One day... I'll see you again.
So I'm currently sobbing at 10pm because of something I just read and I wanted to do my own one.... I'm sorry in advance
I'm also currently writing a chapter but it's taking a while, especially with school and all that stuff. I'm hoping it's out tomorrow:)
Harry's P.O.V
I was stood out on our balcony when I heard the footsteps behind me. "Haz come inside it's cold out there" Louis said as he stood in the doorway. I didn't say anything I just looked up at the sky, it was once bright and blue and now it's dark and clouded. "Harry?" Louis called again as he stepped out onto the balcony with me.
"Look at the sky Lou" I said as he stood next to me. "Why does there have to be a war?" I whispered looking down. Louis had received his drafting letter this morning and he left tomorrow night, I don't want him to go.
"I don't know Love. Sometimes things happen and we need to fix them." He whispered back to me as he looked out at the sky.
"But why do they need you? You can stay, you stay with me. Because- because I need you." My voice broke as a tear rolled down my cheek.
"I can't stay lovely, you know that. I don't have a choice." He said as he brought my body closer to his.
"Don't leave me lou" I cried into his chest as he rocked us back and forth. "I can't lose you."
"Your not going to lose me Harry, I'm gonna come home." He whispered into my ear before kissing the top of my curls. "Cmon let's go inside" he said as he put his hand on my back and led us inside.
I walked inside of our house and sat down on couch and fiddled with my hands as Louis sat down next to me. "Listen to me love, Everything will be okay because you will be safe." He said tilting my head up to look at him.
"But what about you! What are they gonna do to you!" I yelled as tears came to my eyes once again.
"They're not gonna hurt me Haz, they won't get the opportunity."
I shook my head and stood up as I started to pace the room. "You don't understand Louis, not matter what, when you come back you will be different, there will be blood on your hands, you would have taken a life."
"Would you rather they had mine?" He said standing up.
I shook my head "Never."
"Then what do you expect me to do Harry!? Hide? Run away like a coward!? I'm going to do something for our country, so we don't lose touch with reality and people can grow up in place where there is no war still going and the only worry is finding a job or passing school, not if a bomb will land in your garden." He said raising his voice slightly.
I sighed and looked at the clock. "I'm going to go to bed." I whispered as I walked towards the stairs.
"Harry wait, I'm not letting you go to bed upset." He said grabbing my arm and pulling my body into his embrace. "I love you haz." He whispered as he held me in our living room.
"I love you more Lou." I whispered into his neck before kissing it lightly.
"Smile for me sunshine, you're beautiful when you smile" he said as he pulled away. I just blushed and looked down, he pulled me back into his chest and we stayed like that for a while, I was just listening to the sound of his heartbeats as he hummed into my ear.
"I know it's a sad reality Harry, I don't want to go to war, I don't want to leave you. If there was a way out of this I would take it. I would take you away from this place. We would stay somewhere together, no one else would know we were there, and I would give you the perfect life." Louis kissed my head and carried on " we would get married and get a load of cats and dogs, we would wake up next to each other every morning and I would complain to you for waking me up until you gave me the right amount of kisses. I want to be able to do everything with you. And I Know you think this-" he reached over to the table and picked up his drafting letter. "Is going to take me away from you, but it won't. My heart and soul will always find yours."
I hid my face future into his neck as a let out another sob. "I can't lose you Louis! I will lose myself if you leave me! I will have nothing left."
"You can't loose me Haz, I'm forever yours." Louis said as he rubbed my back.
I shook my head. "I've seen people who have come back from war Lou, war changes people. Some troops come home disfigured and some don't even get to come home!"
"Would you love me any less if I came home without an arm or leg?" He asked as he pulled away.
"No, I wouldn't care. I love you for you." I whispered looking into his blue eyes.
"Then why does it matter if I come home a little broken? You will still love me the same." He said wiping the tears off my cheeks.
Louis was right, I didn't care if he came home looking different or injured, he still came home. He still made it home to me.
"Cmon mi amor, let's go to bed." Louis said as he grabbed my hand and we walked towards our bedroom.
I stayed with Louis all of the next day up until the very last minute.
I pulled away from the hug as tears streamed down my cheeks. "Goodbye Harry. I will see you again one day." He smiled and kissed my lips, but this kiss felt different. It felt like he was trying to put all his emotion and feeling into this one kiss.
"Goodbye Lou. I'll see you again because you have to come home." I whispered as he pulled me into another hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his wrapped around my waist and he held onto me like I was his life line, like if he let go, it would all come falling down. "I know when you come back you will be different, but I will be waiting everyday for you." I whispered as we pulled away again. He smiled at me and picked up his bag as a few tears fell down his cheeks. He was about to walk out the door but I stopped him. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to look at me. "Promise me Lou. Promise me you will come home." I said, he sighed and looked down.
"Harry I-" he started but I cut him off.
"No Louis listen to me. Promise me you will come home, that you will always come back to me and that you will never leave me." My voice trembled as tears rolled down my cheeks. He didn't say anything. "Please." I begged.
"You know I can't do that." He whispered looking up at me, with his eyes that were no longer bright blue but a more dull grey. I nodded and bit my lip. He took a deep breath and opened the door before looking back at me with a weak smile. "I love you Harry styles."
"I love you more Louis Tomlinson." I said as my legs started to feel weak.
"Impossible" he said looking into my eyes once more before walking out the door, taking my heart with him. As soon as the door closed, I dropped to the floor and held my head in my hands as I sobbed, but this time no one was here to comfort me.
3rd person P.O.V
4 months later
Harry feels it.
He feels the day the love of his life leaves this earth.
He woke up crying and clutching his chest as it felt impossible to breath. He knew what had happened, the sky wasn't blue, the sun wasn't shining and harry felt like there was nothing left of him, he felt empty. The house wasn't warm or homely, it hasn't been since louis left, but this was different. Of course he didn't want to believe it. He cried and he begged it wasn't true, but no one heard his prayers. His mum came round a couple hours after carrying a letter, it was yellow and addressed to Harry.
"Here you go darling." She said as she handed him the letter. Harry closed his eyes before he took it and read it. He dropped to the ground as the letter was crumpled in his hand and his mother rocked him back and forth as he sobbed into her.
"He wasn't supposed to leave!" He cried into her chest. "Louis please!! They're lying come back to me!" He thrashed around in his mother's arms as he sobbed and yelled for Louis to come find him.
"I'm sorry baby, he's not coming." Anne whispered to him as he lost all strength to fight it and he just relaxed into her arms.
"But he promise-" Harry stopped talking, he couldn't say that because Louis never promised, he never promised he would come home. Now Harry knew why.
In that moment Anne understands, that Harry just lost the love of his life.
Harry didn't want to be there. He didn't want to watch the person he loved more that anything, be lowered into the ground in a casket. His love was being buried and so was his home.
He managed to keep from crying until Louis' mum comes over and hugs him. He doesn't have the strength to stop it anymore, he just lets it all go and cries into her shoulder.
"I know" she whispers holding her second son close. "I know baby"
"He's gone, he left me. He said he wouldn't leave me" Harry croaked out, breaking Jays heart with the sound of his broken voice.
"He's not gone. He's right here." She points to his chest where his heart still beats. "And here" she points to his head. "He will never truly be gone."
"I'm so scared jay, I don't know if I can do it without him." Harry whispered.
"You can, he would have wanted you to. And he also wanted you to have this." Jay pulled out a letter and handed it to Harry, she smiles at him before walking away.
Harry looks at to before carefully opening it.
I want you to know how much I love you. You are everything I ever needed. Just remember, I'm always with you. Look up to the moon and you will see me, somewhere up there in watching you and looking at your adorable dimples. When you look at the sky at night, think of me and smile, show me your dimples I love so much. One day... I will see you again.
-Lou xx
Harry holds the letter to his heart as he closes his eyes, it's not much but it's all he needs.
3 months later
It's only three months after Louis' funeral when Harry gets a letter saying he would be drafted into the war very soon. He grabs Louis' letter off of his desk and with shaky hands grabs a pen and writes a response.
I know your waiting, and I will see you again soon.
-H xx
I hope that was alright, I took me around an hour and a bit and I have school in the morning... oops.
Make sure you have eaten and drunk something and have a nap if you didn't sleep much. I love you all so much <333
To lose someone you love is to alter your life forever. The pain stops, there are new people, but the gap never closes. This whole in you heart is the shape of the one you lost, no one else can fit it - Jeanette Winterson
The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about - Unknown
If you need to talk to someone, I'm happy to help. Don't feel like you have to go through anything alone, I'm here for you even if I don't know you :)
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