I don't remember everything.
But I do remember one image in my mind.
Her smile.
Reader POV
"(y/n)! You can't go!" Noelle tried to stop me as I activated the remaining bits of magic.
"Noelle..." I stared deeply into her purple eyes. "Please. I must."
She took a deep breath. "What are you planning to do?"
"I'm going to save him." I hugged her tightly.
The final spell the grimoire added.
This would be the last time I will see this land.
She nodded. "Fine. But (y/n)...please, don't do anything stupid."
"I won't. Please promise me something," I held her hands in mine and our foreheads touched.
"Take care of everyone."
Her eyes widened and she realized what I was about to do. "Don't-"
I pushed her away from me and soared into the sky where Nozel was falling.
"NOZEL!" I caught him and brought him to Earth. I gently laid him on the ground.
Rain poured down onto the land.
"Nozel...don't you fucking die on me!" I shook him.
I took a deep breath. He was still alive- but barely.
The overexertion of magic one million percent would utterly kill someone.
Had he not been strong originally, he would have died the moment the three ancient spirits transferred their vast mana to him.
"Nozel, you idiot." I took a deep breath and my grimoire rose and flipped to the very last page.
"(y/n)!!" Noelle and everyone was flying towards me quickly. "Don't do it! There's got to be some other way than-"
"I'm sorry."
A huge glow emitted from me as I stared at my husband with so, so, so much love.
All of my weapons erupted out of my grimoire along with all mana. It flew into the sky like the brightest beacon.
I screamed in agony as I used the very last spell.
Before when I saved Nozel, he was indeed dead. But he was dealing with Yutta the elf and not an ancient spirit with the powers of a season.
This time, there wouldn't be anyone from the future to help me.
There would be no re-dos.
Once I activated this spell...
"Goodbye. I love you so much."
I kissed his lips and the spell came crashing down.
All of the weapons turned into extra mana to boost the bullet that would keep Nozel alive.
But at the cost of my life.
The kingdom needed its Wizard King.
I roared in complete agony, holding onto Nozel for dear life.
My life came in like a flash before my eyes as all sound was drained.
"Nozel, I would like you to meet my daughter," Dad smiled as he opened the door.
In I came, wearing a red dress with black shoes.
"Wow..." Nozel was about five years old and you were four.
"I'm (y/n) Novochrono!" I smiled at him. "You are the son of Acier Silva, correct?"
He nodded. "Yes. It is an honor to meet the daughter of Wizard King Julius Novochrono,"
Dad waved his hand. "No need for formalities, young one." He and Acier shared a look. "We'll leave you two to get to know each other."
The two adults left the room.
"Well...what should we do now?" Nozel asked me.
I grinned and grabbed ahold of his hand, making him blush. "C'mon, I want to show you something!"
We ran out of the room, much to our parent's shock.
"Where are you going?" Acier called after us.
"The spot! Don't worry, we'll be back soon!!"
"What spot?" Acier asked Dad.
"Not to worry, Nozel is in good hands."
I stopped at the top of the hill.
"Wow, this place is so pretty!" Nozel ran around, laughing with joy as the flowers swayed in the wind.
"I know, right?!" I grinned.
We spent the afternoon playing around and looking at the life forms around.
I laughed so hard when a rabbit scared Nozel.
Now, we were laying underneath the huge oak tree.
"Hey Nozel?"
He turned his head so our eyes met. "Hm?"
"You're my first friend. Everyone else just likes me because of my dad."
He sat up as did I. "Really?" I nodded. "I feel you. Everytime I meet someone to be a playmate, they only care that my mother is the Steel Warrior of the Silver Eagles. They don't care about me."
"Sheesh, people!" I rolled my eyes. "Nozel, can you promise me something?"
He nodded.
"Promise me that you'll be with me no matter what, okay?"
He suddenly pulled me into a huge hug. "I promise. After all, we're great friends and it's only been a day!"
I smiled at him and kissed his cheek, causing him to blush. "Thank you, Nozel."
That night, we returned to the castle wearing flower crowns.
As Acier and Nozel went home, the silver-haired female noticed something about her son.
"Mom?" Nozel held his mother's hand. "I think I'm in love."
End of Memory
Tears fell onto Nozel's cheek.
"I wish I could stay with you forever, my love."
His eyes slowly fluttered open as the spell drew closer and closer.
"I love you."
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