It was an anxious wait; one that made knees bounce and hearts rage against their ribcages.
They couldn't even have the TV playing an episode of South Park, not even on mute. The colourful cartoon was too much along with the thick air in the living space.
So, with the free-standing lamp on, Joost's team sat across the sofas in an agonising intensity.
Fenne's finger mindlessly circled on her laptop's mousepad. She sat in between Hanna and Teun. Joost was on the other sofa with Apson and Daan, while Stuntje leant on the back over their heads. Enzo was stood with his arms crossed, too anxious to even sit on the rug.
Everyone's attention was on Joost's phone which was on speaker. With it's screen facing the ceiling and the crackles from microphone painfully loud, the phone held the fate of Joost's music career in its cracked device.
'Are you still there, Joost?' the voice said aloud.
'Yeah, I'm here.'
Me and almost everyone I know is still here, Joost thought to himself.
'Well, I'm delighted to inform you that you have been selected to represent The Netherlands at the Eurovision song contest for 2024.'
What was heard on the other end of the line was unintelligble. Stuntje fell from the back of the sofa onto the three men below with a mighty roar. Teun made it across the living space, knocked his shin against the coffee table, and collapsed on the same sofa. Apson was heard screaming in unison with Joost, grabbing his head and putting the blonde in a headlock. Enzo tried to get his hands in between the flurry of limbs to grab his long time friend, but had to settle on jumping in his place while screaming.
'Oh my god! We have to go get alcohol! We have to call everyone to celebrate!' Hanna cried. 'I'll head to the shop! Appie, get your mum on the phone!'
Hanna was already heading down the hallway before Fenne could stand from the sofa. Not wanting to completely destroy her laptop made her ascent slower, but she was ecstactic all the same. Her cheeks hurt from her grin and she desperately wanted to join in on the dog pile that was unwravelling on the opposite sofa. But from Teun's groans at the pain in his shin, Fenne waited for her boyfriend to become visible once again.
'Thank you! Thank you so much!' he was heard saying into the phone that was still, somehow, in his hand.
'You'll be hearing from us soon. Enjoy the celebrations, Mr Klein.'
Enzo got to him first, placing a hand on either side of his face and talking uncomfortably close. Joost didn't seem to care, only grinned with a beetroot face. His hair had been ruffled from the commotion and once Stuntje had been heaved off of his lap, Joost stood up to embrace the tall, slim man.
'Maybe I'll get Europapa tattooed,' Enzo laughed.
'Get it in red.'
Stepping away, Enzo went to jump along with Daan and Apson, allowing Joost to be free for a split second. This time, when Joost's face was grabbed, it was teamed with a passionate kiss. His arms flew around Fenne's waist and his eyes fluttered shut in surprise. Even with the force at which Fenne flew into his front, her lips were unbelievably soft, and Joost kissed back in an instant.
'You did it, Joost. You're in Eurovision,' she said in between kisses which she kept catching.
'I can't believe it. I love you, so much, liefje. Oh, my god...'
'I love you, too, Joost.'
They pulled away with red cheeks but remained close.
'I'm going with Hanna to the shop. I'll be back soon.'
Joost let Fenne leave his hold and she ran down the hallway. He watched her go with a joy that was unexplainable. He was finally at the point in his life where everything was in the right place. Just like he said all those years ago, Joost Klein was going to be on stage, in front of Europe, representing the country. His friends, his girlfriend, and his parents would be there, and with ongoing luck, Joost could achieve his biggest dream.
'Let's go for a smoke. Do you have that nice lighter?' Apson asked, the others already heading out the door into the back garden.
'Yeah, yeah...' Joost patted his pocket absent-mindedly, but felt it empty. 'Actually, it's upstairs. I'll meet you out there.'
Apson nodded and Joost turned to grab Fenne's laptop. If he was heading upstairs, he might as well take it out of harm's way. Who knew how much they were going to drink tonight and he couldn't guarantee the precious device won't end up on the floor.
The smile was yet to leave his face as he carried the laptop down the hall. The screen was on and at a quick glance, Joost noticed that Fenne's email were open. Among the grey, read conversations, one stood on top in bold. Because of it's highlighted bar, Joost caught sight of the sender name.
Spiritland Productions
Joost hated that he couldn't help himself. His fingers moved on their own as he started climbing the stairs. His eyes ran along the email when it filled the screen and his left foot paused in its next step.
'Dear Miss Fenne Meer,
After our phone call, I just wanted to extend my advice on your unfortunate descision.
It was brought to our attention that you are in an intimate relationship with Mr Joost Klein. Forgive me if this is incorrect, but I can't help but assume that you made your decision based on this.
While your loyalty to your partner and his work is admirable, I must express the competitiveness of the filming industry. I am prepared to be in contact with Mr Klein and reassure him that you will not be 'pinched' from Albino Sports.
I would also like to reaffirm that while we don't have influence on the festivals line-up, we do have great influence within the film industry.
Please reconsider our proposal for Glastonbury 2024.
Kind regards,
Joseph King,
Head Videographer at
Spiritland Productions.'
When Fenne and Hanna came back with alcohol, the kitchen was filled with the team rushing to pour drinks. Hanna tried to stop Apson from filling half the cup with whiskey while Fenne looked around for Joost. His blonde hair was usually hard to miss, and when she didn't see him next to any of his friends, she looked to the door to the back garden.
'He's on the phone to his brother,' Daan informed her, seeing her wandering gaze.
Fenne nodded and poured a drink to take to him. She ignored the teasing for babying him and headed for the sliding door. Enzo had started playing music, which was silenced to the back garden almost as quick as it was exposed.
At her appearance, Joost was admist farwelling Hugo. She smelt the cigarette that burned between his fingers and joined his side. The Bacardi and coke in her hand awaited his attention, which he gave after a drag.
His touch was gentle but his tone was dull. Fenne paused, watching him exhale smoke and take a sip of his drink. As she studied his side profile, which consisted of a sharp jaw and messy hair, Joost looked tense.
'What's wrong?' Fenne asked, putting her hand on the sleeve of his bomber jacket.
'Why did you lie to me, Fenne?'
Her heart stopped in its beats and her stomach churned. She let her hand fall from his arm and Joost didn't turn to meet her eye. Staring off into the night, Joost acted as if Fenne wasn't there. From the way Fenne was feeling, she almost wished she wasn't.
'Why did you lie? You said they never replied.'
The night's cold settled into Fenne's bare arms and she moved to grip her biceps. She had seen the email in her inbox but had left it when Joost announced that he was getting the anticipated phone call. Her laptop had been forgotten throughout all the excitement and now, when Joost finally met her eye, she cursed herself for being so careless.
'I... I turned it down-'
'B-Because I didn't want to do it-'
'No, Fenne, you turned it down because of me,' Joost turned to face her and pointed his two fingers that held his cigarette. 'You did the exact thing I told you not to do. You put me before you, like you always do.'
'You're saying that like it's a bad thing.'
'It is a bad thing! This is your fucking job, and your putting it down because-'
'It's in April, Joost! I'll have to be in the UK for the whole month! I want to be here for the 8th!'
'Don't fucking give me that.'
The horrible churn in her stomach turned to anger at the way Joost waved his hand dismissively. He turned away from her with arched eyebrows and a scowl on his face. She remembered Lowlands when Nathan offered her the cigarette and Joost spoke for her. The same irritation overcame her when Joost shook his head, doing his best to not let his own anger take control of his words.
'I'm sorry, did you only read half of my email?' Fenne found herself saying, her voice laced with venom. 'Or did you forget the part where I advocated to put you in the line-up?'
'This isn't about me, Fenne!' he whipped back around with a step closer. 'It's always fucking about me and for once, it was about you! But like always, you baby me!'
Fenne had to grind her teeth and still her tongue. Her silence made Joost scoff and down his drink in one gulp. He threw his cigarette to the floor, not bothering to stamp it out, before saying,
'I sent an email back.'
'You fucking what?!'
Joost was unfazed, but that only grew the flame in Fenne's throat.
'I'm not letting you throw this away, Fenne.'
'You-' Fenne used the balls of her palm to rub at her eyes in disbelief '-you went behind my back, looked at my emails, and committed fraud?! You asshole!'
'I didn't commit fraud. I sent an email saying that I was endorsing you as an employee.'
'Speaking of babying, I'm getting sick of the way you like to think you can make decisions for me. Don't stand on the barricades, Fenne. Don't start smoking, Fenne. It's bad for you. I added the shot you said you didn't like in the footage. Hope you don't mind!
But you know what, Joost? I was doing just fine before you came along, and I will do just fine after you.'
Swivelling on her heel, Fenne stormed towards the door. The corners of her vision blurred, not from tears, but from the sheer rage that boiled in her chest. She had never been so angry and when she heard her name being called, the last ounce of control she still had was to throw the sliding door open.
'What the fuck does that mean, Fenne?! Fenne!'
Joost's voices were drowned out by the music from inside. The sound of the door slamming open made the team pause in their celebration. No one moved to turn off the music as Fenne stomped through the house. She didn't meet any of their stares, or barely registered that they were even in the room. It made them look to the door, where Joost appeared, furious, and taking long strides after her.
Apson spoke up with a confused,
'What's going on-'
'So, what, you want to go and make it on your own?! You have the new job! Might as well!'
Joost nearly ran into the woman who whipped around abruptly. The music blared, filling what little space there was between them, until Teun rushed to shut it off. Hanna was about to step forward at the sight of her friend who trembled with rage, but stopped when Fenne yelled,
'I quit! Make your own fucking videos and film your own fucking shows!'
'Fine! You're fired! And you know what? Get the fuck out of my house, too!'
In a moment of clarity, the seething man looked to the left, where Stuntje had cried out his name in appallment.
Without the music, the living space was quiet with the only sound coming from the clock that ticked on the wall. It made the stares he received all the more piercing and the disappointment and shock that riddled his friends' faces pulled him from his anger.
Joost swallowed when he saw Hanna cover her mouth with her cupped palms. He turned back to Fenne, who had gone quiet.
'I-I didn't mean that,' he stammered.
Fenne didn't want to cry. She hated crying. She had only let tears flow in front of Joost twice. But when her throat closed up and the sting hit, Fenne couldn't stop it.
'Oh, no, Fenne, please don't cry-'
Her feet took her down the hallway and up the stairs. Different voices called her name, while others called from the man who followed her.
Through the blur, Fenne watched her sneakers skim each step until she got to the top floor. The rumble of shoes behind her made her hurry into the bedroom and throw the door shut behind her. The installation of locks was a god send and Fenne was even more thankful when she heard the footsteps pause and the door knob rattle.
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