The moment that monster crawled out of the earth spoke doom for everything as we knew it.
The sky grew dark as snow fell onto the world.
Thunder crashed overhead like the sound of a battle cry between humanity and the unknown forces we were facing.
At first, it seemed everything was bad. But it only got worse.
Nozel POV
"I've got my team!"
Almost all of the magic knights in the areas surrounding the Royal Capital had come to escort people to safely. I watched with reassurance as my children were brought to the outskirts of the kingdom with their aunt.
"So much violence...." the monster came out of the ground. It was hideous.
Its eyes was completely pitch black, its skin deathly pale, horrible marble-like wings on its muscular form. It had curled horns and uneven teeth.
"Oh, how I hate you humans..."
"Who and what are you!?" I shouted, flying up to its face. It was enormous. Its smallest tooth was the height of a grown man of 6 feet.
"Has it been so long that my name was erased from all textbooks?"
"I asked you a question! Who and what are you!?"
It let out a horrifying, ear-scratching laugh.
"Foolish descendant of Dimitri Silvamillion. I am Nordicis."
"Nordicis? But that's a child's story about a winter monster!" (y/n) said below me with her own team.
"I am not some child's story! Yes, it is true. The Legend of this Land."
The Legend of this Land was a book published by a man and woman named Hansel and Gretal Grim from the once-united land of Cardia.
Cardia was the name of the Ancient Kingdom that is now the four kingdoms of the land.
To the East, the Diamond Kingdom, ruled by the spirit of Fall, Fana.
To the South, the Clover Kingdom, ruled the spirit of Summer, Sonrita.
To the West, the Heart Kingdom, ruled by the spirit of Spring, Springgan.
To the North, the Spade Kingdom, ruled by the spirit of North, Nordicis.
Back in those days, man and elves roamed the lands in peace.
At first, the four spirits, who were brothers and sisters, ruled peacefully.
However, Nordicis was cast out since wherever he went, he left a cold, bitter touch.
This made Springgan and Sonrita annoyed since they worked very hard keeping their lands safe and sound, winter-free.
Fed up with never being invited to any family meetings, Nordicis shut himself out.
In his sorrow, the northern land of Cardia was a winter world. Anyone who went to the northern land always told stories of Nordicis howling in pain.
Fana, who was the youngest, had the most chance of surviving the long journey to Nordicis' ice palace.
The fall spirit pleaded with her eldest brother to calm down and come back to the meetings.
Fana claimed that Sonrita and Springgan were sorry the way they treated the eldest of the four spirits.
It was decided that each land would experience all weather.
Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.
The four coexisted for a period of peace.
However, Nordicis began to grow tired of people and elves hating his beautiful winter.
He pleaded with his siblings to let the lands grow rich during the spring and summer months so the people and elves could gather food and keep it for the winter months and that they would stop worrying and despising his beautiful cold.
The three had agreed.
So the first two winters had the people and elves of the land content.
Sadly, Nordicis couldn't meet the demands that his masterpiece of winter must be melted before the first gong of spring.
Springgan was at first patient with his brother, but then, with the persuasion of Sonrita, sided with his sister.
They tried to convince Fana that they should go behind Nordicis's back and end Winter forever.
Fana had disagreements with her siblings. She claimed that without Winter, the lands couldn't replenish themselves.
The two elder spirits then charged Fana with keeping tabs on their brother.
When Nordicis found out, he was enraged with his siblings.
That winter, he produced so many bitter winds that the crops couldn't grow that spring. For three years this went on.
In those three years, Fana had finally come to terms with her siblings.
Winter would be continued to go on, but only if Nordicis wasn't in charge of that season and the area of land.
The four chose successors that were human. The elves had enough of everything and they settled in the most abundant part of the land which is now known as the Grand Magic Zone.
Fana was charged with her successor to end Nordicis' rule.
Her champion was named Dimitri Silvamillion. He had been training his light magic to penetrate through the swirling clouds.
Fana watched with sorrow as her champion sealed away her brother in an unknown location, or at least, that's what Sonrita and Springgan thought.
The final cry of Nordicis' was loud and sorrowful. He was sealed away underneath the most fertile part of Fana's lands.
Eventually, the three younger spirits passed onto the next world, leaving their lands to be ruled by their champions.
Dimitri Silvamillion married and had a child. Dimitri would later become the first Clover King and the great-great-great grandfather of Prince Lumiere Silvamillion who would end the final cry of Licht and the elves and demonic magic for that era.
The three spirits used the last of their magic to make sure the seasons would go according to their plans and that no season was more powerful than the other.
The Legend of the Land predicted that Nordicis would come back, and with thirst for revenge.
Nozel POV
"Nordicis..." I hovered in the air. "You are the eldest spirit of the land."
"Yes I am. And I am here to do what I should've done long ago. I finally have my full strength back after ten centuries. I am here to end everything and everyone."
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