Lowlands was Joost's first festival. Seven years later, he was still invited back, only this time, he was offered ten times the pay.
Joost Klein headlined Lowlands 2026 with Ski Aggu and Käärijä not far following. The trio sold-out the festival in a matter of hours and people flew from all over Europe just to see The Netherlands', Germany's and Finland's most notorious artists all on one stage.
The Albino Sports team gathered backstage. No matter how big the company got, the original team that consisted of Joost's friends still made up a majority of its employees. Teun was still at the DJ booth, Nathan ventured to shows whenever he could and Stuntje continuously fell over himself. As for the camera, Apson had recently taken over operations in it's handler's absence.
'How's she doing?' Jere asked.
'About to pop. This is my last show before I go on "paternity leave",' Joost used his fingers to emphasise his words.
'What's with the quotations?'
'Well, I pay for my own paternity leave, so...'
Jere nodded in understanding.
Not long after Fenne and Joost tied the knot, Fenne announced her pregnancy. Their marriage had changed the future they saw together. What they were once unsure about became what they wanted most. They wanted to start a family.
They only wanted one child but it would mean the world to them. Joost was going to take some time off to be there for Fenne and when the baby arrived. He had spent the past year touring and spent almost a decade making music. Joost wanted to finally take a step back and he couldn't be happier to say it was because his wife was expecting.
He had bought another house, which he and Fenne had already moved into. This was a given as Stuntje made it very clear he wouldn't be waking up in the middle of the night by a newborn. Fenne and Joost didn't take this to heart as they didn't particularly want the rowdy men around when their stress-levels ran high.
Joost's friends were supportive, of course, but Joost would die before he'd see them act they way they did when Fenne was nine months pregnant or when she had just pushed a baby out of her. She needed her own space and not just because of her large stomach like Daan liked to joke.
Besides, Apson and Hanna had moved out around the time of Fenne and Joost's announcement. Most thought the two would be following a similar path, but no one expected Hanna to wave around a blue or pink onsie around any time soon. If it happened, it happened. For Fenne and Joost, they wanted to enter their 30s as parents. It wasn't for everyone, but it was the Kleins' choice.
'Did you find out the gender?' Aggu asked, making sure his microphone was working. His eyebrows shot upwards behind his mask when Joost grinned cheekily.
'Do you have a name?' Jere tried but Joost prolonged his silence. Aggu and Jere exchanged exasperated looks before turning back to the blonde who could barely contain himself.
'Come on, dude.'
'You'll have to wait like everyone else,' Joost said mockingly and the two groaned.
It was the one thing that Joost and Fenne had successfully kept a secret. No one knew if they were having a boy or a girl, or what name they had chosen. Joost wanted to do his last show with a leverage on his fellow artists and couldn't wait to make the announcement in a classically Joost Klein way. He already knew he would be taking a picture with his son or daughter held up high in his hands with a cigarette between his lips. It would be the only moment that Joost would be smoking around the baby and he would be sure to clarify that when he posted on his Instagram.
'Two minutes, Joost,' Nathan appeared. The Belgian took note of the air around the three and scoffed at the sight of Jere and Aggu's scowls.
'He didn't tell you guys either?' he received mumbled negatives. 'Bastard.'
Joost didn't take the relative insult personally. He just grinned and snatched the microphone from Nathan's hold. Teun had already set up on stage and Joost's newest song was being looped for his entrance. The crowd were humming, screaming and chanting for the Dutch artist. Joost would be performing a handful of songs first before bringing on his friends for their collaborations.
When he was on stage, Joost showed Lowlands who they would be missing for the next few years. His break from performing was bad news for the industry and it was the ultimate compliment. Running from one corner of the stage to the other, Joost hakkened and sang with all his energy. Hearing the crowd sing and move at his instruction was still one of the best feelings he ever experienced. It never got old and despite looking forward to his break, Joost was sure he would be performing for as long as he was physically able.
Apson followed him around with a camera at chest level. Fenne's absence was noticible but the man's filming was still greatly appreciated by the performer. Apson's presence made the show all the more enjoyable and when Aggu and Jere made it to the stage, Joost was electrified.
After Disco Belgica, TRAFFIK! and Friesenjung, almost all of Joost's friends were present. Hanna had stayed back in Amsterdam with her heavily pregnant friend while Enzo hadn't been able to make it to Biddinghuizen. Joost wasn't hurt by this because as soon as he got back to the city, he would be spending lots of time being a father and putting Joost Klein on hold. It would soon be Joost, Fenne and baby Klein, a team that would be out of the spotlight.
While Jere performed with Aggu, Joost let the two take over while he headed for the DJ booth. He wanted a moment behind the controls before performing his last two songs. With sunglasses sliding down his nose, Joost went to hoist himself up to the elevated booth. Nathan went to help him and as soon as he straightened up, Teun grabbed his shirt in balled fists.
'Woah, what the fuck-'
'It's happening.'
With wild eyes and his phone in hand, Teun started pushing Joost back off the booth.
'Hanna called, Joost! Fenne's in labour!'
'Holy shit,' Stuntje cursed from the booth and looked to where Apson filmed Aggu and Jere. There was no doubt that the man's phone had been blown up in his back pocket. But considering he needed to be capturing every moment from three seperate artists, it was obvious that Apson never felt the vibrations from the multiple missed calls.
It wasn't until Teun felt his own phone vibrating that Hanna was finally heard screaming,
'Jesus fucking Christ! Tell Joost to get his ass back to Amsterdam right this fucking second! And tell Appie he's in big trouble!'
Joost stumbled off the DJ booth. His shoulders heaved with his breaths and it took a moment for the information to sink in. With the music's base pounding in his chest and the crowd screaming, Joost thought he needed to sit down.
Taking off his sunglasses, Joost used the back of his gloved to wipe at his eyes. His vision blurred and every breath did nothing to ease his tight lungs. Those who looked past Jere and Aggu from the crowd could see the sudden change in Joost's behaviour. He had paused his dancing and his zealous energy dwindled as he paled. Videos were already in the making of Joost's strange switch and would be flooding social media tomorrow morning.
The music was cut off abruptly and the crowd cried out in complaint. With what little clarity he regained, Joost managed to bring the microphone to his lips.
'I'm so sorry, but my wife has just gone into labour! It's Aggu and Käärijä's set now!'
Lowlands screamed and the two aforementioned men whipped their heads around with hanging jaws. Saying the words seemed to set Joost into motion. With trembling hands, he ran to dispose his microphone. Aggu and Jere were the only ones in his view, so he jutted his arm out for one of them to take the equipment. His legs couldn't move fast enough and the hands that tried to steady him didn't help his anxiety.
'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry,' Joost slurred, feeling lightheaded.
'Bro, calm down!' he heard Jere say as he fumbled Joost's microphone. 'Go! Don't worry, we've got this!'
Fenne was having a baby; HIS baby. Joost needed to get from Biddinghuizen to Amsterdam before he missed the birth of his child. He couldn't lose his head now.
'Go!' Aggu shoved him away. 'Have a smoke on the way! In fact, take my pack! You'll need it!'
The cigarette pack was forced into Joost's hands as he turned to head for the stage's exit. He caught sight of Apson exchanging cameras with one of Aggu's team and Daan waiting out of the crowd's sight. Nathan was looking impatiently at Joost while Teun and Stuntje were going to stay to finish the set. It wouldn't be long until they followed, but someone had to see the end of Joost Klein's allocated slot.
It was chaos and he could barely think. He imagined Fenne being ushered into a car by Hanna and her mother. Nanda would question where the hell Joost was when she and Hugo arrived to help. If all things went to plan, Joost would make it to the delivery just in time, but it was going to be a long drive.
Before Joost could leave the stage, a thought made it through his panic. He turned back and shouted,
The masked man looked back to him in curiosity.
'She's going to be August!'
'My daughter! Her name is going to be August!'
Joost flashed a grin before he joined Nathan, Daan and Apson in a sprint. The man was screamed after by fans and Jere had taken over as entertainment.
Just like Joost, Aggu took a moment of stunned silence. No one else had heard what he had and it made it all the more surreal.
When he turned back to the crowd, Aggu grinned and screamed into the mircophone,
'Let's fucking go!'
Joost Klein leaves Lowlands early after his wife goes into labour during festival set
Setting her volume to 1, Fenne watched the clip that followed the headline.
The phone footage was shaky and clearly being filmed by someone in the middle of the moshpit. From below the elevated stage, the video showed Aggu and Jere unaware of the dilemma behind them. Fenne could spot Joost's bright hair as he almost tripped when stepping off the DJ booth. The music was cut and whoever was filming was heard exclaiming in confusion and disappointment.
'I'm so sorry, but my wife has just gone into labour! It's Aggu and Käärijä's set now!' Joost's announcement was heard and the footage blurred as screams followed.
Fenne lowered her phone with the ghost of a smile on her face. Only lit with mounted lamp next to her bed, Fenne's room was shadowed and still. The late hour meant the hospital ward was quiet. The floor-to-ceiling window sat against the open curtains, showing Amsterdam's lights and streets.
The delivery had been long, and at the time, Fenne was agony. Hanna, Nanda and her mother had been by her side until it was time to start pushing. In a moment of fear, Fenne thought she was going to be giving birth alone. But thanks to the hours of contractions, Joost burst through the door just as the doctors and nurses were ready for the delivery.
Stinking of cigarettes, Joost had exchanged breathless words with his brother, who stood outside with his hands in his pockets. Hugo tried to scold him for being late but put his priorities into check by telling Joost what room he needed to be in.
After passing his sister, mother-in-law and Hanna on the way, Joost was gripping Fenne's hand when it meant the most.
Now, as Fenne's head rolled to the right, she admired Joost slumped in his chair. With his head hanging back, his arms were filled with the bundle that was sound asleep. It looked uncomfortable but Joost had managed to doze off sitting upright. His hold was tight, but the more time passed, Joost's jaw was falling open and the possibility of a disaster became more apparent.
The sharp inhale of breath made Fenne jump. Joost reared his head forward and looked down, blinking away his drowsiness. He made sure that he hadn't woken up the bundle before looking sheepishly to Fenne, who was moments from her own sleep.
'Sorry. I'm awake. I promise,' he reassured. 'I've got her.'
'You can put her down?' Fenne motioned her head to the plastic crib next to him.
'But I don't want to put her down?'
Fenne couldn't argue with that. Joost was utterly transfixed with their daughter. She hadn't even finished screaming up a storm before he was trying to take hold of her tiny hand. Even with a red face and streaming tears, the baby girl was the only female to have ever stolen Joost from Fenne.
'Go to sleep, liefje. We'll be here when you wake up,' Joost said softly, smiling at her from his chair.
'Okay,' she whispered, her heart swelling at the sight of her small family. 'I love you.'
'I love you, too.'
While Fenne was asleep, Joost eventually put his daughter back in the crib. There, he took a photo of her stubby fingers wrapped around one of his much larger digits. His '1983' tattoo peaked from the corner of the screen and on his Instagram, he posted,
joostklein Welcome, August. I'll do my best <3
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