10/10 Sadism/Masochism
This is coming out later than I wanted it to. I had to come home early from school because I'm sick then I passed out from 11-4 so... yeah. The song above is all that was going on in my head as I was anticipating this prompt. Actually really excited for this one so lets get to it.
Lance POV
How long has it been? I've lost track.
I've been standing here for so long that I forgot how long I've been here. Keith and Shiro left to get groceries and I was instructed to wait for them 'here' either I took that the wrong way or they wanted me to just stay in the house.
See, I'm a sub which means I do anything for my doms, or as I call them my masters. In return for listening to them I get rewards such as an extra scoop of ice cream for dessert, a stuffie, new clothes or, if I've been really good, I get to say what I want in the bedroom for one night. I've been so good by staying here while they were gone that I thought for sure I was going to get the last reward.
My legs were starting to hurt really bad now and I really wanted to sit down but I didn't know if they would get mad at me if I did or not so I pushed through the pain. It wasn't too long that I had to endure it because I heard the heavy door that led to the garage open with a squeak.
Excitement flowed through me as I heard them set the bags on the counter and they started talking. That feeling lasted until Keith called my name, that sent fear running down my spine. I thought I was doing so good. I hung my head low and walked to the kitchen and stopped in front of Keith.
"Sorry masters. I thought you wanted me to stand where I was while you were gone so I stayed there. I'm so sorry masters but if you see punishment fit for this then I will take it." Keith let me speak my thoughts as I hung my head in shame. I was sure I was going to be punished for not understanding my orders.
Keith lifted my head with one finger underneath my chin. He looked into my eyes with a solemn look. "Lance, we meant for you to stay at the house not the same spot for," he paused while checking his watch, "oh god, three hours! Baby your legs must hurt so bad." He sounded concerned but I couldn't understand why. I was the one who messed up, not them.
I turned to look at Shiro who had moved behind me. He wore the same expression of concern that Keith did and my own turned into one of confusion. "Masters? Why are you concerned? I was the one who disobeyed orders and interpreted them the wrong way not you. I'm a bad boy." I once again held my head low but I was engulfed in hugs within seconds of saying that.
"Lance, you aren't a bad boy and you didn't disobey orders. We are the ones at fault for not our exact specifications to you." Shiro said although it still didn't make sense to me. I thought I did disobey orders. "You have no reason to be sorry because you were such a good boy standing in the same spot for so long."
My breath hitched. I am a good boy. Shiro called me a good boy! Wait. But how?
Keith followed Shiro's example and praised me for whatever reason. "You were such a good boy that we want to do something for you."
Do something for me? What could they mean? Normally they'd ask if I wanted more dessert that night, ask me if I wanted to look for stuffies or clothes online or ask me what I wanted to do that night. They never told me they wanted to do something for me.
It was such a foreign request that I had to ask them before I sprouted anything my heart desired. "What do you mean do something for me?" I questioned in a small voice that was loud enough for them to hear seeing as though they were right next to my head.
Keith took a moment to look at Shiro. They seemed to be having a silent conversation with just their eyes. Then Shiro looked down at me and kissed my cheek. "What we mean is, for the rest of the day, whatever you say you want we will get you. That includes privileges that we took away with your rules, stuffies, clothing, sex, anything you want."
This sounded really nice, it was pretty much going to be a pampering day and I was all for that. "When does this start?"
They both chuckled, shaking me in the process. "It can start right now baby." Keith whispered in my ear before biting it softly.
I already had my first request made up in my mind. "Can someone give me a leg massage? They really hurt." I knew they were going to do it anyway but that didn't keep me from giving them my best puppy eyes.
Through the rest of the day I was being pampered. They bought me anything I wanted off of amazon WITH prime too! I got about 20 more stuffies and a bunch of other things. It was a fantastic day and it was going to end soon but I wanted to do one more thing.
"Masters?" I politely inquired.
"Yes baby?" They said in unison making me giggle a bit.
"Can we go to the room?" I winked at the end hopefully getting my point across. Seeing both Keith and Shiro flush a bright red I knew they understood.
We made it to the room in record time, ripping off each others clothes as we made our way there. When we finally got to the bed they stopped and asked what I wanted. All I said was, "give me your worst" and they took care of the rest.
As Shiro prepped me to be able to take both Keith went to the other side of the room to get our toys such as gags, cuffs, ropes and more dangerous devices like whips, floggers and cat claws (basically rings that you put on the tips of your fingers that look like cat claws... I may or may not have came up with this but IDK because I don't want to check right now.) He brought over a plethora of our toys and I started getting giddy from excitement.
I was quickly blindfolded, gagged and strapped to the bed roughly. The position I was in was uncomfortable but I didn't care after all, more pain more pleasure. Right? I tried to relax but I couldn't from anticipation.
The anticipation was heightened when I was flogged for the first of many times that night. It sent floods of pain through my nerves that went straight to my aching cock. I could easily cum from being hit. Just imagining the welts forming on my stomach was something I couldn't help myself from doing.
Hit after hit I was being pleasured and I wasn't being touched anywhere below the waist. Then my hair was yanked, forcing my head to my left. I opened my mouth immediately, waiting for the huge cock to fill my mouth. From the massive size of it I could tell it was Shiro who plunged himself relentlessly down my throat, forcing tears to my eyes.
The hitting, the pulling of my hair and the screaming of my throat was enough to send me over the edge, until it all stopped at once. I whined and almost screamed but there was suddenly a member throbbing at my entrance. I shifted my hips to the best of my ability to get more friction which ended up in a shock to my right hip. I screamed at the second shock just from the sheer bliss it brought me.
Nothing could give me this amount of pleasure like stun guns or whips and that was why I loved it. It also had to do with the fact that I'm a sub and a masochist and need to be dominated by my masters who are also sadists. We work together so perfectly I was kind of surprised they actually existed. I never thought I'd have a master sadist let alone two pumping inside of me at the same time all the while getting scratched o my left side and shocked with a stun gun on my right.
The throb of my sides increased to the point where my sides were completely numb from pain. I was both thankful that this happened but at the same time sadness threatened to push through to my emotions. It was so fantastic that I was in so much pain that I couldn't feel it but at the same time I wanted to feel that pain.
I squirmed and got shocked but this time on the stomach. I felt it and it was better than before. After several quick shocks I was shaking, on the edge of orgasm and I warned my masters. They slowed down slightly and I guess one of them grabbed the glove of sandpaper we had because my member began to be rubbed raw.
The sandpaper rubbing itself across my sensitive rod was more than enough to send me over the edge. I came so hard I blacked out afterwards. It wasn't like black was all I could see because of my blindfold but I actually went so deep into sub space that I blacked out from my orgasm. It was so blissful.
I'd have to thank my masters when I woke up for giving me anything I wanted the entire day because, for obvious reasons, I couldn't do it right now. I'd thank them profusely and give them anything they wanted for the rest of their lives though for no expense on my part because I love them so much and they are so good to me.
A/N Hey I'm sick so the last couple of paragraphs might not make much sense because of my sick brain. I wish I could've given this to you guys earlier but I fell asleep after I got home from school. I love you guys and I will be updating again tonight, hopefully, if I don't fall asleep after I publish this. Anyway, I love you all, thank you for the support yesterday and stay freaky my fellow freaks!
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