex and Noah were grinning while Louis looked shocked, he was already soaked and they hadn't even been on the ride for 60 seconds. "I'm not even protected by Harry's lanky body in front of me!" He exclaimed making Alex laugh louder as the raft continued to move, this time a lot steadier.
They started going up another incline this one a lot shorter than the first, when they got to the top their raft was pushed into some type of machine that spun it around, making the back end face the drop.
"Why are we backwards?" Harry asked, obviously knowing the answer but not wanting to believe it. "Oh god."
Suddenly they fell down the drop backwards, even though the drop was smaller they got even more wet, any dry patches that were there before were definitely not now.
The rest of the ride was pretty calm, they didn't get much wetter and soon enough they were stepping out the raft and back onto the platform. "There's water in my shoes." Louis tried not to laugh as the four of them started walking down the stairs to get back to the main park path. "We are all drenched completely. And now I'm cold so thanks, boys."
"Aww is Lou cold." Harry teased him as he walked over and wrapped his wet arms around his husband. "Poor baby, you cant be cold." He held him tight, getting him even wetter if that was possible, and Alex and Noah laughed from where they watched Louis frown at Harry.
"Thanks, love." He muttered when Harry pulled away, water dripping down his face. "I feel much better."
After not much convincing they decide to use the family driers that were outside the water ride, they dried off as much as they could before figuring out where to go next.
Alex wanted to go on one of the big rides so Louis said he'd take him while Harry and Noah went to Thomas land. So they split up and said they'd meet back at the entrance at 5:30pm. It was around 3pm so they had a few hours to do the last rides for today.
After a long few hours of standing in cues and going on a different rides Louis and Alex walked to go find Harry and Noah who were already waiting by the entrance to the theme park.
They walked back to the car and actually managed to find it quite easily before they started driving to a Pizza express that Harry had found was only ten minutes from the hotel they were staying in when he was waiting in a cue.
Dinner passed quickly, tiredness seeping in and making all four of them a little drowsy. Noah happily ate his pasta, not one complaint which was definitely a good thing before they all got back into the car to head to the hotel. They checked in and got their room keys before heading up.
They had two rooms but they were next to each other and were connected on the inside by a door that they were going to leave open so if one of the boys needed something in the night they like just walk through the door to their room.
They all settled in and got changed out of their clothes, the boys had showers the minute they got into the hotel room and then Noah and Alex came to sit in Harry and Louis' room to watch the tv.
Harry and Louis showered before siting with their nephews on the bed, watching the film that was playing on the tv, and soon enough Noah was asleep against Harry's side and Alex's eyes were slowly closing form where he was laying on his stomach.
Harry carried Noah into the conjoined room and set him down in the bed, Alex trailing behind him. He made sure both boys were alright before leaving the room and heading back to where Louis was laying on top of the covers, his phone in his hand.
"I'm exhausted." Harry mumbled, walking over to the bed and practically flopping down on the bed. Louis just smiled as he looked up from his phone.
"C'mere, love." Louis whispered and who was Harry to ignore him. He moved closer to his husband and wrapped his arm around his waist, laying his head on his chest.
"Do you remember summer last year? We went on holiday with the boys, Gemma and Michal." Harry spoke up, his voice muffled as he relaxed into Louis' hold, feeling a hand pressing gently onto his back.
"Yeah." Louis breathed out, kissing Harry's head. "Alex kept pouring water over me every time I slept on the sun-lounger."
Harry chuckled at the memory and nodded. "Did I ever tell you what Gemma and I talked about?"
"I don't think so..."
Harry nodded and looked at his left hand that was on Louis' waist, specifically the ring on his hand. "We had just gotten back home and you were at work I think, and the boys were playing around in the garden while Gem and I were looking through the pictures and videos we got while we were there." Louis stayed quiet as he listened to what Harry was saying. "Specifically, we were looking at the video of me you and Noah. We were coming back from dinner and he wanted to walk between us, he was holding our hands and every now and again he got us to swing our arms up so he came off the ground a little and he yelled he was flying.
"Gemma turned to me once the video was over and asked if we wanted to have kids and I told her that I did and I'm sure you did. That's why that night I asked you about it and we talked. We agreed that we both wanted to but because of my new job at the time we said not yet." Harry stopped talking and Louis nodded, recalling the night clearly. "And today just got me thinking that maybe soon we could- maybe... maybe now is the right time. We don't have to sort anything out right now and you can say no and I won't be mad at you or anything and we can wait longer if you want or if you've changed your mind that's fine-"
"Harry," Louis cut him off with a laugh, "are you trying to ask me if I want to start a family with you?"
"I think so." Harry whispered sheepishly, turning his head further into his husbands chest, hiding his flushed cheeks.
"Of course I do. It's all I've wanted to ever do. I've been waiting for the right time for years now." Louis spoke, his voice slightly muffled as he was kissing Harry's forehead at the same time. "I was going to bring it up soon but I didn't know how. But I have always wanted to have kids with you and have a family. Wake up and make breakfast for our own little tiny humans so we won't have to steal your sisters anymore."
Harry laughed and lifted his head up to look at Louis. "You really want to? Now?"
"I do. Now."
Harry smiled and moved his head forward, kissing Louis with so much love and excitement. After a few seconds they had to pull away as they were mostly just smiling against each other. "What are we doing to do though? We're going to have decide if we want a surrogate or if we're going to adopt."
"Yeah, but we don't have to decide now." Louis said as Harry settled back down. "We can get home and think about what we want to do. Talk about it over the new few weeks."
Harry nodded and rested his head back on the older lads shoulder who was still rubbing his hand up and down Harry's back. "What made you think about last summer?"
"I dunno." Harry shrugged a little. "Just seeing you with Noah and Alex all day made me realise how much I want to be able to see you with our own kids everyday. I want to be able to see that for the rest of my life."
Louis couldn't help smiling more. "I love you."
"I love you too." Harry reached over and turned the lamp off before pulling the sheets up over their bodies. "I was actually not so tried for a moment. Now it's hit me like a brick all over again."
"The talk of kids made you not tired?" Louis laughed a little, making Harry lightly hit his stomach as he closed his eyes and yawned. "Go to sleep, love."
Harry hummed and closed his eyes, the only noise was the sound of Louis' beating heart near where his head laid. Harry relaxed immediately when he felt a hand run through his hair, and a pair of lips on his forehead. He sighed happily and closed his eyes.
The next morning was luckily not as chaotic as Harry thought it would be, it took a little while to get everyone dressed a breakfasted but they were still out the hotel just before 11am and driving towards the theme park for day two.
Harry and Louis were both extremely happy, mainly because of their talk last night, but they'd decided to push it to the back of their heads until their nephews were back with Gemma.
Noah was still going on about how much fun he had in Thomas land, whereas Harry would be happy to never see another train again. Going round and round a track sat in a fake train for almost half an hour was enough for him. Then spending the next two hours going on different train rides and shops filled with nothing but guess what? Trains.
Alex was again looking at the map to see what rides and amusements they had yet to do and what ones he wanted to do again.
"What about the haunted house?" Alex spoke up as Louis parked the car on the field of grass surrounded by cars for the second time.
"Isn't it closed?" Harry asked as he got out the car, leaving Louis to fight with Noah's car seat.
"I don't know." Alex unstrapped his seatbelt and jumped out the car, eyes still trained on the map in his hands. "But we could just go to where it is and see, can't we?"
"Sure. We never know, it might be open." Harry agreed and after another few minutes the four of them were walking into the theme park, Noah holding Harry's hand, Louis on his other side, Alex next to him.
They decided to do one of the rollercoasters near the entrance first, Noah was able to ride it with an adult so they all started cuing and after half an hour they were on the ride.
They went on another water ride but this one didn't get them very wet at all, they sat in a circle that had around six seats in, the ride just kind of threw them around a bit as they followed the water round.
When it hit just before 1pm they headed to go get some lunch at the same place as yesterday as they knew that Noah and Alex were happy to eat food from there.
"What do you guys want to do next?" Louis asked as he finished off the last of his drink before throwing it away along with the rest of their rubbish.
"Teacups!" Noah yelled, eyes bright.
"Umm... you sure you want to do that right after lunch?" Harry asked, not really wanting to throw up everything he just ate.
"Cmon, H, it'll be fun." Louis nudged his husband side with a smile. "Just look at his pouty face."
"I hate you."
"I love you too." Louis smiled and quickly kissed Harry's lips before turning back to the table.
"Please uncle Harry." Noah mumbled, his expression resembling that of a puppy.
"Fine. We can go on the teacups. What about after that?" Harry gave in, ignoring Louis' attempt to muffle his laughs behind his hand.
"Could we go to the haunted house?" Alex spoke up, eyes hopeful.
"Sure. Teacups, then haunted house. Then we'll see after that what we want to do." Harry smiled at his two excited nephews in front of him before saying that they should get going.
They all stood up and started walking towards the teacups, Noah was now holding Alex's hand, pulling on his arm as he rambled to his brother. Harry and Louis were walking close behind, making sure that they were safe.
"You caved." Louis said with a smirk once they reached the cue for the spinning teacups. Harry just glared at him making his husband laugh. "It's the face he pulls innit?"
"Yeah." Harry mumbled, frowning as he watched the multicoloured cups spin round and round on the platform only a few feet away from them.
It was just as they sat down in the seats on the ride that Harry really regretted giving in to Noah's puppy dog face. "I hate rides that spin. Why did I do this?" He mumbled as Alex smiled widely, almost looking evil as he gripped the steering wheel like bar in the middle and waited for the ride to start.
"Louis, I swear if you help Alex spin as fast as he can, you are sleeping alone tonight." Harry whispered to his husband who smirked but nodded nonetheless.
Suddenly the ride started to slowly spin the cups around and that's when Alex and Louis started to spin the wheel in the middle as fast as they could, while Noah sat there trying not to slip off the seat, but luckily Harry was holding onto him.
When they finally got off the ride Harry wasn't sure if he was walking in a straight line or not. "You're sleeping on the couch." He mumbled to Louis who just laughed and nodded a little.
They started walking to the haunted house, Louis staying close to Harry just in case he actually did pass out or something. "You look a little pale there, darling." He teased as they got closer to where they were going.
"Oh really? It's not like I just got thrown around right after I ate or anything." Harry shot back, but Louis could tell he didn't mind and he was only joking.
Louis just pulled Harry into his side and and kissed his temple, before looking back to their nephews. He kept his arm around Harry the whole walk there and even when they got there and started cuing, as it was open, he kept his arm around him.
"I'm so glad it's open!" Alex smiled, practically jumping up and down. "It's gonna be really cool. Apparently it's really scary."
Harry turned to his youngest nephew with a worried expression. "Noah, are you sure you want to go in here? Me and you can just do something else or you can go with Lou and do something."
"No, I wanna go. I'm brave."
"Alright, buddy." Harry nodded and ruffled his hair a little before turning his body more into Louis. "I don't know if it's a good idea to bring him on this one." He whispered.
"I think there's exit doors all through the house so if he gets too scared one of us can just take him out." Louis suggested, his hand resting on Harry's hip, gently rubbing circles.
After waiting for an hour and a half they were finally part of the group that was being let into the spooky looking building. They were lead by a worker into a dark hallway with a bunch of TVs on the walls, all showing the same thing.
Once everyone was in the hallway, the door was closed making the room pitch black, Noah's hand tightened on Harry's as they waited for what they're meant to do next.
The worker explained that in each room they went in there was an exit door and people could leave whenever they wanted too.
Suddenly the TVs on the wall changed and showed a video of a man behind a desk who started talking about all the haunted things that happened there and that they were there to check it out.
Then they were being lead into another room equally as dark, there was mists of light scattered on the walls, the ceiling above them was broken and rusted and the walls were covered in cobwebs. The lights started to flicker and the noise started to pick up, there was creaking footsteps above them and scratching sounds on the wall.
Harry felt Noah press himself closer to his body, his hand holding onto Harry's as tight as he could. Suddenly the lights all shut off making the room completely dark.
Harry decided to pick Noah up once he felt the five year old trying to bring himself closer but he was already as close as he could get. So he reached down and picked him and placed him to sit on his hip, holding him close when he felt him rest his head on his shoulder.
The lights flickered back on just as a vision of a ghost flashed on all walls around them. They were then led into another room, this one slightly bigger than the last two.
The worker then started to talk about all the paranormal things that happened before the lights started to flicker once again, this time the door they entered through opened again and someone wearing a costume of one of the 'dead' people the worker talked about walked in, smiling rather creepily at everyone in the room.
They walked around getting almost close enough to touch before stepping away and moving on, then the lady went out completely and it felt like the room shook before the lights turned back on and the guy in the costume was gone.
There was a few more things that happened in the room before they were moving on but Harry spotted an exit door right next to the door they were next supposed to be going towards. And when he felt Noah shaking slightly and whimpering he decided not to carry on, and he turned towards Louis as the group started moving.
"I'm gonna take him outside." He nodded to the five year old clutching his shirt, his head hidden in his neck. "You stay with Alex and carry on."
Louis nodded, reaching out to rub his hand over Noah's back gently before Harry went over to the exit door and left the building.
"We're out now buddy." Harry whispered to him as he followed the path back to the main park. "It's all over."
"Didn't like it." Noah mumbled, looking up a little, but kept his head on his uncles shoulder.
"I know, that's why we left. Bit too scary for you, huh?" Harry reached a bench and sat down with Noah.
"Mhm." Noah nodded, sitting on the bench but still leaning against Harry. "I thought I was brave enough. Sorry."
"Don't say sorry, Noah. It's okay, it was very scary but you are very brave. The bravest I know." Harry told him with a smile.
"Really?" The five year old smiled a little.
"Of course. I wanted to leave too. It was scary even for me, buddy."
"Yeah. Too scary." Noah nodded, luckily not as sacred as he was a few minutes ago, but he still didn't move very far from Harry's side.
For the next ten minutes Harry made jokes to make Noah laugh and cheer him up which he had done successfully by the time Louis walked over to them with a rambling Alex at his side.
"That was so awesome!" He practically yelled when he reached Harry and Noah.
"Had fun then?" Harry asked standing up, but not with out having a small child attached to his side, refusing to walk.
"Yeah! It was so cool. Especially the end we got to sit in these seats that like spun us! But It didn't actually spin us, but it felt like it was spinning us!" Alex was grinning while Louis chuckled at how happy he was.
"He okay?" Louis asked, nodding to Noah who was laying his head back on Harry's shoulder.
"You're alright, aren't you buddy?" Harry said to Noah who nodded and smiled at Louis, clearly getting tired. It was around 3pm so they would leave in the next two hours to start heading home.
"Is there anything we haven't done that you want to do before we go?" Louis asked making Alex nod.
"Yeah there's a rollercoaster I saw near the pirate ship, I think Noah can go on it with an adult too."
Everyone agreed that they would do that last rollercoaster then they would do some of the stall games, like hook a duck and the one where you throw the basketball into the hoop before heading home.
The cue for the rollercoaster was around 45 minutes before they got on, it was quite a fast one and threw them around a bit but Alex and Noah enjoyed it so it was good. Then they started walking around the stall games, picking which ones they wanted to do.
Alex ended up winning a small turtle toy when he did hook a duck so he gave it to Noah who took it happily and said he'd call it Garrett. Why? Who knows.
Then somehow Louis ended up winning a massive dog toy when Alex said he needed to win something for Harry. It was a football game, he had to get three goals when there was only certain places he could get the ball through, but he managed to do it.
Then after trying to win at a few more stalls they decided to leave, of course not before Noah and Alex begged them to take them into the toy shop which turned out to be a bad idea when Harry was looking at the boot of the car which now held two rather big turtles, after Noah said Garrett needed parents, the toys they won at the stalls and a football. But Harry did draw the line at buying a giant blow up bowling set.
"Gemma is gonna kill us." Harry mumbled once everyone was strapped in the car and Louis had started driving towards the exit.
"Correction, Gemma is going to kill you." Louis smirked, keeping his eyes on the grassy road ahead of him. "I said no."
Harry just groaned and rested his head back against the headrest. "With any luck she'll be too relaxed to notice the extra toys."
"Yeah because the two giant turtles won't make her question anything."
Harry resisted the urge to hit his husband and just decided to fall asleep and dream of his nice warm bed where there was no giant stuffed turtles with weird smiles.
They arrived back at home at 11pm, both Alex and Noah were asleep in the backseat, luckily Alex woke up when the engine turned off which meant one less kid to carry into the house.
Louis unlocked the front door and led Alex up to the spare room with his bags while Harry unstrapped Noah from the car seat before picking him up and carrying him into the house.
They had two single beds in the spare room, which was practically Noah and Alex's too whenever they stayed round, so Harry tucked Noah into his bed before leaving the room to grab the rest of the things from the car.
When he and Louis had got all the bags inside, Alex had brushed his teeth and got into some other clothes before getting comfortable in the bed.
Harry and Louis came to check on them both before they decided to go to bed themselves. "Thank you." Alex said to them as they were about to leave the room. "I've had lots of fun, and I know Noah has too. So thank you for taking us."
"We had fun with you guys too." Louis smiled at him before flicking the light off. "Goodnight, bud."
"Night." Alex mumbled before turning over.
Harry closed the door once they stepped into the corridor, both letting out a deep breath. "I don't think I've ever been this tired." Louis mumbled as they walked towards their bedroom.
"Mhm. Those two are great but jeez they drain your energy. Especially when I have to carry Noah around for almost three hours straight because he says his feet are broken." Harry chuckles as he walks into the bathroom.
They both got ready for bed before climbing under the duvet. "What happened to me sleeping on the couch?" Louis asked with a smug grin as Harry shuffled closer to his husband and wrapped an arm around him.
"Another night. Tonight I want you next to me." Harry mumbled, pressing his lips to Louis' shoulder.
"That I can do." Louis laughed, kissing Harry's head. "Y'know, when we have our own kids we're gonna have to learn to ignore the puppy dog face."
"Yeah, I know." Harry said, running his fingers over Louis' stomach, drawing shapes. "It's just so hard to say no to."
"Well we'll have to learn otherwise we'll have a very spoilt child."
"Who said we're stopping after one child?"
"Well of course one is the starting number, I'll let you decide how many tiny kids you want running round.
"I want a whole football team."
Louis laughed and kissed Harry's head once more. "Anything you want, darling." He wrapped his arm around his husband, pulling him impossibly closer. "Goodnight, love."
Gemma came to get Noah and Alex at midday on Monday and pretended like she didn't see the extra bag that was containing only stuffed animals. Harry knew he'd get murdered when she was less in her relaxation mode.
And even though Louis and Harry were still exhausted from their weekend with the boys, they had also had a great time with them. And they would do it all again if they had to.
Don't really know I feel about this one, but I started writing it ages ago and I spent way to long on this just to delete it so here you go I guess. I hope the next ones better.
Sorry for being gone so long, I'm back at school now In year eleven so time to write when I feel like I want to is going to get hard. But I will try my best. I hope that's okay. <3
Don't forget to eat and drink something today, I hope your having a good day or night, I love you. <33
Remember, when you forgive, you heal. And when you let go, you grow - Unknown
The moment you feel like you have to prove your worth to someone is the moment to absolutely and utterly walk away - Alysia Harris
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