Bestfriend's brother.
Okayyyy so I was on tiktok and thought of this after I saw a video so here you go, enjoy (:
Also this is another long one soooo, but it's not as long as the last one 😂
Edit: don't listen to me ^^^ It's practically just as long
3rd person P.O.V
Harry had known the Tomlinson's for around ten years. He first moved to Doncaster when he was six, now he was turning seventeen in around three weeks.
He first met Lottie when he went to school for the first time in Doncaster, she was the only person who spoke to him and since then the two have practically been stuck together. You want one of them, you're gonna get both.
Then he met Louis, Jay and Dan. Jay was always so sweet to him and treated him like he was her own son, although he was round their house enough to live there.
But Louis... god the guy just had to be one of the most attractive people on the planet. He was actually the reason Harry realised he wasn't straight, and now he has an embarrassing crush on his best friends brother. Lottie doesn't even know.
No one knows.
Harry wasn't really a naturally shy person, but when he's around Louis he just gets embarrassingly shy and quiet. It doesn't help that Louis is one of the most popular kids in their school and his friends are always round his house, they tease Harry because he's so shy and well everyone knows he's gay because of some kid a few years ago who outed Harry in front of the whole school during lunch.
Louis is only a year older than Harry, and he's in his last year of school, and Harry hates that he likes him. He really wish he could have liked one of the guys in his own year but no, he had to fall for the older boy who smokes and just happens to be his best friends bother.
Currently Lottie and Harry were walking back to the Tomlinson house as they were gonna have a movie night and Jay had made cookies.
"James is such an asshole." Lottie groaned as she shifted her bag further on her shoulder.
"I don't even know why you dated him, Lotts." Harry said as they walked down the street, the wind brushing through their hair. "I knew he was an arse, but you didn't believe me."
"It was the hair." She mumbled with a frown. "He had such good hair."
"What about my hair? Do I have good hair?" Harry laughed as he pointed to his curls that were starting to grow a little, he thought about wearing a bandana to keep them out his face.
"Of course, your princess locks are my favourite." She laughed, nudging his shoulder with hers as they kept walking.
"Now that I'm thinking about it..." Harry started as he gazed off to the side. "Austin has really good hair too, and he's not an ass."
"Times like this I'm really glad you're gay." Lottie laughed. "We can talk about boys together."
Harry just smiled as he kicked a stone out of his way. "H, you haven't dated anyone... like ever." Lottie said as more of a statement than a question.
"No I haven't." Harry whispered as he tried to stop the thoughts of Louis that were creeping into his head.
"Why not? I know it's not because no ones asked you out because that's a lie." She said as they got closer to the house.
"I don't know, I just haven't found someone who I want to be with." Harry mumbled as Lottie frowned a little.
"They're out there, H. And they're gonna be perfect for you." She smiled as they walked up the drive and towards the front door.
Harry smiled back at her before they walked into the house. "Mum we're home!" Lottie yelled as the two chucked their bags to the floor and walked towards the kitchen, where the smell of freshly baked cookies was strongest.
Jay looked up from the washing up bowl when she heard the two walk into the kitchen. "Hi loves." She smiled and dried her hands before walking over and kissing them both on the head.
"Jay, these smell great." Harry commented as he picked up a cookie and bit into it.
"Thank you, sweetheart." She smiled at him before ruffling his hair. "Oh, could you ask Anne to call me please, we need to talk about your birthday."
"Mine?" Harry mumbled with a mouthful of cookie as Lottie nudged his shoulder with a smirk.
"Yes, yours." Jay laughed before walking back over to the sink. "I need to ask her something."
"Okay." Harry swallowed the cookie. "I'll text her later."
Jay hummed and went back to the washing up as Lottie and Harry continued to chat about random things while eating cookies.
"You know when iron ma-" Lottie got interrupted by the front door opening and a chorus of voices talking loudly.
Harry almost dropped the cookie he was holding as his heart started beating faster. Why did Louis have to do this to him?
"Oh great." Lottie grumbled. "My lovely brother is home."
Harry just kept his head down as the voices got louder and louder until they were right behind him. He didn't dare look up, he already knew that Louis and his asshole group of friends were behind him.
"Hey midget." Louis smirked as he took the cookie his sister was holding and bit into it.
"Louis William, you smell like cigarettes." Jay said sternly as she turned around and stared at her son with a raised eyebrow.
"Not me." He shrugged with a hand on his sisters shoulder.
"I doubt that." Lottie mumbled.
"Shut it. It's not." Louis shot back as he chewed the rest of his cookie and turned to his group of friends for a few minutes before turning back and grabbing a few bottles of beer and coke.
"Hey, Harry." Louis smiled at the younger boy after handing the drinks to his friends.
"H-hi." Harry mumbled, without raising his head.
Louis didn't say anything else before he turned and walked up the stairs with his friends talking loudly behind him.
"Mum please tell me all his stupid friends aren't staying." Lottie spoke once it was just the three of them in the kitchen again.
"Not that I'm aware of. But Lou's 18 and he'll make his own choices." Jay said as she started putting the plates back into the cupboard.
"If you ask him to tell them to go home, he'll do it. He's a mother's boy."
"Lottie, I don't know if they're staying. They probably won't." Jay sighed as she faced the two sat at the counter.
Lottie just nodded. "Wanna start the films now?" She asked Harry who had now looked up as his cheeks weren't as red.
"Sure, are we going in the living room?"
"Yeah." Lottie smiled as she stood up and grabbed a lemonade before her and Harry walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.
Harry had the tv remote as he flicked through Netflix. "We should have chosen films before." He mumbled as they couldn't pick a film to watch.
"We tried but we're both indecisive." Lottie laughed as she rested her feet up on the coffee table. "Should we just watch a bunch of random horror films?"
"We can, I don't know how many are actually going to be scary." Harry mumbled as he went to the horror section and looked through them.
After many minutes of looking they picked pet sematary and started watching that, it was only when Louis came down and saw they were watching a horror film that he decided to sneak over and yell making them both jump before Lottie jumped off the couch and chased her brother.
Jay called them all for dinner around two hours later, Louis' friends had stayed for dinner but said they were leaving after so Jay said they could all eat in the living room.
So now there was Lottie and Harry sat on the bean bag in the corner, Louis and one of his friends were sat on the floor and his other four friends were sat on the couch.
"I'm gonna grab a drink." Harry whispered to Lottie as he stood up from the bean bag and walked into the kitchen. Jay had gone upstairs around half an hour ago so the kitchen was empty.
Harry walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of lemonade before he heard Louis' voice behind him. "Grab me one, Curly."
Harry almost dropped the bottle as he spun around and saw Louis stood a few feet behind him, his hair a slight mess and his cheekbones prominent on his face.
"Woah, I'm not that scary am I?" Louis asked as he walked closer to Harry who had still yet to say anything.
"No. Y-you just made me jump s'all." Harry mumbled as he looked down at the floor, he heard Louis hum before a hand was placed on his shoulder.
He looked up and saw Louis leaning past him slightly as he grabbed a bottle of lemonade from the fridge, his hand steadying himself on Harry's shoulder.
"How's school?" Louis asked once he pulled back and opened his drink, leaning his back against the counter.
"We go to the same school."
"I know that." Louis chuckled. "I'm just making conversation." He shrugged, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"Good, I guess." Harry mumbled, meeting Louis' eyes for a second.
"Lottie said you've been doing photography and music a lot?"
Harry nodded and took a sip from his drink. "I don't know much about photography but I like music, I've got a guitar and a keyboard in my room." Louis said as Harry nodded. He wasn't sure why Louis was talking to him, sometimes things like this happened when Harry came round. Louis would just start talking to him and Harry would have no idea what to do or say.
Just as Louis was about to say something else, one of his friends, Marcus Harry thinks he's called, walks in. "Cmon Lou, you're missing the film."
"I'm just talking to Harry. Do you miss me that much?" Louis joked.
"Nah, but the others were wondering where you got to."
"Wow, Mack. I'm hurt you didn't miss me."
' it's Mack.' Harry thought as Louis placed a hand over his heart.
"Does this little twink even talk anyway?" Mack asked with a laugh but Louis was no longer laughing.
"Watch your mouth mate." Louis said sternly as he looked at Mack.
"Alright, alright. Someone's defensive." Mack laughed before going to walk out the room. "Don't forget that Eleanor wants you to call her." He said before walking out the kitchen completely.
"Yeah, yeah." Louis mumbled as he waved his friend off.
"Eleanor?" Harry slapped a hand over his mouth almost instantly, he didn't mean to say that out loud.
"Yeah?" Louis looked at him confusedly for a minute before turning to walk out the room. "I better go back in, see ya later."
Harry leaned back against the counter once Louis was gone. Why did he have to be so stupid? Who just blurts out a name because he's remotely confused as to if it's his girlfriend.
Harry groaned as he rubbed his hand over his face. Just then Lottie walked in with a worried expression. "H? Are you okay?" She asked as she walked over to him.
"Yeah... m'fine." He muttered. "Does Louis have a girlfriend?" He blurted it out before he could stop it. He wanted to hit himself right now, or fall in a really big hole. And stay there.
"Uh I don't know?" She looked at him with same expression Louis did after he blurted this Eleanor girls name. "Maybe... he came home with a girl yesterday but she stayed for dinner then left. I didn't really hang around to ask. Why?"
"No reason." Harry said as he tried to hide his hurt expression. "Can we go up to your room?"
"Sure, the boys are annoying me anyway." She laughed before the two walked out the kitchen and into the living room.
Harry didn't miss the way Louis' eyes were watching him as they walked through the room and over to the stairs.
It was 11pm and Louis' friends had left a few hours ago, and Harry hadn't seen Louis since when he walked up the stairs after the awkward conversation in the kitchen.
He still had a lingering question in his head, who was Eleanor and was Louis dating her? Harry wanted to cry, he'd liked Louis for a while now and having to see him with someone else might just be one of the hardest things he'll ever see.
Harry and Lottie were leant against the wall as they watched IT, Lottie had a bowl of popcorn in her lap as Harry was hiding partly behind a pillow. He wasn't a fan of clowns.
Just as the music was starting to build up and it created that suspenseful feeling, Lottie's bedroom door swung open making the two let out a loud scream.
"Bloody hell." Louis winced as he stood in the door way.
"You dick!" Lottie yelled as she grabbed the pillow Harry was holding and chucked it at her brother who caught it and threw it back. "What do you want?" She grumbled as she paused the film.
"Have you got my charger?" He asked with a bored expression. "My phones gonna die and someone took it out my room." He said as he glared at Lottie.
"It wasn't me!"
"Well it wasn't mum or Dan so unless we have a thief who steals my charger it was you."
Lottie just groaned. "I'll find it in a minute, just go back to your room."
Louis left the room without another word as Lottie sighed and stood up. "He's so annoying." She mumbled. "Do you want to keep my brother? I don't want him."
"Uh." Harry froze for a minute. "No thanks."
"Don't blame you." She said as she started rummaging around in her draw for a few minutes before pulling out a charger.
"Lottie?!" Jay called from downstairs making Lottie groan again.
"Now what?" She mumbled before extending her arm that had the charger towards Harry. "Can you go give this to Lou while I see what mum wants?"
Harry looked at the charger for a second before reacting. "Uh okay..." He mumbled, taking the charger from her hand. "Is he in his room?"
"Should be." She walked out the room and downstairs as Harry turned left towards Louis' bedroom.
He stopped outside the familiar door covered in random words in sharpie from when Louis was younger, he went to reach for the door handle but froze for a second.
His heart was beating a million miles an hour and his hands were shaking, why did Louis have to have this effect on him? He took a deep breath and gently knocked.
It was only a couple of seconds before the door opened and Louis was stood there, he was frowning before he saw it was Harry and then a small smile brightened his face. His hair was slightly ruffled, and his shirt was crinkled, he was wearing a plain white shirt with some blue shorts.
Harry didn't say anything, he couldn't, it was like his mouth just suddenly decided not to work. He just held his hand out showing the charger to Louis.
"Thanks, H." He smiled and took the charger. Harry felt butterflies when Louis' fingers briefly stroked over his palm. "So Lottie did have it?"
"Yeah." Harry whispered quietly as he fiddled with his hands.
"Can I talk to you a second?" Louis asked, his voice sounded more gentle than normal.
"Uhh o-okay." Harry said as Louis nodded his head behind him, asking Harry to follow him into his room.
Harry hesitated before walking inside Louis' room and followed the boy who sat down on the bed. "Look, I'm really sorry about what Mack said. He shouldn't have said it." Louis spoke softly as Harry sat down next to him.
"It's okay."
"No, Harry it's not. He shouldn't have said it. If they ever say anything to you when I'm not around... could you tell me?" Louis asked as he looked into Harry's eyes.
"Oh, yeah I'll tell you." Harry said, a light blush covering his cheeks but luckily Louis' room was quite dark so you couldn't see it.
"Thanks." Louis smiled. "I'll let you get back to my sister and your films."
When Harry heard the word sister it was almost as if he was brought back to reality, Louis was Lottie's brother. It couldn't ever work, but for some annoying reason, Louis wouldn't leave Harry's mind.
Harry got up from Louis' bed and walked out the room, luckily Lottie was still downstairs so Harry just walked over to the stairs and went down.
He saw Dan hanging up his coat as Lottie was helping her mum with one of the photo frames. "Hey Harry." Dan greeted cheerfully, "How are you, son?"
"I'm good." Harry smiled at him as they both walked towards Jay and Lottie. "You're back late?"
"Oh yeah the office needed me to do some extra work." Dan told him before kissing Jays head and then Lottie's. "So what are you two up to?" He asked as he reached for a bottle of water.
"We're watching films all night." Lottie smiled handing the photo back to Jay before walking over to Harry. "Ready to go back upstairs?" She asked him, he nodded and the two said goodnight to Jay and Dan before walking back upstairs into Lottie's room.
The pair watched movies all the way up until 4am before Lottie fell asleep in the middle of Chucky, Harry had turned of the tv before getting comfortable where he was laying.
But for some reason he couldn't fall asleep.
He tried and tired for what felt like hours but he couldn't fall asleep, there was too many thoughts whirring around in his head and he couldn't shut them off.
He groaned quietly and sat up, being careful not to wake his best friend. He stood up from the floor and tiptoed towards the door before quietly opening it and walking towards the stairs, he knew what floorboards were creaky and what weren't, it helped from how many times he and Lottie had snuck out.
He made it down to the kitchen easily and without waking anyone up, he walked over to the tap and grabbed a glass before slowly filling it up.
"Why are you up?"
Harry almost dropped the glass when he heard Louis' deep voice from behind him. "I could ask you the same thing." Harry said as he turned around after turning off the tap.
"Hmm. Not so shy anymore." Louis smirked as he walked closer to Harry. "So why are you up?" He asked again.
"Couldn't sleep." Harry shrugged, he wasn't sure where his sudden confidence to talk back to Louis was coming from, but he wasn't hating it. "Why are you up?"
"Couldn't sleep." Louis mocked with smug smile as he reached for his own glass and started filling it up. "How was movie night?"
"Good, some films weren't that scary though." Harry said, still dumbfounded at the fact he was having an actual conversation with Louis.
"You looked pretty scared when I came in asking for my charger." Louis laughed quietly as he took a sip from his cup before leaning against the counter.
"That's because we were watching a film about clowns and you burst through the door like you were gonna kill us." Harry shot back with a small smile tugging at his lips. "You deserved the pillow Lottie threw at you."
"I like when you talk." Louis said randomly. "You're normally so quiet around me."
Harry just shrugged as he looked down at the ground.
"Harry..." Louis spoke quietly. "I didn't mean it as a bad thing I just like having an actual conversation." He smiled.
Harry looked up and sent him a warm smile before taking a sip of his drink. "Why do you hang out with that group." He blurted, referring to Louis' friends he was with earlier.
"Wow" Louis chuckled slightly, "You're bold tonight."
"Sorry." Harry mumbled, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
"It's fine," Louis said as he placed his glass down. "I know they seem like a bunch of dicks but they can be nice y'know."
Harry nodded slowly. "It's just, you're you. And they're them."
"I'm me?"
"Well..." Harry blushed more and looked down at the ground again. "Forget I said anything." He mumbled as he went to walk past Louis but a hand grabbed his arm to stop him.
"No, I wanna hear it," Louis said, his voice somehow still sounded gentle.
"It's just, you're so kind, and you stand up for people, but they seem like a bunch assholes who I would stay away from." Harry confessed quietly, as Louis released the grip he had on Harry's arm.
"Thanks." Louis smiled, referring to the fact Harry called him kind. "But they can be assholes, you're right. I normally call them out on their shit though." He laughed slightly, his nose scrunching a little.
Harry just nodded before he yawned slightly. "You should go to bed Harry." Louis said softly. "Ill see you in the morning."
Harry just smiled and walked towards the stairs but almost stopped when he heard Louis whisper a quiet "Goodnight."
Jay had made pancakes for the next morning and as school was having a day off due to a burst pipe, Lottie and Harry didn't wake up until almost 1pm.
Harry spent the first few hours after he woke up with the Tomlinson's before he left to go see his mum and step dad for the day, but his sister was at uni in America so he couldn't see her. But then he ended up going back to the Tomlinson's as Anne wanted to see Jay and then somehow they ended up all sat round the dinner table eating pizza.
"Louis, how's football going?" Robin asked as everyone continued eating.
"Good, the captain position is up and I'm hoping I get it." Louis said excitedly as he reached for his glass.
"I'm sure you will, I haven't seen you play for a while but the last time I watched I thought you did incredible."
"Thanks Robin." Louis smiled before everyone started eating again.
Anne asked Lottie about the modelling stuff she was looking into and then the conversation lead to Harry and his photography.
Just as Jay and Anne stood up to clean dishes, the doorbell rung. Lottie and Harry were sat in the living room on the couch as Robin and Dan chatted about random things.
Louis walked through the living room and towards the front door, he opened it and that's when Harry heard a high pitched voice. Everyone turned their heads to the door to see Louis hugging a girl with brunette hair, just slightly smaller than him.
Harry's mouth almost dropped open as he stared at the two in the doorway. He did his best to hide his hurt expression as Louis pulled away from the girl and turned to face everyone looking at them.
"Uh this is Eleanor." He mumbled, his eyes flicking to Harry's briefly before going back to everyone else.
Eleanor was holding onto Louis' bicep with a big smile on her face. "Hi," she smiled as Dan smiled back.
"You're the girl he brought round before." Lottie spoke up as Dan tapped her shoulder.
"Uh yeah, I am." She laughed a little as Louis looked down at the ground.
"We're gonna go. I'll be home later." He said to Dan who nodded.
"Alright, son, be a gentleman." Dan smiled at the two.
"He always is, Mr Deakin." Eleanor smiled at Louis and Harry had to stop himself from throwing up by looking away.
"Let's go." Louis said to her as he grabbed his jacket and swiftly left the house.
"She seemed nice." Lottie commented as she leant back against the couch.
Harry stood up and fixed his shirt before looking to his step dad. "Does mum have her house keys?"
"Uh yeah, I think so... why? Are you okay?" Robin asked worryingly as Harry nodded.
"I'm fine, I just um remembered I need to do something for school." Harry lied as he quickly said goodbye to Lottie and Dan before walking into the kitchen.
"Oh Harry was Eleanor here? I thought I heard her voice." Jay said as she saw the curly headed boy walk over to Anne.
Harry swallowed, trying to get rid of the lump in his throat. "Uh yeah... they just left."
"Oh shame, I would have said hello." Jay sighed before turning back to the sink.
"Mum can I have the house keys?" Harry asked, his voice getting quieter.
"Why? Are you feeling okay?" She asked her hand immediately going to feel Harry's forehead, but he stepped back.
"I'm fine, I just need to do something at home for school. I forgot about it." He mumbled as Anne reached inside her purse and pulled out the keys.
"Okay, we'll be home soon, honey." She smiled handing him the keys.
Harry gratefully took them before saying goodbye to Jay who walked over and kissed the top of his head before going back to the dishes.
Harry grabbed his shoes and jacket before leaving the house, his feet going as fast as they could to get home. He felt stupid.
Of course Louis had a girlfriend, just look at him. And he didn't even know if Louis liked boys, so why was he stupid enough to fall for someone who he could never be with.
That felt like a stab to Harry's chest. All the years, blushing and being shy around the older boy were stupid and Harry wished he could fall for someone else.
Anyone else. Anyone but Louis.
But he couldn't. It was impossible, Louis was the only boy he'd ever had real romantic feelings for. He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, practically running home with the keys making marks in his hands from how tight he was holding them.
Once he got home he went straight to his room, he kicked his shoes off then took his jacket off as well. Just as he sat down his phone pinged and he slowly turned it over to see the message.
Lotts 🦖: Just checking you're okay?
Haribo 🐣: Yeah, I'm fine (:
Lotts 🦖: Are you sure? You left in a rush.
Haribo 🐣: Yeah, just some school stuff I remembered that I need to finish, I'll call you later?
Lotts 🦖: Okayyyy
Harry turned his phone off before flopping back onto his bed and staring up at the ceiling, one hand was resting on his stomach as the other cradled the back of his head as he laid back against the pillow.
Fuck Louis for being unbelievably attractive. Fuck Louis for having a girlfriend. Fuck Louis for being so fucking nice Harry can't hate him.
He sighed and sat up, glancing around his room for a moment before his eyes fell on the acoustic guitar leant against the wall.
He stood up and walked over to it before picking it up and sitting down on the floor. He laid it across his lap as he placed his fingers over a few of the strings.
He stated playing a random tune, filling the silence in the room with a sweet melody. He started humming along as he continued to randomly play different tunes.
After the night Eleanor showed up at the Tomlinson house, she has been there most times that Harry has, every time he's there, brunette barbie shows up.
Harry hadn't gone round their house for around a week because it was getting harder to see Louis and Eleanor, he knows he sounds selfish but the person he is in love with is with someone else and it feels like someone has taken all of Harry's oxygen away when he sees them together.
Harry was stood by his locker at the end of the day on Wednesday as he grabbed his jacket and books when Lottie walked up behind him. "Hey, H." She smiled. "Wanna come round mine tonight? Mum kept saying she missed seeing you."
Harry just chuckled as he got the last book and closed his locker. "I didn't know I was so easily missed."
"Shut it, we all miss you when you're not at ours." Lottie said with a smile. "Soooo tonight?"
"I don't know Lotts." Harry shrugged as the two walked towards the school doors.
"Why not? You haven't been round in forever and when we hang out we go to the park." Lottie groaned before gasping and turning to look at her best friend. "Has Louis been saying stuff to you? I swear I'll beat him up if he's been saying something hor-"
"No, Louis hasn't said anything." Harry cut her off. "Fine I'll come round tonight."
"Yay!" She squealed before hugging Harry. "Are you staying for dinner?"
"Sure, I've missed your mums cooking." Harry smiled at Lottie before she smiled impossibly wider and nodded.
"Okay. I'll see you at mine soon right?"
"Yeah, let me get changed then I'll walk round." He said before she nodded once more and walked towards Louis' car.
Harry took a deep breath and just hoped Eleanor wasn't there, he ran a hand over his face before starting to walk home.
Once he got home he quickly changed into a black and white striped T-shirt and some jeans before slipping a beanie over his curls. He grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair and said goodbye to his mum and Robin before he left for the Tomlinson house.
It only took him ten minutes before he was walking into his best friends house, he didn't bother knocking as Jay told him to just walk in about five years ago.
He took his shoes off by the front door and started walking towards the kitchen, he stopped in his tracks when he heard a feminine laugh come from the living room, Harry looked to the side and saw Eleanor sat next to Louis on the couch. His arm was around her shoulders as she laughed and leaned closer to him.
Harry felt like someone just hit him straight in the gut, he was frozen for a minute. Louis had no idea he was here until Jay came out of the kitchen and saw Harry.
"Harry, darling!" She squealed before running towards him. Louis immediately turned around and removed his arm from Eleanor when he saw Harry stood in the hallway.
Harry averted his gaze from Louis when he was suddenly engulfed into a tight hug. "I missed you so much, sweetheart." She whispered as she hugged him. "Where've you been?" She asked once she pulled away.
Harry fought the urge to look over at Louis who was still staring at him, his mouth slightly agape. "Uh I've just been busy."
"Lottie told me you're staying for dinner, is that right?"
"Yeah. If you'll have me." Harry laughed slightly.
"Don't be silly, Harry, you're always welcome to come for dinner." Jay said swatting his chest lightly before stepping back. "I need to continue with dinner but I'll talk to you later, okay darling?"
Harry just smiled and nodded as Jay went to turn around but stopped. "Oh Eleanor are you staying for dinner?" She turned to the pair on the couch.
"Oh no, my mum wants me home tonight. Thank you though, mrs Deakin." She smiled.
"Okay, how about tomorrow?"
"Sure, sounds lovely." Eleanor smiled at Jay who nodded and walked back into the kitchen. Louis' eyes had still not left Harry's body.
"Hey Harry." Louis smiled slightly as he moved closer to the side of the couch.
"Hi." Harry said flatly before turning and walking up the stairs to go find Lottie.
He walked into her room and they had a quick conversation before they brought out the board games and started playing monopoly.
Once Harry landed in jail he decided to bring up the question he was wondering. "So have you talked to Louis' girlfriend much?"
"Eleanor?" Harry nodded so Lottie continued. "A little, she seems nice." She shrugged as she moved her piece around the board.
Harry just hummed as he rolled the dice and got doubles so he got out of jail.
The two played monopoly all the way until Jay was calling them down for dinner, Harry reached the bottom of the stairs and saw Louis hugging Eleanor goodbye by the door.
Eleanors back was to Harry and Louis locked eyes with Harry over her shoulder.
"Bye Lou." Eleanors voice brought Louis out of his trance and he pulled away with a small smile in her direction before she walked out the house.
The rest of the night went fine, Harry caught up with Dan and Jay while they ate, Louis' eyes occasionally meeting Harry's for a second before darting away.
It was only when Louis was drying up some of the dishes that he spoke to Harry, Jay had left the room to go get something and Lottie was with Dan in the living room.
"You haven't come round in the last week." Louis commented as Harry grabbed a drink from the fridge.
"I know." He deadpanned.
"Did I do something?" He asked, looking up from the plate he was drying to meet Harry's eyes. "Did my stupid friends say something?"
"No Louis, you nor your stupid friends said or did anything wrong I was just busy." Harry said as he placed his drink on the counter after taking a sip.
"Why don't I believe you?"
"I don't know, I'm not inside your head."
"I love your sudden confidence but you never had it with me, are you sure I didn't do anything to upset you or something?" He asked again as Harry scoffed.
"Just drop it. You didn't do anything. It's just something personal, so leave it." Harry said sternly before waking to the door.
"H, wait-" Louis sighed once Harry walked out the room.
Harry stayed for another hour in Lottie's room before he said he needed to leave and said goodbye. Louis was in his room so Harry didn't bother saying anything to him, especially as he had been slightly cold towards him earlier.
When Harry got home he couldn't help but felt like he was rude to Louis for no reason, he paced his room, a hand in his hair as he tired his hardest not to pull at it. It was a habit he did when he got stressed.
After multiple mental arguments with himself he picked up his phone and scrolled to his least used contact. Louis'. The only reason he had Louis' phone number was because a few years ago Louis was picking up Harry and Lottie from a party but Lottie's phone had died so she called her brother on Harry's phone. Then occasionally Louis would text Harry, just asking how he is if he hadn't been round recently.
Harry: I'm sorry.
Harry sent the message without another thought and was surprised when he got a response almost immediately.
Louis: For what?
Harry: Being rude to you earlier, I shouldn't have. I just have a lot on my mind.
Louis: It's cool, H.
Louis: wanna talk about it?
Harry stared at the message. He couldn't exactly say 'well you see, I've had a crush on you for around 7 years and now you have a girlfriend who is always around and I feel like I'm getting stabbed every time I see you together'
Yeah, maybe that one should go back into the thinking box.
Harry: It's fine, don't worry about, thanks though :)
Much better.
Louis: no problem, curly :))
Harry wanted to cry when he felt the familiar feeling of butterflies in his stomach, it was just a reminder about how much he liked someone he couldn't have.
All day at school on Thursday Harry couldn't focus, Jay had asked for him to come to dinner again tonight and Harry agreed before he remembered that Eleanor would also be there. Louis' girlfriend. The person he likes girlfriend, was going to be there.
When the bell for the end of school went it was the first time Harry didn't race out of the classroom and out of school, he actually didn't want to leave school for once.
Leaving school meant going to the Tomlinson's which also meant seeing Louis and Eleanor act... in love or whatever. Harry wanted to throw up.
"H! You coming?" Lottie brought him out of his trance and he realised it was only the two of them in the classroom, even the teacher had left.
"Oh yeah." Harry mumbled as he grabbed all his stuff and threw it into his bag. "Are we walking?" He asked as they left the classroom and started heading down the corridor.
"No. Lou's driving us."
Harry almost started choking.
"Yeah?" Lottie looked at him suspiciously. "Is that okay?"
"Uh yeah." Harry scratched the back of his neck as they walked out the school. "Is Eleanor gonna come round later then?"
"No shes waiting with Louis now. Oh look they're there!"
Okay, now Harry did start choking.
Lottie had pointed to Louis who looked like he was trying to eat Eleanors face.
Harry's face was going bright red as he choked on literally nothing, Lottie had turned to look at him worryingly as she rubbed his back.
Now Louis had stopped trying to eat Eleanor and was watching Harry almost choke to death with a worried glint in his eye. Eleanor was just staring at Harry as if he'd asked her to eat a snail.
Louis started walking closer as Harry was still trying to breath. "Is he okay?" He whispered to Lottie who shrugged and continued rubbing Harry's back.
Louis quickly ran back to his car and grabbed a bottle of water before running back over and gently grabbing the back of Harry's neck to lift his head up before putting the water to his lips.
When Louis grabbed Harry's neck, he almost started choking more.
He drank the water Louis was practically pouring into his mouth, finally he was able to breath. He caught his breath and looked to Louis with red cheeks. "Thanks." He mumbled, as Lottie laughed quietly next to him.
"No problem. My mum would kill me if you died on my watch." Louis joked with a smile before walking back over to a bored looking Eleanor.
Lottie patted Harry's back one more time before the two walked over to Louis' car, they got into the back as Louis and Eleanor got in the front and he started driving.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Lottie asked Harry as the car pulled out the school gates.
"Yeah. I just... choked on air... don't know why." He shrugged before turning to look out the window.
The ride was awkward, no one talked and the low humming of music wasn't enough to make it better. But luckily it wasn't long before Louis was parking the car in front of his house.
Harry and Lottie quickly got out as Eleanor and Louis took their time. "Hi guys." Jay smiled as she saw them walk into the house. "How was school?"
"Harry almost died choking." Lottie blurted making Harry gasp and turn to hit her.
"Charlotte!" He yelled, "She's overreacting." He said to Jay who raised an eyebrow. "I didn't nearly die."
Jay just laughed and beckoned the two over before kissing them on the head. "Where's Lou?" She asked.
"Outside with Eleanor." Lottie said plainly as her and Harry walked past Jay and into the kitchen were Dan was cutting up some carrots.
"Oh hey guys." He smiled once he heard them walk in.
"Hey." The both said as they sat down at the counter.
Just as Dan handed them drinks Louis walked in with Eleanor attached to his side, her arm looped with his.
"Hey Lou, Eleanor." He smiled at them, before turning back to the vegetables he was cutting. "Do you guys want to go into the living room while you wait for dinner? Shouldn't be too long."
Lottie and Louis nodded before the four of them walked into the living room, Harry kind of wishing he had choked to death in the parking lot.
Anything would be better than this.
Lottie and Harry sat down in the bean bag as Louis and Eleanor sat on the couch, it was a three seater couch but for some reason Eleanor was practically sat in Louis' lap.
Harry just kept his eyes on the tv that was currently playing gogglebox, but it didn't help that Louis kept looking over to him and making the hairs on his neck stand up and his body get goosebumps.
Harry looked over at the couch when he heard Louis mumble something incoherent to him. He saw Eleanor trying to run her hands through Louis' hair but he kept leaning away from her with an annoyed expression on his face.
It was only when Louis' eyes met Harry's that he stilled and the two stared at each other for what felt like hours but was only a few mere seconds.
Harry was the first to look away as he felt his cheeks heating up, Louis followed after and looked back the tv, putting his arm around Eleanor.
After another hour they were called into the kitchen for dinner, they all stood up and walked over to the dining table. Louis and Eleanor on one side Lottie and Harry on the other.
"So Eleanor, Louis said you did modelling?" Lottie spoke up as she bit into a piece of garlic bread.
"Something like that." She smiled.
"Cool, I want to do modelling." Lottie said before turning to Harry. "Actually Harry here, has been taking my photos for my portfolio."
"You take photos?" She asked Harry who nodded.
"Uh yeah, I guess I'm alright." He mumbled, Louis finally looked up from his plate.
"Are you kidding?!" Lottie almost yelled. "He's incredible, seriously. If he doesn't get accepted into some fancy photography college then the school is stupid, because his photos are amazing."
"Thanks Lotts." Harry laughed as he took a sip of his drink.
They made small talk for the rest of dinner, Louis' eyes occasionally catching Harry's for a few seconds before he looked away.
They cleared the plates away before Eleanor and louis stayed downstairs while Lottie and Harry went upstairs. They spent around an hour just playing music and looking at memes on Instagram, before Harry went downstairs to go grab them some drinks.
But he didn't quite make it to the kitchen, he was about to turn the corner when he heard arguing. He quickly froze and stayed hidden behind the corner.
"Cmon Louis how long are you gonna do this?" Harry heard Eleanor talk in an annoyed voice.
"Listen, I just don't want to put a label on it!" Louis shouted.
"Why not!? We've been going on dates and making out for almost two weeks now and you are still saying that we're not together?" Eleanor was shouting now and Harry was very confused, he thought Eleanor was already Louis' girlfriend.
"We're not together!"
"Thats the problem!" She yelled, before there was a moment for silence. "Why won't you just ask me out!? I'm practically your girlfriend already?"
"Well you're not!" Harry could hear the anger and annoyance in Louis' voice and he almost felt bad for snooping... almost.
"El, I'm not asking you out anytime soon. Okay, I'm sorry I'm not giving you what you want but I don't want a relationship right now, not one with a real label." Louis sighed.
"Fine." Eleanor snapped. "I'll call you tomorrow, I need to go."
Harry didn't hear Louis answer so he quickly hid himself further around the corner as Eleanor stormed past before heading straight out the door.
Then he heard the noise of a lighter before the back door slammed shut, Harry flinched when it shook the house slightly.
Harry quickly grabbed the drinks for him and Lottie before he looked out the window and saw Louis in the back garden leaning against the fence with a cigarette between his lips.
He watched him for a minute before running back upstairs to Lottie. "Sorry for taking a while." Harry apologised as he handed a drink to Lottie and sat back down on the floor.
"It's fine." She smiled at him before looking back down to the paper on the floor she was currently drawing on.
After another two hours, Lottie's bedroom door opened and Louis walked in, smelling strongly of nicotine. "Can I talk to you, Harry?" He asked, not even giving Lottie enough chance to ask why he walked in.
"Go away, Louis we're busy." Lottie mumbled as Harry's eyes were locked on Louis' pale blue ones.
"I just- fine whatever." Louis walked out the room without another word and Harry was left wondering what Louis wanted to talk to him about.
Harry only stayed at the Tomlinson's for another half an hour before his mum was asking him to come home, so he said goodbye to Lottie, Jay and Dan but he couldn't find Louis so he just walked out the house.
He was about to start walking home when Louis' voice startled him. "I know you heard us."
Harry turned around to see Louis leant against his car, another cigarette between his lips. "W-what?" Harry stuttered out as Louis took in a deep breath of nicotine before blowing the smoke into the dark sky, away from Harry.
"Me and Eleanor, I know you were round the corner." He said flatly.
"Don't freak, H. It's fine." He said as he threw the cigarette to the floor and stood on it. "Just don't tell anyone about what you heard."
"Just don't. It's none of their business." Louis pushed himself off his car so he was stood straight.
"I won't. Tell anyone that is." Harry rushed out.
"I know you won't." He said as he walked towards the door. "Goodnight, Harry."
Harry didn't get to respond as Louis was already back in the house.
It had been a week since Harry heard Louis and Eleanor fighting in the kitchen, and since then he hasn't seen Eleanor at the Tomlinson house. He didn't know what happened between the two but he was secretly glad he didn't have to see them making out anymore. He was still pretty sure they were still 'together' as no one had mentioned the fact Eleanor wasn't around, finals were coming up so maybe she was just busy.
But of course, as normal, Harry and Louis had been getting stuck in situations when they were alone, it always went them same way. Louis makes Harry flustered, jokes about how confident he is before actually being really nice making Harry flustered again before leaving.
Harry hated it and loved it at the same time. Then you can't forget about the unnecessary amount of eye contact they make daily, if Harry isn't staring then Louis is.
Harry just really wished his feelings for Louis would go away, he didn't know how much longer the could pretend that Louis was nothing other than his best friends brother.
It was currently the day before Harry's 17th birthday and Jay, Dan, Louis and Lottie had come to have a barbecue at the Styles/Twist house.
They where all sat out in the garden, Dan and Robin were talking by the barbecue, Anne and Jay were talking in the garden chairs by the flowers, Lottie and Harry were sat against the fence listening to music and Louis was just sat near Jay and Anne on his phone.
"Harry are you excited for tomorrow?" Jay asked as she looked away from what Louis was doing.
"Yeah I guess." He shrugged. He was never one of those kids to get excited over birthdays, he spent them all the same anyway.
"Oh Jay are you still coming for dinner tomorrow?" Anne asked as the two went back to their own conversation.
Lottie and Harry went back to their music until Dan and Robin were calling everyone for lunch. They all ate outside around the table, making conversation mainly about Harry's birthday or something to do with the news. Harry wasn't really paying attention.
Louis was sat opposite him and like normal their eyes kept meeting but this time it felt different and Harry couldn't figure out why so he just stopped looking up.
Louis helped Dan and Robin clean up while Jay, Anne, Lottie and Harry all went into the living room.
Harry was only sat down for a few minutes before he excused himself and went to his room, sometimes he just needed a couple minutes alone.
He sat down on his bed before reaching for his guitar, he set it in his lap and carefully placed his fingers over the strings. He was so delicate with it, almost like if he didn't do things gently and slowly it would break.
He started playing a random melody as he tapped his foot lightly on the floor in time with the chords he was playing.
"You're really good."
Harry's head shot up at the deep sound of Louis' voice, and he saw the boy stood in the doorway smiling. His hands were in his pockets and his beanie was sat loosely on his messy light brown hair.
"Thanks." Harry whispered quietly as he moved the instrument off his lap and gently set it down next to him. "What are you doing up here? Did you need anything?"
"No." Louis chuckled slightly and walked further into Harry's room. "Your mum wanted me to check on you."
"Course she did." Harry laughed slightly as he felt the bed dip next to him as Louis sat down.
"So you're okay?" Louis asked, his eyes looking straight into Harry's.
"Yeah." Harry smiled back at him, "I'm okay."
"Play what you were playing before I walked in." Louis said randomly as he pointed to the guitar.
Harry just reached for the guitar and put it back in his lap before he started to play the same melody as before.
Louis sat there in silence just listening to Harry play, he had a fond expression on his face as he watched. "Where did you learn to play?" He asked once Harry stopped.
"I taught myself." Harry said quietly as he looked up at Louis he seemed a lot closer than before, there was only a tiny gap between them now.
"I can play piano, and a bit of guitar," Louis said as their eyes met once again.
"You can play?" Harry asked, slightly dumbfounded.
"Don't sound so shocked, H." Louis laughed a little. "I am good at some things."
"That's not what I meant." Harry quickly said. "I think you're really good at football, way better than me, I would fall straight on my face as soon as the whistle went-"
"Harry, it's okay. I know you didn't mean it like that." Louis cut him off. "And yes I can play, my friend taught me how to play the guitar and then I learnt the play the piano when I started getting into music."
"I knew you started liking music but I didn't know you could play anything."
"I could say the same thing." Louis smiled as their faces slowly started getting closer, Harry's heart felt like it was about to jump out of his chest. Was this really happening?
"You're eyes are so bright." Louis whispered as he moved the guitar out of Harry's lap carefully and closed the gap between them more so now their legs were touching and their faces were inches apart. "Beautiful."
Harry was trying to control his breathing as his head subconsciously tilted upwards slightly, his lips parted.
"You have a girlfriend." Harry breathed out as their lips were about to meet.
"I don't." Louis whispers back, his eyes still locked on Harry's who's were starting to flutter closed.
"Whatever she is to you. You're kind of with Eleanor." Harry said, restricting himself from just allowing Louis to kiss him. He wanted him too, he really did but he wasn't going to let him if he had a girlfriend.
"No, I ended everything with her about a week ago." Louis confessed as he almost leaned in the rest of the way but stopped himself.
"Oh." Harry breathed out with a small smile on his lips.
"Yeah..." Louis said as Harry went to lean in the rest of the way but stopped again.
"You're my best friends bother." He sighed as Louis closed his eyes and pulled back with a slight smirk.
"And you're my sisters best friend. Glad we've established that." He said smugly as he leaned forward again his lips grazing Harry's, making the younger boy get goosebumps and his heart rate pick up. "Now do you wanna kiss me or not?" Louis asked his lips were practically touching Harry's already.
"Yeah..." Harry barely breathed out before leaning forward and pressing his lips against Louis'. Louis immediately kissed back, his hand going to Harry's cheek as he gently kissed him.
It amazed Harry how gentle Louis was being with him, his kiss was soft and his touch was gentle. It was like Louis was scared to break him, as if he was some expensive china that was so fragile you had to be delicate with it.
But for some reason it made Harry shiver more and he moved himself closer to the older boy. He felt safe.
There was no tongue it was just a simple sweet kiss and that made it ten times more special, it felt like they had all the time in the world.
Louis pulled back after a few more seconds before resting his forehead against Harry's who was smiling like a fool. "God, I've been wanting to do that forever," Louis breathed out as his own goofy smile appeared.
"You have?" Harry pulled away more to look into Louis' blue eyes.
Louis just nodded and dropped his hand from Harry's cheek,' making the younger boy shiver slightly.
They were still so close that Harry could see all the little marks on Louis' cheeks that you normally couldn't see from far away, and the little specks of light that covered his face as the sun shone onto them, creating this fairytale like setting.
"What did we just do?" Harry asked to no one in particular.
"I don't know." Louis replied before looking back up to Harry's face. "But I really wanna do it again."
"Then do it." Harry smiled shyly as Louis' eyes crinkled at the side and their lips met once again in a soft and gentle kiss. And Harry decide right then that nothing would ever feel better than this. With Louis' lips against his and the feeling of safety and warmth surrounding him. This is where he wanted to stay forever.
Louis placed one final kiss to Harry's lips before he pulled away fully and took a deep breath.
They were quiet for a few minutes, neither of them really knew what to say, until Harry spoke up. "I need to know if this actually meant anything to you, or it was just- I don't know an experiment or-"
"Harry." Louis cut him off. "It's not an experiment or any of the other things that you're thinking. It means something to me, I meant when I said I'd been waiting to do it for a while."
"But you were with Eleanor." Harry states, his voice a whisper as he looks down at the floor.
"I know what it looked like." Louis started, "I'm not proud of myself for what I did because... I didn't like her, I tried to like her, I really did. But I couldn't because every time I looked at you, she was no longer there, she wasn't even part of a tiny fraction in my head when I saw you."
"Why did you try to like her?"
"Because I liked you. I shouldn't like you." Louis said as he looked down at his hands. "You're my sisters best friend and I fell for you, and I was trying to forget about you because I knew it couldn't happen so I was just setting myself up for heartbreak. And then one of my friends came up to me in school and said that Eleanor liked me. So I asked her out on a date. And again. And again. I kissed her, I did everything I could to get you out my head but It didn't work." He sighed and looked up at Harry. "I could see that you seeing us hurt you and when I knew you heard our argument I decided that I couldn't keep using her because it wasn't right, so I ended it."
"You liked me?"
Louis smiled at the younger boy. "I like you. I didn't stop liking you, H."
Harry blushed as he looked down at his lap and fiddled with his hands. It was so weird, this was all he had wanted for so long but now it was happening he had no idea what to say. "I like you too." Was all he was able to get out.
"I figured that a long time ago." Louis chuckled quietly making Harry pick his head up and gently hit Louis' arm.
"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Harry asked, subconsciously moving closer to Louis.
"I was scared, like we've gone over, you're my sisters best friend and I didn't know what she'd say if she found out so I just kept it a secret and hoped that it would go away on its own." He paused. "It obviously didn't."
"How long ago did you know you liked me?"
"Umm." Louis thought for a minute. "Around five years ago."
"I beat you." Harry smirked. "I knew seven years ago."
"Alright, H." Louis laughed. "No need to make this into a competition."
"'Cause I'd win."
Louis smiled and started tickling Harry, making the boy squirm away with loud squeals coming from his mouth. "L-lou s-stop." He laughed. "The door's open."
Louis stopped and looked over to the door that was indeed open, he quickly stood up and closed it before turning around to face Harry with a smile. "No it's not."
He walked back over to the bed and sat down next to Harry. "What are we gonna do?"
"I don't know." Harry whispered back, a frown forming on his face as he was brought back to reality.
"I don't wanna try to forget about how I feel about you again."
"I don't want you to."
"Then what do we do?" Louis asked as he turned to face Harry fully. "Lottie can't know yet. No one can. If we really want to do this then no one can know."
"I agree." Harry said. "At least not until we know how to tell Lottie, she'll be more pissed if she's the last to know."
"More pissed than the fact that her brother is dating her best friend?"
"Yeah..." Harry breathed out before running his hands over his face.
Louis moved closer to Harry and wrapped his arm around him, Harry instinctively leant his head on Louis' shoulder. He's never felt this safe before by just being in someone's arms.
"We'll be okay." Louis whispered as Harry closed his eyes.
"What if we're not?" Harry whispered. "What if it doesn't work because Lottie gets mad and our parents don't approve or-"
"Love, we're gonna be fine." Louis said softly. "If Lottie gets mad then in a week she'll be over it, and if our parents don't approve then that's their problem. I'm eighteen anyway so I can move out and then they won't have to see us together." He picked Harry's head up off his shoulder so he could look into his eyes.
He had his hands placed on either side of Harry's face, "Everything will be fine. But I don't want to give up and not try if when people find out they don't care and we can be happy. Because if I live my life knowing I could have had you and been so happy but I gave up and didn't try because I was scared of what others thought, I wouldn't be able to look at myself." He said sternly as Harry looked into his blue eyes.
"Okay..." Harry breathed out as he nodded slowly. "Everything is going to be okay."
"It is." Louis smiled, his hands still on Harry's cheeks. "It can a secret for now, no one has to know yet."
Harry nodded and slowly leant forward before Louis leaned in the rest of the way and their lips met in the middle.
It was the same slow, gentle, kiss that the others were but it still gave Harry butterflies and he knew that he could happily do this for the rest of his life.
They pulled away slightly with goofy grins while they smiled at each other, it was only when they heard a knock on the door that they sprung apart and Louis nearly fell off the bed.
Anne walked in and looked at the two boys. "Everything okay up here?" She asked looking between them.
"Yup." Harry chirped. "Louis was just checking I was okay." He said remembering that's the reason Louis came up in the first place.
"So are you?" She asked her son who nodded.
"Yeah. He was just err..."
"Helping him with girl drama." Louis cut in seeing Harry struggle to come up with a lie.
"Oh really?" Anne knew Harry liked boys and girls so she didn't think anything of the lie.
"Yeah, there's this girl he likes but he doesn't know what to do." Louis said as Harry gave him a subtle 'really?' look.
"Ooh, what's her name?" Anne asked as Louis turned to Harry and mouthed a quick 'sorry'.
"Let's not talk about it now mum." Harry said as he shifted uncomfortably on the bed. "I'll tell you all about.. her later."
"Okay, sweetie." She smiled before heading out the room, closing the door behind her.
"Girl trouble? Really?" Harry said as he turned to Louis who shrugged.
"I panicked."
"I could tell." Harry laughed as Louis moved back closer to him.
"Good luck coming up with a fake girl."
"Oh no, you're helping me with that. You got me into the mess so you can help me get out of it." Harry said sternly as Louis chuckled. "We should go downstairs before anyone else comes up and you say something else."
Louis nodded and both boys stood up before walking downstairs where everyone was sat around the coffee table talking.
Harry went and sat on the armchair of Lottie's chair while Louis sat down next to his stepdad on the couch before grabbing a can of redbull.
"So Louis," Anne spoke up, "Jay was telling me about a girl you've been going on dates with lately."
Louis almost spit out his drink when he heard what she said, luckily he swallowed and looked up as the whole room was staring at him. "Eleanor?"
"Oh yes that was her name!" Anne said as she clasped her hands together in her lap. "So is she you're girlfriend?"
"Err." Louis looked over to Harry who was biting his lip trying not to laugh because of what just happened less than ten minutes ago.
"Lou, she hasn't actually come round for a while." Jay cut in. "You should invite her round again."
"Err, we err didn't work out in the end." He said with his lips pressed together in a tight lined smile before he subtly glared at Harry who was trying not to smirk.
"Oh that's a shame, she was a lovely girl, you looked lovely together." Jay said as everyone in the room listened.
"Yeah... shame." Louis mumbled as Harry got up with Lottie and the two went to his room.
The Tomlinson's had gone home just before 5pm and then Harry went into his room and wrote some music and played his guitar for a few hours.
He had dinner with his stepdad and mum before they watched some films downstairs and then he went back up to his room at around 10pm.
He had been sat on his bed for the last two hours watching Netflix. It was now almost midnight which meant he was almost seventeen.
Sure he liked birthdays but it was never something that he was counting down the hours for. He was sat on his bed about to start the new episode of American Horror Story when he heard a knock. But it didn't come from his door.
He turned the volume down on his laptop and set it to the side as he sat up and looked around his room, it was only then that he saw Louis outside his window. Harry's eyes widened as he quickly got off the bed and walked over to the window before opening it and helping Louis inside. "What the hell are you doing outside my window?" He asked once Louis was safely inside the room.
"I wanted to talk to you."
"And you didn't think to text or call me or I don't know... use the door?" Harry asked as he tried not to laugh.
"I was being romantic." Louis stated with a pout when Harry raised his eyebrow at him. "Y'know like in the films when one of them climbs up to the window. But apparently it's a lot harder to do that in real life."
"Didn't realise that before you started climbing?" Harry asked and Louis shook his head making him laugh.
"Plus we're a secret and it would be pretty weird if I showed up to talk to you in the middle of the night." Louis said as they went over to the bed and sat down.
"Fair point." Harry said as Louis just smiled and moved slightly closer to him. "You wanted to talk to me?
"Oh yeah." Louis sat up and crossed his legs underneath him. "I was wondering if you could make up and excuse tomorrow evening?"
"Because I wanted to take you out somewhere for your birthday." Louis said quietly as it was the middle of the night and Harry's parents were probably asleep.
"You want to take me out?" Harry had a light blush covering his cheeks when Louis nodded. "Okay, I'm sure I can make up something. But aren't you and your family coming for dinner tomorrow?"
"Yes, which is why it might be quite late when we go that okay?"
"It's fine, Lou." Harry smiled at the older boy who let out a relived sigh.
"I should probably go then." Louis mumbled as he went to stand up but Harry grabbed his arm.
"You don't have to." He said with a hint of hope in his voice. "You could stay. Just for a little bit."
Louis smiled fondly at the boy who was looking down at the floor. "Sure, love." He smiled and sat back down on the bed next to Harry. "What are you watching?" He asked when he saw the laptop half open.
"Oh, I was watching American Horror Story." Harry said as he moved back so his back was against the headboard before motioning Louis closer.
"I haven't seen that yet." Louis commented as he leaned against the headboard next to Harry before picking up the laptop and setting it on his lap.
Harry cuddled closer to him before resting his head on Louis' shoulder and starting the show again and the two stayed like that while watching the show in front of them.
After ten minutes of the two cuddled together, Harry's head still on Louis' shoulder, Harry spoke up. "Why does this feel so natural?" He asked as he turned his head more into Louis' neck. "Like it feels like we've been doing this forever."
"I've got that feeling too." Louis mumbled into Harry's hair before placing a gentle kiss there. "It's quite nice though. Comforting."
Harry hummed in agreement as he looked back to the laptop and noticed the time. "Lou." He said quietly. "Its midnight."
Louis turned his head and smiled at the boy cuddled into his side. "Happy birthday, H." He kissed Harry's lips before pulling back and letting Harry settle his head back on his shoulder.
Louis stayed with Harry for another half an hour before he left, this time out the front door, he kissed Harry goodbye before he left the house.
Harry closed the front door after Louis' figure was gone and he walked back up to his room with a big grin on his face.
He was so happy.
When Harry woke up he already had a smile on his face, he changed into a plain white shirt and black jeans before deciding to keep his hair back using a bandana.
He grabbed a blue one with white stars before tying it behind his head.
He looked in the mirror adjusting his bandana before heading downstairs for breakfast.
His mum had made pancakes so he happily sat down and ate them while talking with Robin and his mum, they gave him his presents but he said he was going to wait until later to open them.
Then a few of his friends from school texted him and he talked with them for a little while before he went out to go meet them. He hung out with them for a couple hours before meeting up with Lottie who then took him to a local theme park.
When they were done at the theme park, they drove straight back to Harry's as it was almost 5pm and the Tomlinson's were round having dinner for Harry's birthday.
Once they got back Anne was already cooking with the help of Robin while Jay and Dan were chatting with them while sat at the breakfast bar, drinking wine.
Harry looked for the familiar blue eyes but he couldn't see Louis anywhere. "Is Louis not coming?" Harry asked Lottie who looked slightly confused to why Harry was asking but answered him anyway.
"He said he'd be round for dinner but he had something to do first." She shrugged as they sat down on the couch and started watching Friends.
Just as dinner was being placed on the table, the front door opened and Louis walked in. Jay shot him a glare, obviously disappointed that he was so late, but he just sat down at the table after saying hello to everyone.
"Harry, are you going to open your gifts after dinner?" Anne asked as everyone started eating the chicken she made.
"Yeah." He smiled before taking a sip of his drink. He felt someone kick his shin lightly and he looked up to see Louis smiling at him, his eyes crinkling at the sides.
Harry smiled back as his cheeks started to heat up before he looked back down at his plate and continued eating.
After dinner they all sat in the living room while Harry opened his gifts.
He was never one who liked the gifts more than anything else but he was grateful and very happy with what people got him. He got some music stuff from the Tomlinson's and some clothes from family and some money but his favourite gift was the camera he got.
It was the newest camera and Harry had seen it around three weeks ago and he was going to buy it for himself but he didn't have enough money, but Robin and Anne bought it for him and he was so excited to use it.
He thanked everyone for the gifts before everyone settled down in the living room and watched a film of Harry's choice before playing a board game.
It was around 9pm when the Tomlinson's left, Louis had just finished his bottle of beer when his mum said they should get going and that they'll come round soon.
Lottie and Dan said goodbye to Harry before they left the house, Louis sent him a smirk before walking out and then Jay kissed his head and said goodbye.
Harry told his parents that he was quite tired so they said goodnight and he went up to his room, he waited for a few minutes before his phone beeped. He grabbed it and saw it was a message from Louis.
Louis: Are you ready to go out? :)
Harry: Yup, where are we going?
Louis: You can't know that yet. But bring your camera.
Harry: whyyyyy
Louis: just do it, H :)
Harry: Fineeee, am I meeting you somewhere?
Louis: look out your window ;)
Harry turned his phone off before turning around and walking over to the window, he pulled the curtains back and saw Louis stood on the grass with his phone in his hands, looking up at the window.
Harry laughed when Louis saluted up at him.
Harry: I'll be down in a second.
He grabbed a jacket from his wardrobe as it was getting darker so the sun was no longer providing any source of heat.
He managed to get down the stairs without alerting his mum or Robin, then he got to the front door and slowly opened it before sneaking out and closing it behind him.
He walked round to where Louis was stood and smiled when he saw the blue eyed boy putting his phone into his pocket.
Louis looked up and smiled at Harry before walking closer. "Hey you. Have a good birthday?" He asked as they stood chest to chest.
"Mhm." Was all Harry said as his eyes flickered down to Louis' lips.
Louis noticed and smirked before putting one of his hands on Harry's back and pulled him closer before kissing his lips. Harry immediately kissed back as he melted into Louis' touch.
Louis' other hand went around Harry's back too and pressed the younger boy closer to him as they continued to kiss.
They pulled away after a few minutes, slightly breathless and both blushing. "Well that was nice." Harry giggled quietly before Louis readjusted he beanie on his head.
"I'm such a bad influence, you're already sneaking out the house." Louis laughed.
"Don't flatter yourself, you're not the first person I've snuck out to meet up with." Harry responded in a sort of seductive tone making Louis raise his eyebrow.
"I don't wether I should be jealous or aroused." He joked as Harry laughed and Louis kissed his lips once more before grabbing Harry's hand and gently pulling him towards his car.
"Yes, H?" Louis was smirking as he had a feeling he knew what Harry was going to ask.
"Where are we going?" He asked once Louis opened the passenger door for him.
"I told you before, you have to wait." He said as Harry got into the car, he closed the door and walked round to the divers side before getting in and starting the car.
"Well why did I need my camera?"
"So you can take pictures." Louis smiled over at him before looking back at the road, he could see in the corner of his eye that Harry was pouting so he patted the boys knee before leaving his hand there making Harry stop pouting and smile down at the floor instead.
It didn't take long until Louis was parking the car and walking round to Harry's side before opening the door for him with a bow.
Harry laughed and got out the car before Louis was again reaching for his hand and holding it in his. It was almost 10pm and the sky was filled with millions of tiny stars that somehow made everything look magical no matter where you are.
The moon was shining brightly as Harry looked up at the sky, Louis was admiring Harry as he looked so entranced by the night sky.
Harry took out his camera and took a picture of moon and the trees before he and Louis started walking. Harry could see a lake far to the right of them, and a few shops to the left, the path they were walking on was lit up with different colour lights and Harry thought it looked beautiful.
Suddenly one of the shops caught Harry's eye and made the boy tug on Louis' hand. "Lou can we get inc cream?!" Harry almost squealed like a child as Louis laughed at him with a fond smile.
"You want ice cream at... 10 o'clock at night?" Louis questioned and laughed when Harry nodded. "Okay, let's go get some ice cream."
Harry smiled happily and the two walked over to the lit up shop with the big neon 'open' sign.
Harry got vanilla and Louis got mint choc chip, and because it was the middle of the night they easily ordered and got their ice cream before heading back along the path that lead towards the lake.
"Wanna try some?" Harry offered his ice cream to Louis with an innocent smile. Louis leant forward and licked a bit before Harry tipped the ice cream forward so it got on Louis' nose.
Louis laughed as his mouth formed an 'o', Harry started laughing as he pulled out his camera and took pictures of Louis with the ice cream on his nose.
Then Louis jumped forward and did the same to Harry with his own ice cream, before turning the camera and taking a picture of Harry. Then Harry took one of the both of them.
Harry wiped the ice cream off his nose as did Louis before they held hands again and continued walking while actually eating their own ice cream this time.
They followed the path around the lake that had lights shining onto it as well as water features creating small fountains in the water.
Despite it being dark, it was actually quite nice there, the lights lit up the path and the water, the stars were shining above them and there was no one else around. It was just them.
Once they had finished their ice creams they had reached a bridge that crossed over the lake so you could get to the other side, Harry obviously took a few pictures of it as there was pillars with fairy lights wrapped around all the way along the bridge.
When they were halfway along the bridge Louis pulled back on Harry's hand so they both stopped, Harry looked over at him confused. "I have two things I need to say." Louis started. "First is a question, I know that we only admitted to liking each other yesterday but we've both known how we felt way longer than that." He stopped for a second as he looked down before looking back up at Harry. "I don't want to wait any longer because I finally get to be with you so... Harry, do you want to make it official?"
"Like boyfriends?" Harry asked with a goofy smile.
"Like boyfriends." Louis nodded as he chuckled. Harry didn't waste a second before nodding and practically throwing himself into Louis' arms.
Louis hugged him back as Harry hid his face in Louis' neck. "And the other thing I wanted to tell you was that I still have a birthday gift for you."
"But you already got me one?" Harry pulled away as Louis nodded and turned them both to face the lake.
"Look up at the sky." Louis said and Harry did just that, not sure what he was supposed to be looking for. "Can you see the bright star near the moon?" He asked and Harry nodded. "Okay, now look in between the moon and the bright star. Do you see the slightly dimmer star in between?"
Harry nodded as he kept his eyes locked on the star Louis was pointing out to him. "That's your star." Louis whispered as Harry looked away from the sky and over to Louis who was now holding a piece of paper in his hands.
Harry took it from Louis' outstretched hand and looked at it, it was a star certificate. It had Harry's name on it and then a registration date, then on the side was a thank you for choosing and naming a star.
There was another piece of paper behind it so Harry pulled it out to look at it, it was a picture of the star and how to tell it apart from the others.
Harry had a dimpled grin on his face as he looked at the papers in his hands, he looked up at Louis and hugged him again, being weary of the certificate he was still holding. "Thank you, Lou." He whispered, "I love it."
Louis hugged him back and they stayed there for a few minutes before Harry pulled away and held his camera up to the sky before taking a picture of the star.
Louis put the papers back in the case that was in his backpack before reaching for Harry's hand and they continued to walk to the other side of the lake.
On the other side was a flower garden that Harry took lots of pictures of different flowers and even more of Louis.
After almost three hours at the lake they started heading back to the car, Harry's hand was still entwined with Louis as they walked.
Louis kept his hand on Harry's knee, the same as he did earlier, as they drove back home. It was just after midnight when Louis parked outside of Harry's house.
"Thank you for tonight Lou." Harry whispered as they both got out the car but Louis leant against it as Harry held onto the ends of his sweatshirt as he stood in front of him. "I had a really good time." He smiled.
"So did I." Louis smiled back at him before placing his hand gently on the side of Harry's face before they both leaned forward for a kiss.
The kiss was sweet and short but just when Louis was about to pull away, Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' neck so he couldn't move. Louis didn't complain as he fell back into the kiss, his hands going to Harry's waist.
The kiss became less gentle and sweet and more needy and rough but neither of the two minded as they kept kissing, Louis' back pressed against his car, harry stood in between his legs, their chests pressed together.
They pulled back after a minute or so, they were both breathing heavily as Louis licked his lips and stood up straight.
Harry made sure he had the star certificate before stepping away from Louis' car but not without a final quick kiss.
He walked to his front door with a love struck smile on his face and used his house key to unlock the door, luckily he was able to get inside the house without making too much noise.
He got up to his bedroom without waking anyone up, and stumbled over to his bed after almost tripping over something on the floor.
He placed the star certificate on his desk before falling onto his bed with a grin on his face.
For the next three weeks Harry and Louis met up most nights and either went out somewhere or they stayed in each other's rooms, of course they were gone by morning in case someone walked in and saw them asleep together.
But it was slowly getting harder to hide it from everyone, especially Lottie, Harry still hung out with her a lot but it was just harder at the Tomlinson house because Louis was there and the two couldn't help smiling when they saw each other.
It was hard pretending that Louis was only Lottie's brother, as there was a lot more going on behind the scenes.
One night they had almost got caught by Lottie, Harry was in Louis' room and the two were just talking while sat on the bed but then Lottie knocked on the door.
"No way, Bambi was way more sad than Nemo." Louis said as Harry hit him on his bicep before leaning in and kissing it as if it hurt. "It didn't hurt, love." Louis chuckled.
"That's because I was going easy on you." Harry said with a fake tough expression as Louis laughed. "Even though you're wrong because Nemo lost most his family before he even knew who they were, and then was lost from his dad for most the film."
"But then he didn't know them," Louis protested. "Unlike Bambi who knew his mum but then she got shot and killed, so he was all alone in the scary world. He only had her and then she was gone, he was only young and all alone."
"You seem very attached to Bambi..." Harry commented. "Do I need to know something about your emotional connection to Bambi or something."
"No." Louis laughed as he pulled Harry to lay down with him. "But you remind me of Bambi." He whispers.
"Me?" Harry turns his head to Louis as he settles into his arms, their legs entwined.
"Yeah, you're all clumsy and lanky, sweet, gentle, fragile." Louis smiled as he stroked his thumb across Harry's cheek.
"Is that why you're always so gentle with me?" Harry asked as he leaned into Louis' touch.
"I feel like I need to be, you're delicate and I'm going to make sure I treat you that way." Louis whispered. "I don't want you breaking on me." He laughed lightly.
Harry just smiled and cuddled into Louis more, resting his head on his shoulder. Just as Harry's eyes were starting to close, because Louis raking his hand through this hair was making him sleepy, there was a knock at the door making Harry sit up with a worried expression.
"Lou?!" Lottie's voice was heard outside the room.
"Shit." Louis jumped off the bed and looked for somewhere for Harry to hide.
"Lou?" Harry whispered with a panicked expression on his face.
"Louis?!" Lottie shouted again.
"Hang on one fucking second Lottie!" Louis yelled as he looked over at his closet and pointed to it. "I'm getting changed!"
Harry quickly ran over to the closet and luckily it was one of the ones that were built into the wall so he got inside easily and closed the door.
"Okay!" Louis yelled as he sat back down on the bed.
"Mum wants to know if you want lasagne or spaghetti for dinner?" She asks making Louis groan and flop backwards onto his bed.
"Couldn't you have texted me and asked?" He mumbled as he threw his arm over his eyes.
"Why? What were you doing?" She asked walking further into the room.
"Nothing." He quickly sat up. "Tell mum I don't care which one."
"Okay, even though she'll complain that you didn't pick one. Also I needed to grab my leggings."
"I did not steal your leggings." Louis quickly said as Lottie smirked and picked up an item of clothing off the floor.
"Sure, and these just somehow got in here." She said smugly as Louis pushed her towards the door.
"Just text me when dinners done." He said before pushing her out his room and closing the door, he heard her footsteps going downstairs so he walked over to his closet and opened the door so Harry could get out. "Sorry 'bout that."
Harry just shook his head with a smile. "It's fine, at least she didn't know I was in here." He said before sitting back down on the bed.
It was silent for a minute before Harry looked over at Louis with a smirk. "So leggings huh?"
"Shut up." Louis said as he sat down next to Harry. "They're comfy, okay?" He mumbled into Harry's shoulder.
Harry just laughed and turned his head to kiss Louis' forehead. "I bet you look great in them." He said making Louis whine in embarrassment and tuck his head into Harry's neck.
Flashback over
So for the last three weeks no one knew about their relationship, not even their friends, which is why louis' friends were still kind of assholes to Harry. But Louis never let them say anything without then getting shouted at.
Harry was always taking pictures and Louis didn't mind, he knew that Harry liked to take pictures of things to remember them. He took pictures of places they went, things they did and some were just Louis. And when Louis asked him why, Harry's answer was simple.
Harry and Louis were laying down on the ground in a flower field, there was buttercups and daisies and the grass was so green that it almost looked like something out of a film.
So of course Harry took out his camera and started taking pictures of everything, even Louis. He didn't know Louis was watching him, he thought he had fallen asleep after they had a picnic, but Louis was silently watching Harry take all these pictures with so much admiration for the younger boy.
Louis' voice started Harry slightly and he almost fell over making Louis laugh as he sat up. "Don't laugh." Harry pouted. "You made me jump."
"Sorry, lovely." Louis whispered before quickly pecking Harry's lips.
"What did you need?" Harry asked as he let the camera hang around his neck loosely.
"I was wondering why you always take photos? Not that I mind, I was just wondering." Louis said as Harry moved closer to Louis and leaned back against him.
"I like taking pictures in moments where I'm having fun, so if I'm scared I might forget it one day I take a picture or two, that way I can look back at it and remember how happy I was in that moment. Then I never forget it." He said with smile as Louis put an arm around Harry's front and Harry let all his weight fall back onto Louis knowing he wouldn't let him fall.
"Can I see some of your pictures?" Louis asked, his question slightly muffled by Harry's hair.
"Sure." Harry lifted the camera and brought up the gallery before taking it off his neck and handing Louis the camera.
Louis took the camera with his free hand as he kept Harry stable from how he was leant against him. He clicked through hundreds of photos all of them different, some were taken during the day, others at night, some were more colourful than others.
Once Louis had seen them all he gently put it back around Harry's neck. "What do you take pictures of? Because all the ones on your camera were of everything, there wasn't anything specific, there was even pictures of me on there." Louis stated as Harry turned his head to look at him.
"I take pictures of things I find beautiful." He smiled at his boyfriend before he was smothered by kisses.
Louis was kissing all over his face making the younger boy squeal as he tried to push him away. Louis gently pushed the boy to the ground so he was laying on his back with Louis hovering over him.
'I love you.' Is what Louis wanted to say but instead he kissed Harry's lips with so much passion that it was almost like he was trying to tell Harry through the kiss.
Flashback over
They had been together for just over a month, and they were planning to tell Lottie soon, but they just didn't know how.
All day at school Harry had been trying to figure out a way to tell her without her freaking out but he couldn't think of one. "H, are you coming round for dinner tonight?" Lottie asked as the two left their last class of the day.
"Sure." Harry smiled. "What's your mum cooking?" He asked as they walked out the school and started walking home.
"Umm I'm not sure, I think she was just gonna order Chinese or Thai food as it's Friday." Lottie said as Harry nodded and they continued to talk about random things and make jokes about James' new hair cut.
Once they got home they noticed Louis' car wasn't in the drive which was weird as he should have been home by now. The pair walked into the house and took of their shoes before heading to the garden where Jay was planting some flowers.
"Mum, where's Lou?" Lottie asked once they were close enough.
"He's not home yet?" Jay asked as Lottie shook her head. "Oh, I figured he got home and went straight to his room."
Lottie pulled her phone out and dialled Louis' number as she bit her nails. Harry knew that even though they fight a lot, they were close and Lottie panicked when Louis wasn't where he was supposed to be.
It went to voicemail so she called again, Harry was now also shuffling in his spot nervously. He was easily worried.
"Mum he's not answering." Lottie said, her voice shaky.
"Im sure he's okay, darling." Jay said as she stood up and walked over to Lottie and Harry, although they both knew even she was slightly worried. Louis normally always answers his phone.
All three of them walked into the house just as the door opened, they all rushed into the hallway but frowned when they saw Dan walking through the door. "Wow, don't get too excited to see me." He laughed as he took his coat off.
"Of course were excited to see you, it's just your stepson should be home by now and he's not answering his phone." Jay said as she sat down on the couch as Lottie looked out the window.
"Oh, maybe he's just out getting something?" Dan said as he sat down next to Jay.
"Yeah, probably." She sighed. "It's just he always tells me if he's going to be late."
"I'm sure he's okay." Dan replied as Lottie walked away from the window and sat down on the beanbag, Harry siting down next to her.
They stayed sat in the living room for almost an hour before Jay and Dan stood up to go into the kitchen, leaving Lottie and Harry in the living room.
Suddenly the door opened and Louis walked in with four guys behind him, all smiling and smelling like beer and nicotine.
Harry frowned slightly as Louis hadn't smoked in a long time as he promised Harry he wouldn't.
"You're an asshole." Lottie muttered and she walked over to her brother and punched him in the arm.
"Ow! What was that for?" Louis groaned as he held his arm.
"For scaring me you shit. Why didn't you answer your phone?" She asked.
"It died during school."
"Why are you late home?"
"Because we drove to the shop then stayed there for a bit." Louis said making Lottie huff and hit her brother once more.
"So you could drink and smoke." She mumbled shaking her head. "I hate you and your asshole friends." She muttered before turning and walking up the stairs.
Louis looked over at Harry who had yet to look up, at least until he felt Louis looking at him, he picked his head up and looked back at him with and unrecognisable expression.
Harry just sighed and followed after Lottie making Louis go to call for him before realising his friends were behind him. He ran his hand through his hair before walking into the kitchen where he told his mum why he was late.
She understood and was just glad he was safe, then she ordered some Chinese food before telling Louis his friends can stay only if he goes to get Harry and Lottie and bring them back downstairs.
Louis agreed and quickly jogged up the stairs, taking two steps at a time, and walked over to Lottie's door. He knocked and opened the door seeing Harry looking through his camera and Lottie drawing something.
"Mum wants you downstairs." He said making them both pick their heads up and look at him, he noticed how Harry was looking at him with a sad expression while Lottie looked annoyed.
"Fine. But keep your friends away from me and Harry." She said sternly as they stood up.
Louis nodded and the three went downstairs, Louis took his friends into the living room while Harry and Lottie stayed in the kitchen talking to Jay and Dan.
After the Chinese came, Louis and his friends stayed in the living room and Lottie and Harry ate theirs in the kitchen whilst watching X factor on the tv hanging on the wall.
After all the food was cleared away Lottie went to help Jay with the chores upstairs while Dan went into the garage. Harry stayed in he kitchen scrolling though his phone and only looked up when he heard someone walk in.
He saw Louis with a frown on his face. "Can I talk to you?" He asked quietly, Harry nodded as he shut his phone off and stood up as Louis came closer. "I'm sorry if I scared you." He said as he looked down at the floor. "I didn't mean to, I didn't think anyone would have been worried."
"It's fine. You're okay so..." Harry mumbled as Louis looked up.
"I know what it looked like when I walked in, H, but I didn't smoke or even drink anything while we were out." Louis confessed. "My friends did but I didn't, I promise. I was their dive home so I didn't drink, and I remembered what we talked about so even though I wanted to, I didn't have a cigarette."
"You didn't?" Harry whispered quietly as he looked up at his boyfriend.
"No." Louis shook his head as Harry let out a deep breath and leant forward, resting his head on Louis' chest.
Louis immediately put his arms around Harry and pulled him closer, Harry moved his head to Louis' neck before wrapping his arms tight around his boyfriend.
They stayed hugging for a few more minutes before Louis pulled away and placed a quick kiss to Harry's forehead.
Harry sat back down as Louis walked over to the fridge and grabbed two drinks, just as he placed one in front of Harry two of his friend walked in.
"Lou, why are you getting the twink a drink?" Mack snickered as he grabbed a beer off the counter. "Is he incapable of doing it himself or something? I mean we all knew he was weird. Fucking look at him.
"Mack shut up." Louis said sternly.
"Why do you always defend him Louis?" Kieran, the other guy, asked. "He's not worth it, he's a nobody, you can just pretend he's not here, I bet that's what everyone else does."
Then Mack started talking again. "Yeah Lou, just forget about him, no need to defend him because he's your sisters best friend. Just ignore the dude. He's weird, and why is he at your house so much, is he not loved at home or something? Is he just as ignored at home so he comes here for your attention. He probably has a crush on you, the ugly twink thinks he has a chance."
Kieran laughed as Louis was glaring at them. "Lou, Mack's right, he's weird and he needs to go back where he belongs and it's definitely not at your house, he doesn't belong here. He's just a waste of a-"
"Don't you fucking dare finish that sentence, Kieran." Louis snapped just as Harry quickly walked out of the kitchen. "Harry wait!" Louis went to run after him but Mack grabbed his arm.
"Leave him, Lou, he's just gonna go cry."
Louis pushed Mack's hand away. "Get out."
Louis looked between the two of them. "Get the fuck out of my house."
"Cmon L-"
"If I come back in here and you're still here I am going to hit you and I won't stop hitting you until you stop talking. So get the fuck out my house. And don't ever come near me again." Louis snarled. "Tell the others to go to, because if I see one of you still here after I told you to go, it won't be good for you."
He pushed past the two of them and ran after where he saw Harry run off, he pushed open the front door and looked for his boyfriend.
He saw him sat on the edge of the porch with his head in his hands, it didn't sound like he was crying but Louis couldn't be too sure.
He sat down next to Harry before putting his hand on his back and gently rubbing up and down. "Don't listen to what they said. It's not true." Louis whispered as Harry picked his head up.
"I know, I just couldn't listen to it anymore." Harry said his voice quiet, but Louis was glad he wasn't crying.
"Cmon, love, let's go to my room for a bit." He stood up and held his hand out for Harry who gratefully took it.
Louis didn't go back though the front door, he went round the back of the house and went up to his room that way, his 'friends' had gone and luckily no one had heard the shouting and Jay and Lottie were in the master bedroom so Louis was able to lead Harry to his room with no one noticing them.
Louis closed his door as Harry walked over to his bed and sat down. Louis then sat down next to Harry and pulled the boy into his side, Harry immediately let his head rest on Louis' shoulder. "What they were saying wasn't true, and they're idiots." Louis said sternly as he turned his head and kissed Harry's temple.
"You're friends suck." Harry mumbled.
"Yeah... they do." Louis laughed slightly. "I don't think I've ever even liked them that much. They started hanging out with me when I got on the football team, it's just hard to ask them to piss off. They're not all bad but sadly you've only seen the bad ones. Chris is nice, and Alex, they were here but it's just Mack and Kieran that are assholes." Louis said as he turned and brushed a bit of Harry's hair off his forehead. "Liam, Niall and Zayn are nice too."
"Make sure you only let the nice ones come round next time." Harry laughed as Louis nodded and kissed his forehead.
"I'm really sorry, H, you're not gonna have to see them again." Louis whispered as he looked into Harry's eyes. "I'm really, really sorry."
"It's okay, Lou. You aren't the one who said shit."
"I'm still sorry." He mumbled.
Harry just leaned forward and pressed his lips to Louis' in a gentle kiss, that was filled with many words that they couldn't speak aloud.
Louis' hand went to cup Harry's cheek as they continued to kiss.
"Lou, have you seen Harry? I don't know where he wen- oh my fuck."
Harry and Louis pulled apart when they heard Lottie's voice and hesitantly looked over to where Lottie was stood still staring at the two with her mouth agape.
"Oh shit." Louis breathed out as Harry stood up.
Lottie turned and walked out of the room, Harry running after her.
"Lottie wait!" He yelled as he followed her down the stairs and into the garden. "Lottie!" She still didn't stop. "Lottie please! Im sorry, just wait!"
"What Harry?" She turned around. "Are you gonna tell me how it was just one kiss, or how it meant nothing?"
Harry stayed quiet as he looked down at the ground, it was more than just one kiss and it did mean something.
"Oh my god." Lottie breathed out as she rubbed her hands over face.
"Lottie I'm so sorry." Harry whispered as tears formed in his eyes.
"How long?" She asked, her eyes finally looking up and meeting Harry's.
"A month." Harry whispered as Lottie sighed and looked down.
"His long did you know you liked him?" She asked.
Harry just swallowed and looked down at his feet. He didn't want to lie to her anymore. "Seven years."
"Oh my god, Harry." She breathed out as she turned around but didn't walk away.
"I'm so sorry Lottie, we were gonna tell you. We just didn't know how." He said stepping forward. "I would have told you sooner but I just didn't know how you'd react, I didn't want you to freak out."
"Harry I'm not mad that you like my brother." She admitted and turned around. "Sure it's weird and I don't know if I'll ever get used to seeing you kiss and stuff but I'm not mad. Im upset that you didn't think you could tell me, that you didn't think I would understand that you were happy and you really liked him, for some unknown reason, so you lied to me. You're my best friend, Harry, if you were happy with Louis then I would be happy for you."
"I didn't think you'd feel like that."
"I understand why you didn't tell me, I guess, it is slightly weird knowing you've kissed my brother but I'm just upset that you didn't think you could tell me. I wish you would have told me." She sighed. "Think about it, H, if you and my brother get married then you're my stepbrother! How cool is that." She smiled a little while Harry chuckled.
"You're not mad?" He asked.
"No you idiot. But you are buying me ice cream for a week." She smiled stepping closer to him. "But please don't kiss my brother in front of me. And don't stop hanging out with me now I know about you two."
"Don't be stupid, Lotts." Harry laughed. "I'm still gonna hang out with you the same amount as I do now." He opened his arms and she walked into them before hugging him back. "Thank you for understanding." He whispered.
"It's okay. Thank you for making my brother happy, I realised how much more happy he's been lately, I just didn't know you were the reason why." She said as they pulled away.
Harry just blushed and looked down at the ground. "You really like him don't you?" Lottie asked and Harry looked up at her and nodded bashfully.
"Well you have the sister and best friend approval." She laughed nudging his shoulder.
"Thank you, Lottie, you're the best." Harry smiled.
"I know I am." She flicked her hair as they both turned around to see Louis stood in the doorway with a worried look on his face.
They both walked back over to him and Lottie smiled just before pointing a stern finger at him. "If you hurt him, you're in trouble because he's my best friend and I will not allow things to get awkward because you fucked up, got it?"
Louis nodded with a big smile as Lottie smiled more and the three of them walked back into the house.
A few days after Lottie found out she accidentally let slip that Harry and Louis were dating in front of their parents, Harry almost choked to death (again) when he heard what Lottie said.
The Styles' and the Tomlinson's were all sat around the table eating and making conversation, when they started talking about wedding proposals and anniversaries as it was Jay and Dan's anniversary the day before.
"It was truly beautiful." Jay said as he brought her recall of the night to an end.
Lottie had just cut another piece of her meal before putting it in her mouth when she spoke. "Lou, you better do something cute for Harry when it gets to your anniversary." She didn't realise how quiet the room went and continued talking. "And of course for your wedding I better be your maid of honour otherwise I'm going to throw a fit. Oh and the proposal better be amazing too, maybe you should go to the place you went for your first date, that would be cute."
She only looked up when Harry started choking on the water he was drinking and then realised what she said when everyone was looking at her... well louis was glaring at her.
"Oh." She breathed out as Harry was still choking.
Since no one was helping Harry because they were too stunned, Louis got up and went round to his seat before gently patting his back until he could breath again. "You okay?" He whispered to his boyfriend, very aware that everyone in the room was looking at them.
"Yeah, thanks Lou." Harry whispered back as the couple looked up at everyone else.
"So... any chance you'll believe me if I say she was joking?" Louis asked as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Louis. Are you and Harry together?" Jay asked in a very stern mum voice.
"Err, Harry wanna answer that one?" Louis looked down at Harry who kicked Louis' leg under the table.
"Harry?" Anne spoke up, as lottie slowly tried to get up from the table.
"Charlotte Elizabeth, sit back down." Jay said making Lottie sit back in her chair.
"I mean- Lottie I think you should answer." Harry rushed out as he looked over at his best friend.
She laughed awkwardly. "Uhh April fools?"
"It's November."
"Right Umm..." she looked over at Harry and Louis for a second. "You see... I- I got nothing."
"Can one of you just tell us the truth." Anne sighed as Louis took a deep breath.
"Harry and I are together. We have been for just over a month." He said quietly as Harry looked down at his lap.
"Dammit, Anne, I said they'd tell us in three months." Jay sighed as her face went from being stern to a smile.
"I knew they'd let it slip, that's why I said one." Anne laughed as Lottie, Harry and Louis all stared at them with their mouths agape.
"What..." Harry looked at the table and realised all the adults had gone back to eating like nothing just happened.
"You knew?" Louis asked as Anne and Jay nodded.
"I knew the night before Harry's birthday." Anne said as she smirked. "Louis, darling, if you're going to climb up the house make sure you don't do it right in front of the living room window."
"Yeah... good tip." Louis mumbled as Harry laughed and leaned his head back against Louis' body.
"And I knew on Harry's birthday." Jay said. "I was just going to the bathroom and ended up hearing a bit of your conversation, so next time close the door if you don't want anyone to hear you." She chuckled.
"Wait so that means..." Lottie looked at everyone at the table. "I was the last to know?!"
"Oh god." Harry breathed out as Louis ran his hands through his boyfriends hair.
"Harry you owe me ice cream for two weeks now and Louis you have to make sure that I am involved in the proposal when you do it." She said sternly.
"Yours was better then mine." Harry whined looking up at Louis. "I have to buy her food."
Louis just smiled down at Harry and continued playing with his hair, as he was stood behind him.
"So you really all knew?" Harry asked as he looked at his family.
"Yup." They all chorused.
"At first I was worried, but I knew that you two would work it out when Lottie found out and everything would be okay." Jay said as she smiled wider at the couple.
"So you all don't mind?" Harry asked the questions as Louis was too distracted by playing with his hair.
"No, darling, as long as if you have an argument you deal with it in the right way and don't make things awkward between the families." Anne said sternly before laughing slightly.
Harry smiled at everyone around him and realised how lucky he was to have this many people who care about him and love him.
He stood up and excused himself from the table before pulling Louis with him and into the living room. "H? Are you okay?" Louis asked, confused to why he was dragged out the room.
"I was going to do this a much nicer way and later in our relationship but I know now, and I've known for a while so why bother waiting for a perfect time when there might never be the perfect time." Harry started as he still had one of Louis' hands in his. "You are the only person who could just hold me and I'd feel safe, you are the only person who has the ability to make me feel like I'm flying by just being with me." He paused almost like he was thinking. "Louis, I-I love you." Harry breathed out. "I'm so fucking in love with you." He smiled as Louis smiled impossibly wider and leaned forward before kissing Harry's lips passionately.
It wasn't like their soft kisses, this one was different, it was like Louis was speaking to him through the kiss, like he was trying to get the right words out in one kiss.
Harry's hands went to Louis' cheek as Louis' arms wrapped around Harry's back, pulling him closer. They continued to kiss for a few more minutes before Louis pulled back only a fraction of an inch and mumbled something against Harry's lips. "I'm so fucking in love with you too."
Of course he was in love with Harry, he had known for years, It was just different saying it out loud. But now he had and he was so happy.
Flashback over
They had now been together for just over six months, and everything was great. Lottie still refused to be in the room when they kissed but she didn't mind them being together at all.
Jay and Anne were always talking about how cute they were and how they can't wait for the wedding. Dan and Robin always help the boys by getting their mothers off their back when they come home from a date.
And Harry and Louis... they couldn't be more happy, after years of hiding how they felt they were finally together and things were perfect.
And on their six month anniversary Harry took Louis back to that lake that they first went to together when Louis asked Harry to be his boyfriend. But this time Harry surprised Louis with his own star, right next to Harry's.
Now even if they weren't always together on earth, they were together in sky. So not even distance could separate them.
Because they had their stars.
Holy hell, it's done. My back hurts and I really need a drink. I'm sorry if the endings rushed or not that great, but I just really wanted to get this done. Okay so I'm an idiot, me and my best friend saw a video on tiktok saying that you could give yourself a hickey by pinching your skin or something, we tried it and now I have a fudging hickey on my neck.... wtf am I supposed to do.
Don't forget to eat and drink something today and remember I love you. <3
I have loved you from afar for so long, I can't remember the time I didn't love you - Unknown
I don't care about what other people think about us. I love you and will always be by your side - Unknown
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