22 ~ mermaid AU
pythagoras die
here be a mermaid au for you
have fun
John's POV
There's a ship above.
OK but that's really blunt but how else am I meant to say it? Be all mysterious and hinting, not my style. I'll sound like a right idiot, wont I?
I was always taught to stay away from humans and boats, from almost all I can remember. It's been drilled into me now; humans are dangerous.
They kill and they hunt and they have no remorse over anything. They destroy everything they need. They also capture, they steal, and take what's not theirs, like they stole James.
So I'm hiding behiend a rock, waiting for them to pass. I'm not risking it. They're very shouty, and rowdy so I can only assume they're pirates. And pirates are the worst brand of humans. They're like sirens. Siren's just plain suck, and they're always so annoying.
I watch, waiting patiently for it to be over. Just go away please, somewhere else. Somewhere not bothering me.
But suddenly there's a splash near the surface and something comes plummeting, sinking fast. I jump, startled and duck down, fully under the cover of the rock, scared it could be someone swimming.
But the splash was far too big for that.
I hear the thud of it hitting the ocean floor and wince, but relax. Definitely heavier than a human.
I ponder for a second wondering if I should investigate. Gently, I put my hands on the top off the rock and peep over the edge.
It's an anchor.
Damnit that means they're not going to be leaving any time soon.
But looking closer I can see it's not just an anchor, for one the chain has been detached, so it's not connected to ship. And two, well, there's something attached to it. Or more rather someone.
I gasp slightly as they writhe and squirm against it. He seems to be stuck, or attached. I look closer.
Ah shit.
He's spotted me hasn't he. I suppose I have no choice but to go over to him.
Gently and cautiously, I come out from hiding. I've never met a human before. I hesitantly swim over to him. He has blue, almost violet eyes, shining through the water, and raven black hair, floating gently behiend him.
"You're a human, right?" I muse, "and you can't breathe underwater?" I check. I don't want him to drown on my watch, that would make me a very immoral mermaid.
He shakes his head rapidly, obviously panicked.
I circle him quietly, and notice he is tied to the anchor, using rather hastily done knots and fraying rope. Swiftly, I reach forward to begin untying them to free him. There are three, one around his legs, one binding his wrists together behiend it and the third holding his torso in place. I don't stop and think for a second how he's in the situation.
I get the one on his legs undone quickly, finding it loose and obviously rushed.
I move on to the next one around his hands, and he lets out a small cry.
"Alright, calm down, I'm trying." I whisper, fiddling with it.
It finally falls apart. He frees his hands, moving them up to tugging at the one on is chest.
I quickly struggle to get that one done as I notice small air bubbles coming out of his mouth. Oh lord.
This one come undone and he breaks free, trying to swim up to the surface. He kicks and struggles but it's still a long way off.
He's not going to make it.
Swiftly, I swim forward towards him and grab one of his wrists, pulling him up towards the surface.
We both break out above the waves and he gasps for air, treading water and coughing.
We both simultaneously look towards the ship, which had already begun sailing in the other direction. I gasp and duck back under the water when I see people looking.
There are several gasps and exclaims and I hear him shout "Fuck you, you can't get rid of me that easily!"
I smile slightly.
After a while I hear him say "You can come out now, they're gone."
I cautiously peep my head above the surface, seeing they really were gone. He laughs.
"Thank you, for saving my life," He whispers.
"You're welcome," I reply, "It'd be very immoral of me if I didn't."
He smiles at me and I struggle not to blush.
i lost motivation i am very sorry
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