This was requested by an anonymous person :)
I'm really excited to write this and I hope you like it, also it's really, really long so get comfortable.
3rd person P.O.V
Louis let out a relieved sigh as he turned the sign from 'open' to 'closed' outside his cafe before walking back inside. He loved his job, but sometimes owning a cafe can be a tough job there's so much to do and it can be overwhelming.
He walked over to the tables and started grabbing cups and plates that were left out, just as he placed them on the counter the bell above the door rung and Louis turned around confused.
A guy with green eyes and a sharp jawline had practically ran into the cafe and then leant against the wall panting. He had shoulder length brown hair and it was nicely styled, he had a bead of sweat lingering on his forehead.
(By the way, it's Lhh/ Prince Harry but he's a solo artist, so fine line but with lhh.)
"Umm excuse me?" Louis said making the guy open his eyes. "The cafe's closed."
"Right, I-I um I'm sorry." The man stuttered as he looked out the window behind him briefly.
"Do you know what closed means? It means you can't be here." Louis said, the guy might be extremely attractive but he was closed and he really wanted to get home before dark and he still had to clean up.
"Yeah sorry, can I help with anything? I could help clean up?"
"Why would you want to help clean up?" Louis asked slightly confused.
"Well I'm trying to hide from a few people." The guy said as he looked down, he was secretly glad the blue eyed man had no idea who he was.
"Is that why you ran in here?" The guy nodded and Louis was about to talk again but he got distracted by a bunch of girls who ran by his cafe squealing. "What was that about? They looked like a bunch of fangirls." He asked once they passed.
"I don't know." The guy whispered quietly.
"Whatever." Louis shrugged as he stacked some cups. "So, curly, how bad are these people if you're hiding from them?"
"Your hairs curly." Louis stated with a smile. "Now answer my question."
"You're very forward." Curly chuckled.
"Life's short and boring, why waste it being mysterious and secretive."
"I don't think life's boring." Curly mumbled as he fiddled with the hem of his hoodie.
"Well then you must have something very exciting that you do because I know I don't, I run a cafe by myself which means I barely sleep and I live with my roommate who eats all the food in the apartment, so I don't even have a place of my own, and I spend all my time either at this cafe or at a bar."
"You run a cafe all by yourself?" Curly asked shocked.
"Yup." Louis chirped. "Well mostly, sometimes one of my friends helps out when I'm not here." He turned back to face the green eyed guy. "So are you going to answer my question about who you're running from?"
"I'm not running- I'm just hiding."
"Whatever, curly, are you going to answer?"
"Nope." Curly smiled
"Hmm you're mysterious." Louis said just as another group of girls ran past the outside the cafe. "What is happening out there?"
"No idea." Curly mumbled.
"Right, how long do you need to hide here for because I need to clean."
"I thought I was gonna help you?"
"You were being serious?" Louis asked trying not to laugh.
"Weirdo, I hate cleaning. Anyway, do you have a name to go with your mystery personality?" Louis asked as the guy walked further into the cafe.
"Okay Harry, I guess if you want to hide in my cafe then you can help me clean up, as you're so desperate to." He said as he grabbed the plates and cups from the counter. "Oh and I'm Louis by the way."
"Hi, and okay sure. Thanks for doing this." Harry smiled as he let out a big breath.
"As long as it's not the police you're running from I don't care."
"It's not the police."
"Good well, Harry, you better be good with a broom." Louis said smugly as he pointed to the broom beside him.
Harry just reached for the broom and started sweeping as Louis watched him with a confused expression, he didn't realise that Harry was actually going to clean up.
Louis shook his head with a small chuckle as he took the dishes into the kitchen and placed them into the sink. There was something so mysterious about Harry, he knew nothing about why he was running and why he would rather help a random man clean his cafe than face whoever he's hiding from.
He pushed the thoughts away and cleaned all the dishes before heading back out into the main cafe seeing Harry wiping down the tables.
"I finished sweeping so I thought I could clean the tables." Harry said with a shy smile once he saw Louis leaning against the counter.
"Thanks Harry, I don't know why you're here but I'm glad that you ran in here. It makes my job easier so thanks." Louis smiled and walked closer to Harry. "Are you ever going to tell me why you were running into my cafe after it closed?"
"Nope." Harry smiled popping the 'p'. "I can tell you other things if you really must know something.
"Well I just think I should know that the handsome man that runs into my cafe isn't a serial killer."
"I'm not a serial killer." Harry laughed as he sat down at one of the tables, Louis sitting down opposite him. "And I'm glad that you think I'm handsome."
"Watch it, curly, I can practically see your ego inflating." Louis pointed a finger at Harry with a smile tugging at his lips.
"You're not so bad yourself." Harry said with a smirk.
They both stayed silent for a few minutes, it wasn't awkward, it was just quiet.
"I have a sister." Harry spoke quietly as Louis looked up from the table and met Harry's eyes.
"You said that you wanted to know I wasn't a serial killer and you seem like a nice guy, so I'm telling you stuff about me. I might not ever see you again so I'm making the most of it." Harry said making Louis smile. "I'm 22, single, I used to live in Holmes chapel but moved to London when I was sixteen, I have a cat called dusty, and I like bananas."
"Bananas?" Louis laughed as Harry nodded.
"Your turn."
"Okay..." Louis paused for a minute. "I'm 24, also single, I used to live in Doncaster but moved to London for my uni and ended up staying when I found this cafe, and I have six siblings... I don't really know what else to say." Louis laughed slightly.
"You have six siblings?" Harry asked.
"Yeah, they can be a handful but I love them and I don't know what I would do without them ." Louis said with a smile.
Harry turned around to look outside the window and frowned slightly when he saw it was dark outside. "I- er... I should go. It's late." He said quietly.
"Oh, okay. Do you know if those people you're running from are gone?"
"Hiding from." Harry said sternly. "And no, but it's been a while so I should be good."
Louis nodded and stood up before pushing the chair back in. "It was nice to meet you Harry, and thank you again for cleaning."
"No problem, it was nice to meet you too. And thank you for hiding my fugitive ass." He joked making Louis laugh.
Harry stood up and walked towards the cafe doors, he paused once his hand touched the handle. He turned back to Louis and sent him a shy smile before opening the door and walking out.
Louis sighed as he watched Harry pull his hood over his head and walk away. He can't help but admit that Harry was extremely attractive and he wished he could have got his phone number, or even just his last name.
The next day
Louis yawned as he pulled open the doors to the cafe and walked into the empty building. It was almost 7am and he didn't fall asleep until late last night because he couldn't get Harry's stupid face out of his head.
Why did the man have to be so attractive that every time Louis closed his eyes, his dimples were the first thing he saw.
Louis rubbed his hand over his tired eyes and walked behind the counter before dropping his stuff to the floor, he washed his hands before starting to set out all the stuff he needed for the day, he placed stuff on the tables and put the food behind the counter.
Just as he was about to go into the kitchen the bell rung signalling the door had opened. It was only 7:24am so the cafe wasn't open yet.
Louis spun around to see none other than Harry stood with a smile just in front of the door. "Are you ever going to come in when the cafe is actually open?" Louis chuckled as he turned back around and grabbed some napkins.
"Maybe one day." Harry smirked before walking over to Louis and grabbing the napkins from him.
"What are you doing here?" The blue eyed boy asked as he watched Harry place the napkins down on the table.
"It was fun talking to you yesterday." Harry said simply. "I wanted to do it again."
"How did you even know I would be here?" Louis asked. "Are you stalking me, curly?"
Harry chuckled as he continued to walk round the room, placing napkins on each table. "No."
"So how'd you know?"
"I'm observant."
Louis stared at him confused as Harry laughed and stood up straight. "You have a sign on your door saying you open at 8am so I knew you'd be here before."
"Oh." Louis hummed. "You are stalking me."
"Am not." Harry huffed with a pout.
"Are too."
"Yeah. You are too."
"No I'm not."
"Harry, I could do this for hours." Louis laughed as he took off the apron he was wearing and hung it up behind him.
Harry just smiled and placed the last napkin down before walking back over to Louis, who was now leant against the counter. "Are you here all day then?" Harry asked as he sat on one of the stools.
"No, I just open and stay until around 10am then I leave and come back at six or seven-ish and stay until it closes then I clean." Louis mumbled as he walked behind the counter so he was in front of Harry.
"Sounds tiring."
"It can be."
Harry hummed as he crossed his ankles and stared up at Louis who was fiddling with what looked like a remote of some kind.
"I was wondering if maybe you would want to hang out with me?" Harry whispered. "Not that you have to, I just thought that-"
"Harry." Louis cut him off with a quiet laugh. "I would love to. Only if you help me clean up again today." He smirked.
"I actually liked doing that." Harry mumbled, watching the way Louis' eyes almost sparkled as he laughed, the sun reflecting on his face.
"Okay then." Louis smiled. "When and where?"
"Uhh." Harry paused for a minute, he wanted to hang out with Louis but there was only so many places he can go without someone seeing him and he didn't want Louis to know that he was some singer that for some reason many people liked.
He liked that Louis didn't know Harry Styles, he just knew Harry. The Harry that hid in his cafe so fans wouldn't see him. He wasn't trying to be rude, but there was only so much signing and photo taking he can handle in one day.
"I know somewhere we can go." He smiled after thinking of a place that not many people go. "Can I text you where to meet me?"
"Is that a sneaky way of getting my number?" Louis asked with a smirk as Harry just shrugged with a smug look on his face. "Well it worked."
Louis gave Harry his number and Harry stood up saying he'd text him in a couple hours with the location of where he needs to go.
And with that he was gone. The green eyed man with dimples that seemed to have wormed his way into Louis' life so quickly, was gone.
But only for a couple hours.
Louis smiled wide as he watched Harry's figure disappear out of view before turning to walk into the kitchen. Stupid Harry distracted him, now he had five minutes to get the rest of the cafe ready.
Stupidly handsome Harry.
It was two in the afternoon when Harry first text Louis. Louis was fighting Niall for the biscuit tin when his phone beeped and he practically dropped the tin when he saw the message.
Harry: Hey Louis, it's Harry :)
It was something so simple but it made Louis' heart beat faster.
Louis had quickly replied while Niall sat down next to him, the biscuit tin in his hands. Harry texted him the address and told him to be there at 5pm.
Niall was peering over at Louis' phone, reading the texts as he bit into a biscuit. "Who's Harry?" He mumbled, a few crumbs falling onto Louis shoulder as Niall was leant over him slightly.
Louis pushed Niall away lightly before mumbling out, "Just a guy I met last night."
"Louis you don't meet guys. I'm practically the only guy you speak to on a daily basis." Niall said as he placed his sock covered feet in Louis' lap.
"That makes me sound lonely, Ni." Louis grumbled as he typed back a response to Harry's text.
"You aren't?"
Louis looked up at Niall with a raised eyebrow. "No."
"Oh. How many people are you friends with?" Niall asked with a smug smile. "Oh and you can't count the mailman."
"But I talk to Robert!" Louis exclaimed as he shut off his phone and focused his attention on Niall.
"Lou, he's practically in the ground already."
"What?" Niall mumbled as he put another biscuit in his mouth. "It's true, I saw the guy trying to get up to the apartment yesterday and I thought I was gonna have to catch him if he just dropped dead."
"You're so insensitive." Louis grumbled, kicking Niall's feet off him. "Roberts nice and he's not dead... yet anyway."
Niall gave him a 'are you sure about that' look before louis huffed and held his hand out.
"Can I have a biscuit as I'm soooo lonely." He asked.
"It's not a bad thing. You're just private, you like to keep to a small, small, group of people.... or person." Niall said as he handed a biscuit to Louis who snatched it.
"Asshole." Louis muttered.
Louis spent the next 3 hours arguing with Niall about how many people he knows before realising he needed to leave to meet Harry.
He grabbed a dark blue jacket to go over his white shirt before grabbing his phone and putting his shoes on.
"Do you want the pepper spray?" Niall asked as he leant against the wall watching Louis tie his laces.
"Why would I need that?"
"You don't know what might happen." Niall shrugged. "All I'm saying is to be prepared."
"Harry won't hurt me." Louis said as he stood up and grabbed his wallet.
"You don't know that."
"Ni, I love ya but you don't need to play the mum card, I'll be fine." Louis smiled reassuringly at his best mate who still had an unimpressed look on his face.
"Fine, but if he does even one thing sketchy, call me." Niall said sternly. "And if he hurts you I will find him and rip his balls off his body before shoving them so far up his ass they reach his heart."
Louis stared at Niall with a shocked expression, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. "Uhh."
"Have fun." Niall smiled before walking out the hallway, acting as if what he just said was normal.
"Bye..." Louis muttered before blinking a few times and walking out the apartment.
He shook his head, trying to forget about what Niall said as he reached his car and got inside.
It was a 35 minute drive to get to where Harry wanted to meet, and once he got there all he saw was a black car parked next to a brick wall and a empty field on the other side.
He parked his car before getting out, the air was getting colder and the sky was starting to lose light, it was coloured by oranges, yellows and reds.
"Nice isn't it?"
Louis spun around when he heard a deep voice behind him, relaxing when he saw Harry leant against the black car he saw before he parked.
"Yeah, how'd you know where this was?" Louis asked as Harry pushed his body away from the car and walked closer to Louis.
"I come here to think sometimes, it's quiet, peaceful and the sunsets are amazing." He smiled, glancing up at the sky before looking back at Louis. "I wanna show you something."
Harry started to walk over to the brick wall behind them, Louis followed as he glanced around at the area. They walked around to the other side of the brick wall and stopped when Harry reached down to pick something up.
Louis looked at the wall, his mouth slightly agape as he scanned all the little drawings and words on the wall, they were written in all different kinds of pen, different handwriting.
"People come here and they write what they want to do with their life, who they want to be, where they want to go, normally their dreams that they doubt will come true. Some write their secrets, what they're afraid of." Harry spoke quietly as he held his hand out, revealing a black marker pen. "Write something."
"I don't know what to write." Louis whispered, his gaze locked onto the brick wall covered in other people's dreams. The middle of the wall has the words 'It's my life' graffitied in three different colours.
"Yes you do." Harry said as he watched Louis place his backpack down before rolling up his hoodie sleeves and walking towards the brick wall.
Louis bit his lip as he ran his fingers along the rough wall, feeling when his fingers would catch on something. He took a deep breath and raised the black marker up the brick wall before pressing down.
Harry stood back with a small smile as he watched Louis write.
"Can I write more than one thing?" Louis asked as he glanced back at Harry who nodded.
"Yeah, you can write as much as you want."
Louis nodded and released his lip from the grip his teeth had before raising the pen to the wall again.
He stepped back once he was done and just stood there in silence for a few minutes, just looking at what he wrote.
"Can I see what you wrote?" Harry asked, slowly stepping closer to Louis.
"Yeah." Louis breathed out.
Harry walked forward until he was stood next to Louis before he looked at the wall, looking for what he wrote.
I want to fall in love.
Harry looked back at Louis to see the boy looking at the ground, his lip between his teeth again. "It's stupid isn't it?" Louis asked quietly before Harry shook his head.
"No. No, it's not stupid." He spoke just as quietly as Louis.
"I just-" Louis sighed and looked up. "I don't know, I hear about all these people who fall in love and I want it. I want to fall in love with someone who truly cares about me."
"I get it." Harry smiled at him. "Have you never been in love then?"
"No. I don't think so." Louis said quietly. "I've loved people, sure, but I've never been in love, y'know?"
"Yeah. I know." Harry whispered. "Loving someone and being in love with someone are two different things."
"What else did you write?" Harry asked after a few seconds of silence.
Louis didn't say anything he just pointed to a sentence not far above his other one.
I want to have the courage to tell my secret.
Harry read it before looking over at Louis again. "You've got a secret?"
"Doesn't everyone?" Louis said making Harry laugh a little.
"Yeah I guess they do." He looked down at the ground for a minute as he was keeping one hell of a secret from Louis but he just didn't want to tell him yet.
"Although.." Louis started talking, "It's not a secret that could hurt anyone or something like that, it's just something I like to do but I don't have the courage to share it."
Harry nodded. "It's okay to want to keep things for just you." He smiled. "But... will I ever know?" He asked with a big grin, showing off his dimples.
"Maybe." Louis smiled back before picking up his bag. "Are you going to write anything?"
"Not today." Harry smiled before glancing at the wall where he wrote something a few years ago.
I want to just be me.
"Now what?" Louis asked, pulling Harry out his trance.
"Now we walk."
"And talk." Harry smiled proudly as he started walking in the direction of the fields.
"Talk about what?" Louis asked as he followed Harry.
"Anything and everything." Harry said as they started walking along the path that lead all the way round the fields and back. "Even the stupid stuff. I want to hear it all."
Louis just smiled up at Harry before nodding. "Okay." He thought for a minute. "I don't even know what job you have, you know mine because you broke in."
"I did not break in."
"You're avoiding my question, Curly." Louis said with smug smile as Harry chuckled and shook his head.
"I er- I travel a lot for my job." Was all he said, but it seemed to satisfy Louis as he didn't ask for a specific occupation.
"Where do you go?"
"I want to go everywhere." Louis breathed out as he kicked a stone in front of him. "I haven't gone anywhere, I want to see places." He looked up at Harry and admired how Harry's hair was falling in his face as he looked down at the ground and he realised how defined his jaw was. He was beautiful.
"I like it, but it can be overwhelming sometimes. Some days I just want to be at home." Harry said as they continued to walk as the sky started to lose its colour from a mix of red and yellow to a dark grey.
"Are you leaving any time soon?" Louis asked after a few more minutes.
"In a week or two I think." Harry mumbled. "I don't really want to go."
"Why not?"
"I've liked being back in London. But now I'm leaving again." Harry admitted as he frowned slightly.
"Don't go."
"I don't really have a choice." Harry sighed. "I love my job, I do, but I love just being at home too."
"You have to promise that you won't forget I exist when you go." Louis chuckled slightly although he meant every word he was saying.
"I couldn't forget you now I've met you, you're way too interesting." Harry laughed with him.
"I'm holding you to that."
Harry just laughed more before nodding and slipping his hands into his Jean pockets. They continued walking as the sun faded more and more until the only light left was the moon and the stars.
They had talked for hours and Harry had told Louis almost everything about him... almost because Louis still had no idea that the Harry he was hanging out with was also the famous British singer Harry Styles.
"Curly, we better not be lost." Louis mumbled as he wrapped his arms around himself, trying to preserve the rest of the heat his body had.
"We're not." Harry said confidently as he went to turn right but then stopped and looked left. "I don't think so."
"Harry." Louis whined as he leant his head back and looked up at the stars.
"You're the one who said to turn left!"
"What's wrong with left?!"
"No one goes left!" Harry laughed as Louis huffed.
"Well you could have told me no, and gone right instead." Louis mumbled as he looked back at Harry who was silently laughing to himself.
"I can't tell you no."
"Why not?"
"Because you're you." Harry said simply with a fond smile. "You're impossible to say no to."
"That's good to know." Louis smirked as Harry shoved him lightly.
"Let's just go back this way and hope we find the car." Harry said as he turned and started walking back the way they came.
"And if we can't find the car?" Louis asked as he caught up with Harry who seemed to be speed waking now.
"Then I hope you like camping." Harry said seriously as Louis looked at him with a playful glare.
They continued to walk in a comfortable silence for ten more minutes before Harry smirked at Louis before he darted off running.
"Harry?!" Louis yelled as he ran after him.
"Catch up, short stack!" Harry yelled behind him before letting out a loud laugh.
"Asshole!" Louis ran faster just as he saw Harry trip and fall face down to the ground, he immediately stopped running and started laughing.
He only stopped laughing when he realised Harry hadn't gotten up yet. "Cmon Curly, we have houses to get back to." Louis spoke as he walked towards where Harry's body was lying on the ground, completely still.
"Harry?" Louis spoke again and started to panic when he received no answer. "God, you idiot." Louis grumbled as he saw that Harry's eyes were closed and he wasn't responding. "Don't tell me you've gone and died on me." He spoke quietly. "Ive only known you two days but they've been the most exciting two days of my life and you can't leave me yet."
Harry still hadn't moved and Louis was starting to panic more. "Harry, if you don't get your stupidly handsome body up off the ground now then I'm going to leave you." He said sternly as he picked up Harry's head gently and placed it in his lap.
He rubbed the pad of his thumb over Harry's cheek as he bit his lip hoping that Harry was okay. "Cmon, Curly."
Louis sighed and closed his eyes but when he opened them he swore he saw Harry's eyes flutter. He stared confusedly at the boy before raising his hand and going to slap him.
Just then Harry's eyes opened and he quickly jumped away from Louis when he saw his hand raised up. "Were you going to hit me?!"
"You were just lying there you dick!" Louis yelled as he stood up and brushed the dirt off his knees. "Why did you do that? I thought you were actually hurt." Louis grumbled as he walked past Harry and continued going the way they were before.
"I'm sorry." Harry got out between laughs. "Are you ignoring me now, Lou?"
Louis almost stopped when he heard Harry call him Lou, but he kept walking. "No. I'm just restraining myself from hitting you."
"Well thank you. I don't think my handsome face could pull off a black eye... no it could."
"Narcissist." Louis chuckled as Harry caught up to the older boy and walked next to him again.
"You're the one that called me stupidly handsome." Harry smirked as Louis shook his head and looked over at him.
"That was when I thought you were dead."
Harry just laughed more as Louis pushed him so he almost fell over and into the field. "Sorry." Harry apologised again and Louis just shook his head with a small smile tugging at his lips.
"It's okay. Just don't pretend to die on me again." Louis said quietly as Harry nodded and they kept walking in silence, the occasional sound of an owl filling the air.
After another hour of walking and chatting they finally made it back to the car, Louis was extremely glad as he felt like his feet were going to drop off. He had hugged Harry goodbye before they both got into their own cars and drove home with goofy smiles on their faces.
Louis woke up with a groan when Niall jumped onto his bed and started shaking him. "Piss off, Irish." Louis mumbled into his pillow as he tried to move Niall off him.
"Lou, get up or I'll pour water on you." Niall threatened as Louis opened one eye slowly and stared at him.
"No you won't."
Niall immediately got off the bed and went to walk out the room when Louis sat up. "Fine, fine I'm up." He said because he knew Niall would actually pour water on him. "What do you want?"
"You didn't tell me that the Harry you met was Harry Styles." Niall said as he sat on the end of Louis' bed.
"What are you talking about?" Louis asked as he rubbed his eyes and sat up more.
"Your face is all over the internet."
"My what is where?"
"Your face is-"
"I heard you the first time." Louis cut him off as he stood up and walked over to his wardrobe. "But I still have no clue what you're talking about."
"You didn't know?" Niall asked as Louis looked back at him with a glare as he grabbed a shirt.
"Know what?" Louis asked getting more annoyed that he didn't know what was happening.
"You should check your phone." Niall said as he stood up and walked out Louis' room.
"Why can't you tell me!" Louis yelled after him. "Niall!" He groaned, grabbed his phone and typed in his password. "I swear to the Irish gods I'm going to strangle him." He muttered as he went onto Twitter.
And sure enough a picture of him and Harry was what he first saw. "What the..." Louis scrolled down seeing the picture over and over, someone had taken it last night before they had stared walking around the fields.
Louis found a link to an article and clicked on it.
British singer, Harry Styles, was finally seen after almost two weeks of him being off the radar.
But fans were more than shocked when they saw pictures of Styles and a mysterious man that no one seems to know.
A source that saw them says that the two looked cuddly and close, is this one of Styles' possible love interests? Or is he just a close friend?
The young popstar has yet to answer any questions about his sexuality, the most he's answered was a simple, "who cares". But many fans of Styles' believe that he does in fact like men but he has yet to speak on the matter.
Everyone is dying to know who this man is that Harry is hanging out with, especially as they were seen acting cuddly. We hope to know soon if the two are just friends or if there's more that we just aren't seeing.
Harry styles has recently been off all social media after he released his second album almost a month ago now, but in two weeks the singer will be travelling to LA to start up his tour.
Louis stopped reading as the rest was just talking about Harry's 'tour'. He was staring at his phone with a blank expression. Harry never told him any of this, why didn't he tell him?
Louis turned his phone off before walking into the kitchen with the same blank look. "You see it?" Niall asked as soon as he saw the Doncaster lad sit down at the breakfast bar.
"Mhm." Louis nodded as he stared off at the wall.
"He didn't tell you?" Niall asked as he walked over to Louis and sat down next to him.
"Oh." Niall breathed out as he reached for a doughnut that was sat on a plate. "Doughnut?"
Louis looked over at Niall with an 'are you kidding me look', before he shrugged and took the doughnut. "I can't believe you know Harry Styles."
"Harry." Louis mumbled with a mouthful of food. "He's just Harry."
"Oh, yeah sorry. I didn't know that's the Harry you were talking about when you left yesterday."
"Neither did I apparently." Louis put the half eaten doughnut back on the plate and sighed. "The Harry I was going to meet yesterday is the same Harry that has an obsession with rom coms, he likes to cook and thinks that cats are better than dogs. His favourite colour is blue and he likes to paint his nails all different colours, he doesn't take his shoes off when he first goes into a house and he can't paint. He hates the smell of petrol but likes the smell of burning wood which seems weird to me but he is weird in a good way, he likes to braid his hair but doesn't know how, he knows sign language and can do a bad french accent, that slowly fades into Spanish if he says too much. And his eyes light up when he talks about something he likes."
Niall was staring at Louis with wide eyes, he'd never known Louis to seem so happy over a guy. "How'd you know all that?"
"He told me." Louis said simply. "I remembered everything we spoke about." He sighed. "But he didn't mention the fact that he's some famous pop star that's going on tour in two weeks."
"Y'know just because he didn't tell you about that doesn't mean that he's different now. He's still the guy you know who likes rom coms and whatever else you said."
Louis rolled his eyes at Niall before laying his head in his hands. "Why didn't he tell me?"
"I can't answer that for you." Niall said as he reached for Louis' half uneaten doughnut. "Only he can."
"How did you even know who he was?" Louis asked as Niall finished the doughnut.
"He makes good music, don't judge me."
Louis just laughed and stood up. "I need to talk to him."
"Yup, you do that. I'm just going to sit here and... eat doughnuts." Niall rambled as Louis shook his head.
"You're going to listen in aren't you?"
"Was planning to." Niall admitted. "But now I'm going to respect your privacy and go in the garden."
"We don't have a garden."
"All the more reason to go buy one!" Niall yelled before he walked out the apartment, no shoes, no phone.
Louis stood in the hallway as Niall walked back in and grabbed his shoes, keys and phone. "Forgot these." He chuckled. "Enjoy your privacy!" And he left once again.
Louis shook his head with a smile on his lips as he walked into his room and grabbed his phone, already seeing a text from Harry.
Harry: Hey, I was wondering if we could meet up?
Harry: Louis?
Harry: you've seen it haven't you?
Harry: I'm sorry.
Louis took a deep breath before typing a response.
Louis: why didn't you tell me?
Harry: I was going to, just not yet
Louis: why?
Harry: can we talk about this in person, please, Lou.
Louis: Fine. My cafe, 20 minutes.
Louis didn't bother waiting for Harry's reply, he knew the younger lad would be there.
He shut off his phone before grabbing a beanie and placing it on his head, then changed into some jeans before getting a different shirt from his wardrobe.
He grabbed his phone and slipped it into his back jean pocket before pulling the door open, his eyes widening when Niall fell into him.
Niall quickly stood straight again and started knocking on the door frame. "Mmm. Sturdy, just like I hoped." He said with a furrowed brow.
Louis just raised his eyebrow at Niall who was still staring at the doorframe. "Yeah, good. I'll let... Jeremy know after I check the others." Niall mumbled as he turned and walked away.
Louis laughed a little as he walked out his room and towards the door. "I'll be back later!" He called into the quiet apartment before walking out the door.
He quickly drove to his cafe and parked his car, luckily it was only 7:34am so not many people were around and he still had to open so he and Harry had time to talk before he needed to get stuff ready.
He walked inside and chucked his bag behind the counter before grabbing his phone from his pocket and placing it on one of the tables.
Just as he went to sit down the door opened and Harry walked in with his hood over his head which Louis now realised was probably so that people wouldn't know it was him as easily.
"Hey." Harry smiled shyly as he took his hood off his head and walked over to the table Louis was stood by.
"Hi." Louis mumbled back as he sat down, Harry sitting down opposite.
Neither of the two said anything for a couple minutes until Harry spoke up. "Im sorry. But I was going to tell you."
"I believe you. I just want to know why you didn't tell me because it seems to be a big part of your life but you hid it from me." He said quietly as he looked down at his hands. "Did you not tell me because of something about me?"
"No!" Harry quickly said. "No, it's nothing like that." He sighed and looked into Louis' eyes. "I liked that you knew me." Louis looked at him with a confused expression so Harry continued. "You didn't like Harry Styles, the famous singer that got a record deal before he even left school, Harry Styles, who has two albums out and is touring soon, Harry Styles, who for some reason a bunch of people swoon over." He paused for a second. "You liked Harry. Harry who likes to cook, Harry who can be sensitive and probably annoying. You didn't like me because of my fame, you didn't even know who I was before I walked into your cafe. You liked me for me."
"That's why you didn't tell me?"
"Yeah. And I didn't want to bring you into my life where you will get people asking you things whenever you go out, you never get any peace and cameras are always in your face or following you." Harry said quietly as Louis leaned closer to him.
"You can't help that."
"I know but it doesn't stop me from wanting to keep people I care about away from it."
"You care about me?" Louis asked quietly, he almost sounded shocked.
"Yes you idiot. I care about you, I may have not known you long but you're so endearing." Harry smiled at him, his dimples showing.
Louis blushed as he looked away from Harry for a minute before looking back up. "Well if getting to stay close to you means cameras and questions then I'll do it. I'll do it all."
"I can't ask you to do that, I know you prefer to be in small groups and stay away for attention." Harry said. "Everyone will be wanting to know who you are."
"I don't care, so what if people start to ask questions, it's your life, and I want to be part of your life so if I want you, I have to handle that too." Louis said with smile.
"You'd do it for me?"
"I'd do anything for you." Louis said before laughing. "Which is actually funny because I've known Niall way longer than you and I don't even make dinner for him."
"I doubt you'd make dinner for me either." Harry laughed.
"I would." Louis protested. "Once, then you can cook for everyday after."
Harry just nodded while chuckling as he slipped his coat off and put it on the back of the chair.
"So you're a popstar then?" Louis smirked as he rested his chin on top of his hands.
"You could call me that."
"You never told me you could sing." Louis said after a few moments of silence.
"I said I liked music."
"But you didn't say you could sing."
Harry smiled and leaned forward more. "Okay." He smiled, "Did you know I can sing?"
Louis just laughed and kicked Harry's shin under the table. "Obviously now I know."
"Apparently I'm pretty good too." Harry smugly smiled as he kicked Louis' foot.
"I'll be the judge of that, popstar." Louis said as the two started playing footsies under the table.
They did it for at least ten minutes before they stopped, leaving their feet entwined. "You're really okay with it?" Harry asked with a hint of worry in his voice. "It's gonna be a lot, there's lots of people and I'm gonna be gone for long periods of time and everything can be overwhelming sometimes."
"Harry, I'll be fine. It's part of your life, a part that you can't control. I'm not going to push you away because of it, I want to be part of your life, even the ugly parts." Louis smiled reassuringly at Harry.
"Okay. Just tell me if things get too much?" He sounded scared, vulnerable.
"I will." Louis whispered as he reached over and held Harry's hand in his. "I promise."
"Go on a date with me." Harry blurted out before his eyes widened. "Er that was demanding, I normally don't talk like that. I'm sorry that sounded-"
"Harry," Louis cut him off, chuckling. "I'll go on a date with you."
"You will?" The younger boy almost jumped out of his chair.
"Yes." Louis smiled fondly at him. "I will go on a date with you."
"I-okay um." Harry smiled wide and stood up. "Okay Er, how about tomorrow night?"
"Sure, what are we doing?"
"That's a surprise, Lou." Harry smiled. "But if you want we could do something inside so we don't have to worry about paparazzi."
"It's fine, popstar, I might as well get used to it now."
"As long as you're sure?"
"I'm sure."
"Okay." Harry breathed out. "I'll pick you tomorrow at 7."
"I'm gonna open the cafe soon so if you don't want people to recognise you then you might want to go soon." Louis told him as he stood up and looked at the pouting boy in front of him.
"I don't wanna leave you." Harry whispered.
"Then stay."
Harry looked down at the ground for a minute before he smiled and walked up to Louis. "Do you have a table? Preferably one in the corner?" He asked with a smirk.
Louis just laughed and grabbed Harry's coat before chucking it over to one of the tables in the back corner. "There you go, popstar, get comfortable."
Harry stayed at Louis' cafe for three hours before he left, he stayed in the corner and Louis occasionally bought him a drink or something to eat. One person saw him and noticed but Harry asked for the location not to be disclosed and the fan agreed before asking him for a signature.
After that he was more weary, even though Louis said he didn't mind as he wanted to be part of Harry's life, Harry still didn't want him to be involved with that part straight away as it can be very overwhelming and he doesn't want Louis to feel like he does sometimes.
Then after his second drink he left and said that he'd call Louis later, which he did.
That night Harry had called at around 9pm and Louis didn't get off his phone until 2am, and that was only because Niall came in and snatched his phone off him complaining about how he wasn't getting enough attention. So Louis hung up and sat watching films with Niall until 6am then both boys realised they should go to bed.
"Lewissss!" Niall yelled as he burst into his room at 1pm. "Get up man!"
"What?" Louis groaned as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"It's the afternoon!"
"There's only..." Niall paused. "Six hours till Harry will be here!"
Louis groaned and laid back down in his bed. "It's six hours Niall, that's plenty of time."
"What are you talking about!?" Niall exclaimed as he walked over to Louis' closet. "You haven't been on a date since that kid asked you out in high school."
"We said we wouldn't bring that up again." Louis mumbled as he laid still in his bed, Niall rummaging through his clothes. "He spilt his drink over me, almost got arrested for peeing in public, and then he ended up in A 'n E because he tripped over a curb and busted his forehead open."
"Yeah..." Niall turned to look at his best fiend. "I didn't like him much anyway."
Louis laid his arm over his eyes just listening to the sound of whatever Niall was doing in the corner of his room.
"Bad... bad... Even worse! Gross... small- actually that might fit you." Niall mumbled.
"Ni?" Louis sat up to see a bunch of his clothes on the floor. "What are you doing?"
"Trying to find you a good date outfit." Niall stated as if it was obvious. "But all your clothes suck."
"Excuse me you Irish leprechaun, my clothes don't suck." Louis stood up and pulled his shirt down from where it was riding up his stomach. "They're fine."
"But you're going out with Harry S-"
"You say Harry Styles one more time and I might just throw you back to Ireland." Louis said sternly. "He's just Harry, so can you call Harry and not Harry Styles. I really like him, Ni, and I don't see him as the famous popstar, I see him as a sweet guy who I might really, really love one day. So please just call him Harry."
"You really like him huh?"
"Yeah." Louis sighed and looked down. "I do."
"I've never seen you like this about anyone." Niall commented as he stopped rifling through Louis' clothes.
"He's different." Louis smiled. "I don't know what it is. But he's just different."
Niall smiled at his best friend before turning back to the wardrobe. "Still need better clothes."
After many hours of Niall trying to persuade Louis to buy new clothes, Louis finally had an outfit. He was wearing black jeans, a shirt he was sure was Niall's and a jean jacket.
"Do you want the pepper spray?" Niall asked as they waited for Harry to call.
"I didn't take it last time, so why would I take it now?" Louis asked as Niall shrugged and pushed the can of pepper spray away.
"Remember to call me if you need anything."
"Yes mother." Louis rolled his eyes at how protective Niall can be.
"I will play the mother card if I need to Louis William Tomlinson." Niall spoke sternly as Louis raised his hands in defeat.
Just then the buzzer went off and Louis quickly went over and let Harry in before Niall could. "Be nice to him." Louis pointed to Niall who nodded.
Louis opened the apartment door and saw Harry stood there with a smile on his face. "Hey." Louis smiled.
"Hi." Harry smiled back. "Ready to go?"
"Go where exactly?" Louis asked as he grabbed his phone.
"It's a surprise."
"I hate surprises." Louis groaned as Niall walked closer.
He stood in front of Harry and looked him up and down with raised eyebrows. "Bring him home by 11." Niall said making Louis groan more and shove Niall back.
"Harry, this is Niall. Niall this is Harry." Louis muttered as he went to walk out the door.
"Wait!" Niall yelled before eyeing Harry. "Eleven."
"Yes, sir." Harry chuckled before Louis was pulling him away from the apartment "Your roommate is-"
"I was actually going to say interesting."
"No, annoying is more like it." Louis said as they reached Harry's car.
Harry just laughed and got into the drivers side before starting the car, they drove while listening to the songs on the radio and it only took 15 minutes before Harry was parking outside a restaurant.
"Harry... this looks fancy, I'm way too under dressed." Louis said quietly as he looked out the window and over to the lit up building.
"You look perfect." Harry said as he took the keys out the ignition. "And we had more chance of no fans or paparazzi here, so we could enjoy tonight with no problems."
"Thank you, Harry. That's sweet." Louis smiled over at him before they both got out the car and started heading for the entrance to the restaurant.
They got a table in the back and Harry insisted on paying even though Louis said they should split the cheque.
The food was amazing and it didn't feel awkward at all, they easily talked and Harry didn't once spill water on him so it already beat Louis' last date. And no one had recognised Harry, and if they had they didn't say or ask anything so they went uninterrupted the whole meal.
Once they were done, instead of going straight back to the car they went the other way down towards the beach and walked along the boardwalk.
(I know there's not a beach in London but we're gonna pretend there is, okay? Use your imagination :))
They told each other embarrassing stories as their entwined hands swung effortlessly between them and the sound of waves was crashing against rocks and the sea wall.
The stars and the moon were out and Louis felt like he was on cloud nine, everything felt so surreal. Harry was perfect. He was funny, sweet, charming and so caring. Louis wondered what he did to meet someone like him.
"Where's your dream place to live?" Harry asked as they continued to walk, letting the cold air sweep past them.
"My dream place?" Louis asked and Harry hummed as he tightened his hold on Louis' smaller hand. "Hmm, I don't know I haven't really thought about it." He whispered, absentmindedly moving closer to Harry. "I guess I'd like to see what America or Australia was like."
"Really?" Harry looked at Louis who nodded. "Well, Ive been to both on tour, Australia's really nice, it's a beautiful place. So is America as long as you go to the right places." Harry spoke as Louis fondly smile up at him.
"Where's your dream place to live?" Louis asked as he pinched Harry's side making the boy squirm away slightly.
"I'd like to live in Greece or a place like Spain." Harry answered simply.
"Why?" Louis asked as he moved a piece of hair out his face.
"They're just beautiful places. Everywhere looks so pleasing, the people are nicer." Harry smiled out at the waves that continued to attack the rocks.
Okay I'm interrupting again but I'm laughing my ass off bc I had to Google if Greece was near Spain... I failed geography so don't attack me 😂
Anyway carry on :)
Louis just hummed and bumped his shoulder into Harry's accidentally making the younger man look down at him. His eyes locked onto Louis' and the two just stared for what felt like ages but was only mere seconds.
"Your eyes are beautiful." Harry whispered as he stopped walking and gently pulled Louis over to the side of the boardwalk, so they weren't stood in the middle of the path. "They have little bits of green in them."
Louis just smiled and tried not to blush as Harry continued to smile at him. Harry's eyes flicked down to Louis' lips before setting back on his eyes.
He continued to look from Louis' lips to his eyes before slowly leaning down and their faces were only a couple inches apart.
Just as their lips were about to meet a flash interrupted them and made Harry pull away quickly to see around four men with cameras pointed at them. "Fuck." Harry mumbled as he turned his back so he was shielding Louis from the cameras.
"Harry?" Louis spoke quietly, as he tightened his hold on Harry's hand. The men were shouting and the lights kept flashing.
"We're fine." Harry whispered into Louis' ear before holding his hand as tight as he could without hurting him. "On three."
"What on three?"
"One." Harry stared counting.
"Harry? What on three?" Louis asked as Harry had a cheeky smile on his face.
"Three." Harry pulled Louis and started running with Louis next to him, he immediately started laughing as he ran, the paparazzi trying to follow them.
Louis was laughing too now, he felt like he was a teenager again running away from teachers or his parents. The wind was whipping past them as they ran, their hands still entwined.
Suddenly Harry pulled Louis to the left and carried on running before almost tripping over a rubbish bag making Louis let out a loud laugh.
They could still hear the shouting from the paparazzi but they just kept running as they grinned like maniacs.
They were back in the city, near the restaurant and the shouts were getting more and more distant as the two ran past people who were walking down the street. Harry also almost tripped over a dog and stopped to apologise to it before he realised Louis was with him and he cared about if louis' face was plastered over every news station by morning so he kept running.
There was something so exhilarating about running through the streets at night, the lights on buildings passed as blurs and the two couldn't stop laughing as they ran, giggling like high schoolers.
They made it back to the car easy enough and both jumped inside before Harry quickly started it and drove out the parking lot as Louis panted it the seat next to him.
"How are you not sweating?!" Louis asked as he wiped his hand on his forehead.
"I work out a lot and that was like my normal workout run." Harry chuckled as he buckled his seatbelt while trying to keep his eyes on the road.
"Jeez, maybe I should work out more." Louis breathed out as he looked out the window.
A few minutes passed of complete silence before Harry spoke. "I'm sorry about that, I didn't think they'd find me." He sighed.
"Harry, it's fine. It was actually kind of fun when we started running." Louis said honestly. "At first it was kinda scary only because they were all shouting and the lights are really bright but then you got in front of me and we started running."
"I'll make sure my manager doesn't allow the pictures to get released, at least not the ones with your face in." Harry said as he stopped at a red light.
"Thank you." Louis smiled over at him. "But why are you so protective about if they have pictures of me, they're gonna have to see me one day, I mean I'm grateful just curious."
Harry glanced over at Louis for a brief second before looking back at the traffic that was now moving. "I want to wait before you're suddenly dumped into the public, I know how crazy and persistent people can be." Harry sighed. "They'll find where you are and they won't leave you alone until they have the answer they want. Some people aren't going to like you, some will verbally say they don't like you and I don't want to put you into that yet. I don't want them to make you think that you can't be with me."
"Oh." Louis whispered. "Thank you, Harry, for doing that. I didn't realise that's what people would do."
"It's fine. I really like you Lou, and I want to make sure you stick around, so if that means that no one knows who you are for a while then I'm fine with it because in reality it's no ones business but ours." Harry said, his eyes locked on the road.
"You've been going through this since you were sixteen?" Louis asked and Harry nodded.
"Yup. You get used to it after a while but that doesn't mean it gets easier, it just becomes normal." He said. "But I like my job and most my fans are lovely people, you just get the odd few that will send you hate if you're seen with me and then the media will constantly be on your back until you give them a story. I just want to protect you from that for as long as I can."
Louis understood Harry completely, and honestly he was glad that he wasn't thrown into the media right now, he liked being more of a private person. He didn't realise how some people could be and especially if things got more serious between him and Harry people would end up knowing.
They talked on the drive back to Louis' apartment and it was almost 11 when they got back. Harry walked Louis up and just as they got to the door Niall opened it and smiled wide. "Okay, I trust you, Harry." He said as Harry chuckled.
"Niall, you can go now." Louis said as Niall pouted but walked off into the living room. "Sorry about him."
"Don't worry, I think he's cool." Harry smiled as Louis turned to him fully.
"Thank you." He said quietly. "I had a good time."
"Did I beat your other date?" Harry asked with a smirk as Louis had told him about his date back in high school.
"Definitely." Louis smiled. "Do I get to take you on a date now?"
"You wanna take me out?" Harry asked and Louis nodded. "Okay, sure."
"What about tomorrow night?"
"Okay, I'll send you my address." Harry said as he walked towards Louis more. "Y'know, we got interrupted before." He smirked.
"We did." Louis whispered as he wrapped his arms around Harry's neck as Harry's arms went around his waist.
Their faces were once again only a few inches apart, but this time Harry didn't waste time before pressing his lips to Louis, making the boy gasp quietly before kissing back.
Louis hands found their way to Harry's hair and gripped it as Harry ran his tongue along Louis' bottom lip before slipping into his mouth.
The continued to kiss in the doorway as Harry's arms pulled Louis closer to him so they were pressed together as their tongues continued to explore each other's mouths.
After a few more minutes they pulled apart, slightly breathless. Harry rested his forehead against Louis' without removing his hands from the mans waist.
"Best date ever." Louis breathed out as Harry chuckled and kissed his lips once more before they fully pulled away.
"I should go. But I'll call you in morning." Harry said as he finally let Louis go.
"Okay." Louis whispered, his cheeks slightly red. "Thank you again. I had fun."
"Me too." Harry smiled. "See you tomorrow, Lou."
Harry turned and started walking to the stairs as Louis watched him go.
Once Harry was fully out of sight Louis closed the door and leant his back against it with a goofy smile on his lips.
"Wow, you look like a love struck teenager." Niall said as he peeked his head round the corner. Louis quickly jumped away from the door and started heading for his room.
"M'not in love." He mumbled before chucking his jacket at Niall and going into his room, closing the door behind him.
The next day when Louis went to go meet Harry for his date, Harry was already waiting outside his house. Although to Louis his house looked more like a mansion.
Louis took Harry to a carnival that was near his house in a massive plot of land, Harry spent the whole night with a smile on his face that only grew when Louis won him a giant teddy bear.
Then Harry requested that they re created the scene in 'love, Simon' where Simon and Bram kissed at the top of the Ferris wheel. Of course Louis agreed and it was worth it after he saw Harry's smile when they got off.
It was times like this where Louis forgot Harry was famous, he was so down to earth and to him Harry was Harry. It was as simple as that. He only remembered that Harry was a famous singer when someone recognised him and asked for a picture.
For the next few days after that, Harry and Louis spent a lot of time together, Louis was at the cafe less so the other manager was taking care of things as Louis was always out with Harry.
After three more dates Harry finally asked Louis to be his boyfriend and naturally, Louis said yes. That night Harry had slept at Louis' apartment even though the bed wasn't that big they still made it work.
No articles had been released about them yet which surprised Louis, but Harry always made sure his manager got the pictures and stopped the articles if the paparazzi saw them.
When they were together they never went to Harry's house, they were either at Louis and Niall's or the cafe. And it was only when they were watching finding Nemo that Louis asked him about it.
"Haz?" Louis spoke up from where he was sat on the couch, his feet in Harry's lap.
Harry hummed so Louis took that as a sign to continue. "Not that I mind or anything but why don't we ever go to yours? We are always here, and normally so is Niall so it's not normally just us." Louis said quietly as Finding Nemo played in the background.
"I like it here." Harry started. "We can go to mine if you like but it's just my house is so big and it's only one of the houses I've got so that's all it is. A house. But when we're here it's different, it's cozy, it's nice, it's ho- it's just nice." He said with smile on his face as he looked over at Louis.
"Okay, we can stay here then. But I hope you know that Niall will most likely be here unless he's at the bar." Louis chuckled.
"It's fine, he's funny."
"That's just because you two plot things against me." Louis huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Don't pout, love." Harry whispered as he tickled Louis' feet, trying to get the man to smile.
Louis kept his stern facade until Harry grabbed his ankles and pulled him towards him making the blue eyed boy let out a loud shriek as he suddenly got dragged forward. "Harry!"
Harry just laughed as he wrapped his arms around Louis' middle and hid his face in his neck.
Louis just stayed there, allowing Harry to hold him. It felt comforting.
The first article got released after they went out on a date, they had just left the restaurant when they were met with at least 10 guys with cameras, yelling.
Harry immediately grabbed Louis' hand and told him to put his head down as he couldn't block him from all the cameras this time, so he just pulled him
through the crowd as quickly as possible so they weren't in the view of the cameras for too long.
Harry Styles was spotted with the same mystery man that he was seen with a couple weeks ago. After the first picture Styles completely went off the radar, no fan pictures, no one saw him.
Last night Styles and his mystery lover were leaving a restaurant hand in hand. We have yet to receive any comment from Harry about this but we are sure he will speak on the matter when he gets back to LA in a few days time.
All of Styles' fans are desperate to know who this mystery man is but so far nobody knows anything apart from his face.
Harry had left for louis' the minute he saw the article and almost broke down when Louis opened the door, he was mumbling apologies over and over as he clung to Louis who soothingly rubbed his back.
Niall left the apartment to give the two some privacy as Louis led Harry to his bedroom before sitting down on the bed, Harry going with him as he had practically attached himself to Louis.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Harry mumbled into Louis' neck as he wrapped his arms around Louis' waist.
"It's okay, H." Louis whispered as he rubbed his hand up and down his back slowly before laying back on the bed so it was a bit more comfortable.
"I tried to stop it, I did. But it was already out before I could get it down." His voice broke and Louis felt like he was going to cry, he hated seeing Harry so torn up about something he couldn't control.
"Harry, babe, it's fine I promise you. I don't care, they were gonna have to see my face at some point and they don't even know who I am." Louis tried to reassure him but Harry only clung to his shirt tighter.
Louis sighed and kissed Harry's temple lightly before he continued to hold him.
They fell asleep like that a couple hours later after Louis once again reassured Harry that he wasn't mad or going to leave.
The next day Harry still felt annoyed at himself for allowing the article to be released instead of being able to stop it.
"Curly?" Louis called as he stepped out the bathroom in nothing but a pair of boxers. "H?!" He called again as he dried his hair with a towel.
"Yeah?" Harry's voice rang through the apartment and so Louis followed it and walked into his bedroom seeing Harry curled up on the bed with his phone in his hand.
"What about we go out today?" Louis asked as he stood in front of the mirror and tried to style his hair that was currently sticking out in all directions.
"I don't know." Harry mumbled into the pillow, not even opening his eyes.
Louis sighed and dropped the towel to the floor before walking over to the bed and sitting down. "H, you can't keep thinking it's your fault, it was going to happen at some point. But we can't keep staying inside just so people won't take our picture." He spoke gently as he rubbed his hand along Harry's bare calf.
"I know but I don't want people to start harassing you." The younger man whispered quietly as he finally opened his eyes and looked up at his boyfriend.
"Well I don't want that either but it's gonna happen at some point, I know that. We can't stop it but at least we can just enjoy our day like normal people, not worrying about who's around and who's taking pictures. They don't know my name, all they know is what I look like." Louis tried to reassure him, his had a still on Harry's calf.
"Okay, as long as you want to go out." He said as he sat up in the bed and reached for Louis before pulling him to lay down.
Louis laughed and let Harry pull his body closer before Harry put his leg over one of Louis' and entwined them. He sighed happily, a small smile on his lips before closing his eyes again.
Louis let him stay like that for a couple more minutes before he started poking Harry's cheek, trying to get him up. "Harryyyyy." Louis sung quietly as Harry groaned and held his boyfriends body tighter.
"Cmon, popstar, we need to get up so we can start the day!" Louis yelled over-enthusiastically.
"No." Harry huffed.
"Fine." Louis mumbled as he pried himself away from Harry, who was now whining, and grabbed the blanket before pulling it off the bed completely.
"Louis!" The younger man yelled when he was suddenly engulfed by cold air.
"Cmon, love." Louis said sweetly as he grabbed Harry's hands and slowly pulled him up from the bed.
Eventually Harry complied and walked out the bedroom and into the bathroom so he could get ready.
Louis occupied himself by scrolling through his Twitter until Harry was done and he walked out the bathroom. He had his hair styled to the side like it normally was, and he was wearing a plain white shirt with the top few buttons undone, his cross necklace laying on his bare chest, and some black skinny jeans.
Louis smiled over the back of the couch when he saw Harry, who was still pouting from when Louis pulled him out the bed.
Louis got up from the couch and walked over to Harry before grabbing his waist lightly and kissing his lips, Harry kissed back almost instantly and wound his arms around Louis' neck.
Harry was playing with the strands of Louis' hair at the nape of his neck as the two continued to kiss in the hallway.
"Stop pouting." Louis whispered once he pulled away, their lips still close.
Harry's eyes were closed but he had a goofy smile on his lips, his hands still playing with Louis' hair. "Your hairs getting longer." He stated as he licked his lips and opened his eyes, leaning away from Louis slightly.
"I know, I need to cut it." Louis said as took his hands off Harry's hips and stepped back grabbing his keys and phone off the shelf next to them.
"Don't cut it, I like it." Harry smiled as he stayed still and just watched Louis grab his stuff.
"You do?"
"Mhm." Harry hummed, looking almost like a toddler with the way he was smiling. "It's all messy in the morning, you look handsome."
"Thanks, love." Louis smiled before pecking Harry's lips once. "And you're beautiful." He whispered before turning back around to get his and Harry's shoes. "Here." He said as he handed Harry his shoes but Harry just stood there smiling shyly at Louis.
"Can you tie my shoes?" He asked looking down at the ground as Louis chuckled and nodded.
You don't need to tell him he's whipped, he already knows.
Louis finished tying Harry's shoes before putting his own on and grabbing everything he wanted to take with him. "Ready to go?" He turned to Harry who nodded and reached for his hand.
The two left the apartment and decided not to drive as they didn't really have a place they wanted to go to, they just wanted to go outside for a bit, so they just started walking down the path.
They had been walking for about ten minutes when they came across a market and Harry excitedly pulled Louis towards it before looking at all the food. "Can I make dinner tonight?" He asked with a big grin on his face.
"Sure, Niall said he's going to stay at a friends for tonight so it's just us." Louis told him as Harry nodded and started picking a bunch of vegetables and other foods that he was going to make for dinner.
After a couple minutes Harry had paid for everything and the two decided to keep walking around the market. A few people were looking at them, they obviously knew who Harry was as they were whispering excitedly and on the verge of tears. But Harry just held Louis' hand tighter and kept walking.
If Louis was being honest he didn't exactly like being where everyone was looking but he had to deal with this if he wanted to be with Harry. This was Harry's life and he had accepted that so he just kept walking and looking at all the stalls.
They had gotten to the centre of the market, there was a fountain in the middle and a few benches around it. There was around ten little huts that were each selling something different, one was selling necklaces and rings, another was selling clothes and another was selling crystals.
Louis was looking around at all the little shops when a girl came up to them with a shy smile. "Hi." She spoke quietly to Harry, who smiled back. "Could I get a picture with you?"
Harry looked over at Louis with questioning eyes as Louis nodded and smiled before letting go of Harry's hand and stepping back slightly. "Okay, sure." Harry smiled as the girl smiled even wider.
"I can take the picture if you want?" Louis offered as Harry sent him a smile and the girl nodded eagerly. Louis took the phone from the girls hand and took a few pictures of her and Harry before handing it back.
"Thank you, I love you so much." She had tears in her eyes as Harry hugged her.
"I love you too." Harry said as the girl almost cried. "It would be great if you didn't mention where you met me, privacy reasons, and also if you didn't mention who I was with." Harry said as the girl nodded.
"Of course!" She smiled. "But can I ask you a question?" Harry nodded so she continued. "Is he your boyfriend?" She asked as she looked over to Louis.
Harry once again looked over to Louis, almost as if he was asking a question, Louis just smiled at him before he turned back to the girl. "Yeah." He said quietly as he nodded.
The girl smiled impossibly wider. "You two are so cute!" She exclaimed making Harry chuckle. "I won't tell anyone, not until you do." She said.
"Thank you." Harry smiled. "I need to go, but have a lovely day, sweetheart."
The girl walked away as Louis walked back over to Harry and took his hand again. "That was okay, right?" Harry asked his boyfriend who nodded before kissing Harry's temple.
"It was fine, love." Louis reassured as they started walking again.
After an hour or so, they started to walk back to the apartment. Louis was carrying three bags, only one was his, and Harry was carrying two.
The singer had bought two colourful rocks and said to name them Louis and Harry so they can have their own rock love story, Louis just laughed and watched as Harry bought two rocks with a big grin.
He also bought a few clothes, and Louis had bought him another ring from one of the first stalls they saw. It was a silver ring band with the word 'peace' engraved.
When Louis had showed Harry it, he immediately hugged Louis and put it on his middle finger. But then after he was saying that he shouldn't have spent money on him but quickly shut up when Louis said that Harry had bought stuff for him so he's allowed to.
Once they got home, they dropped the bags onto the couch before leaving again and getting into the car as they were going out for lunch.
They hadn't gone anywhere fancy, they just saw a restaurant they both liked and decided to eat there. Louis had paid which made Harry complain for an hour about how he could have handled the cheque. Each time Louis just shut him up with a kiss.
When they got back from lunch Harry was half expecting to see and article or something about how he and Louis were caught out with a fan today and he called Louis his boyfriend. It's not that he didn't trust the girl but sometimes fans say things and then do the exact opposite but clearly this girl hadn't said anything, there was no paps the whole day and no one had any new information about Harry and his 'mystery lover' which Louis was secretly happy about.
It was the night before Harry had to leave and the two were cuddled up in Louis' bed as they watched some random film on the tv.
Harry was sat practically in Louis' lap as Louis was braiding his hair, not really paying much attention to the film as his was trying to do his boys hair perfectly.
It was times like this when Louis felt like he could tell Harry anything, they had only been together for around two weeks but there was something about Harry that made Louis trust him so much. It was kind of scary but he knew that Harry would never do anything to hurt him.
"Yeah?" Harry said quietly as Louis finished the braid and tapped his shoulder so Harry turned to face him.
"Y'know on our first date when you took me to those fields and we wrote on the wall?" Louis started and Harry nodded so he continued. "Do you remember when I said something about a secret I had?"
"Yeah?" Harry said with furrowed brows as he didn't understand what Louis was getting at.
"I like to write songs, it sounds stupid and I don't really know why I'm telling you but I've done it now so I can't take it back." Louis chuckled as Harry moved closer to him. "I can play the guitar and the piano and I have a book and on almost every page is a song, some I haven't finished but whenever I needed time to myself I would go in my room and I would write."
"You write songs?" Harry asked with a small smile on his lips.
"Yeah- well I don't know if they're any good." Louis mumbled with a shrug as Harry tapped his thigh.
"Show me one, I bet they're really good." He smiled at Louis who hesitantly stood up and walked over to his closet before rifling through a bunch of clothes that were chucked to the bottom before pulling out a brown leather book.
He walked over to Harry and handed him the book before sitting back down on the bed with his head hung low. "You don't mind me looking do you?" Harry asked, he didn't want to look unless Louis was sure.
"It's fine, you can look." Louis whispered as he met Harry's eyes.
Harry nodded and opened the book slowly, the pages were filled with scribbled words and arrows. He scanned through the pages with a smile on his face, he could tell Louis meant everything he wrote down and there was genuinely meaning behind his lyrics.
He sat there for a while just looking at all the songs and after he'd seen all the pages there was two songs that caught his eye most, 'home' and 'perfect'.
"Lou, they're amazing." Harry said softly as he placed his hand on Louis' thigh and rubbed with the pad of his thumb gently,
"Really? You're not just saying that because you're my boyfriend are you?" Louis asked and Harry chuckled and shook his head.
"No, I'm saying that because it's true. You're really good, your lyrics they- they have meaning and people could relate to them. Sometimes people write songs and it just doesn't really reach the person who's listening to it, but yours- they're incredible." Harry spoke quietly, his words full of honesty.
"Thank you, H." Louis smiled shyly and leaned into Harry more.
That night when Louis fell asleep Harry continued to read through the book and memorised most of the songs in there before falling asleep.
It was the day Harry was supposed to be leaving for LA but instead he was refusing to leave Louis' apartment.
"H, we need to go." Louis sighed as he stood in the doorway, Harry's suitcase next to him. But the boy still wouldn't move he was stood a few feet in front of Louis with a pout on his lips and his arms crossed. "You can't miss your flight."
"But... I don't wanna go." Harry whispered as he looked down at the floor.
"You do, Harry, I know you do. You were excited last night when we were talking about it because you get to perform again." Louis stated as he leant against the door frame, his car keys in his hand.
"But last night you were with me, when I get to LA you won't be there."
"Harry, you know I can't come with you." Louis sighed more when Harry didn't look up at him. "But I'll call you, and text you, and I will come see you at some point, alright?"
"But you're gonna be all alone." Harry said as he looked up and finally met Louis' eyes.
"Ive got Niall." Louis smiled lightly as Harry shook his head.
"But I'm gonna be all alone too." He whispered.
Louis walked closer to Harry and gently took his hand. "I'll call you all the time, and you can send me videos of you performing, I'm sure I'll see some articles and maybe I'll fly out to see you if I get a chance." He spoke softly as he rubbed his thumb along the back of Harry's hand.
"Okay." Harry whispered. "But you have to call me everyday."
"I will."
Harry nodded and slowly started walking towards the door with Louis, he paused for a minute before looking back into the apartment and sighing. "Okay, let's go." He said before grabbing his suitcase and fully walking out the door.
Louis didn't bother locking the apartment as Niall was in his bedroom, so he just closed the door and followed behind a slouching Harry.
The ride to the airport was quiet, Louis was driving and Harry was staring out the window with his hands crossed on his lap. The only noise in the car was the light hum of songs coming from the radio.
When they got the airport there was paparazzi by the gate waiting for Harry to arrive so they could get a picture, luckily Louis was driving Harry's car so the windows were tinted and the paps weren't allowed past the gate.
Louis parked the car near the entrance where three of Harry's security men were waiting for them. Harry grabbed his suitcase and Louis grabbed his guitar which was in the green guitar case.
They both walked towards the entrance, Harry holding Louis' smaller hand tightly, almost like he was afraid to let go.
The three security men stayed close to the couple as they walked through the airport with only a few people spotting Harry, but the security stopped anyone from coming near them.
Louis went with Harry all the way up until security and at that point he couldn't go any further, despite how much Harry wanted him to. "I'll call you when I land, okay?" Harry spoke softly into Louis neck as he wrapped his arms tighter around Louis' torso.
Louis nodded and continued to play with Harry's hair as his arms were around his neck. Their bodies were pressed together and they were just enjoying being close.
"Mr Styles, we might need to go soon." One of the security men spoke but Harry just ignored them and refused to move his head away from Louis' neck.
"Harry..." Louis whispered, his hand now running soothingly up and down his boyfriends back.
"I know." Harry whispered back but still didn't make any signs of moving.
Louis just sighed and held Harry for a little longer, they had practically spent every day together for just over two weeks and both had grown very attached to each other during that time.
"Mr Styles-"
"I heard you the first time!" Harry cut him off finally pulling his head out of Louis' neck. "I'm sorry." He mumbled to the security guard who nodded.
"Cmon, love, you need to go." Louis said as he stepped away from Harry slightly. "You'll be fine, you're gonna have so much fun performing you won't even know I'm not there."
"I will."
"Harry." Louis said a little sterner this time. "You're gonna miss your flight."
"Okay, just before I go, please take my guitar back home." Harry said when Louis went to hand him the guitar.
"Don't you need it?" Louis asked.
Harry shook his head. "I have others in my house in LA."
"As long as you're sure?"
"I am, I want you to use it. Maybe you could play some of your songs on it." Harry smiled as Louis slung the guitar case back onto his shoulder.
"I will." Louis smiled before kissing Harry's lips quickly. "Now go catch your plane before it leaves without you."
Harry smiled and kissed Louis' temple before Louis gently pushed him towards the security point. He waited until he could no longer see Harry before turning and walking out of the airport.
Once he got out the airport he waited a second before getting into the car as his phone went off and naturally it was a text from Niall asking if Louis could get food on the way home.
Louis replied before putting the guitar into the back of the car and then getting in himself. He drove home with the music louder as he didn't like the silence much anymore.
Once he got home he gave Niall the food before they sat watching game of thrones while rambling about random things. Louis only left the living room when his phone rang at around 10pm.
He got up and smiled when he saw it was Harry. "Hey, H."
The next morning louis woke up and checked his phone, Harry would still be asleep because of the time difference so he didn't bother texting him.
He was scrolling through Twitter when he saw two articles, he was getting used the them now but it still didn't mean he liked them.
He clicked the first link.
Singer, Harry Styles, landed in LA yesterday at 2pm, he was immediately swamped with fans that are extremely excited about his tour that starts in four days time at the Forum.
Louis read the rest of the article that just talked about Harry's tour and music before he clicked on the other link.
Harry Styles' mystery man was seen leaving the airport yesterday afternoon, he got into Styles' car and was carrying the popular singers guitar.
Fans believe that the mystery man drove Styles to the airport before leaving to go back home.
There has still been no comment from Styles' side on this story, many believe that Styles and this man are in a relationship because of the pictures from the paparazzi and a few fans saying they saw them together looking close but still no one knows his name.
We hope Styles will talk on the matter soon.
Louis' eyes were wide when he finished the article, it wasn't really anything new but it was still weird to them especially when it was only his face at the top of the article.
He didn't know why it was anyone's business about his and Harry's relationship, but Harry warned him about this and he knew that if he was going to be with Harry then things like this were going to be published all the time.
So he chose to ignore it and continued scrolling through Twitter.
It had been two weeks since Harry left for LA and Louis had called everyday like he said he would, even if it was only for a couple minutes it was nice to hear Harry's voice. There had been no articles about them since the airport seeing as the two aren't even in the same country.
Harry did have a tiny freak out over the pictures of Louis outside the airport and actually had his manager get the article taken down, which Louis was silently glad about. It wasn't the fact that there was a picture of Louis on his own, it was that he was supposed to be in a place where he wouldn't get papped and it was done without his knowledge, which annoyed Harry more.
The last times they were in an article they were aware that a picture had been taken and they were together so Harry was with him if Louis had a problem with all the people.
But Louis calmed Harry down by distracting him and saying that he practiced one of his songs on his guitar which immediately made Harry smile.
Louis had played the song to Harry over FaceTime and then Harry was complimenting Louis on his singing and how he was really good. Louis didn't believe him at first so Harry kept saying it until he believed it.
Harry talked about his tour and how the shows in America were going so far, he had only done around 8 shows so far but Louis could tell how much he loved it. He had even seen a few videos of Harry singing on Twitter.
Thursday morning Harry had wanted to call, but Louis was busy so he couldn't, but what Harry didn't know was that Louis was busy getting a flight to LA to surprise him.
Harry also didn't know that for the last two weeks Louis had been talking to Zayn who was one of Harry's friends in the music industry, and Zayn was going to pick him up at the airport before taking him to the recording studio where Harry should be.
Once Louis landed, he texted Zayn before heading to the baggage area. He got his suitcase and started walking outside and was immediately hit with a massive wave of heat.
"Jeez." He breathed out as he took his hat off and fanned his face slightly before putting it back on top of his head.
Just as he went to turn around he saw Zayn walking towards him with another guy next to him, he was just a little taller than the raven haired man, and he had short brown hair with big smile on his face, there was tattoos over his arms and hands and if it wasn't for how much he looked like a human Labrador, Louis would have been scared.
"Hey, Louis, great to see you in person mate." Zayn smiled as they hugged quickly before pulling away and Zayn pointed to the guy next to him. "This is Liam, he's one of mine and Harry's best mates, he figured out what we were doing so I said he could come."
"Hey." Louis smiled at Liam as Zayn reached forward to take his suitcase.
"You ready to go?" Zayn asked Louis who nodded and three started heading for the car. "Harry hasn't shut up about you." He laughed once they got to the car and put the suitcase in the boot.
"Yeah." Liam joined in. "You're lucky if he talks about anything else." He laughed a little with Zayn as Louis was smiling wide.
"Well except for this morning." Zayn said as he started the car and pulled out of the airport. "He was sulking for like two hours after you said you couldn't call."
Louis just laughed and looked out the window, he was so excited to see Harry. "Yeah, I think we definitely got attached way too fast but it happened and now I'm just going with it, he makes me happy so that's the most important thing for me." He said as Liam turned back to him and smiled.
"I can tell how much he likes you, he's never been this way about anyone before, he's normally too busy with work to even go on a date with anyone but he always makes time for you." Liam said as Zayn kept driving. "And you make him really happy too, everyone can see it, they know when you've text him because he gets this look on his face each time."
Louis tried to stop the blush on his cheeks as he thought about Harry, he really had missed not having the curly lad stuck to his side.
The boys talked for the rest of the drive to the studio, and Louis could feel himself getting more and more anxious. Just as Louis was about to ask how far away they were, his phone rang.
"Harry's calling me." He rushed out as he looked to Liam and Zayn for help. "What do I do?"
"Umm, decline it." Liam said as Louis shook his head.
"I cant do that! He might think I'm mad at him." Louis said as Zayn reached back and grabbed Louis' phone when he stopped at a red light.
"There." He said after he declined the call and handed the phone back to Louis as the light when green.
"Zayn! He's gonna think I don't want to talk to him." Louis exclaimed as the car got closer to the studio.
"Nah, he's just gonna think that you're busy."
"If he's mad at me, I'm blaming you."
"Fair enough." Zayn laughed as Louis put his phone back into his pocket.
It was only another ten minutes before Zayn was parking the car outside a large building. "Okay, we're here. He should be in the main area with his band. I think they're having a break." Liam said as they all got out the car and started heading towards the building.
"Why am I suddenly nervous?" Louis said as a security guard was waiting by the door.
"Because you haven't seen him in two weeks, it's normal. But he'll be so happy to see you." Zayn reassured as he patted Louis' shoulder before turning to the security guard who opened the door and lead them to where Harry should be.
Louis took a deep breath as they stopped outside a closed door, Zayn looked over at him with a genuine smile before opening the door as quietly as he could.
Louis could immediately hear people talking, but he couldn't recognise any of the voices, he heard what sounded like a guitar playing as he walked further into the room, Zayn and Liam following behind.
One of Harry's band members looked up at Louis with a smile on his face before nodding over to the right, Louis looked to where he nodded and saw Harry sat with his back to everyone else, he had a guitar in his lap and his hair was tied into a bun.
Louis smiled widely as he started to slowly walk over to Harry who was still strumming a tune that seemed vaguely familiar.
Zayn and Liam had now sat down on one of the couches on the other side of the room as people went back to what they were doing, only occasionally looking over to Louis who was almost directly behind Harry who still had no idea Louis was even in LA, let alone right behind him.
Harry started singing quietly to the tune he was playing and it was only then that Louis realised why it sounded familiar. Harry was playing one of the songs from his book. It was 'perfect', the one he wrote a week after he met Harry.
Louis smiled as he listened for a second, just enjoying the sound of Harry's voice. "Sounds beautiful, love." Louis spoke making Harry stop playing the guitar as he stilled for a second before turning around and almost flinging the guitar out of his lap when he saw Louis.
He didn't say anything as he jumped up and immediately tackled Louis in a hug, making them both fall back and land on the floor.
Louis was laughing as Harry held him tightly, now on top of him as Louis laid on his back on the floor, his arms around Harry. The whole room was watching them with fond smiles as Harry mumbled nonsense into Louis' neck.
"I missed you." Was the only clear thing Harry said, that Louis could hear.
"I missed you too, love." Louis whispered before kissing the side of Harry's head and slowly trying to sit up with Harry on him. "I need you to move a little, H, you're squeezing my bladder and I haven't peed yet."
Harry immediately started laughing and let Louis go, only a little. "Sorry." He said sheepishly. "I just missed you."
"I missed you more." Louis said making Harry shake his head and stand up before holding his hand out for Louis who took it gratefully and stood up.
"Lovely show boys, just don't start fucking right here. There's a private room that way." Zayn said pointing to the other side of the room with a smirk, making both Harry and Louis blush slightly because they actually hadn't gone that far yet.
Sure they'd done stuff but they'd never actually had sex, they'd only been together for a month and two weeks of that they spent in different countries.
"Shut it, Z." Harry huffed before pulling Louis over to the corner of the room. "Ive still got around an hour here before I can go, do you mind waiting?" He asked Louis who shook his head. "Okay, you can sit with me, I have around half an hour by myself before I'll practice with the band for the remaining time."
Louis just nodded again and followed Harry back over to where he was sat before. It felt so weird to Louis, he hadn't really thought about the fact that he was dating a popstar, of course that's not the reason he liked Harry, it wasn't even part of it, but it felt so weird to be here.
He sat down on the floor as Harry sat down next to him and picked up the guitar again. "You remembered my song." Louis said as he remembered what Harry was playing when he came in.
"Yeah." Harry said bashfully as he looked down at the guitar. "I know most of them off by heart."
"Play me one. I wanna hear what it sounds like with your voice. Plus you've never actually sung to me." Louis said as he knocked his shoulder with Harry's gently as Harry looked up and started playing the guitar.
He started playing 'Fearless' perfectly. He had the exact chords and knew all the words and when to sing them. He stopped after a minute and smiled shyly at Louis who had a fond expression on his face.
"You have a beautiful voice." Louis whispered, making Harry blush more and subconsciously move closer to him.
"Thank you."
Louis just smiled more as he kissed Harry's temple and leaned against the wall as Harry leaned into him and continued playing random tunes and humming.
Once the hour was up, Harry got Louis' suitcase from Zayn's car and put it in his own before they both got in and started driving back to Harry's house.
"LA is really beautiful." Louis said as he looked out the window at the blue sky and city buildings.
"It is." Harry hummed as he kept his eyes on the road. "But I know something more beautiful."
"Harry, I swear if you say me, I will hit you in the balls." Louis said seriously as Harry grimaced at the thought.
"You were gonna say me weren't you?"
"Yup, but I don't want to get hit in the balls, so I'm gonna stay quiet." Harry said as Louis laughed and looked back out the window.
They listened to the radio, sometimes talking about something random, until Harry pulled up to his house.
"This is your house?" Louis asked with wide eyes as he looked up at the white, mansion-like house.
"Yeah, I know it's big but it can get lonely when it's just you in there." Harry said as he parked and took the key out the ignition.
They both got out the car and Harry closed the garage as the two walked towards the door that lead into the house.
Louis' mouth dropped open when they entered the house, it was huge and you could see all the way up to ceiling on the top floor from the bottom floor as there was an open area. "Wow." Louis breathed out as he looked around.
"There's four bedrooms, a home theatre, two balconies, a pool, many bathrooms, and a gym so I'm sure you won't get bored." Harry chuckled as he brought Louis' suitcase into the house.
"I definitely won't be getting bored but I will be getting lost at least twice a day." Louis said as he walked further into the room.
Because they entered through the garage, they were on the first floor it had the gym one of the bedrooms two bathrooms and the movie theatre.
Harry lead Louis upstairs once he showed him around the first floor. On the second floor was the kitchen, another bedroom, another two bathrooms, and the living room, the living room had large glass windows by the couch so that you could look out at the view, and then a door that lead onto the first balcony that had a table and four chairs set out.
Harry showed him around once more before walking up the final flight of stairs to the top floor. There was two bedrooms, one of them being the master bedroom, more bathrooms, a room entirely filled with clothes and shoes and a music room with guitars, keyboards and a drum kit.
After Harry left Louis' suitcase in the master bedroom, the two went down to the kitchen and Harry started making something for them to eat.
He made tacos, and they sat at the table while they ate and talked, Harry talked about his tour and his family while Louis listened with a fond smile.
After they ate they decided to watch a film, so they got comfortable on the couch and cuddled together while watching multiple films.
It was only when the sun was starting to set that Harry grabbed Louis' hand and pulled him off the couch and towards the door that lead to the balcony.
"Harry where are we going?" Louis asked through a laugh as he let himself get pulled.
"Just come with me." Harry said as he opened the door and walked out onto the balcony with a big smile on his face.
That when Louis realised how beautiful it looked, the sky was orange with a hint of pink and in the distance you could see the city buildings and the trees made it even more beautiful. The view from where they were stood was incredible and Louis would definitely not forget it anytime soon.
Just as Louis was admiring the view Harry pulled him closer so they were chest to chest. One of Harry's hands were on Louis back, the other holding his hand up slightly.
Louis laughed when he realised what Harry was doing, making Harry huff. "Lou, put your hands in the right place." He mumbled with a pout.
"Sorry, love." Louis said quietly as he placed a hand on Harry's bicep, his elbow pointed outwards, making the younger lad smile.
Harry started dancing with Louis, spinning them both around the balcony as the sun set more behind them. Neither of them were very good but it was making them smile nonetheless.
Harry suddenly let go of Louis' back and spun him before holding him again, making Louis laugh. "We don't have music." Louis stated as Harry shrugged and continued dancing.
"We don't need it."
Louis smiled before he took control so now he was the one spinning Harry.
They continued to dance for around fifteen minutes, before Louis dipped Harry and kissed his lips before pulling him back up. The two were now in fits of giggles as they stumbled back into the house, feeling like drunk teenagers.
The next morning Louis woke up to Harry pressing kisses to his throat as he was curled into his chest, Louis' arms around Harry's body. "Good morning." Harry said, his morning voice almost making Louis melt right there.
"Morning." Louis smiled as he moved his hand up and down Harry's back. Louis was wearing sweatpants and a tank top while Harry was wearing boxers and one of Louis' shirts.
"I need to tell you something." Harry said as he sat up making Louis sit up slightly so he could lean against the headboard before placing a hand on Harry's thigh.
"That doesn't sound good."
Harry just gave him a half smile before he started talking. "I have to do an interview tomorrow..."
"Okay?" Louis was getting more worried as Harry wasn't getting straight to the point. He gently rubbed his thumb in circles on Harry's bare thigh, in a comforting manner.
"They're gonna ask about if I'm dating anyone, most people have already seen the articles, and I just- I don't-" Harry cut himself off with a sigh.
"Harry, it's okay." Louis said softly as Harry shook his head.
"No it's not. They shouldn't even ask about it, it's not like it's any of their business who I'm with." He said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "I don't want to say I'm single because I'm not but I don't want to have them continuously ask questions about you because my private life is supposed to be private!"
Louis could see Harry was getting worked up so he leaned off the headboard and pulled Harry closer to him as he gently rubbed his hand up and down his back. "It's okay." Louis whispered into Harry's ear as the Harry fisted the front of Louis' shirt in his hand as he rested his head on Louis' shoulder.
They stayed liked that for a few minutes before Harry pulled his head back and looked Louis in the eye. "What do I say?" He asked, his voice sounded small and unsure.
"Say what you want, love." Louis whispered. "You can say whatever you want. If you want to say you're single to avoid unnecessary questions then do it, I'm not going to be mad or anything. And if you want to say you're in a relationship you don't necessarily need to say who with. You don't have to give them the answer they want."
Harry took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. Thank you, Lou."
"Anytime, sunshine." Louis smiled when Harry giggled and leant forward pressing his nose into Louis' shoulder.
Harry didn't have to do anything today and his next concert wasn't until tomorrow night after the interview, so Louis spent the day trying to distract Harry from the interview he had to do tomorrow.
They were going to have breakfast in bed but Louis tried and failed to make pancakes so they ended up both getting out of bed and Harry made breakfast while Louis watched.
Then they went down to the pool for ages, Louis was sat on Harry's shoulders as the two messed around, then they tried to do the dirty dancing lift, Harry had to be Patrick Swayze because he was more muscular and able to lift Louis up.
At first Harry kept dropping Louis, making him bellyflop then, he'd apologised immensely before kissing him then they'd try again. And after around 10 bellyflops and 16 failed attempts they did it and Harry managed hold Louis up in the air as he held his arms out.
Harry carefully put Louis down before hugging him and kissing him all over his face. Then Louis splashed him which lead to a lot of pool water going over the side when Harry splashed him back.
They went out for lunch and on the way back got spotted by Paps but Harry managed to hide Louis' face from the cameras so the pictures they got were only of Harry as that's all the camera could see.
Of course there was an article but neither of them chose to read it and instead ignored it before going into Harry's bedroom where one of his guitars were. Then Louis played one of his songs to Harry who listened closely with a smile, before engulfing Louis in a hug and saying how perfect he was.
And then they decided to call Zayn and Liam and invited them round for a few drinks and to hang out for a few hours.
(Oh I just remembered Niall is back in London... all by himself... oh poor Niall)
They all sat on the balcony drinking beer and messing around before Zayn and Louis stripped to their boxers and ran down to the pool before jumping in with a yell.
They swam up to the surface and immediately started laughing as Liam and Harry watched from the balcony for a minute before walking down to the pool.
Zayn and Louis shared a look before getting out the pool and as soon as they saw Liam and Harry come round the corner they started running.
Zayn grabbed Liam and managed to get him towards the pool before pushing him and jumping in after. Louis luckily was able to push Harry towards the pool as he was caught of guard and pushed him into the pool before also jumping in. Now all four of them were in pool, Louis and Zayn in boxers and Harry and Liam in their clothes.
(Niall back in London like 👁👄👁)
(Sorry carry on...) 💧
"You assholes!" Liam yelled as he started treading water.
They stayed in the pool until it started to get dark and their skin started to get pruny before they got out. Harry had a barbecue so they stayed out by the pool and had a barbecue for dinner before heading back up to the balcony and sitting out there with blankets and pillows just relaxing as the moon and stars lit up the sky above them.
Zayn and Liam ended up leaving at 11pm saying that they'd see Harry and Louis soon before they left the house leaving Louis and Harry alone.
The two walked all the way up to the master bedroom, their hands entwined as Louis practically jumped the stairs with Harry laughing close behind him.
Louis grabbed the front of Harry's damp shirt, gently pulling him as he walked backwards into the bedroom, with a smirk on his face.
(I'm interrupting again but I'm laughing already, I can't write stuff like this even if I'm not writing the full thing I still can't do it 😂)
Harry quickly joined their lips in a heated a kiss, his arms winding around Louis' neck as they continued walking back towards the bed.
The back of Louis' legs hit the bed so he quickly spun them so Harry had his back to the bed before they parted their lips, only for a second as they both got onto the bed, Harry laying on his back as Louis was on top.
Harry pulled Louis down by his neck before kissing him passionately and with so much love, love that he couldn't yet speak about.
He knew he loved Louis, there's wasn't a doubt in his mind but he just wasn't ready to say it yet.
Louis licked along Harry's bottom lip before Harry gasped slightly, opening his mouth allowing Louis' tongue inside.
Harry's hands fumbled with the hem of Louis' shirt as he tried to pull it up, Louis pulled away from the kiss, a string if saliva in between their lips. "You sure?" He asked in almost a whisper.
Harry's pupils were blown so much his eyes barely had any green left and he just nodded, tugging at Louis' shirt once more with a low whine leaving his pink lips.
Louis nodded and kissed his lips once quickly before sitting up slightly so he could pull his shirt off, Harry smiled at the sight of Louis' bare tattooed chest and ran his hands over it as Louis leant forward and kissed him again before Harry was pulling his own shirt off.
Louis hands were placed on the bed, either side of Harry's head so he was towering over him as they kissed, their bare chests pressed together.
Louis pulled back when he felt Harry fumbling with his belt, he smiled and helped, quickly undoing it before pulling it off in one swift motion and chucking it somewhere behind him.
Then he unbuttoned his trousers and managed to get them off easily before kicking them off the end of the bed, he turned back to see Harry undoing his trousers before pulling them down and also chucking them somewhere.
They were both now only in boxers as they laid on the bed, cheeks flushed and breathing heavily. Louis admired Harry's body as he ran his hands up his thighs and up to his stomach before setting them on his chest, just looking and all his tattoos and how beautiful he is. Harry was getting impatient and reached up to grab the back of Louis' neck, pulling him down into a kiss.
Louis hummed as he felt harry press a light kiss to his bare shoulder, the sheets wrapped around their hips as the sun seeped through the parted curtains.
Louis' arm was wrapped around Harry and gently stroking his arm as Harry pressed kisses to every part of Louis' skin he could reach.
Harry's hair was disheveled, as was Louis', and his bare body was hot under the thin sheets that were only covering from his hips to his knee, his happy trail visible.
"When's your interview?" Louis asked, his voice deep and gravely.
"I think 3pm." Harry mumbled as he turned his head more into Louis' chest, his morning voice now even more deep and his throat croaky. Harry hooked his leg over Louis' hipbone shifting the sheets a little. "Lou?" He said quietly as he pressed his nose into Louis' right pec.
"Are you gonna watch my show tonight?" Harry asked before looking up at Louis through his eye lashes.
"I can if you want me to." Louis said softly as he continued to gently rub Harry's arm.
"I want you to."
"Then I'll be there." Louis said and Harry could practically hear the smile in his voice.
Harry leaned his head up and kissed Louis' throat before kissing his jaw and pulling back slightly, getting too hot with Louis' body heat radiating onto him.
What's the time?" He mumbled as he covered his eyes with his arm.
"Er..." Louis paused as Harry heard the sheets moving slightly. "Almost 11am."
"'Kay, so I've got a couple hours before I need to leave." Harry said as he pushed the sheets off him completely and stood up, wincing slightly as Louis smirked and leant against the headboard. "Probably a good thing." Harry mumbled as he grabbed a pair of boxers and slowly put them on before grabbing a shirt.
Louis got up from the bed and got his own pair of clean boxers before grabbing some sweatpants he wasn't sure were his or Harry's. He watched proudly as Harry limped slightly into the bathroom, he followed after him and placed a hand on the small of Harry's back before leaning closer to his face.
"Nice limp." He whispered in his ear before Harry elbowed him right in the ribs. "Ow."
"Dick." Harry mumbled as Louis chuckled and kissed the love bite just below Harry's ear before walking out the bathroom.
Harry was about to go into the interview as Louis was stood next to him with a hand on his back, rubbing soothingly. "It'll be fine, love." He whispered as someone came over and attached a mic to Harry's shirt.
Harry just took a deep breath as everyone backstage got everything ready. "Can I ask you something?" Harry turned to look at Louis.
"Yeah?" Louis moved his hand off Harry's back.
"Could I sing one of your songs at my show tonight?" Harry asked as he fiddled with the 'peace' ring on his finger.
"You want to sing one of my songs?" Louis asked, slightly shocked. Harry nodded as he looked up at Louis, his eyes full of hope. "Sure, If you want to. Are you even allowed to put a new song into the show?"
"I'll make sure I have time to sing it." Harry smiled determinedly, his previous worries no longer evident on his face.
Louis just kissed Harry's cheek as one of the sound workers came over and told Harry to go sit over on the chair next to the interviewer.
Louis watched from backstage as Harry shook hands with the interviewer before sitting down and the lights lit up and the cameras started filming.
The first part of the interview was spent talking about Harry's tour, where he's going, where he's most excited to perform. Then the interviewer asked him about his album, if there's any hidden things, what some songs are about and what his next album might sound like. But then came the question Harry had been dreading.
"So Harry.." The interviewer smiled as she clasped her hands together in her lap. "I'm sure you knew this question was coming." She said making Harry's smile drop because he knew what was about to come. "Are you still available to all the lovely ladies out there or are you in a relationship because there has been a few rumours and articles going around about you and a 'mystery man'."
Harry took a deep breath and looked up at the interviewer. "Rumours are just that. Rumours." He started as the interviewer looked at him confused.
"So you're not in a relationship?" She asked again as Harry sighed and Louis could see that he was trying so hard to not get mad.
"Not that it's anyone else's concern but my own and my partners, but yes. I am in a relationship." He said with a straight face as the interviewer smiled wide, clearly not seeing that Harry wasn't exactly happy about the question.
"So are you with the mystery man that everyone is trying to figure out who he is?" She asked as the pictures of Harry and Louis from the articles appeared on the screen behind the interviewer.
Harry bit his lip in frustration and looked off to the side where Louis sent him a warm smile, making him relax slightly. "They shouldn't be trying so hard to figure out who he is. I clearly haven't spoken about it or posted about it because I don't want people prying into his life. I have chosen not to release information about him so the least people could do was give me a bit of privacy and leave my relationship alone." Harry paused. "He doesn't want to be shoved into the spotlight, that's not why he's with me, he didn't even know I was famous until he saw his face planted over the media one morning." Harry closed his eyes for a second before looking back over to Louis. He fiddled with the ring Louis got him and surprisingly it was helping him calm down. " I'm sorry if I seemed harsh but I didn't mention him to the media for a reason, so it would be great if people could accept that I will tell them about him when I'm ready and more importantly when he's ready." Harry smiled lightly at the interviewer.
"Sorry for the question, Harry, I didn't realise how you felt about this." The interviewer apologised.
"It's fine, I get the question all the time, just this time there was a reason to not like being asked." Harry said as the interviewer nodded understandingly and carried on with the interview, avoiding talk about relationships or the 'mystery man'.
After another ten minutes the interview was over and Harry stood up and shook hands with the interviewer once more before walking back stage. Louis immediately walked over to him. "Are you okay?" He asked worryingly as Harry smiled and nodded, grabbing Louis' hand and holding it in his bigger one.
"I'm okay." He said as Louis nodded and kissed Harry's temple lightly before running his hand through his hair, Harry leaning into his touch.
Harry's management let him go home until he needed to get to the arena for the concert as they saw that Harry got worked up during the interview and thought he could relax before sound check.
So Louis drove them home where they relaxed for a couple hours, they ignored the article about the interview Harry did saying he was in a relationship and just continued watching their film before heading out to the arena so Harry could get ready and do sound check.
Once they got to the arena at 6pm, Louis stayed back in Harry's changing room as Harry had a lot to do and he didn't want to get in the way so he was sat on the couch texting Niall about what LA is like.
By 7pm, Harry walked into his changing room to get dressed but quickly gave Louis a kiss before walking over to where his outfit was hung up on the rack.
Once he walked out, fully dressed, louis' eyes went wide as he stared at Harry's outfit.
"What?" Harry asked looking down. "Is something wrong?"
"No." Louis whispered as he stood up, eyes not leaving Harry's body. "You look- you look incredible."
Harry blushed and looked down as Louis ran his fingers through his long hair. "Thanks, I normally wear things like this for my concerts."
"I think you're forgetting that I've never seen you perform before." Louis chuckled slightly before tipping Harry's chin up so they were eye to eye. "You're gorgeous." He leaned closer and gently pressed his lips to Harry's. "So gorgeous." He mumbled.
Harry kissed back as he held onto the end of Louis' jacket, his head tipping back slightly before Louis pulled away.
"Go be a popstar." Louis smiled before patting Harry's bum and walking back over to the couch to grab his phone as one of the security guards walked in to tell Harry it was time for the concert.
Louis followed behind Harry as they walked backstage, Harry got handed a mic and talked to his manager as someone took Louis to a place he could see Harry and the stage perfectly.
As Louis watched the stage the lights went dim and the fans started screaming and it was only a few seconds before the curtain dropped and Harry was smiling and blowing kisses at the crowd.
Louis was smiling widely as he watched Harry prance around the stage so comfortable and happy. The first song started and Louis had listened to all his songs once he found out that he was singer, they weren't exactly his style of music choice but he loved Harry's voice and he had to admit they were good songs, but harry made them great.
Louis didn't stop smiling throughout the whole concert, he decided that he loved watching Harry perform, they man was clearly in his element. He interacted with the crowd between songs, and he put on quite the show.
Just as the concert was coming to an end Harry started speaking into the mic. "Before you all leave and go home, I have one more song for you tonight." He started his smile wide as he readjusted his guitar on his shoulder. "So this isn't actually one of my songs, it actually was written by someone who I care very much about." He looked over to where Louis was watching with a big grin. "When I first saw his song I immediately loved it, and there are many more I love but I would be here for hours if I played them all so I'm going to play one of them." He moved the guitar in front of him as he moved his mic slightly and got his fingertips placed over the right chords.
"Make a little conversation, so long I've been waiting to let go of myself and feel alive." Harry started singing as Louis felt like his heart was going to explode for how much he cared about Harry.
How much he loved Harry.
"I was stumbling, looking in the dark, with an empty heart. But you say you feel the same, could we ever be enough?" Harry sung the chorus with his eyes closed before opening them and smiling. "Baby, we could be enough."
Harry continued the song and the crowd loved it, they had even picked up some of the lyrics and started singing along.
"You'll never feel like you're alone." Harry sung as the song came to an end. "I'll make this feel like home." He had his eyes closed as he kept his fingertips splayed over the chords as the fans erupted into cheers and whistles.
Harry opened his eyes and waved to the crowd, blowing kisses for a few minutes before he ran off the stage towards the backstage area where Louis was waiting.
Harry ran into Louis arms and wrapped his arms around his torso, breathing in his homely sent as Louis repeated how proud and amazing he was.
"You were amazing, love." He whispered before placing a kiss to Harry's forehead.
Harry just hugged Louis tighter and hid his head in Louis' neck. "Thank you for being here." He mumbled against his skin.
"I wouldn't have missed it." Louis whispered back.
'I love you' He thought. But he didn't say it.
Little did he know Harry was thinking the same thing.
Louis went back home for a couple weeks to sort out the cafe before he flew back to LA and joined Harry for the majority of the tour. He hated being away from Harry and Harry hated being away from him. It was almost like they couldn't focus knowing the other was so far away.
Louis didn't mind spending his time on tour with Harry, he got to be with the person he loves, even though he hasn't said it, and he had always wanted to travel and see different places, and now he was.
They had been together for just over three months when Harry finally had the courage to tell Louis he loved him. Of course Louis said it back and the two spent the night extra cuddly as they giggled like love struck teenagers.
That same night the world had finally found out Harry's 'mystery mans' name. Harry had posted a picture on Instagram with a simple caption.
"Meet Louis <3"
Jeez that took a long time, it took around four days but three of those days I was at school so I had less time. Anyway, I hope that's alright, I'm not sure how I feel about it
I hope you're having a lovely day or night wherever you are, whatever you may be doing. Don't forget to eat something and have a drink. I love you <33
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People don't know the half of it, but they don't need to know either - Unknown
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