Music: Young and Beautify by Lana Del Ray
(n/n) nickname
Reader POV
That next morning, Nozel held you close as the curtains blew in the autumn morning wind. Both of you were naked and the covers provided more comfort along with Nozel's embrace.
"I love you," Nozel murmured in your ear.
You kissed his lips in response. "I love you too, Noz."
Two birds outside were flying with the wind, chirping their delightful melodies.
Nozel started to lay kisses on your neck as his hands roamed your body once more.
"Noz..." you lightly moaned when he nipped your collarbone.
Suddenly feeling nostalgic, you recalled the times both you hated and loved each other.
"Ugh, you're so irritating!" You groaned in annoyance as Nozel started to play with your hair.
"Shut up and stop moving," he sighed. "You were the one who decided to go into a rainstorm right before the Star Festival,"
At 15, you and Nozel, who was 16, were average teenagers with hormones and all that jazz.
"Here, put this on," An older servant named Carmen said as she showed you a dress. "I assume you are going to the Star Festival with Mr. Silva?"
You nodded. "Yes,"
Carmen shook her head. "You know, people are talking about you two,"
Nozel nearly dropped your crown. "What?"
"This is quite an...well, you'll see yourself."
"What do you mean?" You said to Carmen as she pulled out a pair of glass slippers (Cinderella who?)
"I mean, everyone's talking about you and Mr. Silva, they say you two are probably going to get married one day,"
Nozel didn't meet your eyes but you could see his reflection in your mirror. "What?" He was full on blushing.
Carmen shrugged. "Honestly, if it happened, I wouldn't be surprised."
"Doesn't you look lovely?" Charlotte smiled. She herself was sporting a pale blue dress with gold trimmings.
(Your dress, please keep the colors!)
"You know, silver looks really pretty on you," Charlotte smirked.
Nozel, who was holding your hand, sighed in defeat. "Now I know what Carmen was saying,"
"Oh, Charlotte," you smirked back. "I see Yami with my father,"
The blonde immediately hid her face. "Don't let him see me!"
"Yami!" You called to the male.
He looked around and spotted you with Charlotte. "Oh, Prickly Queen. Hello, (y/n), and Prickly Silva."
Nozel was about to say something rude when you intervened and instead put your hand over his mouth and kissed his cheek.
"Remember, Yami is one of my friends," you snickered.
Charlotte and Yami's jaws dropped as they stared at you and the flushed head of the Silva House.
"Way to get some," Charlotte teased.
"(y/n)! You are so dead!" Nozel dragged you away as you said goodbye to your best friend and Yami. He stopped the platform as your father was announcing the Stars of that year. "What was that all about?"
You shrugged as he released you from his grip. "Yes,"
He slapped his forehead. "You make no sense, sometimes."
"You make no sense," you countered with a smirk.
"Wipe that smirk off your face," Nozel sighed. "Or else."
"Or else what? What are you going to do, kiss me?"
Nozel put both his hands on your shoulder. "I swear to God, you're so annoying."
People around began clapping as your father announced each winner.
"You love me, admit it," you teased.
Nozel's face was so red at this point. "Why are you like this, (y/n)."
You shrugged. "I guess I'm comfortable like this around you, Braid Face."
"Don't call me that-"
"Fine," you laughed. "Can I call you Noz then?"
"Noz?" He double blinked.
He sighed, giving up. "Whatever, (n/n)."
As your father finished his announcements along with the actual king, fireworks started to light up the sky.
As you watched the beautiful fireworks, you noticed Nozel beside you look like he was contemplating something.
"What's wrong?" You asked, concerned.
He said nothing but cupped your face and kissed you.
Surprised, you stared at him as he did so. When he pulled apart, your hands flew to your mouth.
"About time,"
Both of you turned around to see Yami, Charlotte, Carmen, and your father staring.
"Way to go, Snotty-steel," Yami gave him a thumbs-up.
Nozel glared at them. "Way to ruin the moment,"
You laughed and cupped his face in return and gave him a kiss. "Stupid."
Neither of you paid any attention to the people around as you both kissed.
End of flashback
"Noz, do you remember the first time you kissed me?" You asked.
He stopped his movements and stared at you. "How the hell could I forget? I had just been promoted to vice-captain of the Silver Eagles and it was at the Star Festival."
You nodded, feeling sad about Carmen. "Noz, do you remember Carmen?"
He nodded with sadness in his beautiful purple eyes. "I do."
Sadly, Carmen was one of the first to be killed by the elves since the magic knights couldn't get to her in time.
Carmen was like another mother to you.
"Why are you suddenly bringing this up?" Noz asked you with concern in his eyes. "Are you okay?"
You nodded. "I was just thinking about how far we've come,"
Your husband agreed. "It feels like just yesterday we met,"
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