Are you even listening?
This is based of something I saw on Pinterest and I've just expanded it a little :)
I hope it's alright.
TW: Slight mention of abuse, not a lot just a small bit.
Harry's P.O.V
For the last few weeks Louis has been really distant and I don't know why, I will call him at night and he won't even talk to me he will just hum after everything I say. I feel likes he's not even listening to me. All day at school he just looks completely out of it, he doesn't talk or make jokes the only person he will talk and laugh with is Liam. Does he not love me anymore?
It was currently around 1 am in the morning and was downstairs on my laptop watching Brooklyn 99, when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. My mum has a very strict schedule on curfews, no being downstairs or on my laptop after 1am. The footsteps were getting closer as I was trying to pause the show and close my laptop. "Harry darling, why are you down here this late?" She asked as I jumped up from the couch.
"I um, I was err getting a drink." I lied scratching the back of my neck.
"Your not lying are you?" She asked looking over my face.
"Where's your laptop?" She asked walking closer to the couch.
"Err it's in the kitchen." I mumbled trying to put a cushion over my laptop.
"No it's not." She said sternly as she looked down at the pillow, she looked back at me before moving the cushion and picking up my laptop without saying anything. "Go to bed Harry." She sounded mad but I kind of needed my laptop.
"Mum, can I have it back?" I asked timidly as she stopped in her tracks.
"No, Robin and I will keep it." She said without looking at me.
"But Mum?!" I groaned.
"But what Harry? You lied to me, stayed up past curfew and now your disobeying me." She said finally turning around.
"No one else's parents make their 17 year old son have a curfew." I groaned looking at her.
"Well I'm not them and you live with me not them." She said turning around and walking up the stairs with my laptop in her arms.
I sighed and started walking up to my room. I pulled out my phone and dialed Louis' number as I knew he would be awake, and I sat down on my bed. It rung a couple times before he answered.
"Hey" He mumbled quietly from the other line.
"Hey Lou, I just wanted to rant to you about something. Can I?" I asked him as I leant against my headboard.
"Mhm." He said back before I started talking.
"And then she just took it away! And for what?" I continued ranting into the phone. "I was just like 10 minutes past curfew?! Who even has curfew at 17?!" I whisper-shouted to my boyfriend.
"Mhm, yeah." Louis says without interest.
"Are you even Listening?" I sighed as I moved a little.
"Mhm, yeah." He says again with the same bored tone.
"LOU!" I shouted, not even caring that I could have woken my parents up.
"Jesus, my ear drums! What?!" He says suddenly.
"Oh I'm sorry my life might not be interesting enough for you, but I'd like it if I could maybe talk to my boyfriend about my stupid problems, even if they are petty compared to whatever you and Liam talk about. Do you ever listen to a word I say?" I hung up, too annoyed to hear what he was going to say as I wiped a tear quickly from my eye.
I sat up and started to think back to all the conversations we've had recently. 'Has he been listening to any?' I wondered as I looked out my window and up to the moon. A pang of insecurity hit me. 'Am I really that boring?' I was taken out of my thoughts when my phone started ringing. Louis. I sighed and ignored it, he kept calling but I didn't answer. "Asshole" I muttered as I shut off my phone and laid down. I will call him back later.
I woke up suddenly and looked over at my clock. 3:21am. I sighed and sat up, I couldn't sleep, I had too much in my head. I turned on my phone and saw a few messages from Louis, I hesitated but opened them.
1:24am Louis: I'm so sorry babe, I've just had a lot on my mind and I should have been listening to you. You aren't boring. Not at all.
1:25am Louis: And I do listen to you. I know that you had the best pizza ever for dinner last Tuesday, that you got a new pair of shorts from top shop, that your favorited sweets are skittles but you don't eat the orange ones, you think they're disgusting. And I know that you have a boyfriend called Louis who has been very crappy but loves you very much and is very sorry.
1:32am Louis: Your probably asleep now, I'm really sorry H. I love you lots my prince, Goodnight. xx
I sighed and looked over the messages again. Now I felt bad, he has just had a lot going on, I guess I would have liked to know what, but maybe he will tell me at some point. I also felt bad because I accused him of never listening to me when he does remember the stupid things I tell him, like my pizza. I decided to text him back even though he probably wouldn't answer anyway because he's asleep.
Harry: I'm sorry Lou. I shouldn't have hung up so quickly, I should have let you explain.
I sent the message and not even a minute later, Louis was calling me. This time I answered it.
"I'm really sorry Harry." He was saying the second as soon as I put my phone up to my ear.
"Lou, it's okay. I'm sorry for getting snappy." I said frowning.
"You had a right to, I've been out of it for ages." I heard him sigh on the other line.
I remembered what he said about having a lot on his mind and I wanted to ask him about but it's late and I would rather do it in person. "It's pretty late, I'm gonna fall asleep and I will call you later." I said as I laid down again.
"No!" he suddenly shouted.
"What? Why not?" I asked.
"You can come over instead." I couldn't see him but I could tell he was smiling.
"I would love to Lou, but I doubt my mum would let me." I sighed into the phone.
"Well then I will come to you."
"You really think she'll let you in? She hasn't even met you yet." I asked laughing a little.
"I'm coming to yours." he said sternly.
"Alright. Goodnight." I said chuckling.
"Goodnight, I love you my prince."
"I love you too." I mumbled before hanging up.
I woke up to someone moving around in my room, I opened my eyes and saw my mum with the washing basket. "Mum can't you knock?" I groaned pulling the duvet further over me.
"What so now I cant even come in my own sons room." She said looking at me with my laundry in the basket.
"No, It's just I could have been naked or doing something." I mumbled from my bed.
"What could you be doing that you need to hide from me?" She asked looking at me and I just shrugged. "And I've seen you naked before Harry, you literally came out of my-"
"Okay mum! I get it. Don't knock." I quickly shouted and she smiled and walked out my room. I sighed an sat up before getting up and putting some sweatpants on, but I was too hot for a shirt so I just left it off. I was about to sit at my desk when my mum burst back in. "Mum!" I shouted as stumbled a little.
"Don't shout Harry, you said I didn't have to knock." She said looking at me. "Breakfast is ready I want you downstairs in 2 minutes and Put a shirt on you look like a prostitute." She said pointing to my bare chest.
"I heard it pays well." I said smirking.
"Don't even joke about it Harry." She said sternly before walking out the room.
"I'm not putting a shirt on." I mumbled walking downstairs to the kitchen. I said good morning to Robin and sat down at the table before my mum came in.
"Harry, I thought I told you to put a shirt on." My mum said glaring at me as she sat next to Robin.
"I'm too hot." I mumbled as I took a bite of my bagel.
"I don't care, I asked you to put one on before coming down for breakfast." She took a sip of her tea while staring at me.
"Well I'm too hot."
"Anne love, Let him off. It is quite hot today, It's better he has no shirt on than no pants." Robin said smiling at me and my mum.
"Okay." She said as she started eating. I mouthed a thank you to Robin and he just smiled back at me.
"So Harry when are we going to meet this boyfriend of yours." My mum said after a couple minutes.
"Err I don't know." I mumbled looking down.
"You've been with him for a while now and we haven't even met him"
"Yeah, Um I've been with him for 8 months." I whispered.
"8 months?! You only told us 4 months ago." My mum said loudly and I hesitantly looked up.
"Sorry about that I just guess I wanted to see if it would last." I said looking at her.
"Well what was his name again?" Robin asked after he finished his mouthful.
"Louis." I smiled thinking about him.
"You really like him don't you." My mum said and I nodded smiling more. "Alright well make sure we meet him soon." She said before taking another bite of her toast.
We had just finished breakfast and I stood up about to walk up into my room when my mum stopped me. "Harry where are you going?"
"Up to my room, I've got homework to do." I lied as I shuffled under watchful gaze.
"Okay." was all she said allowing me to go up to my room.
I got to my room and flopped down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I don't know how long I was lying there until I heard something hitting my window, I sat up rubbing my eyes as I heard another clicking sound. I got off my bed and looked for where the sound was coming from, I was looking at my window when something hit it. I walked over to it and looked down seeing Louis smiling at me with stones in his hand. I shook my head fondly and opened the window. "Lou, what are you doing?" I asked as he dropped the stones.
"Getting your attention." He said as he walked towards the house more.
"So I can do this." He said before climbing up to my window, using the holes in the bricks and then the ledge under my window to sit on before putting his hands on my window edge. "Hi" He smiled at me before pecking my lips.
"Hey." I whispered as I stepped back so he could jump in. He pulled his body up and dragged himself through the window, but as he was getting his shoe over, it got caught making him fall to the ground with a thud.
"Ow." He whined as he laid still on my floor.
"Oh my god Louis are you okay?" I said worryingly as I ran over to him.
"My head hurts." He pouted so I leaned forward and kissed it while laughing a little. "And my cheek." He frowned more so I leaned forward and pressed another kiss to his cheek. "And my lips." I laughed and kissed his lips quickly before pulling away. "Now I'm thinking about it, my dick hurts a bit too." He smirked at me, I flicked his chest and stood up.
"Get up you horny boy." I laughed sitting on my bed, slightly surprised my mum hadn't come up to check what the thud was.
"Not my fault. Your just beautiful." He said softly as he sat down next to me and I blushed looking away. "Nu-uh." He put his fingers under my chin and turned my head back to look at him. "Your even more beautiful when I make you blush." He whispered before kissing my lips. I kissed back for a few minutes before pulling away as he whined.
"Alright that's all you get for now, I wanted to talk to you." I said looking at his pouty face.
"Okay but I want kisses after." He mumbled.
"You can have all the kisses you want if you answer my questions. I said and Louis nodded so I carried on. "You said that you've had a lot on your mind, and I wondered if Liam knew and that's why you will talk to him but not me."
I saw the way Louis shuffled a bit on the bed. "Yeah, Liam knows." He mumbled looking down.
"Is there a specific reason you haven't told me what's bothering you?" I was starting to get nervous and you could tell by the way I spoke. "Do you not trust me enough-"
"No!" He shouted looking up at me quickly. "No, its just- I didn't want to burden you with something so stupid." He whispered looking at me.
"Lou, I'm your boyfriend your supposed to tell me things even if there stupid, just like I do. And you could never be a burden to me." I said honestly looking into his blue eyes as he looked into my green. "Can you tell me what's bothering you?" I asked shyly, but felt calmer when Louis nodded.
"It's really stupid but I guess I'm worried about exams. My math teacher is always down my throat telling me I'm going to fail, and everyone else understands the lessons but I dont." He groaned looking down again.
"Lou if your struggling, I can help you. And everyone knows that your math teacher sucks, so I will help you so you believe me when I tell you your going to pass." I said smiling at him as he looked up at me.
"Thanks Haz." He smiled back at me.
"That's not everything is it?" I asked as he frowned again.
"No" He mumbled.
"Do you want to tell me the rest or not?" I asked making sure that he wasn't forcing himself to tell me.
"I wanna tell you." He whispered and I nodded. "There's also some of the footie guys being dicks like normal about me and you."
I frowned and looked down. "Do you not want to be with me?" I asked quietly.
"What? No of course I want to be with you Haz. No stupid high school boys could change that, even when my- my dad found out." He whispered the last bit.
"Mark? He already knew." I asked confused as he looked up.
"Not Mark. My err my real d-dad." His breath hitched and I looked over to see a few tears slip out of his eyes.
"Oh Lou." I breathed out as I pulled his body closer to me and he tucked his head further into my chest. "C'mon Love" I said as I shuffled backwards on my bed so I was leant against the headboard and Louis was cuddled into my side with his head on my chest. "So he got in contact with you?" I whispered as I kissed the top of his head.
"Yeah, he was at school after training one day and Aaron was doing his daily name calls and my dad heard them. I saw him and he came over to me, I was so shocked that I didn't even move, Aaron was behind me and my dad was in front of me. He asked me if I was gay, that was first thing he said to me Harry. Not hi son. Sorry I left when you were ten days old. Sorry you only ever saw me in pictures. Sorry I never sent a birthday card. He just asked if I was gay, I was so shocked to see him as all I've ever seen was picture, that I didn't say anything and then Aaron butted in. He told my dad I was dating you and lets just say my dad didn't like that very much." Louis sighed and kissed my bare chest before entwining his legs up with mine and carrying on.
"He kept saying things like 'my son wouldn't be gay' He kept saying I wasn't a real man and that I was disgusting. Aaron had left by now, I think he regretted what he did, but who knows. My dad just kept shouting and when he mention you I shouted back at him, and that made him angry. More angry than he already was. Then he-he" Louis let a quiet sob out as I held him closer and put my hand in his hair trying to calm him down. "Then h-he hit m-me. And again and again. I only realized what was happening after the third punch hit my cheek, and I ran back home. My mum saw me and asked what happened and I just let it all out. She called the police, they found him and took him in, B-but I just kept wondering why? Why didn't he like me? Why wasn't I good enough for him?" Louis finished and I was so mad at myself as I remembered when Louis came to school with a black eye, he just said he got it in training. Why didn't I realize he was lying. I could have helped him.
"Louis I'm so sorry." I whispered as I continued to run my hand through his hair and he turned his face further into my chest, I could tell he was crying. "You are good enough, you are more than good enough and he is a dick for doing what he did and he doesn't deserve you anyway. There are so many people that love you exactly how you are, your mum, your sisters, Mark, the boys, and me. You don't need him to like you, not when we all love you. And I love you more than I could ever say, so please dont keep things from me. I want to help you Lou." I whispered kissing his temple.
"Okay, Thank you Haz." He whispered and I just held him on my bare chest with my hand in his hair as he slowly fell asleep.
I was just admiring Louis as he slept, just watching the way his eyelashes fluttered and his chest rose and fell slowly, and you could still see the light stain of tears on his rosy cheeks. I was about to kiss his forehead when my door opened, I quickly looked towards it, my heart pounding. Stood in my doorway looking shocked was my mum, I gulped as he eyes looked over me and Louis on the bed. Louis' head resting on my bare chest as he slept, our legs entwined and my arm around his waist.
I looked down at Louis to see he was still asleep, I smiled at him before looking up at my mum. I put my fingers up to my lips, signaling to her to be quiet, she nodded hesitantly and just stayed there looking at us. 'is that Louis?' She mouthed to me and I nodded putting my hand back into his hair. She smiled before running into the hall, I looked at the doorway confused and shocked until she returned with a camera and Robin next to her. I chuckled a little and looked back at Louis as my mum took the picture. 'when he wakes up, bring him downstairs' She mouthed, I smiled an nodded before they both left closing the door behind them.
It was only ten minutes later when Louis woke up, he started shifting on my chest as his eyes opened. "Hey love." I smiled at him as he looked up at me through his eyelashes. "How do you feel?" I asked as I moved a bit of his fringe out his eyes.
"Better." He smiled as he sat up, I smiled back at him and put my hand on his back rubbing it.
"How do you feel about going downstairs to meet my mum and dad?" I asked him as he looked at me wide eyed.
"Really?!" He asked shocked and I nodded. "But wont it be weird, y'know I never came through the front door." He laughed a little.
"They already saw you." I said my hand still rubbing circles onto his back.
"When you were sleeping."
"Oh great, I look terrible when I sleep." He groaned.
"No you dont, you look so pretty when you sleep." I said pinching his hip a little, he laughed and shuffled away.
"Alright, lets go." He breathed out as I sat up.
We both got up from my bed and walked downstairs, I held Louis' hand as we walked into the living room where my mum and Robin were sat on the couch. "Mum, Robin. This is Louis." I said while Louis smiled shyly at them.
"Hello Louis, it's lovely to finally meet you." My mum said smiling at us.
"It's nice to finally meet you too Mrs Twist." Louis said quietly.
"Please dear, call me Anne, and this is my husband Robin." She said as Louis nodded at him. "Please sit down you two." I kept Louis' hand in mine as we sat down on the couch next to them, it was quiet at first but then my mum really started to like Louis and the conversations became really easy after that.
It was now almost 10pm, Louis had spent the whole day at my house and was bonding with my mum and Robin and now he was allowed to stay over, which really shocked me as normally I'm not even allowed my friends to stay round. My mum must really like Louis. We were all currently watching a film called 'can you keep a secret' and Louis was cuddled into my side and my mum would often look over and take a picture. "Alright boys, we're going to bed now. So the living room is all yours." Robin said standing up with my mum next to him.
"Please no sex on the couch, they're new." My mum said smiling.
"MUM!" I yelled as Louis laughed.
"I'm being serious. They were expensive." She said as she walked over to the stairs.
"Okay, Jeez" I mumbled with my head in Louis neck as I blushed.
"Goodnight boys!" My mum yelled when she reach the top of the stairs, me and Louis both said goodnight back and I stood up to go get a blanket. I sat back down and wrapped it around us.
"Thanks for today Haz." Louis said as I laid my head in his lap and he started braiding my hair.
"Your welcome, I will always be there for you Lou." I said as my eyes started to close.
"Go to sleep my beautiful prince." Louis whispered into my ear.
"M' not tired." I mumbled.
"Yeah you are."
"No m'not." I turned my head further into his thigh.
"Alright love, but dont try and stay up because I'm here." He said still braiding my hair. I just hummed and closed my eyes fully and I heard Louis chuckled as I started to fall asleep.
"Goodnight my prince, I love you so much." Louis whispered before I drifted off into a very peaceful sleep with the love of my life right next to me.
I hope that was alright :) I actually thought it was going to be a lot shorter but oh well. Also I am currently waiting on something to see if I can do an idea I've got for an actual book and not just to go on here.
Make sure to eat something and that you have drunk enough, it doesn't have to be big amounts just something little. I love you all <333
Don't trust people who tell other people's secrets - Dan Howell
There are two types of secrets: the kind you want to keep in, and the kind you don't dare let out - Ally Carter
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