10/1 Spanking
Welcome to day one! Not gonna lie, this is a bit odd for me to be updating on a Tuesday but I'll get used to it, then it'll be odd not updating every day for both you and me! These chapters might be a little shorter than usual but we'll see how it goes, hopefully they'll be around the same word count! Anyway, I'm going surprise you each chapter and let you guys find out what pairing, or grouping, each day is. So, if you could, please comment what pairing/grouping you think each chapter is! Thank you and let's be off!
"Lance! Get down from there this instant!" This single statement could send Lance into a panic attack for he knows what comes after those words. Lance sped down the tree in their backyard, almost jumping down from the top. He didn't lift his head as he ran to the others side.
A finger was placed under Lances chin and moved his head up to look the other in the eye. As soon as Lance's baby blue iris' landed on the cold gray of the taller man's he moved his head back down to avoid eye contact. Lance couldn't however because his chin was grabbed tightly between a thumb and forefinger.
"What have I said about climbing trees Lance?" The bigger of the two of them spoke, his face cloaked with a stone cold expression.
Lance wiggles and whined, knowing he couldn't get himself out of this one. "To not to." He stated simply.
Cold, non-blinking, gray eyes stared at Lance's now bright pink face. "Then why did you do it baby?"
Lance's mouth suddenly turned into a word waterfall, spewing everything he wanted to say as soon as he got caught. "I'm sorry Papa Shiro! I thought I saw a pretty birdy and I wanted to look closer. I'm sorry Papa!"
Shiro stepped closer making Lance have to crane his neck more so they didn't loose eye contact. "Do you go jumping into trees without me knowing just because you want to see a pretty bird?" Lance frantically shook his head. He knew he messed up when he explained himself but also did the right thing by telling Shiro why he climbed the tree.
Shiro sighed and pulled Lance to his chest, looking down at his beautiful angel. Shiro could tell that Lance knew he did a bad thing that was against his rules but that didn't change the fact that most of the time Shiro really wanted to let his baby blue off the hook. This was one of those times though where Shiro needed to crack down and punish his baby for doing something bad.
"Blue." Lance's attention was taken completely when Shiro called him this. "You know I have to punish you right baby?"
Lance's eyes widened at the promise of a punishment, one of his favorite and least favorite things to ever have to go through. "Please no punishment Papa! I'm really sorry! I promise, just no punishment Papa!" Lance wailed, tugging at Shiro's heartstrings.
Trying his hardest to be strict, Shiro sucked in a large breath. "You need to learn that you can't be bad and get away with it."
Lance's heart stopped. He was bad? "D-did p-p-pap-pa say I wa-was b-bad?" His eyes flooded with salty tears so fast that it took only seconds for them to fall down his face and onto Shiro's shirt. Lance hated being called bad, he thought it was worse than any physical punishment ever. He felt useless when Shiro said this to him.
When Shiro felt the small figure in his arms begin to shake he squeezed tighter. He knew that Lance had to hear that in order for him to realize that he'll be called bad when he breaks the rules. So, being the jackass he had to be, Shiro spoke to his baby. "Right now you're being bad, but if you go through the punishment then I'll forgive you and you'll be a good boy again." He felt Lance deflate and re-inflate while he said this. Lance needed to hear it, he needed to learn.
Lance puled his head back and looked up at Shiro with teary eyes. "I c-can be a go-good boy again?" Lance struggled to ask.
Shiro nodded, "but only if you go through the punishment."
"I-I'll do it Papa. I'll do the punishment if I ca-can be a good boy for Papa." Hearing this made Shiro smile. His baby only wanted to be good for him.
Then his face fell. "Baby, you know it won't be an easy punishment right? For this one, we'll need a safe word if you need to stop."
Lance's breath caught in his throat. He wanted to be a good boy again but if he needs a safe word for it then it must be bad. Still, he wanted to be good again so he nodded. Shiro smiled again and began walking them both inside of the house.
Once they got to their conjoined room Shiro sat down on the bed and beckoned Lance to stand in front of him. "I'm going to give you thirty spankings, okay?"
Thirty!? No! I can't do that! Way to much! Is what Lance wanted to say but, again, he wanted to be good. So Lance simply nodded while looking at the ground in between them.
Shiro could tell his baby was unprepared and obviously didn't want to do this but he was proud that Lance was still going through it anyway, all for him. "Lance honey, can you take your pants off and come over here please?" Lance stiffened before numbly nodding at the command disguised as a request.
Lance disrobed and got closer to Shiro, getting into the position he was told to be in when he was being punished. In front of Papa, on his knees, looking down, with his hands clasped together on his lap. He heard Shiro pat his lap and he got up and layed himself obediently across his Papa's lap, awaiting his punishment.
"What do you want your safe word to be baby?" Shiro questioned as he rubbed Lance's round ass, he really didn't want to do this but he knew Lance needed it.
"B-blue? Please P-papa." Lance requested quietly but still loud enough for Shiro to hear him.
"Okay. Blue is your safe word. I will give you thirty spankings unless you call it out. If you falsely call your safe word then you will have to go though thirty five more spankings. I want you to try your hardest to not have to call out. You don't have to count them. Understand?" Shiro's voice was even and stern.
Lance knew better than to go against him right now so he nodded while replying, "I understand, Papa."
Shiro hummed. "I'm gonna start now okay? Don't worry, right now you don't have to verbalize it." Hearing this, Lance replied with a nod.
With his permission, Shiro layed the first hit on the plump bottom. This resulted in a yelp and the flesh turning pink immediately.
Three more followed suit. The third of those being especially hard on the already tender flesh of Lance's backside.
Tears built up during the fifth spanking.
Lance's wailing began at hit number twelve, breaking Shiro's heart.
At fifteen Shrio paused for a bit to give Lance a breather. "Halfway done baby. You're doing so good." Lance only nodded and gave a weak smile but was still sobbing.
When the hits were finally done Lance could no longer breath. His screams had started up after the break Shiro gave him when Shiro accidentally hit him a little too hard. At that hit he thought he would have to call out. He really wanted to call out but he instead decided to push through. 'I'll be a better boy if I do this,' he thought.
Shiro was so proud of his baby taking the spankings like a champ but he couldn't help but be a little turned on by the hand imprints on his baby's ass. He slowly picked Lance up and layed him on his stomach on the bed and went to get ice.
When he returned with ice and lotion Lance was asleep. He was too tired out from the punishment to even keep his eyes open for a few minutes. Regardless, Shiro rubbed lotion on the red welts and layed the ice pack on Lance's rear.
He pulled the blanket up over them both and cuddled close to his baby, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him close.
The last thought that ran through Shiro's head was how wonderful his Lance was for just wanting to be good for him. They would still have to go over rules in the morning though.
So... What do you think? This was the first time I had written anything that was just spanking and not smut. Don't worry though, tomorrow will be fun! Dirty talk for 10/2 will be a fun one! Anyway, see you tomorrow my fellow freaks! Love ya.
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