Fryslan was a hit. The album released on top of Wachtmuziek's success and Fryslan Bop turned out to be another fan favourite. Teun and the team were able to release it in time for the summer festivals, which Joost was set to perform at almost all of them in western Europe.
With all the bookings came the need for a tour bus. Rather than drive between all the countries in seperate cars with all the equipment, it was easier to haul everyone into an entourage of buses and trucks. This was made possible by the profits of the album and the festival payouts.
The show in Germany was set to be huge. 100,000 had bought tickets and every performance had been met with unified chants and a sea of people.
As for backstage, workers rushed around to organise the next set. It took a great deal of preparation and handling to make sure everything ran smoothly. But they weren't amateurs, so the chaos was structured.
Fenne would usually be anxious, but she was in her element as everything was planned and set for the team to perform. Her camera was ready and Joost was full of Monster Energy, intiating his usual ritual of bouncing on his heels with his earphones in his ears.
'Appie's in the pit with Hanna. He'll be out for Disco Belgica at 2:30,' Fenne informed him, glancing up from her camera.
'And Acid?'
'Haven't seen him since lunch.'
Joost scoffed aloud as Stuntje appeared with a beer in hand. Joost took it without asking and took a generous gulp. His friend said nothing at this but rolled his eyes to show his true feelings towards the action.
In a black singlet and light blue jeans, Joost had dressed for a cooler summer's day. His brown frame glasses sat over his eyes and a Monster Energy sweat band sat on his wrist. Dancing and singing on stage never failed to make Joost perspire, so having something to wipe his forehead was now part of his performing attire.
Fenne wore a skirt with some shorts underneath and a milkmaid top. Her bangs were clipped at the back of her head and she had a claw clip at the hem of her skirt for later. Before the set, Fenne secured herself a plastic cup of Redbull and vodka. If she needed to keep up with Joost's energetic stage presence, she would need her own source of artificial energy.
'Hey, can I have some of that?'
German made Fenne turn with her drink still in hand. She was met with her own distorted reflection in a silver ski mask. She saw herself with her lips to the rim of her cup and her camera in hand. Apart from that, the man that wore the mask directed his question to her and Fenne raised an eyebrow.
'Um, okay?' she held it out and the masked man took it silently. He took a sip, not enough for Fenne to exclaim in offence, before handing it back.
'Thanks, liebe.'
The little German Fenne knew from travelling with Joost made it so that she could get by backstage. It was close enough to Dutch for her to pick pieces out of a sentence. But that didn't help her to react from his particularly affectionate referral to herself, or for how the man looked away as if nothing had happened.
With dark roots, the German man was blonde. He wore a white t-shirt and jeans and the band of his ski mask flattened the back of his shaggy mullet.
The interaction drew the attention of Joost and Stuntje, who had been watching the current performance. They turned to see Fenne with her drink in hand and a wrinkled forehead next to a man who grinned at the sight of the famous Joost Klein.
'About time we met, Mr Small,' the man said in German as he walked over. Joost's face split into a wide grin and he met the man halfway to dap him up in greeting. Stuntje introduced himself and shook his hand with an equally as friendly aura.
Their mix of German and Dutch made for a difficult conversation to follow but Fenne inched closer to listen. She was still bewildered at the interaction and was curious to know who the man was that Joost appeared to already know.
'You're on after me, right?' Joost asked in German. 'I'll introduce you.'
'I appreciate that, man. I wanted to get some details for Friesenjung while you're in Germany. We'll have a chat afterwards, yeah?'
'For sure! You need to show me Berlin some time.'
'I live in Berlin. You'll have the time of your life when you're with me, Joostie.'
Joost threw his head back to laugh and the German's deep chuckle joined it.
Throughout the conversation, Fenne hoped that a name would have been thrown in somewhere. Stuntje and Joost seemed to know the man already despite Stuntje introducing himself at first. Fenne hated to be so awkward and had no choice but to walk over and position herself behind the space in between Joost and the German man.
Thankfully, after dating for so long, Joost could read Fenne like a book. He noticed her attempt to be included and took it upon himself to take the extra step.
'Aggu, this is my girlfriend,' Joost put one arm around her, forcing her to step forward and be the centre of attention.
'Shit, I didn't realise. Sorry for taking your drink,' Aggu laughed while holding his hand out to shake. 'I wouldn't have asked if I knew.'
'That's okay, er... I'm Fenne,' she did her best to say in German and accepted his hand shake. She only understood half of what Aggu said but through her realisation of who he actually was, the famous Ski Aggu, Fenne decided to use what she had.
'Nice to meet you, Fenne. I don't speak Dutch so you're going to have to translate the hard parts,' Aggu looked to Joost and the man snickered while nodding. 'It'll be a day of linguistics for sure.'
The one-minute call for Joost to go on stage sounded as the current performer wrapped up. Fenne finished her drink and started rolling her camera. She decided to film Joost bidding Ski Aggu goodbye for some potential promotion footage. Stuntje gave Fenne a thumbs-up behind the two before the baseline for Antwoord started playing.
'See you after!' Aggu called and tipped his chin upwards in Fenne's direction. She took this as a similar farewell and waved with one hand. With his departure, Fenne turned back in time to see Joost sprint out onto the stage.
During the show, the crowd were on a level that Fenne had never seen. Germany's unique culture and status of being an entertainment powerhouse brought fans from across Europe. It made the response to Joost's performance too insane to ignore, so Fenne took it upon herself to get some intimate crowd footage.
Her exit off the stage was noticed by Joost in a brief glance. The big screens were switched to the permenantly rooted cameras and Fenne rushed to the barricades. She saw Hanna, who was on her lonesome after Apson was set to perform Disco Belgica in the next few songs. The Kloppefield was in a designated area that shielded her from the mosh and seeing her friend made her grin and run to meet her.
'I'm going to film at the gate! Can you come and hold me so I don't fall?!' Fenne cried over the music.
Hanna didn't need any further explanation and went to the security guard to step out of the area. The two friends ran adjacent to the stage, heading for the right where the crowd were squished together.
At the sight of the camera in Fenne's hands, people threw their hands out to get her attention and have a moment on the big screen. She chose a random spot and stepped up to wedge her feet in-between the metal bars of the barricade. In one movement, Fenne was above the crowd line and held her camera up high to get a wide shot.
She felt Hanna's hands on her waist keeping her steady. Without her hands to balance, Fenne relied on her friend on the ground to keep her from toppling backwards. Especially with how much the crowd rocked the barricade, Fenne had to work hard to keep the camera as stable as possible.
The footage was incredible and the big screens showed it. Disco Belgica was in full swing and Apson, Nathan and Joost were all on stage sending the crowd wild. People jumped in unison and rapped what they could from their understanding of Dutch.
Those at the barricade tried to get Fenne's attention and meet her lense. People tapped at Fenne's arms and shoulders, making her angle the camera down to give them a moment on the big screen. Girls jumped up and down and men stuck their tongues out and threw up gang signs. Fenne laughed at some of the faces that were pulled and turned the camera back to the endless sea of people.
After Nathan's verse, when the beat continued without lyrics, Fenne's shirt was grabbed and yanked. She dropped one hand from the camera to grip the barricade's top as one of her feet dislodged from it's secured spot. Her balance was thrown off and the sudden pull made Hanna's grip tighten on her friend's waist.
'What the fuck are you doing?! Why would you do that?!' Hanna cried, her expression pulled into one of disbelief and anger. She saw where the hand had disappeared from Fenne's shirt and saw a young man standing with a baseball cap over his head.
From what Hanna could see, the man was drunk and stumbling in his spot. He barely comprehended the fact that Fenne and Hanna were looking at him with wide eyes. Some people around him and stepped away, not wanting to be involved as a security guard walked over.
'Are you alright, Miss?' the security guard asked in German, helping Hanna get Fenne down from the barricade.
'Y-Yeah, yeah, I'm okay.'
Standing a distance from where she had been, Fenne took a deep breath. The shock of nearly being yanked head first into a moshpit had sent her heart hammering. The fist that balled her shirt had pulled with such a force that her neck had whipped forward, making her throat feel as if it had been grabbed for a short second.
Being touched so aggressively by a stranger sent Fenne's hands into a shake. Her camera was by her side as she brought her palm to chest, absently smoothing out where her shirt had been scrunched up.
'Did you see who did it?' the security guard asked while looking between the two women.
'Uh...' Hanna tried to form some sort of sentence in German. 'Black hat. In there.'
She pointed and the security guard headed to the barricade to ask those who witnessed it first hand. Hanna turned back to Fenne, who was yet to pull the camera back up to continue filming.
'Are you okay? Did he hurt you?'
'N-No, no. Just scared me,' Fenne stuttered, struggling to gather her thoughts. The music continued but now, it seemed louder and uncomfortable. Fenne tried to take deep breaths to clear her constricted chest, but couldn't exhale without shuttering.
'Come on. Let's go backstage. They can film the rest.'
Linking arms, Hanna guided Fenne back to the stairs. Their heads bobbled across the stage's bottom, catching Apson's attention. He had just finished embracing Joost in a farewell and was headed to the exit in the same direction. Noticing Hanna's quick pace and Fenne's lowered camera, Apson knew that something was wrong.
The show continued and Aggu watched from the side. With his own Redbull and vodka in hand, the German watched Joost perform through his ski mask. He was impressed by Joost's energy and ability to command the crowd. He had already heard his music, but to see him scream into the microphone and hakken on stage was unlike anything Aggu had ever seen.
His attention was torn away before Apson appeared in his view. A security guard guided two girls up from the stairs and the familiar face pulled into a deep frown made Aggu lower his drink from his lips.
Fenne stopped to put her camera down on top of a case and Hanna's hand was yet to leave her arm. The security guard tried to ask Hanna for details, but the girl flicked her gaze from her quiet friend and to the man in panic. Her random spurts of German were confusing the security guard, who was trying to find the man who allegedly assaulted a member of staff.
'What happened?' Aggu asked, making the three look up to the anonymous man.
'We're still trying to work that out,' the security guard said. 'Can you translate?'
'I can try-'
'Hanna! What happened? Why are you back here?' Apson's voice made the group look up to see the man exiting the stage.
'Some guy in the crowd nearly yanked Fenne over the barricade.'
'What?!' Apson and Aggu exclaimed in Dutch and German.
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