Im never too busy for you. Pt2.
This was requested by Itsalarrypotterthing I hope it's alright :)
Also I meant to post this ages ago but completely forgot about it over New Years. Oops.
3rd person P.O.V
6 years later.
Louis rolled over in bed and expected to meet another body but instead he just rolled onto the empty side of the bed. He sat up and focused his sleepy eyes on the spot next to him, even in the dark room he knew Harry wasn't there.
"Harry?" He called quietly, thinking he might just be in the bathroom but he received no reply. Sighing, he got out the bed, he always worried that when Harry wasn't asleep at night that he'd fallen back into the stage where he couldn't sleep at all. Even six years later he still worried that somehow Harry had begun to work harder and worn himself out all over again.
He walked out their room and down the hallway in search for Harry who he hoped was awake for other reasons than not being able to fall asleep. He was about to head for the stairs when he heard a noise from their four year old sons room.
He stilled and carefully pushed the door open, he looked inside to make sure everything was okay and he couldn't help but smile when he saw Harry sat on their sons bed with his arms wrapped around Finley as he quietly sung a song Louis couldn't recognise.
He leaned against the doorway and just watched his husband sing their son to sleep, his small hands going up to rub his eyes before settling his head back against Harry's chest, closing his eyes.
Harry noticed Louis stood by the door and smiled at him before carefully standing up with Finley in his arms before tucking him back into his Spider-Man sheets and kissing his forehead. He slowly walked towards Louis and the two walked out into the corridor together. "What was wrong with Finn?" Louis asked as they started walking back to their own room.
"He had a nightmare, I woke up when I heard him push the door open. I didn't wanna wake you up so I took him back to his room and waited until he fell back asleep." Harry told his husband who nodded and climbed back into their bed and under the sheets.
They had moved in together six years ago, Harry ended up going to live in London in Louis' flat instead of staying in LA. The two moved not long after to a house after deciding that they wanted to expand their family and adopt. A year after, they got lucky enough to adopt a five year old girl named Alana, who is now ten. She took a little while to warm up to them but now she trusts them fully and is almost exactly like Louis.
Harry and Louis ended up getting married when Alana was six, it was just before they decided to have another child. It was a small wedding, only family and friends and then they went on a 10 day honeymoon to Italy.
Then four years ago they had a surrogate for Finn who Alana fell in love with the minute he held her finger not long after he was born. Harry and Louis gave up YouTube after they had Finley, they found that they just couldn't find time to do everything.
It was only a few years ago that Harry got into modelling as a company he had modelled for when he did YouTube phoned and offered him a decent deal if he came to work for them. He declined at first before they came back saying it wouldn't be a full time thing, and that he'd only model for them when they wanted him too. So he took the offer as well as starting work as a social media assistant, it involved upholding the media side of clients and working with other people to keep the clients online persona clean.
Louis was originally going to go back to YouTube but he decided not to as he wanted to spend more time with his kids rather than constantly filming or editing videos. He now works with Liam doing photography, he does more of the editing than the actual picture taking but the two make a good pair and Louis can work from home so it all works out.
They still had people come up to them when they were out sometimes as Harry was getting more popular because of the modelling and they were remembered from when they filmed videos. But they didn't mind as long as they were respectful and it didn't happen too often.
"Is Alana still asleep?" Louis asked as he rolled over onto his side so he was facing Harry who was laying on his back, his face turned to the side.
"I assume so, I didn't hear her wake up and I didn't want to go in and risk waking her." Harry replied, sleep lacing his tone as he yawned.
"Let's go back to sleep." Louis chuckled at his husband before kissing his temple and wrapping one of his arms around Harry's waist, slowly drifting.
Louis woke up to a foot kicking him straight in the balls. "Ah Jesus." He groaned as he rolled over slightly, he opened his eyes slightly and saw Finley trying to climb over to them but he got his leg stuck in the duvet.
Luckily Finley seemed to have more interest in Harry at the early hours of the morning as he saw the four year old settling down on his dads chest patting his cheeks. "Papa... wakey, wakey." He sung into Harry's ear. "M'hungry."
Harry groaned a moment later and opened one of his eyes to look at Finley. "Good morning to you too, Finn." He mumbled as Finley smiled at him.
"Morning papa. Get up now, please."
Louis just laughed a little, now recovered from the kick to his balls. "You wanna get up with him, Lou?" Harry asked his husband who shook his head with an amused smile.
"Nope. He wants you, love. Now go on. Do what the boy says." He laughed, turning his head away to try and go back to sleep.
Harry sat up and quickly got -partially- dressed before taking Finley downstairs to get some breakfast, and just as Louis thought he was able to go back to sleep his duvet was pulled off his body.
"Wake up daddy." His daughters voice rang through the room, way too cheery for 7am.
"What if I don't want to?" Louis replied, refusing to open his eyes as he listened to the sounds of feet against the wooden floor, getting progressively closer to the bed. "What if I'm not done with my beauty sleep?"
"I don't think that works very well anyway." Alana said seriously making Louis' eyes open fully. "And if you're not done with your 'beauty sleep' now then I don't think you ever will be."
"Why are you attacking me at..." Louis turned to Harry's side of the bed to look at the clock, "half seven in the morning?"
"I'm just being honest, daddy." The ten year old shrugged. "Papa told me not to lie so... I'm not."
"Alright, get out my room you little monster. I will not stand for this." Louis sat up and ran a hand through his hair.
"Is papa cooking breakfast?" She asked after a few minutes of just waiting by the end of the bed.
"I think so, why?" Louis answered, slowly getting out of bed and grabbing a shirt to throw on over his bare chest.
"Cause your cooking isn't very nice so I was going to say I only wanted some fruit if you were cooking." Alana answered, no jokey expression visible on her face.
"Y'know, Lana, you can lie sometimes." Louis said as he walked out his bedroom with his daughter trailing behind him. "I won't mind. Especially when you wake up feeling like you want to attack me."
"I'm just being-"
"Honest. Yeah, yeah." Louis turned around before pulling his daughter into him and kissing her head a few times. Alana just giggled and sunk into her fathers affection.
"Papa!" Alana yelled once they reached the kitchen, and before Louis knows it the little girl is taking off as fast as she can towards her other father.
"Oh so he gets hugs and love and I get bullied." Louis mumbled walking after her. "I get it, it's fine."
"You're so dramatic sometimes." Harry laughed, over-hearing his husband.
"You did not hear her this morning, babe. She was not holding back." Louis leaned in and kissed his cheek. "She came in with her guns loaded and just," Louis made a explosion sound making Alana roll her eyes before gently hitting her dads hip.
"I can hug you now, daddy, if you stop your whining."
Louis mouth dropped open. "What have I done to you, missy? Is it just be rude to dad day?" He sighed, shaking his head as he tried not to smile as he walked over to his son who was sat on the floor by Harry's feet, distracted by a toy in his hands. "What about you, buddy? Are you gonna be mean to me today too?"
"Nu-uh." The four year old shook his head, his eyes lighting up when he saw his dad in front of him. He put his toy down and lifted his arms up.
Louis smiled and picked him up off the floor and held him to his body, sitting him carefully on his hip. "See, you love me."
"Daddy, I do love you." Alana said from where she was watching Harry cook, glancing back at her brother and dad. "Papa he is so dramatic. How do you put up with him?"
Harry just laughed and kissed his daughters forehead. "I'm not sure, bug."
"Alright well I'm going to take my son, who loves me, and we're going to watch Peter Pan in the living room and you two can continue your daddy hate club." Louis sighed dramatically and walked out the kitchen with Finn who was leaning his head on Louis' shoulder with his thumb in his mouth.
"Buddy, don't do that. Your hands probably aren't very clean." Louis gently pulled his thumb out his mouth as they sat down on the couch. "Who knows what you've already gotten into today."
"They clean. Papa cleaned them." Finn mumbled with a pout as he settled into Louis' side with a grumpy look on his face.
Louis just ran a hand through his sons hair, before cuddling him to his side as the movie started playing on the tv.
Around ten minutes later Alana was walking into the living room with her bottom lip pulled between her teeth, her expression worried as she got closer to the couch.
"Lana..." Finn mumbled reaching out for his sister, pouting more when she walked past him to sit on Louis' other side.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Louis asked, noting his daughters worry.
"Did I hurt your feelings?" She asked, her voice a whisper as she refused to look her dad in the eye.
"No. Not at all, lovely." Louis answered quickly, understanding why she was worried. "You didn't hurt my feelings."
"You sure?" She asked. "I can say sorry if I did. I didn't mean to. I was only jokin'." She mumbled, looking up, her dark brown eyes looking straight at Louis.
"I know you were, Lana. Don't worry, I'm fine." He smiled at her and kissed her head making her smile and move closer to him. "But I think your brother wants your attention."
Alana looked over to Finn who was glaring at her but he didn't look very mad, so it actually looked kind of funny but the poor kid was trying so hard to look angry neither Alana or Louis commented on it.
The ten year old got up to go sit next to him. "Sorry, Finn. I had to make sure daddy wasn't sad before sitting with you." She sat on the other side of him and rested her head on top of his.
"S'fine." He mumbled, cuddling closer to his sister.
"I love you both, y'know that right?" Louis smiled at them, his heart aching as he watched them.
"I love you too, daddy." Alana answered as Finn replied with a quiet, "Love you, daddy."
It was only a few minutes later when Harry walked in saying that breakfast was ready and Alana and Finn shot off for the table as Louis slowly got up and walked towards Harry.
"I'm really loving this whole..." Louis waved his hands about a bit, "rugged look you've got going on." He finished, Harry looking at him confusedly. "With your beard. Looks good."
"Oh. Good to know you like it." Harry rubbed a hand over his growing stubble as he smirked, following his husband to the kitchen. "I won't shave for a bit then."
"Well, until Alana starts complain that's it's scratchy when she gives you a kiss. Then refuses to kiss you goodnight. That's why I shaved mine." Louis laughed, remembering the few days when his daughter actually refused to kiss him goodnight until he shaved his beard.
"Yeah. That was a sad day. I still miss your beard." Harry leaned into Louis' side. "You looked like a twelve year old when I got home from work."
"I'm going to take that as a compliment because I can't handle anymore rude comments until at least lunch." Louis mumbled making his husband laugh as a pair of lips kissed his head before they got into the kitchen.
Alana was helping cut up Finley's pancakes while he watched with an excited smile. "You got it, bug? Or do you want me to do it for him?" Harry asked as he sat down in his seat.
Alana shook her head and continued cutting up her brothers food. "I got it."
"Alright, just be careful. It's sharp."
"I got it." She mumbled again, Louis just smiled at her, shaking his head at how adamant she was to do it for Finn before he started cutting up his own breakfast.
Louis was cleaning the dishes from breakfast when Finn came running into the room missing a few items of clothing on his body, his eyes went wide as he saw Harry trying to run after him with a shirt and trousers in his hands.
Quickly, Louis grabbed Finley as he ran by him and successfully stopped the toddler from running any further. He looked over at Harry who was staring at their son with an exasperated look as he leant against the counter.
"Thank you." Harry breathed out. "Trying to get him into clothes in the morning is like trying to tame a tiger. Y'know I'm just glad he stopped the scratching he used to do."
Louis laughed and took the shirt out of Harry's hand before slipping it over his sons head, ignoring the four year olds pouty face. "Buddy, I need you to keep your clothes on. I know it's a hot day but you can't keep taking them off and you cant make papa run around the house after you, okay?"
Finley grumbled but nodded nonetheless, cooperating when Harry put his trousers on him. "Thank you, buddy. Now you can go play." Harry kissed the boys head before he was running out the room. "God, that's my workout for today."
"He tire you out already?" Louis asked with a smirk.
"Shut up. You would be tired if you just spent the last fifteen minutes trying to catch a four year old who has too much energy." Harry smacked his husbands stomach lightly, before he was getting pulled into Louis' arms.
He wrapped his arms around the older lads back and accepted the hug. Well, until Alana walked in and pulled on Louis shirt, getting his attention. "You done being gross? I need help."
Harry muffled a laugh into Louis' neck before kissing his pulse point and stepping back, putting distance between them. "Better go help the queen with what she wants." He whispered before walking away.
"I'm not getting any younger, daddy." Alana said with an unimpressed expression as he had still not answered her question.
"Okay, what do you need help with?" Louis asked, crossing his arms over his chest and looking down at his daughter.
"My math homework. It's too difficult and makes no sense. And you're not good at maths but papa goes all teacher on me so you'll have to do."
"Thanks, sweetheart. Appreciate it."
"You're welcome." She smiled at him, mimicking the way he was stood. "Will you help me, please?"
"As you asked so nicely, yes. I will."
The two sat down at the table with the few sheets of homework Alana had to do and began working on it. Harry took a few work calls before he and Finley were playing with the pack of dinosaurs he had gotten for his birthday a few months ago.
Harry was called midday to come into work as they had a problem with one of the clients and that something had happened, so he left and five hours later he was still not back.
Louis had managed to keep the kids occupied for the day, he took them to see his mum and Liam, Niall and Zayn were meeting them at the park any minute now.
Louis was sat with Finley who was playing in the sand pit, while also keeping an eye on Alana who was trying to go across the monkey bars without falling.
Suddenly a high pitched scream was filling the air and Louis' heart just about stopped for a moment as he turned around to see his daughter jumping off the monkey bars and running towards where Liam and Zayn were walking towards them, Niall a few paces behind.
"Jesus." He breathed out, hand over his pounding heart as he tried to relax, knowing everything was fine.
"Uncle Zayn!" Alana yelled, throwing herself towards him.
"You good there mate?" Liam laughed noticing Louis expression.
"I think I just lost ten years off my life." Louis replied standing up, as Finn looked up and noticed the guests, his eyes widening and quickly standing up, running towards Liam.
Alana spent at least ten minutes hugging all of her uncles before she was dragging Niall and Liam off towards the monkey bars, saying she had to show them something. Zayn had sat down with Finley in the sand pit, occupying him while Louis tried to restart his heart from the fright his daughter gave him.
Soon enough Alana was getting her uncles to play all kinds of games with her, some that were almost impossible for them as it involved climbing on the children's equipment that was way too small. But they tried anyway because that girl had them wrapped around her finger.
It was six o'clock when Louis tried phoning Harry once again but he didn't answer, so he pocketed the phone and walked back over to where Alana and Finn were playing duck duck goose.
"We should probably get ready to go home you two." He called to his kids, Finn who was sat on the ground laughing as Alana chased Liam. "We've got a dinner to make as I don't think papa is done with work yet."
"You're cooking?" Alana stopped running and looked at her father. "Do we have a fire extinguisher?"
"Oi. Watch your mouth young lady or I won't cook for you at all." Louis shot back, trying not to smile.
"Fine." Alana sighed dramatically. "But I'm helping because papa taught me to cook so I'll make sure you don't burn anything."
"Thanks, darling." Louis laughed walking closer. "You ready to go, Finn?" He asked, kneeling down next to his son.
"But... What about Uncle Li and Z, and Ni?" He pouted, "I wanna stay with 'em."
"I know buddy. But we need to go home, we can see them again soon. Maybe tomorrow if you're lucky." Louis said making the four year old reluctantly stand up.
"Kay." He mumbled, pushing himself off the grass.
Alana and Finn said goodbye to their uncles before they both took one of Louis' hand and started walking home as the sun started to set.
When they got home Louis and Alana started making some pasta while Finn sat and watched, looking intrigued at what they were doing. It was nearing seven o'clock and Harry still was not home and Louis would be lying if he said he wasn't the slightest bit worried about when his husband would be coming home.
But he got his answer when they were putting the food on plates and the front door was opened and then slammed shut. Finley jumped at the loud bang as Alana looked cautiously into the hallway.
Louis put the pan of pasta down and walked towards the hallway, seeing Harry pulling off his coat and shoes. "Harry?"
"He's a fucking idiot. And now we're stuck dealing with his mistakes and it's going to take a fucking miracle to make this look the slightest bit good." Harry started rambling his voice getting louder as he walked nearer the kitchen.
"I'm getting changed, I'll be down in a minute." Harry mumbled, walking straight up the stairs. Louis sighed as he watched his husbands retreating figure before walking back into the kitchen seeing Alana anxiously biting her nail as she stared at the door, and Finley was sat on the counter with a worried expression.
"What's wrong with papa?" Alana asked, voice quiet. "Is he okay?"
"He's fine, bug." Louis replied kissing Finley's head once. "Can you watch your brother and don't touch anything hot until I come back? I want to talk to your father quickly." Alana nodded and watched her dad head for the stairs.
When Louis reached the bedroom he opened the door and saw Harry changing into some more casual clothes, still mumbling to himself. And just as he was about to walk towards him and out the door to head downstairs, Louis stopped him with a palm on his chest. "No." He gently pushed Harry back into the room, following him. "You're not going downstairs until you've calmed down. The kids don't need to see you this mad. And the swearing was unnecessary. So when you've calmed down, come downstairs, say hello to your kids and then we'll talk after dinner, okay?" He stated, plainly.
Harry sat down on the edge of the bed, head hung low. "Lou, I'm-"
"It's fine, Harry." Louis cut him off, putting a hand in his hair and gently carding through it, trying to calm him. "I know your mad, and we'll talk about why later. But right now you need to calm down and I need to go downstairs and finish sorting out dinner." He leaned down and placed a kiss on Harry's head before walking out the room, hoping his husband listened and calmed himself before coming downstairs.
Louis, Alana and Finley had only been eating for a couple of minutes when Harry appeared in the kitchen. He walked over to Finley first and peppered his face with kisses making the toddler laugh before he moved to Alana, kissing her head.
"Are you okay now papa?" She asked as he sat down at the table.
"I'm okay now, bug." He smiled at her before they all continued eating. Finley told Harry all about the games they played at the park and when he tricked Louis into giving him extra sweets when they were watching movies earlier.
Harry kept Finley occupied while Louis washed and dried the plates and cutlery from dinner, and Alana was putting them away when they were dry. Once Louis dried the last thing he turned to Harry and smiled when he saw Finley giggling as he tried to get away from his father who was tickling him.
"Haz?" Louis called as Alana ran out the kitchen, saying something about going to her room. "Can we talk now?"
Harry placed a kiss to Finley's cheek before standing up. "Yeah." Their son easily distracted himself with some of his toys that were scattered on the floor so the couple wandered upstairs towards their bedroom.
"Why were you mad?" Louis asked as he reached for his husband, settling his hands on the man's waist. "I'm assuming it was something to do with work?"
Harry let out a breath. "Yeah." He nodded, leaning his body into Louis' more. "One of the guys who we work for did some stupid shit two nights ago, and the press found out and have ran with this story about him being some kind of drug dealer and we're supposed to try and turn it around and make sure his image isn't getting ruined. But the guy is an asshole. It's almost impossible for us to make this look anything but what it really is. But he's getting mad at us because we can't fix his own mistake. And I think he's going to fire our company which means we then get shit from our managers." He wrapped his arms around his husbands neck and looked into his eyes. "And then tomorrow I've got a photoshoot and I've still got to meet with a few guys from my team to sort out what we're going to do about the guy."
"Baby, why do you even still work there. It frustrates you and you practically juggling two jobs." Louis sighed, his thumbs rubbing circles on Harry's hips.
"Don't even say that technically you don't have two jobs because one happens less than the other." He said sternly. "It's still two jobs. Just quit."
"I can't just quit, Louis."
"Why not? You hate it." Louis mumbled as Harry looked away.
"Sometimes we have to do things we don't like."
Louis didn't try to push the topic any further, Harry was stubborn and one conversation wouldn't change his mind about his job. But Louis had this feeling in his gut the rest of the night that he should have pushed him harder.
Louis woke up at 4am to the rain that was pelting against the windows, he sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. He wished he wasn't such a light sleeper nowadays. He was about to fall back asleep when he noticed the room was oddly quiet, he couldn't hear Harry's steady breathing next to him.
He turned around and saw the bed empty, Harry's spot looking untouched. Earlier that night Louis had gone up to their room to go to bed, Harry had said he'd be up in a bit as he had to finish something. But now Louis' doubting he came to bed at all.
He got out of bed and headed for the door, hoping that Harry was just comforting Finley because he didn't like the rain. But that hope was shot dead when he saw no light or sound coming from his sons room. He headed downstairs and immediately noticed the light on in the living room, he sighed quietly and walked into the room.
"Do you know what the time is?" He mumbled when he was in Harry's ear shot. "Why are you down here this late?"
"I had stuff to do." Harry replied, eyes not leaving his computer screen. "I couldn't sleep until I knew I'd done it."
"Harry." Louis moved towards his husband before sitting down next to him, slowly reaching out and closing the laptop. "Please...think about quitting your job. You hate it. You don't need it. And I'm not happy about you doing it if it means you end up not sleeping again."
"It's just one night." Harry groaned. "I've been fine, it was just tonight."
Louis shook his head. "It'll be one night, then two, three. Then the whole week." He sighed and soften his voice. "I'm here now so I'm not going to let you get back to that point again. Last time I couldn't do anything until it was too late, but now I can. And I care about you, and I love you too much to just let you do something that's clearly not any good for you." He put his hand on Harry's thigh and gently drew shapes as he spoke. "Please."
Harry sighed, looking at the floor. "Y'know I started this job because I missed doing things like...filming and being able to share things with people who enjoyed what I did. So doing this, in a way, I was still close to that. If it wasn't for all the people who supported me when I was younger I wouldn't be this fortunate now. And I guess sometimes I just miss doing it."
"Then do that again." Louis suggested. "Go back to filming. You just don't have to take on so many extra things now, and I can help you, that way you're not shouldering all of the responsibility of it."
"I don't know."
"H, even if you don't go back to YouTube, you could quit your job and take up something else you actually enjoy. There's still opportunities for you to change your career." Louis leaned forward and pressed his lips to Harry's temple, kissing him gently. "You like watching Liam do his photography stuff, you could do that. You could help Barbara out at the bakery, I've never seen someone get so excited over a scone." He laughed a little making Harry smile. "You could do anything you wanted. Anything. And I'll support you no matter what you choose."
"Even if I wanted to be a stripper?" Harry smirked, trying not to laugh when he saw Louis' expression change to jealously before switching back to a jokey expression.
"I'd be your no.1 fan."
"Don't worry, I have no interest in that. I'm all yours."
"Good." Louis let out a breath of relief as he laughed quietly. "I would not be able to watch everyone else watching you, and not want to hurt them."
Harry laughed and leaned closer, pressing his nose to Louis cheek for a few moments before pulling back. "I'll quit." He whispered. "I don't know what I'll do instead but if you help me figure it out then it shouldn't be too hard to find something."
"Of course, I'll help you." Louis replied, his hand squeezing Harry's thigh twice. "Now Cmon, let's go to bed before we're getting woken up in a few hours by Finn."
"He has too much energy in the morning." Harry shook his head, standing up and allowing Louis to pull him back to their room, forgetting about all the stress of jobs.
When the morning rolled around, Harry was still peacefully sleeping next to his husband, his face was resting in the crook of Louis' neck, and his arm wrapped around his waist.
But suddenly there was a screech from the doorway, waking both Harry and Louis. "Why are you cuddling without me?!" Finley yelled as he crossed his arms over his chest and stared at his parents. "That's not nice. You can't cuddle without me."
Harry laughed quietly as he tucked himself further into Louis' body. Louis held him tighter as he looked at his son. "Come here then, buddy." Finley stopped frowning and jumped up onto the bed, a wide smile on his face. "I gotta get between you two." He pouted when Louis opened his other arm for Finley to climb under instead of allowing space in the middle.
Reluctantly, Harry pulled away from his husband slightly, leaving a gap between them so Finley could climb in between. Which he happily did. They stayed there for a few minutes before Louis was removing his arm from cuddling his son and husband and got out the bed.
"Daddy, where are you going?" Finley asked, now fully wrapping his arms around Harry.
"We can't stay in bed all day, buddy. Plus your sister is probably waiting for her breakfast." Louis answered as he grabbed a hoodie from the wardrobe.
"I'll be down with him in a bit." Harry called to Louis, still sounding half asleep.
"Alright. I'll have breakfast ready." Louis walked over to Harry and kissed him before tickling Finley when he groaned at them for being "gross".
He walked down the corridor to Alana's room, noticing the door was still closed meaning she hadn't woke up yet. He slowly opened the door and looked inside, seeing his daughter sound asleep cuddling her dolphin stuffed animal she'd had since she was seven. He walked towards her bed and sat down on the edge, smiling at how peaceful she looked.
He reached forward and and gently tucked a piece of hair away from her face before leaning forward and kissing her forehead. She started to shift a little in her bed and was opening her eyes a few seconds later. "Mornin' daddy." She mumbled, rubbing her eyes. "Breakfast?" She sat up, dropping her dolphin to her lap.
"I'm about to make it." Louis replied, "Wanna help me?"
"Well... I mean if you're making it I have to help you." She sighed. "It won't be that good if you don't have help."
"Alright, missy, let's get up then." Louis chuckled standing up from the bed.
"Don't get how you got papa to marry you if he knew you can't cook." She got out her bed and followed her father out the room and downstairs.
"It was my charm and great looks." Louis said making Alana scoff.
"Doubt it." She smiled at him. "Plus he's still with you and you haven't go any charm or good looks left, if you did ever have any."
"Ouch, babe. Bruise my ego." He clutched his chest as Alana walked past him into the kitchen.
"Don't be dramatic, daddy." She didn't even look back at him as she started to grab bowls and pans.
"You are grumpy in the mornings aren't you?" Louis said making Alana turn and glare at him before turning back to what she was getting.
Louis moved around the kitchen getting the ingredients and then the two started making breakfast, deciding on pancakes.
As they were pouring the second pancake onto the pan Harry walked into the Kitchen with Finley on his hip before he put him down on one of the chairs. He walked over to Louis who was watching Alana pour the pancake mix, making sure she didn't hurt herself or drop it.
Harry wrapped his arms around his husbands waist, his front pressed against Louis' back and kissed his neck a few times. "Do you want me to make you some tea?" He whispered, his hands splayed out over Louis' stomach and chest.
"Yes please, love." Louis replied, turning his head to kiss Harry's lips. "Thank you."
Harry just kissed him once more before letting go and moving to get a mug out of the cupboard.
"Papa." Alana spoke up as she put the pancake mix down now that she'd poured. "Why did you marry daddy?"
"What?" Harry looked between her and Louis with a confused smile.
"Why did you marry him when you know he can't cook?" She asked, hands on her hips. "He said it's because of his charm and his looks but that's not possible."
Harry laughed and looked over to Louis, the person he'd loved for as long as he could remember. The person who owned his heart and always will. "He was funny, and always made me smile. And he was nice to me. He was very sweet." He said making Louis smile softly at him
"You've said that before." Alana said, watching the pancake cook. "When you were all dressed up, and daddy cried when he saw you. And nanny was crying next to me too. But it wasn't sad crying it was happy crying." She stated.
"That was the day we got married." Harry told her, remembering the day so clearly. "You were a lot smaller then."
"A lot nicer too." Louis muttered. "You didn't insult me."
"I am nice." She said, sounding shocked. "Don't lie, daddy it's not good. Right papa?"
"Right." Harry replied, trying not to laugh.
"Was I at" Finley looked up from the children's book he was previously entertained by.
"No, bud." Louis flipped the pancake as Alana watched him closely.
"Errr...why not?" Finley pouted. "Lana got to go."
"Lana was six." Harry said. "You weren't born yet, Finn."
"So? You still could have invited me. I woulda come." He said grumpily, crossing his arms over his chest.
"We couldn't invite you. You weren't with us yet."
"Why not?"
"Because we hadn't decided to have another baby yet."
"Why not?"
Harry groaned knowing where this was headed.
"We just hadn't."
"Why not."
"Finn. Stop with the 'why'." Louis said, putting the pancake on a plate and letting Alana pour some more of the mix into the pan.
"But you didn't invite me!" He yelled.
"Buddy, don't yell." Harry gently reprimanded him.
"It's not fair."
"I know bud, if we ever get married again we'll invite you." Harry said to please the toddler. He had no thought to marry Louis again, the first time was enough. The two of them wanted to have a small thing with just the two of them, but their mothers had insisted that they did the full thing. It was very stressful but it was a beautiful day nonetheless.
"You better." Finley grumbled, looking back at the picture book.
It was later in the day and the four of them were out in the garden, Alana and Harry were having a fight with the super soakers while Louis sat with Finley at the picnic table and watched him draw.
"Daddy help me!" Alana screamed as she ran away from Harry. "I'm out of water!"
Louis stood up and Alana immediately ran behind him, and wrapped her arms around him as she hid her face in his back. "Weapon down, Haz." Louis eyed his husband who was still creeping closer with the water gun pointed at him. "You don't wanna shoot me, you'll regret it."
"Oh really?" Harry smirked as he stopped in front of them.
Louis leaned down and whispered something to Alana who then ran towards the side of the house. "Cmon, love, you don't think this is fair do you? I don't have a weapon."
"Your fault." Harry stated with a laugh. "You stepped into battle empty handed."
"I was protecting our daughter."
"And it was very sweet, made you look extra handsome. But you're still not safe."
"Baby. We can talk about this." Louis said as Harry pulled the super soaker back on him, his finger on the trigger. "I'll take you on a really nice dinner."
"Anywhere you want."
"You're bluffing."
"Not at all. We can have a nice dinner, have a walk, I'll have my mum take the kids. It'll be just us all night." Louis smiled. "When was the last time that happened?"
Harry looked at him skeptically just as Alana ran back out from the side of the house, carrying a now full super soaker and a bunch of water balloons. "Daddy!" She yelled as she chucked the super soaker to Louis who caught it and immediately pointed it at Harry. Alana threw a water balloon at him before Louis started spraying him with the water.
Harry let out a loud laugh as he was hit with water and turned his back. "You're teaming up on me. That's not fair!"
"Finley can help you." Louis said as he walked closer, still spraying water all over Harry's back, his T-shirt now going see-through as it clung to his body.
"He's four!" Harry yelled, squealing a little when the water ran down his back. "He's not interested anyway, he's more interested in drawing Thomas the tank engine!" He started to run when Alana hit him with a water balloon on the neck, ice cold water hitting his skin.
Louis chucked the water gun to the floor when he ran out of water. "Daddy, carry me, you're fast!" His daughter yelled. Louis picked her up and sat her on his shoulders as she continued throwing water balloons at Harry.
"Okay, okay, I surrender." Harry said as he reached the corner of their garden.
Alana momentarily stopped throwing the water balloons. She rested her hands on Louis' head, then leant her chin down on her hands. "Whatcha think, daddy? Should we let him surrender?"
Louis made it look like he was thinking for a moment. "Yeah. We won anyway." Alana nodded and dropped the last two water balloons to the floor. Louis knelt down and carefully got her off his shoulders.
"Thanks for saving me." She smiled at her father, her eyes lighting up.
"You're welcome, bug." Louis leaned forward and kissed her forehead before she ran over to her brother who barely even noticed what was going on.
Harry turned to Louis and pouted at him. "Now look what you've done." He gestured to his body, how his shirt was soaking wet and you could see his tattoos through the material.
"I think I made it look better." Louis smirked walking towards him. "It's a nice tight fit now."
Harry watched him walk closer with a smug look on his face before he quickly moved forward and pulled Louis into his body, holding him against his soaking wet clothes.
"Harry!" Louis laughed. "You're freezing!"
"Oh really? I didn't know."
"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Louis said through laughter as he tried to get out of his husbands grip. "You're making my clothes wet now."
"Payback." Harry mumbled with a smile, still holding him close. After a few more moments he let him go with a kiss to his neck. "Much better." He said as he looked at Louis' shirt. It wasn't as soaked as his but he was no longer bone-dry.
"You're lucky I love you." Louis said as he entwined his hand with Harry's and the two walked back to the picnic table where Alana was now drawing with Finley.
They sat down with them, hands still linked under the table. Louis always knew he was lucky to find Harry, but sitting in this moment being able to appreciate his life, he realised just how lucky he was. He got Harry. And he got two beautiful kids who he wouldn't trade for the world, no matter how much they hate on his cooking.
After a few weeks Harry got a new job. He decided to join Barbara in her bakery as he rather enjoyed being able to bake and actually had quite a talent for it too. Alana loved it too as after school Louis would take them there and she would get to go in the kitchen with Harry and watch him make all these pastries and cakes. Finley just liked being able to have cake before dinner.
He still modelled but he found that he was a lot more happy when he knew he had to work because he wasn't stuck in a job that was stressful and making him unhappy. And Louis was glad that he was doing something he enjoyed.
Truth is, he'd always worry about Harry. Not matter what he did. But that's what happens when you care so deeply for someone. But he'd always be there whenever Harry needed anything, he'd give it to him in a heartbeat.
He was beyond grateful for the life he got to live, the opportunities he had. But the best part was getting to wake up next to Harry every morning, and then see their beautiful kids excited faces.
It was everything he could have ever wanted and more.
I don't know how I feel about this. I like it, but I also don't. I hope it wasn't that bad and you enjoyed it (:
Also... happy New Year. I hope you all have a wonderful year and are happy and healthy.
Don't forget to eat and drink something today, and I hope you have a good day/night. I love you <3
Families are the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter - Brad Henry
Blood is one thing, but that's not all that goes into family. The family you choose is the family that really matters. They're the ones who'll keep you standing - Mira Grant
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