10/4 (technically) Bukakke
Yes this is technically for yesterday because I forgot to update yesterday. I will be updating for today as well so you get two chapters tonight! Sorry and you're welcome! Also, for anyone who doesn't know what bukakke is, it's 2+ people cumming on one persons face... Enjoy!
Lance POV
Being one of the most popular guys in high school, and being a senior as well, you'd think that I have everything/everyone I could ever want right? Wrong! It seems like these past four years the only people I wanted were the ones I couldn't have.
I've had an awesome life with a bunch of girls trying to get me to treat them like princesses and even more dudes trying to get close to me just to get the girls I don't want, which is all of them. You see, I'm kind of gay. Well, not kind of... I'm VERY gay. Especially for two extremely gorgeous guys who are on the basketball team together. Takashi Shirogane and Keith Kogane
Of course, like every basic chick flick, both of them are star players, super tall, too handsome for people to actually think they're in high school and so on and so fourth. In other words everyone and their cousin has a crush on either one of them or both of them. I happen to like both of them which isn't that surprising seeing as I prefer polyamory myself.
But sadly I don't know if they're gay, or even into each other, or into me, or even poly at all!
I've been infatuated with them for so long I fell into habit of sneaking peeks at them during basketball practices. It's desperate I know but for whatever reason I can't help but feel like I have to see them once a day at least. I sound like an anime girl that just wants her senpai to pay attention to her!
Anyway, I don't have them, the things I want the most, so that's why it's freaking me out now that they both sought me out during my last class, study hall, and now we are at Shiro's house making out on his bed. Like full on make out sesh is going on like we've been dating for a while now! I both feel uncomfortable with this but I also don't want to stop.
Sadly I didn't get a choice in the matter because Shiro pulled back from me after he had just expertly cleaned my mouth with his own tongue. I whined slightly earning a chuckle from Keith. I opened my mouth to speak but I was cut off by Shiro's silky smooth voice.
"Why do you think you're here?" He asked completely calm and with all of his breath like we hadn't just been making out for about 20 minutes.
"Wh-what?" I asked completely breathless.
Shiro chuckled lowly. "I asked why do you think you're here? I think you might know seeing as you've been checking us out for the past four years but I want to hear you say it."
My heart both pounded and stopped at the same time. They noticed. Shit, they noticed this whole time and now I'm caught! "I-I..." I couldn't speak. They caught me and now they might rat me out to the whole school! They'll make the rest of my senior year horrible!
Keith must've noticed my panic because he grabbed me by neck and pulled me so our foreheads were touching. "Relax, nothing bad is gonna happen. Okay?" I nodded my head. By saying those simple words Keith had calmed me down immensely.
I moved away from Keith, crossed my arms and took a deep breath while looking at the floor. "I-I ma-aybe, kind of, s-sorta like y-you both." I explained softly. I didn't want them to know because next year we'll all be at different colleges most likely and neither of us will have the time for a relationship let alone one with three people involved.
Shiro leaned towards me and set a hand on my shoulder, "we know Lance. And you know what?" He paused for a moment and took a deep breath. "We like you too."
This statement made me shoot my head up and stare at them both quizzically. "No. You two don't like me. Right?" I asked pretty much to myself. There was no way they liked me. I was popular sure but I'm scrawny, annoying, pretty short and overall not anything like them. I know people say opposites attract but this is too opposite for there to be any attraction on their end.
Keith grabbed my chin and moved my head to face him. "Of course we both like you. What do you think all of this was, us just making out with you to get blackmail? We're not like that. We've been noticing you lately, checking in on our practices. you always look so innocent and then when either of us make eye contact with you you look horrified and run away. It was both adorable but also super frustrating. Believe me when I say we would have been here a long time ago if you hadn't run away one of us tried to talk to you."
I figured Keith was going to try to cover my doubts but I never thought he'd go on a tangent.
I was frozen, letting all of that information sink in before I said something stupid. Instead, after I thought about it I did something stupid. I yanked Keith's hand off of my face and I launched my lips at his, grabbing his face and tackling him to the bed.
Keith's arms went around me and he held me tight as we practically ate each other's faces. His lips moved expertly with mine and his tongue didn't miss a single area of my mouth. I simply let him take me because I couldn't stop feeling the need for them to take care of me seeing as I did all of the stalking for the past four years.
Keith slowly made us sit up. When we were finally vertical I found something pressing up against my back, or should I say someone. Shiro wrapped his arms around me making it impossible to move from either of them. He kissed my ear and licked the shell sending shivers down my spine. He moved down to my neck and then down to my collar bone all the while sucking and biting my previously perfect skin.
Soon my shirt was pulled and the two were working to get me undressed. I was unraveling in between them and I couldn't have been happier. Sadly though I realized they weren't taking off their clothes leaving it all up to me to get them undressed. I pouted, "no fair" I grunted, "you too!" They chuckled at my childish acts but complied all the while never forgetting about me in the middle.
They were completely naked when I realized I wasn't ready to do the do yet. As Shiro started to move his hand near my rear I jumped up and squealed while shuffling to the other end of the bed covering myself up.
Shiro chuckled, "what's wrong now?" He questioned me with a wide smirk painted across his face.
My breathing hitched a bit. "I-I don't think I'm ready f-for that yet." I said hoping that they would understand.
They looked a bit confused but when they realized what I meant they both crawled towards me. "Don't worry, we'll only be doing that when you're ready." Shiro assured making me feel a hell of a lot more comfortable.
"Yeah, but if you still want to do something I think we can figure something out." Keith chortled as he spread his legs, making his erect member more visible to me. A knot formed in my throat as I stared at it. I really wanted to do something, just not that quite yet. I nodded and crawled to them.
I moved to Shiro first and pushed him down I kissed him hard and quickly started to make my way down his torso. I made it to his defined v line and I started to tease him by going slower. I got to his member and I gawked at the size. He was massive! However, this didn't stop me whatsoever. Instead it actually spurred me on to get to it faster.
I looked up at him and placed a kiss on his tip. He took a breath in as I licked him from base to tip and quickly engulfed his length entirely in one go thanks to my lack of a gag reflex. I moved into a fast pace fairly quickly, moving up and down his length while wrapping my tongue around his tips and sucking occasionally.
I could tell Shiro was going to burst soon and so I pulled off of him and moved to Keith while still pumping Shiro with one of my hands. I repeated the technique that I used with Shiro on Keith and that seemed to get a better reaction out of him.
I moved off of Keith as he started to buck his hips at a more constant pace meaning he was extremely close. I could tell Shiro was close too because his moans and grunts were getting more out of control and more animal like. I replaced my mouth with my hand on Keith's member.
Now I was jacking both of them off and I decided to try something I've always wanted to. I looked up at the two broken basketball players who were looking down at me with the most fragile faces I have ever seen. "I want you two to cum on my face."
That was all I had to say for them to get up and push me on my back, them on their knees, hovering over my face while pumping themselves at inhuman speeds. Suddenly they both jerked their entire bodies and groaned the loudest I've heard that day.
Streaks of white quickly covered my face as they wrung themselves dry over my face. The warm seed mixing together making an even muskier scent than what was already wafting through the room.
I licked up what was on my lips and smiled up at them. They both looked satisfied until Keith looked down at my aching meat. Keith's face changed rapidly from satisfaction, to concern, to lust. Oh no.
"Shiro," he got the attention of the broader man, "I think we have something to take care of." He grabbed my member making me whimper in need. "Don't you think?"
A/N YAY I finished this chapter! Now onto the next one! It's 11:30 pm right now but I know I won't be able to sleep tonight anyway. If I update at like 1:00 am my time it won't matter because later tomorrow I will update 10/6 because I don't want to do this again, write two chapters of smut in one night. I love you and see you in like an hour and a half! Stay freaky my fellow freaks!!
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